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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM
Was ist SolidWorks Enterprise PDM?
Verwalte Produktdaten, tausche Konstruktionsdaten aus, automatisiere Arbeitsabläufe und verbessere die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Konstruktion und Fertigung.
Wer verwendet SolidWorks Enterprise PDM?
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SolidWorks Enterprise PDM
Bewertungen über SolidWorks Enterprise PDM

Software which helps to review your drawings
Kommentare: Overall experience i can say is good, even though it is a very useful software which has lots of customization options in it, we cannot change the rules once it is setBut outer wise it is a preferable software
The most i liked about this software is that we can customize our options and requirements as required from software user and do changes accordingly even before the setupIt is a very useful tool where you can upload your drawing and send it for review for respective cross functional team having drawing software in itRespective CFT can review the drawing and model accordingly and move the status to either next stage or move back for re-draftIt acts like a configuration management where you can keep the updated software and also have a record of previous versions of it
The couple of cons i observed in this software is that the application will crash during producing drawing and during saving for drawing which have huge files or number of components are moreWhich in turn kill our time for just spending time to auto recoverWe cannot add all the items in drawing, example sealants which comes between assemblies and to be captured separately

Worth for money for reviewing drawing online
Kommentare: Overall experience i can say moderate as one good thing is that we can make customization options of review and storage before we buy the software, but only issue is that crash of drawing due to high file size resulting in wasting of time in creating the drawing if it crashes
The most i am impressed about this software is that any department can review the drawing in PDM board and provide comments on this and change the state of work from in progress to completion of work and store the approved drawing in it which is similar to configuration management systems itself
The only con we are facing the issue is that software is getting crashed if the assembly drawing has too many components in it, which results in delay in making drawing and releasing it on time

Slower every year and more unreliable than ever
Kommentare: I am not satisfied with this product. It gets even slower and unreliable every year. Its UI is outdated and ugly.
Nothing in particular is worth noting in this software
Its user interface greatly resembles Windows 95 (very outdated graphics). It gets slower every year in terms of performance. I have been using it for three years straight (versions 2017 to 2020) and with every update it did get more unstable (even with clean installations) and slow. I highly despise the fact that the 2020 version does not refresh the folders automatically so that I always have to do a manual refresh for the newly created files to appear.

A complete business rev control and process management system
Kommentare: Rev control, file management, business process management, ease of use.
The greatest advantage to this software is the level of customization that is possible. I have developed the workflow tool in our business to support not only Engineering-centric processes - but also Quality, Operations and even Purchasing/Accounting processes are supported.
Some elements of the development interface take a little patience and a bit of getting used to. There are several dialog boxes in the development area that don't support copy and paste, or select all (Ctrl+A), etc. You get used to working around these elements, but I'd like to see these features added.

The best asistant for a draughtsman
Kommentare: Solidworks is really simple yet highly functional software. I use it for designing, analyzing machines or machines element. And time to time, I enjoy trying to implement my ideas on creating new machine design and see if it could operate as I imagine.
+ It is easy to learn and fun to use + It satisfies almost everything a modeller need such as, drawing, assembling, disassembling, animation and analyzing. + It has really useful tools to help user make modelling fast, effective and authentic way. + Interface design leave no room for messed up workspace
- It's very expensive and system requirements are high.. especially for those who are dealing with comparatively simpler projects. - Error messages can be far from being clear and helpful.

Wonderful vault management system
Kommentare: Has ensure the security of important documents and allow us to track the documents.
It is easy to use after a minimum training. You can control the documents that are important for the organization, you get a file history, who modified it and when. You can stablish rules to be able to modify any document, in that way you can minimize errors and not desire modifications.
It is not possible to access to the files from any device, you have to get installed the desktop app to be able to access to the files.

Manages files well
Kommentare: In my opinion PDM is essential if you have multiple users working on the same files. Prior to installing PDM we would often have files that would be accidentally overwritten. The where used functionality is also great for evaluating how part changes will impact other assemblies.
Does a good job of managing files that are being worked on by multiple users. viewer client allows non SW users to view files
Initial setup can be difficult and require knowledge you only get after you have user the tool

Software is excellent when making corrective reviews of the designs presented
Kommentare: Another indisputable benefit is the availability of the list of materials, it is excellent when manufacturing is necessary to modify the design due to lack of specific material.
What I like most about this software is that it synchronizes the design data and saves it to me securely. In addition to the time, the great time that allows me to save by reusing parts or elements designed in advance and that I can redesign because it is stored in the files, the main advantage being the visualization by the windows explorer which avoids having to open each file to know what it is.
In reference to this software, there are no negative aspects that stand out according to the functionalities offered. That is to say, the control of revision of the designs is an excellent option at the same time that I can share the designs in a more efficient way, to elevate the level of the design and to dedicate more time to innovate in them and not to remake mechanical elements that already I had done one once.

Good support providen by SYSTEMATICS in Israel. Very flexible.
Limited in some functions. Some bugs were found. Need sql server.

software for engineers
Kommentare: I have used this software for engineers to design mechanical parts such as a camshaft. with my experience on this program I would say that it is much easier and can be modeled by guaranteeing the quality and operation of your designs before committing to manufacture them. This software is made up of three modules: piece, assembly and drawing.
there are multiple programs to design in engineering but this is one of the software used in mechanical engineering, aeronautics and industrial, is a program for these students of these related careers develop, model parts and assemblies and extract from them both technical and other types of information necessary for production.
What I like least about this software is that users must have a 64bit computer to be able to use solidwork from 2015 to the current year
I have been using it for years and it has been so much easier to use than any other 3D modeling program. The steps required for creating models or just doing 2D is so easy.
There really isn't a bad thing to say about the program, I have never had any real issues except for maybe a glitch or something while modeling.
I used this program to access our stored and shared design files. Have been using 3 years.
Kommentare: Design control of share design resources.
Control of access to the designs, especially during the revision process is very strong. I like that the program prevents accidental release of the incorrect version of a design. Visual preview of the design and bill of materials is also great.
First loading the program for first use of the day can be quite slow. Agonizingly so. Once the program is loaded, the lookup speed could definitely be better. When starting program too, it too often is waiting to load the latest versions of files.
Benefits and struggles of Solidworks
No matter what object im creating, solidworks assures me it is possible to create in the real world somehow. As i can use tools that resemble real-life technologies, i can already imagine which means of production i might use so as to produce the objects im making! Being able to browse and import standard pieces like screws, bolts, etc inside the program saves a lot of time and assures me im using the correct scale for each.
While i can create virtually any object i can imagine, creating more organic meshes is kinda tricky compared to other softwares. It requires practice and a lot of understanding of the 3D space and the shape you are trying to create
Some aspects are frustrating and confusing, but much better than trying to manage parts on my own.
Our file system has been a mess. Using this product has helped us to keep track of our designs much better, especially by requiring that the files are in the system before the parts can be prototyped. EPDM is the only way to go!
I don't like not being able to go back to previous designs without messing up my assemblies. The prompts are not intuitive and I have lost file information by choosing wrong.
Use of PDM
Design Engineers use the software for control of drawings.
for controlled documents, able to see prior revisions, which is not always desired.
Solidworks PDM Review
I like the concept of it, the revision controls and that it can store all of the design documentation in one spot. I like using templates to help create new projects.
Setting it up is tricky. I don't like how you can't have data cards populate in templates that you create. I do not like having to check out a document to edit it as t his step is often missed and creates double the work.
Very slow and not intuitive
It gets the job done and makes document control nice but it is not easy to use and is very cumbersome and slow. But it does manage the documents very well.
Very slow, cumbersome, not intuitive, and is hard to get documents through because of how slow it is!
de-facto standard
Kommentare: Easy to understand and update / maintain. End user controls.
Easy software integration into Windows and SolidWorks. Version control and maintenance works as advertised.
Offline files seem to break the plug-ins in some places. But the other features help and the fixes are easy.

It is comfortable and does not simplify and speed up the design of electrical systems and others!!!!
it Works more efficiently and improves collaboration and data exchange between different teams, thus reducing delays.
It has some difficulty for editing the model when it is very advanced. so it delay your work and make it a little annoy
Worked for us but sometimes a hassle
Kommentare: Kept files safe and monitored revision and release errors
This powerful software is very useful for revision and release control and limiting access where necessary.
It can be a bit confusing and complicated and time consuming which is often the case with powerful systems that have so many functions

Perfect tool to create 3D projects with simulations allowing partners to have better visual aids.
User friendly software and with the features of creating complex surfaces and ther patterns can be viewed,
Pricing for this software is really high if you would like to use it at home as a hobby or as a learning tool.
Ease of Use
The feature that I enjoy the most about this software is the ability to identify who has Checked Out the drawings and when they have been Checked In.
I do not have any negative feedback about this software because it does what it's supposed to do.
A best CAD software..
Solidworks provides more versatile tools and user friendly interface for modeling.
Required high memoy capacity and RAM for running.
Kommentare: Component design, testing, visualisation
Range of possibilities, The ability to run simulations to test the viability and the ability to produce 2D drawings easily
Difficulty in transition from 2D to 3D CAD, with training being an essential as impossible to learn by doing.
Solidworks is a great tool for designing.
Kommentare: A good system to design what I have in mind with great detail.
My favorite thing about this software is the 3D rendering capabilities that leave almost no limit to the imagination.
My least favorite thing about this software is how much there is to learn to use this program to its full potential.