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Asset Bank
Was ist Asset Bank?
Asset Bank ist eine äußerst nutzerfreundliche und flexible Digital-Asset-Management-Lösung auf dem Markt. Die ausgezeichnete Software verfügt über eine Fülle von Funktionen und Integrationen – neuerdings mit Gesichtserkennungstechnologie –, die sie perfekt für mittlere bis große Unternehmen machen. Wage die Abkehr vom Netzwerklaufwerk und stelle sicher, dass deine Mitarbeitenden und Partner genehmigte Inhalte schnell finden und verwenden können, wo immer sie sich befinden. Buche deine kostenlose Demo, um herauszufinden, warum mehr als 900 Kunden – darunter LinkedIn, Just Eat & WaterAid – das Unternehmen lieben.
Wer verwendet Asset Bank?
Wir arbeiten mit Organisationen auf der ganzen Welt, darunter großen Unternehmen wie Coca Cola, Unilever und Panasonic, aber auch Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen und Universitäten wie University of St. Thomas und UQ.
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Asset Bank
Bewertungen über Asset Bank
Gute Software
Kommentare: Asset Bank ist eine Digital-Asset-Management-Lösung, die sich durch Benutzerfreundlichkeit und umfangreiche Funktionen auszeichnet, was sie für Unternehmen attraktiv macht. Dennoch gibt es Bedenken hinsichtlich der Transparenz und mögliche Schwierigkeiten bei der Auszahlung von Geldern, die potenzielle Nutzer berücksichtigen sollten.
Asset Bank ist eine hervorragende Digital-Asset-Management-Lösung mit zahlreichen beeindruckenden Eigenschaften:Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Flexibilität Asset Bank ist eine äußerst nutzerfreundliche und flexible Digital-Asset-Management-Lösung. Die Software verfügt über eine Fülle von Funktionen und Integrationen, darunter sogar eine moderne Gesichtserkennungstechnologie.10Globale Reichweite Die Plattform wird bereits von großen internationalen Unternehmen wie Coca Cola, Unilever und Panasonic genutzt. Sie dient als zentraler Hub zum Speichern und Teilen von Assets für globale Unternehmen.10Kundenservice Der Kundenservice wird als "fantastisch" beschrieben, mit Mitarbeitern, die über umfangreiches Produktwissen verfügen und stets eine hervorragende Einstellung zeigen.10Praktische Funktionen Die Software ermöglicht schnelles und einfaches Teilen von Lightboxes und überzeugt durch ein sehr cleanes, ansprechendes Design.10Breite Nutzerbasis Bereits über 900 Kunden, darunter bekannte Marken wie LinkedIn, Just Eat und WaterAid, nutzen die Plattform
Asset Bank hat auch einige negative Aspekte, die beachtet werden sollten:Mangelnde Transparenz Es gibt Bedenken hinsichtlich der Transparenz der Betreiber und ihrer Strategien. Die Anonymisierung der Webseitenbetreiber könnte auf betrügerische Absichten hindeuten, was potenzielle Investoren alarmieren sollte.Warnungen von Aufsichtsbehörden Die deutsche BaFin hat offizielle Warnungen bezüglich der Praktiken von Asset Finance Solutions veröffentlicht, was auf mögliche illegale Aktivitäten hinweist und erhöhte Vorsicht erfordert13.Schwierigkeiten bei Auszahlungen Nutzer berichten von Problemen bei der Auszahlung ihrer Gelder, was auf potenzielle Betrugsversuche hinweisen könnte. Diese Schwierigkeiten treten häufig erst nach längerer Zeit auf, wenn die Kommunikation mit dem Anbieter abbricht

The DAM to end all DAMs
Kommentare: We use Asset Bank to centralize document and photo storage among our many distributed teams. We chose to install it on our local servers for maximum security, and the implementation team was incredibly helpful in figuring out how that would work.
If you're looking for a Digital Asset Management platform - look no further! Our team vetted out every possible option when we finally gave SharePoint its much overdue burial. Anything would have been an improvement over that, but Asset Bank rose to the top of the competition with its fully customizable options, intuitive interface, and feature-rich functionality. We finally have a centralized document and photo storage site everyone can agree on! We particularly love the options to export images in various pre-set dimensions which is a huge timesaver. And we loved customizing the software from the ground up in conjunction with the super helpful implementation team. They walked us through every step of the way to get it to where it needed to be.
The only thing I hate is that not everyone can use Asset Bank, due to the limited number of licenses we've purchased! However, it works perfectly for those we have given access to. One thing that is growing a little out of control is our user-generated keyword list, but that was our choice. You can limit keywords to a master list if you choose. And thanks to the great searching functionality, even if you miss one or two, the software searches the body text of the documents as well. Advanced search is powerful, once you know how to use it, but may be one of the more unfriendly areas at first in terms of overall design. Once you're used to how it works, though, it's not confusing at all.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
DAM it's good!
Kommentare: Asset Bank has revolutionised how we control, maintain and share our brand assets, creating huge efficiencies in the process across our group of companies in Germany, Sweden, Poland, Norway, Denmark and the UK. Throughout the implementation, launch and onboarding stage, the Asset Bank team (and my assigned consultant [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN]) have been extremely helpful, friendly and responsive. They made sure to understand the needs of our specialist business in order to get the best from our project. I would definitely recommend Asset Bank- not only for the user-friendly tool and its ability to store and share our photos, artwork and videos, but also for the exceptional relationship with the people behind the service. Asset Bank's features and integrations always seem to be evolving because they listen to their clients feedback - therefore we know that it will be a tool fit for the future of our brand and organisation.
I liked most the platform's ease of use, its sophisticated design made bespoke to our brand, its ability to easily share assets with others and its ability to categorise assets in a multitude of different ways - the search, filter and lightbox features are exceptional.
9 months in and I have no complaints! I truly think the team behind Asset Bank have made a faultless project at an affordable price.
Asset Bank is a good tool for our company to store items for internal use because we are global.
Kommentare: A central hub for storing and sharing assets for our global company.
Lightboxes are quickly and easily shared with whomever we need. It looks very clean and nice! Customer service is honestly fantastic: I have a awesome guy that helps us out that I would like to say is one of the best / most easy to work with people that I have ever dealt with at another company. His product knowledge is vast and his attitude is always great.
Lightboxes NEED to be able to have password protection options. This would solve most of the issues we have with Asset Bank.
Antwort von Bright
vor 7 Jahren
Thank you so much for your feedback Bradley! We just wanted to let you know that our product team already have plans to deliver password protected lightboxes and we expect this feature to be available within the next 4-8 weeks. We'll let you know as soon as it is available. UPDATE: We can confirm that password protection options have been added to the system when you're publishing a lightbox!
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Extremely secure digital asset management platform
Kommentare: Asset Bank is a great way to manage the company digital assets from one central platform, only problem with the platform is the high learning curve which is hard to overcome at the start.
Asset Bank is our backbone platform for centralization of our digital assets such as videos and photos in a single place. It was easy to setup the system in our own cloud storage and the technical support team was with us in all steps of the implementation.
Learning curve of the platform is a little bit higher then the other alternatives in the market. Onboarding and in-app pop-up explanations should be improved.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Love the ease of use and ability to customize
Both easy to use and navigate, yet extremely powerful and highly customizable.
Can't think of any significant complaints.
Modern RESTful APIs that supports asset management within a web app
Kommentare: Positive, looks modern and sleek with tons of features that one has come to expect from digital asset management platforms. The API is fairly easy to use and gives control of most of the features supported.
Easy to use APIs that go through each endpoint in detail. Makes implementing Asset Bank in our web app much easier. The front end is very easy to use with features like filtering, categories, user access controls etc giving control of the assets you use as well as making it very relevant to needs.
Upgrading is mostly pain with many of the endpoints changing resources. For instance, the latest upgrade broke our user access control API, which was a nightmare to debug. But it's all documented so does provide a bit of a curve to understand it.
A DAMS for all seasons, bridging user need with technical excellence and high performance
Kommentare: Our project was complicated by having to deal with both a medium-sized bank of images in an older Asset Bank DAMS plus around a million archive images, while also supporting live image management needs. Asset Bank's project team have been highly efficient in every area: initial system specification, delivering the live solution, configuration evolution during roll-out and managing mass archive image migrations with differing metadata and storage requirements. Support for day-to-day issues is prompt, courteous and effective. Trust and confidence in both the system and the team that provide it is unquestionable.
The interface and administration tools are clear and logical, stripping away a lot of the under-the-hood machinations that are required for basic configuration so many other DAMS, while also allowing a large amount of complex configuration if necessary. The UI is well presented and easy to understand for the majority of users; a short intro for the specifics of the client's setup is all that's typically required. User management and asset security is efficient and easy to control, while allowing granular permissions management which don't require heavy IT overheads. Storage is scalable and the hosting solution robust and performance orientated. Industry-standard hooks allow interoperability with other task-specific systems. Project management for planning and integration was excellent, followed up by responsive and effective on-going support.
With every well-planned DAMS project there will also be points of customisation that are not always immediately achievable for understandable reasons; there are also realities over presenting large numbers of images in a way that is both aesthetic but also practical. However, new web technologies are always being researched and integrated by the Asset Bank team, providing confidence in the future potential while delivering a stable and useable product for right now.
The solution we were looking for!
Kommentare: Asset Bank is the archiving solution of our dreams, with a customer service team to match. It is helping our organization pull together a variety of disparate databases cobbled together over the course of yearsfinally uniting our files in one central location with intuitive searching and a beautiful user-friendly interface. The customization options are seemingly limitless to fit every possible application of what is already a fantastic platform. It was intimidating to start the search for a new DAM, but Asset Bank jumped off the list as the clear front-runner, and proved the best even after rigorous comparison with competitors. The support of the Asset Bank team is what puts it over the top. At every turn in the process, the answer was yes, we can do that or we will figure out how to make it happen. Training that could have been boring was to-the-point and customized for our needs. Throughout the consultancy process, the Asset Bank team consistently transformed what seemed insurmountable challenges into conquerable bite-size chunks. A flawless experience!
After years trying to work with systems not suited to meet the demands we were placing on them, Asset Bank brought together all the functionality we were looking for in a platform to archive our documents, photos, and dozens of other file types generated from 30 years of being in business. We are looking forward to saving time and frustration locating our files and collaborating on them across our various teams.
It took a little while to catch on to the industry terminology and ins and outs of managing a system like this, but the Asset Bank team was there to help at every step of the way!
A photolibrary that actually works!
Kommentare: Aberystwyth University's photolibrary needed some TLC. We collaborated with Asset Bank support team to improve the search function, download options and overall user experience. Working with [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN]and the Asset Bank team was great. The project at first seemed overwhelming but [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN]made the entire process really easy and was able to turn our plans into reality. Thank you!
From an administrator perspective, it is really easy to have complete control of all our assets in the online depository. The sophisticated audit tools which are really simple to use allows you to identify what is where, how old it is which is great from a management perspective. I also LOVE how you can add additional download options to enable to the user to download the image to the correct dimensions.
At first there were many but that was down to my lack of overall knowledge of the software and its capabilities. Having met with [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN], I discovered that it was really easy to turn our software around and make it more appealing to the eye and easy to use.
Great photo repository
Kommentare: Easy place for public and GNS users to find photos for publication and research. A user-friendly central repository for photos taken during field or work-related trips or work event to ensure that these photos of significance are not 'lost' in someone's personal computer.
Ease of use. Attractive look and feel. Easy to customise.
Nothing But improvement: 1) When downloading metadata to a spreadsheet after search, gives options to download only selected attributes. 2) Each user should be able to personalise home page to include a favourite section displaying their favourite lightbox photos when logged in. 3) Admin> Content : When selecting an item from the results of the content search, when save or cancel out, we should be able to return to the list rather have to search again.
Dealing with Asset Bank has been a very positive experience. A great team with a great product.
Kommentare: Implementation of Asset Bank relieved my asset related workload immensely. I saved dozens of hours per month by being able to delegate asset management to the Product Marketing department and to the respective Regional Managers. Once everyone was trained on how to use Asset Bank, they tended to run with it and make it their own.
The flexibility is outstanding. We were able to set up 10 regional Asset Banks in order to allow our regional managers to have their own unique versions of corporate assets. For example: having regional Asset Banks allows our Far East region to avoid having Latin American assets in their Asset Bank, as would be the case if there were just a single corporate Asset Bank holding the assets. Each region was able to set up their own categories and use a structure that best fits their regional needs. This freed me from the constant micro-management of each region's requirements. The regional managers have been able to manage their regional Asset Banks with minimal assistance, and this was our main goal: to relieve my workload associated with managing corporate assets. My time spent managing assets went from an hour or two per day, to an hour or two per MONTH. Exactly the results we needed.
Honestly, there really isn't something that I can point to and say "I would change 'this'." Any issues we encountered were propmtly addressed. We were either provided a "fix" via the software, or we were instructed on how we could achieve the desired result using the existing software... which was most often the case. Asset Bank's team is truly invested in making this tool work to the user's advantage.
So far the software and customer support is good and helpful, on almost all requests.
Kommentare: It help us to catalog and manage our digital assets better.
It is generally easy to use. And we are able to customise the software to meet our most important needs.
There's nothing that we like least about the software, but it'll be great if there could be more improvements on certain features. Examples: - 2-level approval system for deleting assets - Enable admin to duplicate the user groups (cause sometimes we have groups that have similar access rights but with just a few differences; we end up have to create the 2nd user group from scratch) - Make it easier to re-order the drop-down lists' contents. - Allow different user groups to have different "Default Value" for the attributes during uploads (e.g. different user groups will see different "default value" selected when they upload assets) - Option to export our keyword list easily - Hide/show Batch Update (or Bulk Update) for certain user groups These upgrades will meet our additional needs, and will help us a lot!
Exactly What we Needed
Kommentare: First, I would like to thank [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] for his professional demeanor and patience throughout the migrating process. His patience and positive attitude made me feel at ease and comfortable. He was always available when I needed help. Despite the distance, I felt the support when I needed most. Now, that we have launched to our users, I feel confident navigating through the software with them.
I have to say what I have learned to like most about this software is the searching functionality. With the proper attributes our assets are easily searchable. With [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] directly as our consultant I was able to select the appropriate attributes so that our public and users were able to find what they needed easily.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm new to a Data Asset Manager, but i didn't care for the Keyword uploader. I find it confusing and a bit tedious. I am sure this process can be streamlined a little more so that someone who is not as familiar with it can catch on quickly.
A highly usable but still feature-rich system - brilliant
- Incredible depth of customisation that allows you to have total control over how all types of user experience it - The depth of the system doesn't mean it's hard to use. Design, navigation and general user experience is extremely good. - Great support desk for when you need a bit of extra help, advice or system upgrades
- Not really a con but you need a dedicated person(s) to fully understand the software in order to create something which genuinely works for your organisation. It will work 'out of the box' but you will encounter issues further down the line unless you take the time to fully understand it and implement it properly. But this is how it should be for an application of this nature.
Digital Asset Management
Kommentare: Our campus photography department used to store our photographs on the network. End users were not allowed access as they would use the photos for free and we need to charge back for our services. Asset Bank has allowed us to provide browse access to end users while ensuring they still need to get their photos through us (high res photos are sent to them)
Easy to use interface, ability to organize digital assets, provides ability to restrict access to specific collections, users can browse and choose assets
fairly intensive to install, not for a small group of users as it would be costly. You should ensure you have a fairly wide user base before purchasing
Happy customer for over a year
Kommentare: Have been using Asset Bank software for over a year and love the ability to customize the software to our meet the needs of our agency and the quick search features in locating files. Once you've customized your Asset Bank software (hierarchy of categories, choosing of keywords and other fields) the adding of files becomes an easy process. It's time consuming on the font end but the rewards are the ease of locating exactly what you need from thousands of files. We've also utilized the slideshow feature on our website which is a beautiful way to showcase the photographs that tell the story of the United Methodist Church around the world. The light box feature allows easy sharing of photos via e-mail for quick zip file download. Despite being on a United States timezone, the folks at Asset Bank are very supportive in answering questions and troubleshooting. Very impressed with the search functionality, speed, ease of use, customization and customer support. My only word of caution is to test it with your CMS for compatibility. Also, be prepared with some British spellings, not really a negative. Yes, I am a big fan of Asset Bank and would choose it again.
Antwort von Bright
vor 11 Jahren
Thanks for your review. Great to hear you are a happy customer! We just wanted to respond on two of your points for the benefit of anyone reading this review. As long as the CMS has some flexibility to be changed (for example at the point where a user inserts an image into a template) we can integrate Asset Bank with it. There are other options if a particular CMS cannot be modified, for example using Asset Bank's 'embedded image' links or its API. Most user facing areas of Asset Bank can be changed to any language. The only pages that cannot be changed are some of the admin areas (eg pages used for configuring your Asset Bank). I hope that's useful? Please get in touch at any time if you would like to discuss things further. Kind regards, Nick, Asset Bank
Kommentare: Every time I need customer support my issue is resolved in the quickest way possible. I recently did a health check and I am very pleased with the result.
The layout, easy navigation and organised structure
Maybe more layout options and easier way to do changes in copy. Also there are some issues with copy pages as some changes are not going through and the action needs to be repeated.
Very user fiendly tool from an extremely agile company
Our experience with Asset Bank has been great. The team came back to us with solutions in no time and some of our UAT feedback has already been implemented in the latest release. We could also very much rely on our project manager and consultant from Asset Bank to drive the implementation. They were always helpful in guiding us how we should best handle things we weren't sure about.
We love the product and received good feedback from our community. Asset Bank is almost fully configurable by the Admin, which means that it can be adopted to fulfil different use cases.
Although we use Asset Bank as an internal digital assets library, the options of sharing assets externally was one of our key requirements. Asset Bank enabled us to share externally while still complying with our security and data protection guidelines.
Asset Bank search is great as it finds not only exact matches but also synonyms and includes phonetic search.
Only the renaming of "Lightbox" to "Favourites" was challenging. The term is not everywhere managed as a variable. We recommend every new customer to rethink if a renaming is absolutely necessary before implementing it.
Overall, we are very happy with the project delivery as well as the tool itself and we are looking forward to many great releases!
simple application, good search, easy to configure, good UI, can be implemented in short time
some variables are not used consistently, eCard feature can only be turned on or off for all assets
Intuitive and Powerful Digital Asset Management Tool
Kommentare: Asset Bank not only has an invaluable product, but they have a customer service team to match. Our associates love using the tool because it is so intuitive and FAST! I really enjoyed working with Stewart. He was patient and a great problem solver.
Easy to use and very flexible. Asset bank builds their software so that an administrator can easily customize the tool to fit your company's needs.
Reporting could improve slightly - which Asset Bank has already stated they are working on
Very pleased with Asset Bank
Kommentare: It has made finding and sharing images much easier for us and therefore saved us tons of time.
It is easy to set up and use. The team from Asset Bank is always trying to help us to utilise the system more.
There is no back button when editing images in bulk, so if you forget to add keyword to an image and press save and next there is no way of going back and editing the previous image. If Asset Bank could add that it would be perfect!
Who knew how powerful this DAM software could be!
It is has solved pretty much all of our asset needs, having one central location for all things digital. The system is intuitive and very powerful with amazing levels of control. The level of customer support you get on initial setup and during the first few months has been very helpful.
After 9 months I can still not find anything that I like least about this software, it continues to be a very useful piece of software.
Found the software to meet our firm's needs with great customer support and flexible system
Overall the software was very easy to use and found it easy to customize to meet our firms needs unique needs for digital assets around the globe. Asset Bank's team is truly invested in making this tool work to the user's advantage.
Kommentare: Coordination with all our actors
The most important aspect for us is to be able to share our contents worldwide, with distributors, athletes and dealers, being really fast. Improving researches by users with meta data is also really useful.
I don't think there are missing parts in this software, I'm still discovering new amazing features!
Asset Bank solves digital asset problems elegantly
Kommentare: As an integrator for Asset Management solutions I have been using Asset Bank exclusively for the last 5 years. We have integrated a lot of clients into the system with the knowledge that the project will always go smoothly on the install and the setup of the instance, but more importantly that the support behind the instance is ridiculously superb. The last thing I want is to have a client with an issue and no support behind me. I always joke (though based on truth) that if I have not heard back from support in a very timely fashion I know they are all dead). Being based in the UK has not really been an issue for time zones as if they are not there to answer right away, you will most likely wake up to the answer from support. It has full functionality out of the box for all those bells / whistles that are expected, but one of the vastly overlooked features is its appearance and ease of use. It is designed in such a way that is natural to navigate and use. It does not look like a mirror to a "c" drive windows 1998 folder system. This makes for easy use of the system and allows for easy adoption for new users which in our world, is over half the problem with integrating systems. People hate change though they all like Asset Bank. Take a look at their offerings, you will not be disappointed.