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Was ist Sage People?
Sage People ist eine hochgradig konfigurierbare globale Cloud-HR- und Personallösung, die den Einstellungsprozess rationalisiert und die Personalplanung in deinem gesamten Unternehmen unterstützt. Sage People basiert auf Salesforce und bietet beispiellose Flexibilität und leistungsstarke Analysen, mit denen die Personalabteilung effiziente Workflows entwerfen und datengesteuerte Entscheidungen treffen kann. Mit den umfassenden Bewerber-Tracking-Funktionen von Sage People kann dein HR-Team eine leistungsstarke globale Belegschaft aufbauen, zukünftige Veränderungen bewältigen und der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus bleiben.
Wer verwendet Sage People?
Sage People HCM ist eine webbasierte SaaS-Lösung, die ideal für Unternehmen mit 200 bis 10.000 Mitarbeitenden und einem Jahresumsatz von üblicherweise 25 Millionen US-Dollar geeignet ist. Sie wurde für Unternehmen in praktisch jeder Branche entwickelt.
Wo kann Sage People bereitgestellt werden?
Über den Anbieter
- Sage
- 1981 gegründet
Support für Sage People
- Telefon-Support
Sage People Kosten
- Ja, kostenloser Test verfügbar
- Ja, Gratisversion verfügbar
Sage People bietet eine Gratisversion und eine kostenlose Testversion.
Über den Anbieter
- Sage
- 1981 gegründet
Support für Sage People
- Telefon-Support
Sage People – Videos und Bilder
Sage People Funktionen
Bewertungen über Sage People
Newer everyday
the software does what it was designed and engineered to do but with a little bit of human in it, as it is easy to use and it updates itself frequently there by becoming efficient every single day.
for small enterprise like ours I can truly say accessing the service annually is a bit expensive.
Antwort von Sage
vor 9 Monaten
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave your review of Sage People - we really appreciate it!
Awaze Vacation Rentals - Sage People
Kommentare: My experience with Sage People is satisfactory. Is a dynamic tool that is constantly improved in each release.
About HR Portal: The Lightning portal is intuitive and you can find the related information easily. On the same screen, you can have a whole overview of what you need. Reports and View are really useful About Set Up: I am happy to say that global search is totally useful. In the last year, I was amending or creating a new set-up as demand and it was easy for me to find the solution. Important features for our company I configured: Surveys, Compensation Plan
Some "logical things" cannot be set up, i.e. global field dependencies to be used in different Objects. In my case, I have to replicate dependencies in the Employment Record, the Vacancy and the HR Request instead to pull the Dependencies from a common set-up. I know this is a specific issue, but is really important for us to have updated the Departments (Function, Sub Function and Team).
A HR system with potential but lacking in easy to use features
Being cloud based it is easy to set up and data migration is fairly straight forward.
Reporting which is based on force.com is very poor, time management is very difficult and the roadmap of new features from Sage is weak.
Excellent HRIS for global mid-sized companies
* Quick Implementation * Straight forward to maintain * Always on the latest release * Excellent Reporting and * Straight forward for Integrations including into payroll * Out of the box automation * Excellent value for money * Straight forward workforce engagement tools
None really. The system is highly configurable, which means the system can be customised to meet a clients custom needs.
Great for Compliance
Working in a highly regulated industry, this solution helped solve so much of our compliance work - and gave us back a ton of time by making things digital - and eliminating so much paperwork and administrative time. from onboarding, to personnel files - - - we can focus on employees with the additional time, rather than administrative processes.
There are a few admin tasks that I would still like to eliminate that Sage does not feature in this solution.