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Was ist FinishLine?
FinishLine Software ist eine Lösung für Baumängelprotokolle und Verwaltung. Optimiere Mängelprotokolle, QA-/QC-Bemühungen, Sicherheitsprobleme, Beobachtungen vor Ort, Garantie und Vervollständigung in einer Anwendung. Teile Berichte einfach per E-Mail mit Subunternehmern. Ein intuitiver und gut getesteter Ansatz für die Verwaltung von Baulisten. Mit dem FinishLine-Dashboard, kannst du Mängelprotokoll- und Checklistendaten in aussagekräftige Grafiken und Diagramme konvertieren. Bereite dich auf Besprechungen mit visuellen, leicht verständlichen visuellen Präsentationen vor.
Wer verwendet FinishLine?
Entwickelt für Generalunternehmer, Immobilienentwickler, Architekten, Krankenhäuser, Schulen und Herstellungsbetriebe. Die FinishLine-Software optimiert die Mängelprotokoll-Inspektionen und den Berichterstattungsprozess.
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Bewertungen über FinishLine
Usability & Functionality
Kommentare: This Finishline software has solved countless of communication issues between the CM/PM/AOR/ and Consultants for our projects. Being able to assign deficient items and send out a complete list of items almost automatically is one of the biggest benefits of using this software.
This software allows you to create unparalleled reports regarding the information put in.
Speed would be one the biggest cons, even when on Desktop at times is slow.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Hello Daniel, thank you for your feedback. It's great to hear that reporting has been so useful for you and your team. We understand that speed can be a concern, especially when working in the desktop version. This is an area that our development team is working on improving in the future. Thanks again for your insights.
Kommentare: Overall it is a great product and I am excited to use it on this project.
The functionality and communication that this software allows is very beneficial.
I think you all need to switch to individual user log-in. Currently, it is setup where all members for a company on a single project share a log-in. This will allow for greater tracking for which member of a subcontractor marked something as complete. Also, if as a developer we use the same contractor for multiple projects, the upper management for that subcontractor that is most likely involved in all of those projects, would have to remember the log-in for each different project. It would be better if he had is own log-in, and then was given permissions to each project he is associated with. I think it would also be beneficial if subcontractors could chose their notification settings within the app. If a subcontractor received many items, they would be able to turn off notifications. However, a specialty subcontractor (bathtub crack repair), could leave his notifications on for each created punch designated in their responsibility. This will help them respond quickly especially if they are not always onsite.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 5 Jahren
Thank you for the suggestions, Casey. We're glad to hear that FinishLine Software is beneficial to your team. We can create individual logins for each sub. It is just not standard practice for us as it takes a bit more work to set up, but it is possible. Tom with the Support team is working on a few rushed project setups this week, but he will connect with you soon about how he can help to improve your project logins. Thank you, Katie for FinishLine Software
It took me to the line
Kommentare: Useful.
Easy to upload and make large field reports quickly, once you know your way around.
It can be a bit cumbersome to find your way around the software on your first time, especially when you get into trying to customize a report. Allot of options but not always intuitive
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Hi Alan, Thank you for taking the time to provide an honest review. I have sent you a direct email with a User Resources link which you may find helpful, in addition to our support team contact. Tom would be happy to help you with any specific questions about customizing reports. We understand that the complexity of FinishLine can be frustrating, which we are working on simplifying in the future. It's great to hear that it's easy to upload and create large field reports quickly. We hope that you'll continue to find FinishLine to be helpful for your punch list management. Thank you, FinishLine Software
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
I am Finishline
- Started out in 2014 at the M.U. project.
- We used it on 28 projects for Quality Control.
- 2018 Finishline Team hosted a 4 day Training Session.
- Owners and Architects appreciate the software and how it brings an ease to the punchlist process.
- Finishline complements BCCI Quality Program.
- [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] are always willing to help.
Its a quick way to make a accurate detail list. nothing more should be said.
- Make highlights in the comment section and in the body of the e-mail - Sharing favorites. - Have to go back into an item to make a favorite. - Pre-program your job title/signature in the body of the e-mail.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 4 Jahren
Sam - thank you for the stellar review! We seriously appreciate how much you advocate for the use of FinishLine and we are so happy that it's working well. In addition to that, we are thrilled to hear that "FinishLine won" : ) I will be sure to share your suggestions with the development team. Highlighting content in emails, sharing favorites, and pre-programming titles/signatures in the body of the email are all great ideas. Thanks again, Sam! --Katie for FinishLine
FinishLine Review
Kommentare: Excellent.
Ease of use and functionality. FinishLine provides an easy to track punchlist document that is easily understood by subcontractors and ensures items are tracked and completed.
Difficulty setting up although FinishLine's support team has always been easily accessible and quick to help.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 4 Jahren
Hi James - thank you for taking the time to review FinishLine. We are glad to hear that it is easy to use for your punchlist documentation. It's also great to know that the subcontractors are using the punchlist document for item tracking and completion. We appreciate your honesty about the setup difficulties. If there's anything specific about the setup to improve, please do let the FinishLIne support team know. Improving FinishLine is always a priority! Thanks again and all the best, Katie for FinishLine Software
Finish Line Software Review
Kommentare: Overall experience has been a learning experience but overall good. As I am younger and have experience with computers and tablets, I feel it is much easier for me than for others. Wish things were a little easier to find and ask questions (such as a FAQ tab) but pleased with support from the rep.
Copy mode and ability to copy items from one unit to another. Ability to detail exactly what and where the item is. Number and detail of filters that can be used. Ability to easily change any part of an item when inputting. Autofill of subcontractors for certain item types. Ability to draw on photos and easily upload photos from gallery.
Length of time for items to load when inputting or trying to view items (mainly on desk top version). Difficulty of making an easy to read report without having to adjust it manually in Excel. Inability to see only open items during PM punch instead of both GC Verified and Open. Inability to select multiple pictures from gallery at once to attach to an item instead of doing them one by one. Difficulty of running reports that I need. Need a more customizable template to show what I need. Inability to add favorites to a unit and have it automatically fill 'Entire Unit' in the space column instead of where the dot is located. Overall difficulty of usage. Subcontractors struggle with the software and make coordination of viewing/completing their items by using the software difficult and therefore I must print out their lists which are difficult to read for them. Wish there were 3-D BIM models for the units to more accurately show where items are located instead of needing to word location because many contractors find it difficult to understand/read/comprehend. Software needs to be dumbed down with older workers in mind that have never used an ipad.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 5 Jahren
Hi Jacob, I checked with the support/development team and they offered these suggestions for some of your feedback. Please connect with Tom with support if you need assistance with specifics. 1) To address slowness on the browser version, you can install the FInishLine App directly on your desktop or laptop to speed up plan views loading. 2)Reporting issues: There's an updated document in user resources titled: "How to send open item reports to subs" which may be helpful. In regards to the adjustments you're making in Excel, it possible to make templates which may help with that issue. 3) Asking questions: Feel free to reach out to Tom directly for support assistance, or the chat feature on punchlist.net. There is a "Troubleshooting/FAQ" guide on the user resources webpage as well. Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback. We hope that this will be helpful in improving your experience with FinishLine Software. --Katie W. for FinishLine
ea GBT review
Kommentare: Overall this program is great. The detail of the punch lists, and the time saved with creating and distributing the lists makes this program way better than the old school way of writing it down on a piece of paper and trying to figure out what pictures go to what items.
-Great way to consolidate punch lists to make distribution much easier. -Coordination between co-workers is easy with the overall floor plans showing what areas have been punched with total open and closed items. -Separation of different punch types makes sign-off at the various stages of the project simpler.
I rely a lot on the favorites list that i created to help speed up the punch. It is too easy to accidentally delete a favorite, and the order of the list cannot be rearranged. So if an item is deleted, you recreate it and it is out of order with what you are used to.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 4 Jahren
Thank you for taking the time to provide the review, Eric. We appreciate your comments about improving the Favorites list. I have shared your feedback with the FinishLine development team. Thanks again. -Katie W. for FinishLine
FinishLine for Punchlist
Kommentare: We are using FinishLine software to create multiple levels of punchlist to distribute to subcontractors and keep track of what outstanding items are left. It has an efficient distribution system that allows us to send targeted punches to subcontractors when needed.
The options within the report function allow the general contractor to manage a punchlist efficiently and make sure all items are taken care of as needed by each subcontractor.
The front end set up of FinishLine can be intimidating if the user has not done it before. Additionally, new users are often intimidated by having to scroll through multiple menus to create a single punch. I don't know that this can be solved because the menus at each punch are necessary to create the data behind the punch to sort the items.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Hi Dennis, thanks for your review. We're glad to hear about your positive experiences with FinishLine for managing punchlists and distributing items to subcontractors. As for the front end setup challenges, if there's anything specific the support team can help to improve this - please don't hesitate to reach out. One feature that might be useful in speeding up adding punches if they are repetitive, is the Favorites option or Copy by Dragging. These can be found in the expandable menu on the tablet version and will bypass the multiple menus. Thanks again for your honest feedback.
Great for punching newly modeled apartments!
Kommentare: The benefit is how much easier it is to use this and save pictures rather than the old fashion excel sheets and separate pictures to be uploading one by one. This is another way to make sure nothing gets lost in the shuffle!
Convenient way to go into these finished units and get a punch list to the construction team! Marking the star in the right area of the page was most important and then the picture could specify what was the problem in that area! This way my supervisors as well as the construction contractors can see all the issues and record when they were fixed! Covering all of us!
Something that could be improved upon is making multiple segments under one area. For example living room wall, may have different issues, it would help if we could make one star for that wall, then specify and record how many exact problems there are with out having to physically put in 10 stars on that one wall. This is another way that could organize the system to make it easier!
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 5 Jahren
Thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful and honest review on Capterra a few weeks ago. We're happy to hear that FinishLine has been so useful to you & your team! I'd like to follow-up in regards to your comment in the review about the living room wall example with multiple issues. I can see how it's challenging to put 10 stars on a wall when the issues are different. At the moment we don't have a perfect fix, since each punch item would theoretically need to be distributed to different subcontractors to be addressed. I checked with our support team, and they suggested this: if several wall issues were similar enough so that the same sub (like a painter) would be assigned most of punch items, you could add a general comment such as "fix all 4 painting imperfections on the wall". I understand it's not a perfect fix, but that might help. Another option which might speed up adding punches is Favorites - I sent you a tutorial video via email. Thanks again!
FinishLine List Management System Review
Kommentare: As i worked as an administrator for Finish Line in a Big project in doha, used more than 1000 plans , Finish line is good , easy to use, easy reporting tool.....and i will recommend to the next project too..
I'm using finsihline since 2014, and till we continue the same.... it is one of the best punch list management software i ever used. One of the best thing is it is very user friendly, i trained many of our users in my project and they were all happy to use it. Customer support services are extremely good.. each and every support cases, Finish line support team provided great support. Thank you rep for your great support.
Nothing; in my experience, when we work on web version is quiet slow; it is not the issue of finish line, it is a matter of internet bandwidth at end user point...
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Thank you for your feedback and review, Suhas. We also appreciate your recommendation to the next project. It's great to hear that FinishLine has been so useful for punch lists and that you've had very positive experiences with the support team. We're happy to help.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Punchlist & Photo organizer
Kommentare: documenting the progress of the work with time stamped photos.
The ability and ease of creating a report is amazing.
every once and a while the program will have a glitch and shut down. I will loose only the data that I am putting in at that time. But it is annoying.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Hi Michael, thank you for taking the time to write a review. Our support and development teams have reached out and will continue to troubleshoot the glitches you've mentioned. We're glad to hear that the reporting features have proven to be useful. It's also great to know that that new time stamped photos are helpful, especially since that's a relatively new addition to the app. Thanks again for your honest feedback and continued business.
Finishline Software review.
Kommentare: On top of the software capabilities, I would like to thank CSRs for being great supports during the training and execution portions of the project. They are always prompt and thoughtful with responses and this is much appreciated!
I enjoy the traceable documentation that is offered, allowing me to work in the fast paced construction industry and be able to go back and seek data. During punch list it is critical to stay organized with these reports, and having this software, does most of this work for me.
I really don't have a dislike, other than when other subcontractors do no utilize this software to its main potential. I have tried to step in and ensure subcontractors follow through, but this is an inevitable struggle.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Hello Kyle, thank you for your review. It's great to hear that FinishLine is streamlining your punch list processes. We're happy to hear the support team has been helpful too! Getting subcontractors onboard can be challenging. If it would be helpful, there's a short "FinishLine for Subcontractors" PDF in the online user resources section. I understand not all subs have the time to review such documentation, but it's a possible solution. If there's anyway we can help improve this with additional training or perhaps assisting with strategizing a rollout plan, please get in touch - we'd be glad to assist. Thank you again for your feedback, Kyle! We appreciate your time and assistance.
Best Suport Team
Kommentare: Keeping track of "Punch list" is a breeze especially with other contractors being able to use it at the same time.
I like the Fact that in a mater of minuets I can usually get the support I need to resolve an issue I may be having.
The cost to set up multiple trade drawings in the system.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Thank you for your helpful feedback, David. We're happy to hear about your experience with the FinishLine Support Team! As for the setup costs for multiple drawings (such as MEP), we understand this can be a challenge. We want to make sure you're getting everything you need. I'll have a member of the sales team reach out and we can work on something to hopefully resolve this issue in the future. We appreciate your time and assistance, thanks again.
Finish Your Project with FinishLine
Kommentare: FinishLine is great for big projects with many punch items. A great tool to collaborate with subcontractors and the reports tool makes it easy to track open items. I have used the reports to present to executives from the Owner team and they lived it!
Very user friendly & easy to use. Even for the most seasoned non-tech savvy construction personnel.
Many different fields to fill in. Some items take longer than they should to fill in/complete.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 5 Jahren
Hi Matthew, we appreciate you taking the time to write a review. It's great to hear that FinishLine is easy to use, especially on big projects with numerous punches. We want to address what you mentioned about it taking extra time to fill in different fields. You may or may not already know this, but there's a feature in FinishLine that allows you to have several fields automatically filled in based on the particular type of punch. Some fields like "Action" and "Location" can be pre-populated into punch items, to save you time during inspections. If this is something you'd like to learn more about or implement on your project setup, please do get in touch with Tom/the support team. Thanks again for your time and assistance, -Katie for FinsihLine Software
GEMS II Finishline Review
Kommentare: Overall very good experience with FinishLine. Have used on multiple jobs for punch list and pre-drywall checklists. It is a great way to continue to push new technology into construction field operations.
It is a great way to keep punch list organized for a large project. Once the setup is complete with the subcontractors, it is very easy for everyone to use.
Initial setup for administrator and subcontractors can be challenging. The good thing is the support staff is very quick to help resolve ay issues the team is having.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Hi Tim, first off, we appreciate your review. Thanks for taking the time to provide your thoughtful feedback. It's helpful to know that the initial setup with admins and subs can be a challenge. If there's anything else we can do to improve this process in the future - please reach out to FinishLine support. If you haven't checked out the online User and Admin videos/documents yet, that might be a good resource to have. It's great to hear that the pre-drywall checklists are useful and that FinishLine is working well for your punch lists. Thank you again for your input.
Easy to Use, Intuitive, Practical!
Kommentare: See above! FinishLine has been such a useful tool, I shudder to think of what we'd be doing without it!
Thus far, we are only using FinishLine for our pre-punch items list. It has probably been the most useful software we're using on a $40MM project. Punch items are easy to enter and they're easy to view for our sub-contractors. I especially like how we're able to break down many different reports using many different metrics - allowing my superiors immediate information as to what still needs to be done before completion - which lends to making me appear a lot smarter than I probably am!
I really can't think of anything I feel the software is missing.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 4 Jahren
Thank you for your awesome review, Charlie! We are so happy to hear that FinishLine is an intuitive inspection tool for your team's pre-punch items and that the different reports have been helpful. Thanks again for your continued business! Best, Katie for FinishLine
Power Construction - Finihsline
I like that the Finishline Team is easily accessible. With one phone call I can be talking to a team member and they are making updates/changes in real time. That's efficiency.
I sometimes notice that when items are "checked off" they still remain on the floor plans. Even if I was the creator of an item and checked it as approved it still showed up post syncing. I would therefore just delete it but that punchlist item is gone now and never existed. We don't want to try and hide anything from the owners and architects.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Hello Chase - thanks for your helpful feedback. We're pleased to hear that it's easy to connect with the FinishLine support team and that you are able to have updates implemented quickly. Tom has reached out to you about your experience with items sill remaining on the plan view after checking them off. We want to make sure this issue is resolved. If you're still experiencing this, please don't hesitate to call or email Tom. Our development team was previously aware of this specific issue and had put in a fix. If you're still having problems, we'd like to resolve it ASAP. Thanks again! --Katie W. for FinishLine
FinishLine Review
Kommentare: Coming from the software we were using prior, finishline has made punch listing way easier. A night and day difference.
It’s ease of use is the best part of this product. Every aspect of it is user friendly.
I’m still early in my amount of usage of the software, but I think I may want the browser version and the application version to be more similar. Too early to tell.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 5 Jahren
Thank you for your review and honest input, Bo. We're so glad to hear that FinishLine is making punch listing easier. We will connect with you in a month or two, as it would be helpful to hear your thoughts on the browser version vs the application version. User feedback is so helpful to the development and programming team. Thanks again for taking the time to write a review.
Life Safety Fire Barrier Management
Kommentare: This software is used by Fire Barrier Contractor as a method to electronically track on a life safety drawing in real time the progress the fire stopping of all penetrations in health care facilities. Contractor has adapted software to specific need.
ability to toggle thru drawings to reference punches
adapt to specific need for Life Safety Fire Barriers: Penetration Type/ Management and tracking, Wall Labeling/Rating/Construction Type, Ceiling type and function, Door Rating and hardware,
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 4 Jahren
Hello Michael. Thank you for the great feedback, it's helpful to hear about your experience using FinishLine for Life Safety. I will have a support rep contact you directly and walk you through Finishline's capabilities. Finishline has extensive Fire Protection, Life Safety, and all types of Planning capabilities, which have been used by some of the top Fire protection/Engineering firms in the world. I am confident that we have what you need, but perhaps your team may be unaware of FinishLine's additional options and features. We will work to exceed your highest expectations. Thank you again for your input. --Katie W. for FinishLine Software
Overall among the best out there!
Kommentare: Being in the industry for over 30 years technology that is easy to learn is great! It cut the overall time of the punch and completion list processes to less than half. As the kids that design this stuff understand more of the "real" needs or what could really be helpful, I'm sure they will continue to refine and improve.
Ease of use, ability to learn and overall time savings.
No as much customizable options, like with an old fashioned Excel sheet. Also it won't track multiple subs/trades. For example; if you have to "move a light", first it's the electrician, then dry waller and painter. Instead of being able to program in those sequences you have to add three items, you could set it up in Excel prior.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Hi John, thank you again for your review. It's great to hear that you've been so happy with FinishLine. Please get in touch with the support team at support@punchlist.net about the customizable options you mentioned, we'd be glad to help with that and save you the extra work. We hope that the FinishLine Pro App will continue to save you time on and off the job site. Your review is a good reminder to continue to develop an easy to use app, while keeping the more robust features in the background. Thanks again for taking the time to provide your input, John.
Intuitive and effective
Kommentare: The Finish Line team is extremely customer service oriented. They have answered all my questions in a timely manner and is always there to help if I have questions.
It is very easy to use and extremely relevant and helpful.
The initial set up was done by the Finish Line team and any subsequent changes also had to go through them, so I do not have a full understanding on how to use the software.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 5 Jahren
Hi Aaron, thanks for your feedback. It's great to hear that FinishLine has been intuitive and effective for your punch lists. When projects are delivered we aim to provide a turnkey solution, so that your team can get to punching/inspecting from day 1, or close to that! We certainly welcome you to learn more about FinishLine if you'd like. There are several User resources (documents/video tutorials) via the "Help" button in the browser version if you'd like to check those out. Please reach out to the Support team if you have specific questions we can help with. Thank you again for your input, we really do appreciate you taking the time to review FinishLine.
Seamless and Amazing Support
Kommentare: I’ve definitely enjoyed everything FinishLine has offered. CSR was very responsive and helped us get through some urgent situations on a few occasions!
Support team was very responsive. Program was straight forward.
It would help if photos were larger on reports. Video tutorials for Architects / Owners would also be helpful.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Thank you for your review and insightful feedback. We're happy to hear you've had such positive experiences with the support team and the FinishLine program. I'm not sure if you've tried it yet, but there's a photo attachment option for reports under Layout > General Display Options > Attachments Size, where you can select to display "Large (2 wide)" OR "Extra Large (1 Wide)" so that photos and other attachments appear larger in reports. Feel free to reach out to support@punchlist.net and Tom would be glad to help you with this too. We'd also like to hear more about your specific ideas for the Architects / Owners video tutorials, so if you'd be willing to share that - we're all ears! Thanks again for your honest and helpful review.
Finish Line is User Friendly
User friendly Customer support is fantastic
Reporting had been a bit difficult to utilize, but updates have made this much more user-friendly and more intuitive
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Thank you for your feedback, Karen. We're pleased to hear that you've had such positive experiences with FinishLine and customer support. We appreciate your honest feedback about reporting and we're glad to hear the recent updates have improved this. We're currently working on updating 2 specific Reporting PDFs, which will be available online in the User Resources section. Hopefully these additional guides will be useful for reporting. Thanks again for taking the time to provide your review. We appreciate your assistance and continued business.
Finishline Software Review
The means of ease and tracking open items.
There is nothing that I did not like about the software.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Thanks for your positive review, Andy! Our team is glad to hear that FinishLine is making it easier to track open items. Thank you!
Finishline Review
Kommentare: I am generally happy with the software. I think it provides extra accountability for craftsmanship in the field and holds the contractor accountable. I wish they could figure out a way to correct the camera issue and some how speed up the process of selecting punch items.
Taking pictures and placing punch items in the floor plan for the contractor.
Camera stops working every 20th punch or so. Really slows me down in the field as the only fix I can come up with is restarting the program. I've brought this issue up with Finishline and haven't seen it resolved. The lists can also be time consuming to run through to pick a punch item.
Antwort von Punchlist.net
vor 6 Jahren
Hi Sami, thank you for your feedback. Our support and development team has been working to resolve the camera/photo issue. This problem seems to be tied to particular device types, and they are working on a fix. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to find a solution ASAP. In terms of the lists being time-consuming, Favorites might help to speed things up. If you find yourself entering repetitive items, the "Favorites" and/or "Copy by Dragging" option can help. I will send you a short video about FinishLine Favorites via email. We are happy to hear that you're generally happy with the software. Thanks again for your time and assistance.