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Was ist KerioControl?
Multifunktions-Netzwerk-Firewall mit Virenschutz, VPN, Web-Content-Filterung, Bandbreitenkontrolle und mehr.
Wer verwendet KerioControl?
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Bewertungen über KerioControl
Kerio VPN
Alles super mit dieser Software.
Keinerlei Probleme damit
Die einfache Handhabung und Installation haben mir gefallen.
MIr sind bisher noch keine Nachteile aufgefallen.

Easy to use Firewall / UTM
Kommentare: Overall satisfied, does its job well.
Really nice and easy to understand interface. Pretty stable, reasonable price. Support is good aswell. Good option for small to medium business.
Lacks features and options, like automatic IP blocking or allowing to create custom IP / port rules with the country lists it already has (now only allow to select countries to deny access to all IP and ports).
Secure your network with KerioControl.
Kommentare: As i mentioned KerioControl handles job greatly. We feel secure with this product.
KerioControl is an universal software that offers many capabilities. It's very useful and makes my company's network secure. As nowadays cyber attack gets more and more aggressive, we decided to implement KerioControl. It does job well. And what is important the price is affordable as well.
I haven't noticed negative side yet. All works good at this time.
great product but out of date
Kommentare: i was happy with kerio on the first 10 year, then
Kerio is very simple to use, i like its interface, ease to use, to comprend rules, tu se who is using a line or internet. VPN was easy to use
It is an old product, i changed it one year ago because the product was not updated, is missing on very high features important for security
A great network solution.
The product is easy to use. In less than two hours you'll be master it. Love the design of some of the routers, and that it's fanless.
Some updates don't go very well. When updating, keep an eye on it and downgrade it if needed. Maybe wait 1-3 week before upgrade. In the other hand, the documentation is not very clear but it's ok.

Good choice for Average sized companies.
Kommentare: I have used it for some of my clients for several years. It is easy to use solution and supports the vast majority of your needs from a firewall and Internet sharing software.
I have learned Kerio Control myself easily. Traffic rules work very well. Reverse Proxy is a useful facility. Internet Usage Reports are approximately perfect. I love the feature that I can limit the Internet speed of users after using their quota. It needs the minimum hardware resources and by using a virtual appliance, Installation is easy. Integration with Microsoft Active Directory is very nice and perfect. Meanwhile, defining users out of Active Directory is possible. limiting users to different time intervals is also a very good feature. for example, I have limited a user to use the Internet at nights just to update my servers when other users are not using the Internet.
Kerio VPN Client is not completely bug-free! Sometimes, it can not be connected to server without any specific reason. Load Balancing does not work very well. Kerio Control reduces the speed of the internet when there are too many traffic rules.
An adequate solution for SME's
Kommentare: It has been our firewall in our company for 10 years
1- Easy to learn and setup and it's really user-friendly 2-Very good integration with Microsoft Active Directory 3-Good Internet usage report. 4-Mac Filter is really good 5-Defining Traffic Rules is perfect and easy. 6-Supporting reverse proxy server is a very good facility.
1-load balancing doesn't work properly most of the times. even when you set connectivity weights. 2-It's a little bit slower than some other solutions such as Mikrotik 3-without it's own specific VPN client (and other VPN connections), users sometimes are not distinguishable by this software and sometimes the traffic rules can be bypassed. for example, we have set that only authenticated users can use the Internet, but a VPN service such as PrivateTunnel can connect to the internet without login to Kerio control, bypass the rules and connect to Internet!
A Very Cost-efficient Alternative to Microsoft Exchange
Kerio Mail and Connect Clients are simple to configure, integrates easily with Microsoft Active Directory in a domain environment and we can have our entire mail store on-premise for easy management. Mails are delivered almost instantly for LAN communication and very quickly over the internet. Overall, it's pretty robust with a low-cost-compared-to-Microsoft yearly license that gets the job done. Perfect for small to medium organizations.
The Kerio Connect Client often freezes for a few seconds while navigating, but not so much that it breaks concentration or affects productivity.

No-Frills VPN
Kommentare: An intuitive interface, speedy connection, and relatively low price are the key reasons for choosing the software.
It’s a simple, yet reliable VPN. I use it daily and cannot enjoy more its connection that is as speedy as it is reliable. Another pro worth mentioning is the software unintrusiveness. KerioControl always runs in the background without bothering me with pop-ups and other signs of its activity.
Having used KerioControl for over half a year, I cannot think of any complaints other than an occasional connection drop. However, it happens too rarely to impede my productivity.

Powerful software to detect and prevention the system
Kommentare: I have found KerioControl very friendly and easy to use. I am really satisfy with this software and I would like to suggest to use.
I have found best software to prevent my system from viruses and make my firewall strong. Apart from this some suitable point of KerioControl is listed below: - Easy to use - User friendly UI/UX - Rich in features ( Bandwidth control, detect virus, Secure VPN and etc.0 - Easy configure and set up
KerioControl is best software which is perfect system to detect and prevent from harmful viruses and other security issue. For now I have realized that it would be better if : - Consume lot of internet - Slow performance on weak internet (load balance)

Perfect and stable working firewall
Kommentare: KerioControl such a good product for corporative life (mid+ type of business). The set up is easy, also you can make a lot of great reports. You can admin this software from anywhere. All you need is an stable Internet connection. Also what I most likely: Kerio Control is totally intuitive.
Easy setup, simple rewriting/change of rules, great VPN, perfect reports
Doesn`t work well on old devices, expensive price for renewal, sometimes VPN connection shutting down
Non soddisfatto
Il sistema di controllo all'accesso è sicuramente efficace. I costi non sono esorbitanti.
Non lo riprenderei perchè rende la gestione della rete, delle autorizzazioni, della VPN molto complicata e farraginosa. Preferisco altre soluzioni e le adotterò appena possibile.
Es fácil de usar, sirve para el próposito por el cual lo necesitamos, cumple y es muy útil ya que literalmente no podría hacer mi trabajo sin este programa, permite que nos mantengamos todos conectados con nuestros trabajos y que lo podamos hacer como equipo.
La instalación fue hecha por un tercero ya que no pude finalizarla por no entender algunas cosas
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Kerio Control, un firewall, una sicurezza!
Kommentare: Kerio ha velocizzato i processi informatici della mia azienda, dando sicurezza eccellente ed una risposta veloce al cliente finale quando si trattava di creare/implementare filtri o regole aziendali.
Prodotto molto affidabile e molto semplice da utilizzare lato amministratore. A differenza di tanti altri firwall è anche molto veloce nella creazione delle regole; degli utenti e di tutto ciò che può essere personalizzato per la sicurezza aziendale. Molto semplice ed intiutiva anche per l'utente finale è la parte VPN.
Penso che dovrebbero renedere l'hardware un po' più performante. I Box si surriscaldando molto (in paritolcare l'NG110) e capita qualche volta che si rompano addirittura.
Sistema Complesso da utilizzare
Mi piace sicuramente il buon controllo delle autorizzazioni e l'efficacia in termini di privacy
Trovo Kerio un sistema davvero complicato e arcaico e che rallenta di molto le operazioni. Anche solo per collegarsi in Vpn occorre sempre un Token che si rigenera ogni attimo e questo rende le operazioni molto più difficili. Da migliorare anche l'assistenza clienti.
Company Network
Kommentare: Good price, easy and practical for use
KerioControl is easy to use and configurate. It offers good active protection and good setup for bandwidth. Good update time.
GUI is quite old. Maybe some improvement in looking and also offering more dashboards .
Stable VPN client for my daily work
KerioControl is really fast to use and I don't have any issues at all. Stable even with bad network. Very rarely gets disconnected from the server.
Probably nothing. Over the last 5 years I haven't had any issues.
Some good some bad
Kommentare: The antivirus, peer to peer, and alerts work very well. Customer service is good when they know how to solve a problem. If they don't expect to be passed back and forth between agents until your case escalated. They will do a remote session to see if a senior agent/manager can figure it out. If they can't then you are pretty much out of luck. In my case anyway. Also if you you ask them to show you how something works that can be hit or miss. Sometimes their agents are happy to help you. Sometimes they act like you are dumb for not figuring it out.
It is fairly easy to use once you get the interface down. Also when you make changes it happens pretty quick and stays how you changed it. You really wont get any surprises that come out of no where really.
If you do have a problem it can be hard/impossible to narrow it down. I have had several issues that I spoke with support with (through email and phone) that they werent able to figure out. Like hours on the phone, dozens of emails. And they just wouldn't know. I dont expect them to know everything but they were just so baffled by some stuff. So I just learned to live with the problem. Like the IPS in Kerio really slows down our internet speed. Spoke with many people about it. Took months and finally after they couldnt they said we dont support your hardware anymore. Why didnt they tell me that just right out of the gate. It was very frustrating
Best Firewall/VPN/IDS/Route/GW software out there.
Kommentare: I've been using Kerio since was named "WinRoute firewall" running on windows. Now it is called Control and is just for Linux (an entire distro bundle). I used for small customers and then 14 years ago start working for the Argentinian's Government, I took my fan for Kerio there and Implement that solution for 7 buildings and more than 600+ network devices. 14 years later still using it. Any new need that involves some networking we could easily implement with no any new software. People traveling can easy access to internal applications via VPN. On the primary building, we have a kerio server with 8 nics, guest wifis, private wifi, 3 internet connection, TLS with other building, LAN and DMZ, all with a quad core with 4 GB rams, working flawlessly. For far kerio control was the best app for syusadmin that I never used. Made make day to day work enjoyable.
Review for KerioControl
Kommentare: A complex program, I did not know how to deal to make use of all its tools with it. Please support in Arabic. Thank you
One of the most important and strongest protection programs Strong Firewall Full control over the network An excellent program that offers powerful and good features that I cannot find in another program
The price is expensive Adjusting program settings is difficult Add an explanation of the program on the official website in Arabic