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Was ist Merlin Project?
„Merlin Project“ ist der Nachfolger von Merlin 2 (der führenden professionellen Projektmanagement-Software für Mac OS X). Eine gute Planung wirft Fragen über die Abhängigkeiten von Aktivitäten untereinander, die Auswirkungen von Verzögerungen auf den Projektabschluss und die Budgetplanung auf. Hier stößt eine Tabelle schnell an ihre Grenzen. Genau diese Antworten bietet dir Merlin Project, um Projekte mit wenigen Mausklicks zu planen und zu implementieren. Hast du Appetit bekommen?
Wer verwendet Merlin Project?
Entwickelt von Projektmanagern für Projektmanager. Meist verwendet in - Medien und Design - Web und Tec. Entwicklung - Bauwesen - Bildung - Musik - Eventmanagement.
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Bewertungen über Merlin Project
merlin in der baubranche
Kommentare: ich nutze merlin nun seit mehreren jahren für unsere bauprojektplanungen aber auch für unsere büroniterne planung, lange gesucht nach einem intuitiven tool, bei merlin fündig geworden
eigentlich das einzig wahre projektmanagementool am mac, sehr schönes userinterface, einfach zu bedienen, steile lernkurve
mhhh..trotz langem nachdenken.. gibt's nichts zu nörgelng
Antwort von ProjectWizards
vor 6 Tagen
Thank you so much for your extremely positive feedback. We are happy that you like our software.
Kommentare: Sobald ein Ablauf bestanden ist, bin ich von dem Programm grundsätzlich begeistert
Wie viel Möglichkeiten, welche Merlin bietet
Da ich nicht ausschließlich mit Merlin arbeite und als Handwerksmeister damit arbeite, sind für mich die Schulung Videos zum Teil sehr schwierig nachzuvollziehen Mit dem Smartphone ohne Welan ist es problematisch
Antwort von ProjectWizards
vor 6 Tagen
Thank you for the positive feedback! We are planning to add more videos to our channel. If you have any suggestions on topics you'd like us to cover, feel free to send a mail to office@projectwizards.net
Project planning with no alternative for Mac OS
Generally speaking, since I've been using this application for 6 years, I won't be changing applications because it meets 95% of my needs.
The exported planning documents are easy to edit and easy to understand for everyone.
As a long-term user of Merlin Project Management, I'm really pleased with the functions offered. The management of attachments (files, tracking lists, risk management) is a real plus. The ease of configuration, layout and export is perfect. There's no need to go into long menus to use the functions, everything is managed from the graphical interface. When needed, support is perfect, fast and exhaustive.
The formatting functions are a little less easy to manage. The calculation functions are missing. These 2 points are minor. The main functions that should be implemented are: - The ability to create replicas of tasks within a schedule (which would then update themselves) - the ability to create ‘hammock’ tasks - the ability to create a repetitive task that only takes up one line - simpler filter functions (for example, filtering a task and all its sub-tasks directly with 1 click)
Antwort von ProjectWizards
vor 2 Wochen
Thank you for being a valued user for so long and for your thoughtful feedback! I’ve forwarded your feature requests to our management team. While I can’t promise immediate changes, your input is highly valued and will be considered as we work to improve our services. Your feedback helps shape the future of our platform, so thank you for sharing your ideas! We might already have a solution for some of your suggestions: For hammock tasks: Click on the middle activity that should become a hammock task. Then, go to the inspector and set the alignment to "long." The middle activity will then spread across the full length of the gap between the other two tasks. For simpler filter functions: Select the activities you want to view, then go to the detail view (located in the Tool bar next to the inspector icon). This will display all the selected activities in detail. Hope that helps!
The absolute best Project Planning software
Kommentare: As I said before, what I like the best about Merlin Project is that it allows me to build a plan almost as the request happens, and it's always a great process because building the plan always helps you visualize its length and complexity. Many other MS Project clones have the main features but none have the usability and experience that Merlin Project has. This is the best software I use regularly on my Mac.
Being a user of planning software since the 90s (Super Project Plus) and having used Microsoft Project, Primavera and a number of other tools like Asana, I've grown used to Merlin Project so bad that I can't get myself to use any other tool for this. Not only the looks are great, the features are thorough and it's possible to quickly sketch a project almost as it's being thought of, using keyboard shortcuts, and also create complex chronograms with assigned resources and budgets. Keeping control of projects is also very easy as it permits to move around tasks when everything starts not to happen as planned :)
The main problem is that it's Mac-only. Being able to export files for Microsoft Project is nice but it's not 100% compatible so I frequently end being the only user and maintainer of the plans.
Antwort von ProjectWizards
vor 4 Jahren
Thanks for the flowers! I agree it is Mac only, but this is on the other side one of the reason why it is that good. Oh, did you tried the iOS version on an iPad. It is at least as good.
A simple but very powerful alternative
Kommentare: Since Merlin reads and writes MS Project files, I think it is a viable alternative for almost any project manager for almost any project. For additional information see our website (http://www.am-info.biz/Project%20Management/Merlin/merlin.html or http://www.merlin2.net)
I believe that Merlin is the best project management software available today. It has a very clean and intuitive interface but it is also very feature rich. We have been so impressed with its performance that not only do we use it but we also offer Merlin training and consulting in North America.
Merlin does not run on the Windows platform. Users in a Windows or mixed environment can, however, purchase the Merlin server edition which publishes project information in an html format. In this sense it is cross platform.