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Formstack Sign
Was ist Formstack Sign?
Wenn du immer noch Formulare verschickst, faxt oder einscannst, um Unterschriften zu sammeln, ist es Zeit für ein Upgrade. Formstack Sign (ehemals InsureSign) ist eine ideale Lösung für jeden, der nach einem vielseitigen, sicheren Weg sucht, um online Unterschriften zu sammeln. Lade einfach dein Dokument hoch und füge die Informationen deines Unterzeichners hinzu und Formstack Sign wird dem Kunden eine E-Mail oder einen Text mit dem zu signierenden Dokument schicken. Mit der flexiblen Signaturfunktionalität können Nutzer ihre Formulare über Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone ausfüllen.
Wer verwendet Formstack Sign?
Formstack Sign (ehemals InsureSign) ist ideal für Unternehmen jeder Art und Größe, die Papierkram vermeiden und gleichzeitig Zeit und Geld sparen wollen.
Du bist nicht sicher, ob Formstack Sign das Richtige ist?
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Formstack Sign
Bewertungen über Formstack Sign
It's the most intuitive online document signing tool I know.
Its pricing plan is well suited to small businesses.
I haven't had any problems with it so far.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Thanks to a Great Preferred Partner!
Kommentare: Not have to have a "wet signature" has been a huge time saver for our organization. We can get contracts signed and returned in minutes verses days.
Ease of use! We use InsureSign for all of our contracts and have no issues with it's functionality.
Really don't have anything to report here. If we've ever experienced an issue, I just fire an e-mail off to one of my contacts at InsureSign and they get back with me quickly with a resolution to my issue.
The new changes are horrible
Kommentare: It USED to be so simple, quick, easy, and reliable. Now we are lucky if the site is not down, and the printer function has been removed so we have to do multiple different steps that waste time.
It was super simple to use, clients can easily understand how to use, it was fast and reliable.
Ever since Formstack bought the prior company it went downhill. It is "down" a lot of the time. After printing to Formstack it started changing the link to the admin link. so you had to go in twice. but the BIGGEST reason I am looking for a different software to use it because they took away the printer option. You no longer can Print to Formstack Printer and it pops up. You now how to save the document, drag and drop or upload it to the website. By them taking away this printer function is a huge inconvenience and time waster.
InsureSign is the best for insurance
Insurance broker.
For what we do, and need it for, InsureSign is the best e-signature program we have ever used. Easy for clients to understand and use.
I really don't have any complaints on this software
Love Insuresign
Kommentare: LOVE IT and so do my customers
Ease of use for not only myself but the customers. I have had several clients who are unsure of technology and uncomfortable hearing things like electronic signature tell me how easy it was to use. Very efficient, clean, and professional!
Would like to be able to have spouses sign separately but with same email address-In my line of business we usually have to have both sign individually but they use the same email address and it wont let it go through like that-only complaint...and its a minor issue