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Was ist Goalscape?
Eine visuelle Drag-and-drop-Zielsetzungssoftware, mit der die Aufgaben geplant werden, die zur Erreichung der Projektziele erforderlich sind.
Wer verwendet Goalscape?
Ideal für Beratungen, Geschäftsführungen, Teamleitungen und Einzelpersonen, um den Fortschritt ihrer Ziele visuell zu verfolgen und dafür zu sorgen, dass das Team fokussiert ist.
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Bewertungen über Goalscape
Super Tool
Kommentare: Ich bin eher durch Zufall darauf gestoßen und war anfangs skeptisch. "Noch eine Projektmanagement-Software". Die Skepsis ist völlig gewichen. Wir benutzen Goalscape für alles – zunehmend auch im Netzwerk.
Man bekommt eine sehr gute visuelle Übersicht über anstehende und erledigte Aufgaben – selbst bei komplexen Projekten.Da die Anwendung super-einfach ist, gibt es bei der Kollaboration keine Hemmschwellen bei anderen Anwendern
Es ist nicht nachzuvollziehen, wer im Team welche Änderungen vorgenommen hat. Auch gibt es keine Benachrichtigungen, wenn sich etwas verändert hat.Dateien werden zwar angezeigt, aber nur als Dokument. Fotos beispielsweise haben lediglich einen Dateinamen aber kein Thumb o.ä.Für die Kollaboration benötigen Netzwerkpartner ein eigenes, kostenpflichtiges Account. Das ist z.B. bei Basecamp besser.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Thanks for the great review! We are glad you like Goalscape. You will be pleased to know that the latest upgrade allows you to paste images directly into the Notes, and attach files in any format (with pdf Preview). And yes, a change tracker would be a useful addition (especially for business use on shared Goalscape projects). Anyone who needs to be able to update a shared goalscape has to have a paid subscription; we are though considering a free 'Commenter' role. Keep enjoying the journey!
Goalscape - sorts you out!
Kommentare: I'm a very busy person with lots of projects on the go. Problem is that I try to do a bit of everything all at once, multitasking if you like. However, as we all know, multitasking doesn't work very efficiently. Audiobooks, books, pen and paper, spreadsheets..... Hectic! Then a quick Google search for "Goal Planning Software" and I came across Goalscape. Flashy, smooth, interactive, flexible, dynamic and ultimately SIMPLE! Goalscape can be used in all walks of your life, whether it be business, project, sports, life planning, career.... Goalscape works for everything! Register for an account and use the online web software, or download the desktop software or even use it as an app on your phone / tablet! Very versatile. There are templates that you can load in and tweak to suite your circumstances. Goalscape has helped me map out my various sectors that makes up my life. I can then sub divide these and see what I'm spending too much time on and what I'm completely missing out on. The Goalscape model restores balance and harmony to my life.
Smooth, simple, versatile, portable, quick to get into. Nice help guides and videos to show you how to do things.
As you add more and more sub goals, they get smaller and smaller on the main model. The navigating round and trying to remember which tiny sector is what, can be tricky - especially if you manage to put Goalscape down for a week! You can double click over a minute sector, but if that is the wrong one, then you need to click back out and click in on another one. Maybe a hover over and zoom feature similar to photo galleries when online shopping.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Thanks for the great review! To see the goal names more easily you can Collapse some outer levels and use that in conjunction with the 'Center On' feature you described. You can use the Web App (https://goalscape.app) for Free for 14 days: create as many goalscapes as you like and share them with anyone. When your trial expires you can still read your goalscapes (View Only mode). Or to maintain full use after your trial expires, upgrade to a Goalscape subscription for just $99.00 per year or $9.90 per month.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Goalscape - Helping you achieve your most important goals
Kommentare: I very much enjoy using the Goalscape platform for achieving my objectives and ensuring i am on track.
Goalscape provides excellent visibility of your goals and what needs to be done to achieve them. It is also very easy to use which is great.
Goalscape does not have a mobile app or habit tracker
Antwort von Goalscape Software
letztes Jahr
Thank you for your great review. Note that you can already use Goalscape on mobile via your mobile browser. You can also save it on your phones homescreen to make it accessible via an app-icon (via Safari mobile browser on IOS and Chrome on Android). We will further improve the mobile experience this year. At some point we will also launch Goalscape in the appstores.
I can see my whole workload in one picture, see the main work-packages and take more advantages in meetings as I can take notes related to each project.
It would be great to have an easy consolidation of the projects/blocks.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Hello Claudio Many thanks for your review! We are pleased that you like Goalscape's visual overview of the goal structure that underpins your work plans – and that you can update your goalscape on the fly during meetings (taking notes, moving goals and adding new ones). We are indeed planning to enhance the Home screen and may include a folder system. All the best Richard
A great way to view
Kommentare: I love Goalscape. It has provided me with an easy and dynamic way to group and view projects.
The non-linear view really helps me see all of the projects at once, and provides an intuitive way to drill down and see the details.
Sometimes a bit more control over visual customization would be nice, but it’s not a deal breaker.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
letztes Jahr
Hello Doug, thank you so much for your constructive review! We will add more controls to adapt font sizes and colours throughout the year...
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Goalscape as a central platform for goal and project management
Kommentare: As CEO, I particularly appreciate the highlighting of hot spots in the project landscape. This allows me to focus on the key decision points and saves a lot of time when checking the status of the individual project segments.
With Goalscape as a central platform for target and project management, we map our complete target and project management. The intuitive usability of Goalscape made it very easy for my team to get started. All teams in our company have been working with Goalscape for 2 years. We use it to map our agile management method OKR (Objective & Key Results). What we like most about Goalscape is that we can keep track of the statuses and documentation in a complex project landscape and still map all the detail structures compactly.
At the moment we don't miss anything in Goalscape
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Hi Jens Thanks very much for the marvellous review! We are very pleased that Goalscape's visual format helps you and your team to maintain clarity in the complexity, see the status in every area and quickly idetify any 'hot spots' that need urgent attention. Keep achieving great goals! Richard
Goalscape Software Review: A Visual Approach to Goal Management
Goalscape is an innovative goal management software designed to help individuals and teams achieve their objectives through a visual, user-friendly interface. The platform employs a unique circular layout to represent goals, making it easier to prioritize and track progress.
The customization options, while sufficient for most users, might feel limited to those seeking more advanced project management features. Moreover, the software's visual-heavy approach could be overwhelming for individuals who prefer simpler, text-based goal tracking systems.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 7 Monaten
Thanks for the review! Glad you like Goalscape's visual, user-friendly interface and find it helps to prioritize your goals and track your progress. For those who want to see text goal lists and reports, there are filters in the Focus sidebar, with a quick 'Copy Goal List' function. So you can easily generate (say) 'Today's ToDo list' and even print it out. You can also export your Goalscape projects (filtered or not, with or without attribute details) in Word or Excel format. Sorry you did not give us a score for Support – we pride ourselves on our fast, accurate, clear replies to any questions and issue reports. So please feel free to try it out – you can contact us via the Chat facility in Goalscape itself, or email support@goalscape.com. Keep achieving great goals!
Greate Visual planning tool
Kommentare: Its Consistent and easy to use in different ways
Visual planning, and ability to change it quickly
Having duration on tasks that are linked to enable a future finish date
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 6 Monaten
Hi Andre Thanks for the great review! We are glad you find Goalscape useful for visual planning. You can set dates for goals and tasks, and even see a Gantt View (in which you can change dates on goals by dragging the timebars, create dependencies between goals, etc). You can also use the options in the Focus sidebar to filter your goals by date (and Progress, Responsibility, Tag, Color) and use the Goal List function to generate a list of, say 'my (incomplete) goals that are due this week'. If you have any questions about this (or anything else) please use the Chat in Goalscape itself (https://goalscape.app > Initials > Support) or email support@goalscape.com. All the best
Super for high performance and research
Kommentare: Overall, nothing compares as it keeps highly complex things simple. So it can be used from small teams to entire teams
For me items the clarity, working with Athletes and other performance staff. We can either section bits of for responsibility or simply customise it how ever we want. Also a good tool for developing the alters to designing research as part of my PhD
The switch to more online vs a lack of development for the desktop app
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 6 Monaten
Hi Alex Thanks for the great review! As you probably know, Goalscape came from Olympic sport and remains popular with athletes and coaches, providing a holistic visual breakdown of all the goals to be achieved for a successful campaign. We are delighted that it is also helping you plan the work for your PhD. Keep achieving great goals!
Easiness to use and customability. Never found anything so user-focused.
Lack of excel implantation and other file types.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 7 Monaten
Thanks for the great review – glad you like Goalscape! Note that you can Import data currently held in Excel files and other formats: copy any flat or indented and import it as a Goalscape project, including any goal Notes. You can also download your Goalscape projects in Excel format (csv and xlsx) and Word; and you can export a filtered Goal List to Excel (or any other app) via the clipboard. Keep achieving great goals!

Pie Slice Concept Works For My Brain
Kommentare: I really like it. That fact that it is intuitive for how my visual brain works, it means that I actually use it consistently.
The circle shaped graphical UI works well for my brain. As items/tasks/sub-goals are added, they take up space in the circle, as new pie slices. The size of these slices represent how much focus/importance you allow for each of your specific tasks at any given time. And since the area of a circle is limited, it emphasizes that fact that there are only so many hours in a day. So... as you increase the size of one pie shape in this goal management system, it means that one or more of the other pie shapes must get smaller, and therefore must receive less attention at that point in time. For me, this is very intuitive and it allows me to always have access to a 30 thousand foot big picture view.
That it logs me out regularly. It would be nice to have a setting control that allows me to "stay" logged in.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 7 Monaten
Thanks for the great review! We have recently increased the session time, though for security you will still be logged out after a period of inactivity (for shorter absences you now simply need to refresh the browser page). Keep achieving great goals!
Best tool for measuring our goals.
The visualization of our goals progress.
The fact that I can't share a goalscape to a non paying goalscape user, for them to edit it.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
letztes Jahr
Hi Pierre Thanks for the great review – we are delighted that you are benefiting from using Goalscape. Unfortunately we cannot afford to give away Editor rights for free; we may however introduce a new Commenter subscription plan in the future, which will allow collaborators on a shared goalscape to post comments on goal discussions. Keep achieving great goals!
It's not just the Software... It's the company and the people
Kommentare: I had used Goalscape in the past, and without a real need for it, felt it was mediocre at best. However, when I found myself in a crisis, under pressure to accomplish way more than most people can accomplish in a short time, I found myself returning to Goalscape instinctually. There is no other app out there that allows you to budget your time and set priorities in an easy to comprehend way under a time crunch like Goalscape does. However, that is only the BEGINNING of the story. I happened to be trying to get the software at a time right when they re-vamped their entire website and business model to be cloud-based and subscription-based. I bought the software subscription, but, after trying everything within reason, could not download the app (as is expected when a new website launches in the first few hours). I went to bed and when I woke up, someone had already responded to my request for help and was on it for the entire day until we found a solution. He finally sent me an attachment file that downloaded the software perfectly. BUT, that's not even where the story really begins either: During the course of our conversation, I mentioned in passing that I had previously purchased a Goalscape Desktop license (which at the time had a promise of unlimited updates but no online service attached to it). The guy who helped me download the software tracked down that subscription, without my asking, found it under a different email address and transferred it to the new account I made all on his own innitiative. THEN, he told me that I was to be "grandfathered" into the system as a desktop user and that, while new customers must maintain a subscription to get software updates, I could cancel my subscription and keep my old user license with unlimited upgrades (which he so kindly attached to my new account). THEN, he offered WITHOUT MY ASKING, to refund my $99 dollar subscription fee if I wanted to cancel it and just get free desktop upgrades for life. So not only did this person (and the company as a whole) honor a promise they made to me and their other customers as a startup, but they were generous enough to refund me for my new subscription even though I never broached the issue myself! That is one incredible company! BUT IT DOESN'T STOP THERE! Even after this, it came up in conversation that I only had one "user license" left from my old subscription. I told the person I had been working with that I had wiped the hard drive of my old computer and sold it. He took my word for it and MANUALLY added the second device license back into my account and explained that in the future, when I need to change machines, I need to uninstall Goalscape alone first to recover the license for use on another machine. So now I can use Goalscape with free upgrades for life FOREVER, even when I change machines. Now that's customer service... I just want to say as an ending remark that I am very happy to know that there are people out there like those who work at Goalscape, so even if a copy-cat comes out with a duplicate one day, just know that these guys are incredible people and deserve your patronage. They are also working very hard to improve their product and will be coming out with major improvements in the near future, from what I have gathered. So get in on it before demand pushes their prices even higher! They have a great deal with a $99 yearly subscription. That's less than $10 dollars a month. Less than Netflix or Hulu Plus...
-- Goalscape has incredible customer support and the staff will go above and beyond the call of duty to help you. -- Goalscape is already an incredibly powerful tool for determining priorities, budgeting time or money, or just for brainstorming when you need a visual aid to help you think about the things in your life. -- Goalscape can be useful to many people for personal projects as well as to collaborate with students or other people if you are a coach or social worker. And while roughly one hundred dollars seems like a lot at first, that's less than ten dollars a month when you break it down. It's affordable and you will get help when you need it, even if someone has to override system protocols to do it. -- Goalscape is working on MAJOR improvements to their software, including allowing users to customize the field that represents what the percentages of circles mean, allowing users to color code or possibly even gradate colors of different pieces of the "pie" so that one can see multiple dimensions of their project (for example, size in the circle could represent time, while segment color gradated from white to red or green or any other color cold represent importance). The color palate may end up being able to even represent 4 or more dimensions to the project (i.e. the four psychologically basic colors: red, green, blue and yellow).
-- Goalscape does not have the features I mentioned and it may take time for all the improvement to be implemented -- Goalscape relies on Adobe Air and Flash as a way to be cross-platform and the is at the mercy of Adobe's mistakes. HOWEVER, they ARE working on developing self contained apps for Mac OS X, Windows and possibly other formats. So keep an eye out for those improvements.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Thanks a lot for those kind words! We do our best...
Devise, Breakdown and Attain Your Intentions
Kommentare: Everyone has aspirations; whether they are subconscious, implicit, explicit, even accidentally prompted consequential aspirations. And, 'goals' are the means to attaining your intended aspirations. This is different than tasks I use a task management system and that's great, but attaining aspirations has always been a different sort of thing that I didn't manage. Then I found GoalScape. There is a natural goal-down into individual objectives that somehow parallels strategies-down into tactics. GoalScape's structure follows that construct perfectly. The interfact to accomplish this is a bit novell, but is easy to understand and adopt. Now I use GoalScape to my small team goals as well. This is a very functional practical tool for me.
Naturally applied to manage the capture/monitor the attainment of goals. Easy to use. Native desktop, and mobile versions/operation as well as the web/SaaS.
- Unorthodox user interface - (after very short use operation is understandable/functional).
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Thanks for the great feedback! Goalscape's unique multi-level pie chart 'goal map' UI is certainly a unique! We are glad you quickly found it easy to use. There are some useful articles (with How-To videos) to explain the major functionality. The web application (https://goalscape.app) is the ideal solution for teams working on shared projects. It provides some cool collaboration features like Goal Comment (per-goal IM with inline attachments and email notification options). The web app works well on tablets, though it is not yet optimized for phones and smaller screens.
Visual Management with Goalscape
I use Goalscape to:
- project management
- sales management
- planning & presenting actual office projects
- create knowledge bases
- present tree diagrams as scape diagram with contextual information
Goalscape gives opportunity to manage in visual way. We can create diagram of structural data with elements like: - importance - progress - responsible - tags - dates. We can add : - notes - attachments. We can see data as scape diagram and as matching goal list or as a table. To create visual "tags", Goalscape has option to add colours to scapes and color dots to filter them later. It's possible to export diagram as: - PDF - docx - xlsx - goal map vector - goal map bitmap - csv data - MS Project - MindManager We can import: - Goalscape csv - MS Project XML - MindManager.
It's easy to start to use this software. Not to many options and great to manage in visual way. It's easy to create scapes as creative work or import input data to manage it later. I love import/export with MindManager as power-user - it's great to be able to present information in many formats without creating them from "zero".
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Thanks for the marvellous review. Goalscape is indeed the ideal way to define all your goals and set your priorities *visually*. And seeing your progress shading advance across the goal map really reinforces your motivation! Some people even take a screenshot every week and scroll through them like a flipbook. Keep achieving great goals!
Better organization
Kommentare: Upgrade my way of thinking, organizing and working.
What I like the most is that it helps me to organize all the ideas around a topic or a project. I can write the ideas and goals within a short, middle or long reach (even the most idealistic ones!! wishes). This in an organized way and with multiple ways to relate them with other topics.
I know it could be more friendly, I don't exactly know how.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Hello Carlos, thank you so much for your review. We are glad that Goalscape helps you to Organize your ideas and that it helps you to keep an overview. To make it more friendly, we will integrate a lighter day mode. We also want to add visual celebrations when goals are completed. You can send us any additional ideas you may have - we are always keen to learn from our customers. Just click the Chat bubble at the foot of the screen in the Web App (https://goalscape.app) or on every page of our website (https://goalscape.com). All the best, Marcus
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Excellent goal setting and management tool
Kommentare: Assisted in managing the individual development plans for 50+ sports coaches
Visually represents goals Accountability built in through tagging, dates, comments and other features
Would appreciate more training on it but the tool is intuitive
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Hi Lucas Thanks for the excellent review! We are delighted that you and all your coaches are getting such great benefits from using Goalscape. We would be very happy to arrange training for you and your team – please feel free to book 2 (or 3) consecutive sessions here: https://calendly.com/goalscape/20min. Keep achieving great goals!
Great tool for overview
Kommentare: Very good
The way you can look at the progress of your projects
The price of the product is to high. No subscription please.
Antwort von Goalscape Software
vor 2 Jahren
Hello Jan Thanks very much for taking the time to post your review here. We are very happy that you like Goalscape for its clear overview and visual progress tracking. At less than the price of a cup of coffee a week, Goalscape is excellent value, especially since its unique visual iterface provides benefits that are simply not available anywhere else. There is a special 50% Academic Discount for all students and teachers in full-time education. We also do a scale of discounts for corporate sales (10 or more users) – contact sales@goalscape.com for details. Cheers! Richard