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Senior Insight
Was ist Senior Insight?
Die Senior-Insight-Softwarelösung für betreutes Wohnen bietet eine umfassende Palette an Funktionen, die speziell auf die Bereitstellung des höchsten Maßes an Support für Bewohner und Personal ausgelegt sind. Mit über 15 Jahren Betriebsmanagement-Erfahrung wurde Senior Insight von Anbietern für Anbieter entwickelt.
Die einfach zu bedienende Software hilft beim klinischen Management (medizinisches Management, Bewertungen und mehr), Marketing, Abrechnung und Dokumentenspeicherung. Es gibt ein Point-of-Care-System für deine mobilen Geräte.
Wer verwendet Senior Insight?
Anbieterunternehmen von Seniorenwohnungen/betreutem Wohnen
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Senior Insight
Bewertungen über Senior Insight
A great cloud-based assisted living management platform!
Easy to learn and navigate for new users even if you are not very computer savvy. My team was able to learn this app in a short time.
It can be slow at times and takes a while to load everything up. I usually have to restart or just leave the app open for a while to let it load.
Great Software and Great Support Team
Kommentare: Ease of use, practicality, it touches every section that we need to run our facility and take excellent care of our residents which is our ultimate goal! This software addresses every issue related to senior care.
the Excellent Customer Service!! Whenever we need training or education on a specific part of the software, the Senior Insight Team are always just a phone call away to assist us in any way that they can. They make our team feel as if they are there for us, no matter what! I have personally called on a weekend and had a response phone call back......a business cannot ask for more than that!!
As the wellness director I use it about twice a month. It does most of what I would like it to do.
There are lots of options and allows departments to work together, see and input information to share.
Sometimes I would like it to be easier to customize it to fit our facility needs better and be more effective.
Antwort von Senior Insight
vor 8 Jahren
Cristie - We tried to contact you a couple of times without any luck. We offer customization, much you can do yourself or we are happy to assist. If you would like assistance with this please contact us at 888.368.5557, Regards, Senior Insight Team
We had a very pleasant experience.
Kommentare: The ability to get resident information no matter where I am in the world and able to fax, email the information. Of course the ability to keep documents in the program has made us go 80% paperless
Easy to use for all staff to understand the ability to connect to our Inform so staff has the care plans in hand has been a Hugh plus. Staff being able to connect no matter where we are is another.
Marketing and prospective resident area. I don't like how they have it set up. Hard to follow . If it was set up by oldest to newest date or easier to retrieve the information. Could be less complicated.
very good, easy to navigate, straight forward and user friendly.
Kommentare: I was able to self teach and use software effectively, ensuring service plans were completed accurately and on time
Easy to navigate around. I am not computer savvy but was able to self teach the software and have no issues starting, editing or completing service plans.
I would like to have been able to add in certain things such as actual move in dates as well as initial admission dates, I had to hand write them in as an alternative
Nice program
For me not being to computer savvy the efficiency of the whole program is easy to operate. Easy to find information.
The only con I have is not being able to back date on assessments I at times do not get time to get things done on time or start it and didn't save it on time when I go back to Finnish it I have to write the current date . Could be more my fault verses yous :)
Straight forward and easy to use
Kommentare: Charting from anywhere!
The functionality of it. I like how easy it is to use and it is easy to learn new functions. The calendar is very useful, I like that pictures can be added.
We do not use all feature yet. It also takes a while to load sometimes, printing format isn't always correct. Saving things takes a while even with good internet occasionally.
This is a very user friendly system.
Kommentare: Time savings, easy reporting, faxing, detailed care plans, CNA and nurse care documentation.
It is user friendly. It allows the nurses to clearly communicate the residents' needs to the staff through ecares. The faxing capabilities saves time and paper. Any issues or concerns are addressed immediately.
very smooth flowing experience, easy to navigate and has many useful features
that we are completely paperless, and can remotely do everything needed at home in case of an emergency.
when entering vitals, you have to continually go back to residents and pick the residents name and then enter the vitals, it would be nice to have a scrolling list of residents names
Still learning the software, but like what I see so far
Like how it is user friendly and the fact that he always is willing to work with us. We are required by state regulations to have certain documentations and he has been creating these documents.
How simple it is. It's easy to use and navigate in between windows. I also like how you can see all the residents to chart on them.
It can be really slow at times. I typically have to set it down and come back to it. Sometimes it doesn't refresh right or the ecares don't load right.
Kommentare: Less material cost. Easy way to check on staffs meds and signing.
Easy accessibility to all options. I enjoy not having to flip page after page of paper. Now it's all right at the swipe of a finger tip. Love it.
Can sometimes not want to go back to the previous page. You have to close app and go back in. Also not a real fan of the locking notes.
I did not get to use it long, but I really liked it
That I had control of how I wanted the MAR to be done; print a daily census, being able to print one order and not having to print the entire MAR when something was added.
I use this software to track resident records and medications
I love how easy to use. Clear pages to switch back and forth. Can put in a lot of info on the resident.
The editing function is difficult and confusing. I can't figure out how to "edit" existing family information.