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Was ist Craftable?
Craftable senkt die Lebensmittel-, Getränke- und Arbeitskosten durch die Kombination der Einkäufe von Lieferanten mit den Verkäufen erheblich. Das Unternehmen bedient Gastgewerbegruppen, indem es Bestellungen, Zahlungen, Inventarmanagement, elektronische Rechnungsstellung sowie Rezept- und Menükosten vereinfacht und gleichzeitig die Arbeitsstunden im Backoffice reduziert. Die cloudbasierte Plattform kann auf jedem Gerät genutzt werden – Desktop, Tablet oder Mobiltelefon. Craftable bedient Einzelstandorte bis hin zu Unternehmen mit mehreren Einheiten. Das Unternehmen arbeitet mit Gruppen aller Größenordnungen.
Wer verwendet Craftable?
Craftable bedient Einzelstandorte bis hin zu Unternehmen mit mehreren Einheiten. Von Restaurantmanagern und Barbesitzern bis hin zu Buchhaltern stellt das Unternehmen die Verbindung zu seiner fachkundig gestalteten Technologie her.
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Bewertungen über Craftable
F&B inventory with ease
Kommentare: The overall experience has been one of “yes,” we can do that. The flexibility has been key.
Our F&B managers were used to spending HOURS doing end of month inventory. With Craftable, 2 people can use their iPhones and be done in 30-45 minutes. Additionally, the ease of capturing invoices, and interfacing with our POS make this an easy choice!
I don’t often have enough time to thoroughly get into the software at the granular level. From a corporate regional level, my property managers seem engaged.
Beveger - good, but needs some work still
Kommentare: I’m a big fan overall. They should develop user friendly videos to walk people how to use it.
The sort features, the phone app, you can set user level functions, the reports are fantastic, it’s real sticky cheap.
The customer support is horrible. The sales side is good, but the delivery with wine list building is very bad. They need to come up with a system that makes it easy for the restaurant. The salesperson offers great things, but the developers don’t deliver and are really rude and stubborn.
Solid Base product
Kommentare: This is. Great product for small scale restaurants who want to understand their profitability. Craftable team works hard to make a modular, comfortable experience; but if you need rigorous data for analytics, I’d not recommend it.
Product is mobile compatible, very ‘intuitive’ provides a lot of options fors that previously calculated COGS on spreadsheets & tablecloths. The switching between subproducts foodager/beverager is great and allows for easy invoice allocation.
This software is great for base level calculations if you have a team member who understands the math of costing recipes, and COGS. However, Foodager is not explicit in how it calculates numbers; reports generated by craftable are not that helpful and have a redundant unwieldy layout. Not being able to deplete things w/o receiving them in inventory makes it difficult to reflect realities of the restaurant industry, if you can’t constantly maintain the system. Their support team leave much to be desired.
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Craftable Review
Kommentare: Support can be time-consuming to get a complex issue worked out. We did not end up getting it fully rolled out at the enterprise level because our [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] lost patience, but the existing install at one of our bars is quite good.
Very robust once fully integrated. Easy to use.
Integration was difficult. Experienced growing pains as an early adopter. Database does not go all the way back to install date, so sales history on product is inexplicably limited.
Bevager review
Kommentare: It simplifies our inventory process, and makes it a lot easier to see the stores numbers on a daily/weekly basis.
It's easy to maintain inventory and place orders.
You can't easily make mass recipe changes (say if I change well vermouth...I have to go manually change every recipe that uses well vermouth); a fine/replace function for recipes would be fantastic. As a restaurant group with multiple locations, I also wish there was an export/import function. As of now if something changes I have to go into each location and make the change, which is time consuming.