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Was ist PinPoint?
Pinpoint DMS – Cloud oder On-Premise – Zugriff von jedem Gerät aus möglich. Automatische Ablage ohne menschlichen Eingriff, ganz ohne Vorlagen möglich. Andere Anbieterunternehmen haben diese Funktion erst kostenpflichtig hinzugefügt – bei diesem ist das anders. Einziges DMS-System mit versionierter automatisierter Dokumentenveröffentlichung und -generierung.
Die Lösung hat nun ein integriertes LMS (Learning Management System).
Über 19 Jahre DMS (Document Management System) zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten. Onboarding, Workflow, Version und Datensatzverwaltung mit vollständiger Zeichensuche.
Integration und eine API.
Wer verwendet PinPoint?
PinPoint eignet sich für KMUs bis Unternehmen der Enterprise-Klasse. Eine beliebigen Anzahl von Nutzern kann Cloud-Zugriff haben. Die selbst gehostete Lösung von PinPoint lässt sich dank MS SQL von 3 Nutzern auf eine beliebige Anzahl skalieren.
Du bist nicht sicher, ob PinPoint das Richtige ist?
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Bewertungen über PinPoint
A True Electronic Document Management System
Kommentare: PinPoint has helped us go digital and have the Invoicing process happen in the EDMS.
PinPoint does not limit or hide behind pay walls. They have a simple and cheap pay model and that is per year according to the number of years. It is easy to learn and understand. It Supports PDF Forms + Digital & Electronic Signatures. With features like Drag & Drop documents in PinPoint and sharing an external link with 3rd party without worrying about document security, PinPoint has helped us a lot. PinPoint recently revamped their whole UI which made it more easy to use and Navigate. PinPoint also comes with a FREE fully fledged CRM.
Nothing to say here from me. PinPoint is on the right track and they are pushing out new features and updates every 3 months.
PinPoint excellent price point1
Kommentare: We have over 1 million documents presently scanned in our 5 file rooms. With one particular file room we have made available to our Account Executives (remote applications) the prior days activity logs allowing them major time savings in locating data and the invariable "lost" document or "checked out" documents issues have vanished. Having the electronic documents gives them access any time of day or night and they never have to worry about where they can locate what they are need of for a client. The timeliness of retrieval is only upon their shoulders and not dependent upon anyone else.
Ease of installation, functionality, embedded feature rich tools. Excellent customer service and support! The speed with which the software is able to retrieve queries when using meta data searches. The capability to have the scanned documents OCR'd in the background speeds up processing. The various privacy levels which limit access to highly confidential data. The excellent price point for the software and the annual ongoing maintenance contracts. This feature rich software, for the price, is an amazing tool to have at your disposal to reduce the paper clutter that traditional filing cabinets require and that off-line storage area that is no longer required (major cost savings)
I cannot think of any! We have had such great success with the product.
Unhappy customer
Kommentare: Finally, the terms and conditions state "LSSP Corporation reserves the right to prorate any refund that is requested for professional services rendered to the client in an effort to resolve any client issue(s).", but if you request a cancellation and prorated refund, they will not give you a refund. Look elsewhere for a document management software solution, there are many better alternatives out there.
The LSSP (Pinpoint) product used to be cost effective, simple and usable. Unfortunately that is no longer the case.
The LSSP (Pinpoint) product has become clunkier and more difficult to use with each "upgrade". The large price tag does not correlate with the functionality of the product. The text search function is virtually unusable. The automatic character recognition and file sorting function does not work, as a large percentage of files are rejected. There is no way to integrate the document management software with my accounting program.
PinPoint Document Management System
Kommentare: Overall my experience with Pinpoint is a positive one and I would recommend it to anyone with an extensive filing database that requires consistent activity.
Pinpoint is a great system for managing documents. Its filing system and searchable pdf feature make it easy to track down old docs in our archives. Uploading and updating new docs is simple and fast. There are helpful dashboards that make navigating Pinpoint on a daily basis stress-free.
My biggest complaint with pinpoint is actually that it has too many features. There are several for which our office has no need, but the options can’t be toggled off so they clutter the search fields, the upload window, and the gallery view.
Moved to PinPoint from eDrawer
Kommentare: I've been wanting to make some recommendations for changes in PinPoint, so thank you for this opportunity to do so! I have seen some great things come out of your company. Thank you for constantly improving on what you have created, and for giving us the opportunity to have a voice in those changes. We started out with eDrawer and moved to PinPoint. Each software program has it's plus and minuses. We found PinPoint to be more user friendly. But, we liked the way eDrawer let us personally organize and view things better than PinPoint. One feature that I would like to see implemented in PinPoint is the ability to export an entire Folder's documents together. Currently if I want to export a case (folder), I have to export one sub-divider at a time. I would like to be able to export the entire folder and have the documents separated into their sub-folders in the hierarchy. This would make for a clean and easily understandable export in one swoop. Also, folks find it confusing when the document opens in a separate window. I would recommend that the document open in the same window, and when you click "save" or complete your workflow, it would take you back to the previous screen you were on (in that same window) and refresh that screen. If you want to open several documents and still leave that page (window) open, then you could hit "Control" when you open the document so that it opens in a new window. Speaking of workflow, when folks click on the "workflow complete" button, they don't see the pop-up box to complete the action because they have to scroll up to see it. I would recommend either moving where you have the "workflow complete" button to the top of the screen (where the pop-up window appears), or have the pop-up window appear next to where the "workflow complete" button is at the bottom of the screen. Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to let you know how your product works for us!
Antwort von LSSP
vor 9 Jahren
Thank you for performing this review. We will contact you as well as you can export an entire folder or case at one time already.