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Was ist Celoxis?

Celoxis ist ein Projektportfolio-Management-Tool, mit dem Projektleitende und Organisationen problemlos Strategien entwickeln, Prioritäten abstimmen und Ressourcen projekt- und portfolioübergreifend optimieren können. Mit Funktionen, die eine effektive Kommunikation und Kollaboration fördern, ermöglicht Celoxis eine genaue Verfolgung, Bewertung und Fortschrittstransparenz deines Projektportfolios, wobei sichergestellt wird, dass es mit den Unternehmenszielen im Einklang steht. Profitiere von strategischer Entscheidungsfindung, Risikoverwaltung und Szenarioanalyse für ein erfolgreicheres P

Wer verwendet Celoxis?

KMU und Unternehmen, die umfassende Projektmanagementfunktionen benötigen. Celoxis bietet alles, was du brauchst, um verschiedene Projekte und Ressourcen zu planen und zu verwalten. Es ist eine extrem anpassbare Plattform.

Wo kann Celoxis bereitgestellt werden?

On-Premise (vor Ort)

Über den Anbieter

  • Celoxis Technologies
  • 2001 gegründet

Support für Celoxis

  • Chat

Erhältlich in diesen Ländern

Afghanistan, Albanien, Algerien, Amerikanisch-Samoa, Amerikanische Jungferninseln und 223 weitere


Arabisch, Chinesisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und 3 weitere

Celoxis Kosten


15,00 $/Monat
  • Ja, kostenloser Test verfügbar
  • Keine Gratisversion

Celoxis bietet keine Gratisversion, aber eine kostenlose Testversion. Die kostenpflichtige Version von Celoxis ist ab 15,00 $/Monat verfügbar.

Preismodelle Kostenlose Testversion

Über den Anbieter

  • Celoxis Technologies
  • 2001 gegründet

Support für Celoxis

  • Chat

Erhältlich in diesen Ländern

Afghanistan, Albanien, Algerien, Amerikanisch-Samoa, Amerikanische Jungferninseln und 223 weitere


Arabisch, Chinesisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und 3 weitere

Celoxis – Videos und Bilder

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Videos zu Celoxis
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Celoxis Funktionen

  • Abrechnung & Rechnungsstellung
  • Aktivitäts-Dashboard
  • Anpassbare Vorlagen
  • Aufgabenmanagement
  • Automatische Antworten
  • Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen
  • Berichterstattung / Analyse
  • Berichterstattung / Projektverfolgung
  • Berichterstattung und Statistik
  • Budgetierung/Prognosen
  • Budgetmanagement
  • Chatbot
  • Dashboard
  • Dokumentenmanagement
  • Filesharing
  • Fortschrittsverfolgung
  • Fähigkeiten-Nachverfolgung
  • Gantt-/Zeitstrahlansicht
  • KI/Maschinelles Lernen
  • Kalenderverwaltung
  • Kanban-Tafel
  • Kapazitätsmanagement
  • Kontrolle des Genehmigungsprozesses
  • Mehrere Projekte
  • Meilensteinverfolgung
  • Multi-Channel-Kommunikation
  • Nutzungsberichte
  • Personalisierung
  • Portfoliomanagement
  • Priorisierung
  • Problemmanagement
  • Prognose
  • Projekt-Nachverfolgung
  • Projektmanagement
  • Projektplanung
  • Projektplanung/Terminierung
  • Real-Time Notifications
  • Real-Time Updates
  • Ressourcen-Planung
  • Ressourcenanfrage
  • Ressourcenmanagement
  • Ressourcenzuordnung und -planung
  • Statusverfolgung
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Timesheet Management
  • Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache
  • Verfolgung der Kosten bis zur Fertigstellung
  • Veränderungsmanagement
  • Vorlagen-Management
  • Werkzeuge zur Zusammenarbeit
  • Workflow-Management
  • Zeit & Kosten Verfolgung

Alternativen für Celoxis

Setze den Kundendienst in den Mittelpunkt deines Unternehmens. Mache Agenten produktiver, Manager wirkungsstärker und gib Kunden mehr Entscheidungsbefugnis. Erfahre mehr über Zoho Desk
Unterstützung von Projektmanagern bei der Entwicklung von Plänen, Zuweisung von Ressourcen, Verfolgung des Fortschritts, Verwaltung von Budgets und Analyse der Arbeitsbelastung.
Eine cloudbasierte Plattform zur Projektzeiterfassung, mit der du sofort Einblicke in abrechnungsfähige Stunden, Ressourcen, Kunden, Projekte und Fakturierungen erhältst. Erfahre mehr über Replicon
Software mit Funktionen für Projektplanung, Zusammenarbeit, agile Bug- und Vorfallsverfolgung für Entwicklungsteams.
Kostenlose Projekt-Terminplanung und Management-App für Windows, OS X und Linux.
BigTime ist für professionelle Dienstleistungsunternehmen gedacht, die einen tieferen Einblick in ihre wichtigsten Ressourcen, ihre Gewinne und ihre Produktivität benötigen.
Redmine hilft Teams jeder Größe, ihre Projekte stets pünktlich und im Rahmen des Budgets zu versenden.
Ressourcenplanung, Zeiterfassung und Projektmanagement, vom Projektstart bis zur Rechnung.
Genius Projekt ermöglicht es mittleren bis großen Unternehmen mit Hilfe einer End-to-End-Lösung bessere Ergebnisse zu liefern. Die clevere Lösung. Erfahre mehr über Cerri Project

Bewertungen über Celoxis

Durchschnittliche Bewertung


Nutzerbewertungen nach Unternehmensgröße (Angestellte)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001

Bewertungen nach Punktzahl finden

Roshan Kumar
Roshan Kumar
Senior Quality Engineer in Indien
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Automotive, 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

Guiding Celoxis Through Project Success

5,0 vor 8 Monaten

Kommentare: Overall, a lot of consumers like Celoxis because of its extensive feature set, adaptability, and integration potential.


It emphasizes good collaboration between stakeholders and team members which helps to streamline their projects and resources. Our project completion rates have improved by 20% and we achieved more profit.


Having a comprehensive view of all project operations is beneficial since it makes sure that nothing is missed and that we stay on track to achieve our strategic goals.

Operations Manager in USA
Forschung, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Excellent product for small consulting business

5,0 letztes Jahr


All in one! Project management, invoicing, contracts, finances. You can customize it to be used for all these functions.


Once you delete something (except a project) it's gone forever. Hasn't been a big issue though, especially since we can recover deleted projects.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Avaza, Airtable, monday.com, Asana und Smartsheet

Warum Celoxis gewählt wurde: BQE structure did not make any sense, and the project management capabilities were limited.

Zuvor genutzte Software: BQE CORE Suite

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Celoxis: It was the most versatile in terms of being able to handle multiple functions, and very flexible in terms of being able to visualize and use the data to help guide company strategy.

director of engineering in USA
Maschinenbau oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, 1.001–5.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Celoxis review

3,0 vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare: see above


There are lots of customizations you can make, however it's not as useful as it could be because the AND logic in the database.


1. The fact that the database filters use AND logic, this makes a lot of the filters useless as they filter out data you wouldn't expect to filter out. 2. you can't split peoples time on a task to not be uniform over the entire task, this means you need multiple lines, which is clunky 3. you can't add one person as a % of time to a task and another as #hrs 4. on a project that is 9 months long the schedule reads "at risk" because it's projected to go 22 hours over. The threshold should be larger! 5. because of the AND logic, I would NOT recommend this tool to a larger team 6. There isn't any customization around the expenses

Shubham kumar
Program Manager in Indien
Computer-Software, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Celoxis for Enterprise: How It Simplifies Complex Project Portfolios

5,0 vor 3 Monaten

Kommentare: Celoxis solves the problem of how to efficiently manage complex projects and resources. It helps me keep track of all these tasks, deadlines, and workloads in one place that are otherwise a chaotic affair for managing projects. It provides real-time insights along with analytics to help make smarter decisions and resource allocation.


I like about Celoxis is flexibility and its comprehensive tools for managing projects. All features are therefrom detailed Gantt charts to real-time collaboration features which very easily get through the workload, resources, and deadlines.


What I really do not like about Celoxis is that the interface gets a little overwhelming at first, since lots are crammed in, and there is something of a learning curve to work through, which creates problems for the new user.

Senior manager in Indien
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Marketing & Werbung, 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

""Great workflow software for project management medium to large any company."

4,0 vor 7 Monaten

Kommentare: Wonderful software for creating big impact in terms of productivity and task management in a big team as well as small. It has been cut to cut very efficient for us and helps us present correct data reporting and scheduling as well.


This is my experiential review on celoxis and as I have used it for over 8-9 months I think I believe I am qualified to give meaningful insights to new customers. It has been really easy to work with and its user-defined dashboard is also easily usable. It has been the greatest asset to our company for managing workflow in teams either big or small. The feature of data reporting is widely used by me for reporting analytics related to data of advertisements which is a very very necessary part of our process.I would say customer support helped us fairly with instructions and guides for initial setups.


I will not say as dislike but as a suggestion for improvement about the data reporting it has still some bugs as I have checked in last usage.

Verifizierter Rezensent
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Automotive, 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

One platform for entire project management

5,0 vor 7 Monaten

Kommentare: Nice software to track the project management progress


Ease of use and tracks accurately each tasks associated with the project management


It can be made bit more customisable for make more comfortable

Network and Security Manager in USA
Outsourcing/Offshoring, 1.001–5.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great tool with many features

5,0 vor 11 Monaten

Kommentare: My company started using it but never took advantage of it's full potential. People didn't adopt it well and we ended up giving up and moving to another product.


It includes many features like: Task manager, Cost tracking, Resource Tracking. You can calculate allocation of resources, build reports etc.


It's kind of complicated to learn how everything works at the beginning.

Software Test Engineer in Indien
Computer-Software, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Celoxis - "streamlines project management"

5,0 vor 8 Monaten

Kommentare: I really like the user experience with celoxis being a consumer it has benefitted my organisation a lot in terms of productivity.
We are almost a daily user of tuskr and saw some significant changes in streamlining the management process.
So Thank You CELOXIS for this!


I really like the dashboards offered by celoxis for streamlining the IT industry as well as i really like the use case of tuskr for test case management


I didn't find anything about disliking celoxis

Architect in UK
Architektur & Planung, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

good project management tool - Celoxis

5,0 vor 7 Monaten

Kommentare: I use it everyday to log my time and view the projects progress


the Gantt chart is very useful to track projects and to log activities


the workload is slightly difficult to work around

Verifizierter Rezensent
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Automotive, 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

"Use Celoxis to Enhance Project Efficiency"

4,0 vor 7 Monaten


Project time tracking, resource and task management could be easily monitored by Celoxis.


Celoxis offers only 30 days free trial which is not sufficient to explore the complete features efficiently.

Global IT Systems Analyst in UK
Öl & Energie, 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Excellent Project Management Tool that offers so much more

5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Celoxis has an excellent interface which is extremely easy to use, despite having the versatility of allowing customisations which integrate seamlessly into a dynamic and professional solution.
We have integrated the software into our project management teams globally and now report all project Gantt charts, issues, risks, variations, document deliverables etc with Celoxis.


We have not only achieved the original expectations of the software by providing a simple global tool facilitating a single common process for project execution activities, but surpassed the target with a tool that continues to expand and encompass additional stand alone processes.


Reporting could be better when we need a hard copy of a Gantt etc..,

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Teamwork.com, Trello, Birdview, Zoho Creator, monday.com, ClickUp, Asana und Smartsheet

Warum Celoxis gewählt wurde: We needed something with better functionality and flexibility, including collaboration for a fraction of the cost

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Celoxis: we completed a detailed analysis of 16 products which were measured for their best fit for our requirements. The suppliers of the two highest rated solutions completed a formal demonstration to AAF business owners. Each business owner assessed the suitability of the two products for their specific business requirements, and Celoxis was selected as AAF’s preferred choice.

CEO in Bosnien und Herzegowina
Tiefbau, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

This software could change your company

4,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: We can fully recommend this software for project management, but be aware that this is only a tool. Company has to change it's mindset to project organization in order to implement it successfully.


As centralized server solution, this software enables us to plan, manage and control whole portfolio and every project individually. As comprehensive solution this software is used by our employees, management, associates and clients. Everybody can see state of their projects/tasks with one click on their mobile phones or computers.


Software could be better with improvements in cashflow department of the project. Also as project is set of activities performed by all Project participants, it could be helpful to implement Client tasks and other stakeholders tasks.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Cerri Project, Redmine, Axosoft, Trello, Planview AdaptiveWork, Microsoft Project, GanttProject, Basecamp, Asana und RationalPlan

Warum Celoxis gewählt wurde: As organization we've outgrown software that we used. Our old software enabled us only to record hours on specific projects and not to tasks. this was our only option. This can give you information on project costs, but you can not collaborate through comprehensive solution as fully featured PM software.

Zuvor genutzte Software: Cerri Project, Redmine, Axosoft, Trello, Planview AdaptiveWork, Microsoft Project, GanttProject, Basecamp, Asana und RationalPlan

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Celoxis: We probably evaluated 50 alternatives, abovementioned are only few major candidates, but only Microsoft project (server edition), Genius Project and Celoxis satisfied fully our needs. After evaluation, we decided to go with Celoxis as it was best tailored to our needs.

Project Manager in UK
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

So far, so good

4,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Celoxis is our sole PM tool and we are able to see all our projects and time entries in one place. We have had minimal issues with it since going live and the responses from the support team have always been fast and efficient. For me as a PM, I would now struggle without Celoxis.


The reports & charts are excellent, the built in timesheet is easy to use once you get used to it and is crucial for our business. To be able to view the team workload in one screen is also really useful for resource planning.


Celoxis defaults fixed price projects time entries as non-billable. For us, as our projects are billable, it is inconvenient that in a billable vs non-billable report, most of our project time will display as NB because a project has a fixed price rather than T&M. Although there is a workaround, it is tricky to remember to apply it.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Wrike

Warum Celoxis gewählt wurde: We wanted one PM software to manage all projects, eliminating spreadsheets and manual work.

Zuvor genutzte Software: Microsoft Project und Azure DevOps Server

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Celoxis: Celoxis had more useful features such as RAID, change register & custom apps, and the price was much more competitive.

Project Manager in Australien
Computer-Software, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Try something else first

3,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Fighting with it to do regular project activities.


Gantt view is useful, calculations generally work


Difficult to use, most commonly used features are hard to find, effectively an opinionated spreadsheet.

Head of Studio in UK
Marketing & Werbung, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Powerful, flexible platform with UX problems

4,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Generally, and for a company of our size Celoxis was the best choice due to the varied work models we service. The ability to both work in hourly and fixed price models is a unique requirement and other platforms struggle to make it work.


The standout feature is the flexibility of Celoxis which allows for a great deal of optional customisation. For example, custom formula fields let us do basic and complex math that can be displayed in reports and on projects. When comparing it to other solutions it does sport a few unique features not found in competitor products. Chiefly among them would be the semi intelligent schedule and budget prediction feature which gives a quick way to assess project status.


The biggest issue is the UX/UI which has a bit of a learning curve and needs a strict process to utilize all areas effectively. The system seems to have some legacy features that make functionality redundant. An example would be 4 different ways to enter time into time-sheets in the UI, or 2 separate comment features that are nested into each other for no reason. Some very simple and common features, like checklists in tasks, seem to also be absent. While not difficult to work with, the usage-paths for all the functions have not been thoroughly tested it seems.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Jira, monday.com, Adobe Workfront, Wrike und Asana

Warum Celoxis gewählt wurde: Insufficient scheduling and reporting options and hard to work UI/UX

Zuvor genutzte Software: WorkflowMax

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Celoxis: Superior value for money in features at this size of company compared to the competition.

Project manager in UK
Bau, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Good Project management software

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Very good at project planning timelines and financial planning of income and expenditure


Gantt charts and financials work well, we don't really use the resource and workload functions but they are good. Significant upgrade over Wrike for cost tracking and forecasting


Uploads in CSV are ok but added functionality here would be good

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: monday.com und Wrike

Warum Celoxis gewählt wurde: Cost and Functionality

Zuvor genutzte Software: Wrike

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Celoxis: Helpful onboarding and customer service, better functionality for our needs

Senior Consultant in Australien
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Easy to use

4,0 letztes Jahr


Easy to use. Better than previous solution.


Some filters just seem to disappear. Unsure how to save/keep filters.

Customer Success Director in UK
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Effective and flexible Project Management Tool!

4,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: e have used Celoxis for around 5 years to support our Professional Services and Project Delivery teams. Celoxis, and it's data, provides critical data points for financial reporting of revenue recognition and team utilization. It's also our central platform for the tracking of project delivery progress, project health and team allocation."


1) Ease of Report Building 2) Flexible Dashboards for Key Metric Reporting 3) Time Logging Capability


1) Commercial Renewals Take Longer than Expected 2) Managing Multiple Currencies 3) Outlook Integration Capabilities

Project Manager in Italien
Maschinenbau oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great support

4,0 vor 2 Jahren


The celoxis support is very quick and able to solve any issues in very short time.


Maybe the task management should be improved and also the integration of Kanban technique and relevant metrics.

Government Contracts and Proposal Consultant in USA
Luft- & Raumfahrt, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great Tool for P{project Collaboration

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: My Celoxis implementation is self hosted. That was a bit of a learning curve for me personally but the Tech support staff was pretty helpful in pointing me to the right solutions. Now that the system is up and running it is very stable. My principle issues were not with the core Celoxis application as much as the host system configuration such as installing SSL and positioning the system properly behind my firewall. It took cooperation among a number of vendors but I now have a robust application on a rock steady platform (Windows Server 2019) protected by a top-tier security system (SOPHOS). It was with the effort!


Celoxis allows integration of planned work hours and resources with time card inputs to allow an integrated management solution that permits tracking of Planed vs. Actual labor hours and costs. Definitely a much tighter integration than I found in MS Project. However - and this is important to my clients - the ability to bidirectionally share data with Project is a significant plus as many of my clients rely on Project. Finally, I use Celoxis for multiple clients and the workspaces functionality allows me the ability to securely partition clients into their own environment thus permitting multiple clients to share the basic installation.


There is a learning curve to climb - especially in the reporting function and I am still learning how to use the many features of the product. I would like to see more You Tube videos on how to perform advanced functions - especially with cost and resource reporting for users.

IT PMO & Change Manager in Australien
Essen & Trinken, 5.001–10.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Best Portfolio Project Management Tool in today's market

4,0 vor 3 Jahren


It's difficult to find a single PPM tool that has end-to-end functionality for program/portfolio management, day-to-day project management, resource workforce management, budget vs actuals reporting, and dashboard reporting. I've researched for the past 3-4 years and whilst there are companies out there that have been around for decades or may have more API integrations, Celoxis is by far the most intuitive, customizable PPM tool that does all of the above functions at a competitive cost and with a very modern user interface. The Gantt chart mimics the look and feel of MS Project which allowed the learning curve for our PMs to be seamless as they simply imported their Project CSV files. The resource workforce reporting is also automated and easily shows those under/over allocated. One of the best functions of this tool is the dashboard reporting - it is incredibly customizable allowing the user to select position, width, charts, filters, custom fields etc which again mimics what you'd be able to do in MS PowerPoint but in an automated fashion. I've used PPM tools customised for enterprise organisations with 50,000+ employees which cost $5m+ in licensing costs yet did not function as well as Celoxis.


There's always room for improvement in every software/company. I would like to see the support for Celoxis increase from 24x5 to 24x7. If they can bring some of their support onshore with a phone capability as well, that would be fantastic. Some minor enhancements on their dashboard reporting capabilities would also be helpful.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Clarity, monday.com, GanttPRO und Smartsheet

Project Manager in UK
Finanzdienstleistungen, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Top customer service that offers feature packed Project Management solution

5,0 vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare: We need an end and end Project management solution and we are very please that we found one in form of Celoxis. Celoxis implementation was very smooth and the team was quickly onboarded and have comfortably learned the new ways of working in the new PPM tool. The best part was that Celoxis team was really supportive and have provided the much needed support where ever we required one.


I am really impressed with the customer service. The team is really responsive and support you with the best solution possible. The support during the implementation was crucial and it was offered throughout the implementation lifecycle without any extra cost. Moreover I also like the software as it is simple yet powerful enough to provide with end to end Project management solution.


I would like to Celoxis to include more market standard feature in Project planning (Gantt plan). The current system doesn't allow you to revert back the changes, it is a crucial feature that comes in very handy in case if you are trialling a new plan or made an error by accident. The system also doesn't let you compare the baseline plan with the current plan.

Jorge Ruben
Operations Director in Mexiko
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Latest release made Celoxis even more valuable

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: After almost 2 years using it, it has only become better. I am the person most involved with Celoxis in the company, I do all the API integrations, and have done most of the dashboards and report customizations. I am very satisfied with how Celoxis has improved over time, and I am eager to see what it becomes in the future. I have also work a little with workflows, getting a lot of value from them, although I haven't got the time to do as much as I'd like. I reccomend Celoxis 100%. Before choosing it, I evaluated about 15 different platforms, in the end, the technical evaluation was very clear, Celoxis was the only viable option, unless I wanted to spend 10 or 15 times more money on something else.


No doubt, I have 2 favorite features: everything related to the Gantt View, which is extremely customizable, and now suporting different baselines; and the REST API, which is a lot better documented than when I started using it. Also, not a feature about the software, but as important, Customer Support is excelent.


So far, Celoxis hasn't turned into proper program and portfolio management.

Senior Developer in USA
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great Software for IT Projects

5,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Overall, the product is stable and reliable. I only had one issue after an update a little over a year ago, where I had entered my time on my mobile device, and I had found that it wasn't there when I had logged onto my desktop version.


The great part of this software is the ability to update information in the Gantt chart as needed. It also gives you accurate percentage of project tasks per user and accurate percentages in what has been completed against the project deadline, which is very useful in Technical Services.


I still wish that once a task or project status is "completed", the timers would be deleted as well. In our company, we have many projects with many tasks, thus one can have multiple timers, and that adds up! It can take (waste) much time in deleting timers, so having the timers "go away" when a task is completed would be very useful.

Project Manager in Kanada
Maritime Wirtschaft, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

Easy to understand - does what it should!

5,0 vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare: It is a great tool to mange the projects. It is very intuitive and after a short time one can get work done. But to unleash the full efficiency it has to be personalized with big effort and every detail should be taken into account by the administrator. I also recommend taking part in extensive training on how to operate Celoxis properly.


I liked the most that I was able to do what I wanted without any experience with the program. More precisely I wanted to create a Gantt chart. I didn't have any experience with Celoxis and just little experience with Gantt charts. After 3 hours the Gantt Chart for a 6 month project was finished in a satisfying and complet way. I had some little issues to enter the planned effort, but after a short chat with the support the problem was easily and efficiently solved.


The export of the Gantt chart into an image is not very satisfying. I am not able to export the Gantt Chart as an image showing the complete project, or in separated but logic pieces. All I get is a section of the chart cut randomly.