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QuickBooks Payroll
Was ist QuickBooks Payroll?
QuickBooks Payroll ist ein führender Lohnabrechnungsanbieter für kleine Unternehmen. Das Unternehmen hilft 1,4 Millionen von ihnen bei der Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung und der Einreichung von Steuern, und es bietet eine Straffreiheitsgarantie: Das Unternehmen reicht deine Steuerformulare und Zahlungen ein, behebt Einreichungsfehler und zahlt alle Strafzahlungen, für die das Unternehmen verantwortlich ist, vertritt dich und löst alle Lohnsteuerfragen mit dem IRS. Zudem erhältst du Zugang zu in den USA ansässigen Live-Support-Expert*innen, die dich bei der korrekten Erstellung deiner Gehaltsabrechnung gleich beim ersten Versuch unterstützen.
Wer verwendet QuickBooks Payroll?
QuickBooks Payroll ist ein führender Gehaltsabrechnungsanbieter für kleine Unternehmen – das Unternehmen hilft 1,4 Millionen von ihnen bei der Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung und der Einreichung von Steuererklärungen. Mit Zugang zu Gesundheitsleistungen, Arbeitnehmerentschädigung und mehr.
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QuickBooks Payroll
Bewertungen über QuickBooks Payroll
Payroll Made Simple
Lohnbuchhaltung selbst durchführen
Kein Buchhalter nötig, Hohe Ersparnis, leicht bedienbar.
Mit Quickbooks Payroll erstellt man die Lohnabrechnungen der Mitarbeiter selbst und erspart sich somit den teuren Buchhalter. Einfach die Daten der Mitarbeiter eingeben, Gehalt, Arbeitstunden, Fehlzeiten usw, eingeben. Der Rest wird von dem Programm selbst erstellt. Die fertigen Abrechnungen sollen rechtssicher sein.
QuickBooks Payroll a good choice for all but the smallest of small businesses
Kommentare: A reliable and accurate service providing pretty much everything the small business needs to generate a payroll and to remit taxes and tax filings in a timely basis. Good customer service. When new state taxes were introduced, it was sometimes difficult to get the calculation of taxes due correct and, in my case, QuickBooks was never able to successfully remit the Washington Family & Medical Leave tax.
A comprehensive online payroll service likely to meet the needs of most small businesses with good integration to other products and services sold by QuickBooks. Easy setup, good customer service. I liked being able to schedule so that payroll taxes were deducted from my corporate account close to the date the remittance was due to the taxing authority. Some payroll services deduct taxes from the bank account just after payroll is run, then hold it (presumably making interest on those funds) until the taxes are actually due. QuickBooks doesn't appear to do that.
A few too many steps are required to run a payroll with a few informational messages being displayed that I usually disregard (of the "are you sure you want to do that?" kind). Also, QuickBooks was never able to successfully report and remit certain of Washington's state taxes. QuickBooks' calculation of these taxes never quite matched the calculation made by the state taxing authority and correcting QuickBooks' record of what I actually paid was a bit complicated. Also, the price for this service is not competitive, compared to other services, for very small businesses.
A good All in One Payroll Software
Kommentare: This software saves me time and money getting the tedious job of payroll done and over with quickly and accurately.
I like the fact that Quickbooks Payroll allows a small buisness owner to keep track of hours worked, employee paychecks and billing all in one platform.
The pricing was a little higher than i would have liked but you get what you pay for and Quickbooks is the best ive ever used.
Quick books
Kommentare: It was good but I personally preferred the other brand we use
I liked the lay out of quick books but I didn’t get on with it maybe because I was used to another system
I didn’t like it as much as another product I was used to
Quickbooks Payroll is great!!
Kommentare: My overall experience with QuickBooks Payroll is good. I like the reports they offer with the payroll and even printing checks is easy. They also have a time tracking feature which could make it easier to track hours.
What I like most about Quickbooks Payroll is that it is easy to setup employees and their Tax Withholdings. I also like the reports on qb payroll versus other payroll platforms. It also has the ability to pay federal, state, and local taxes. I also like being able to have the support team to chat with if there are ever any issues.
What I like least about quickbooks payroll is when you need to have two checks for one employee in the same period you have to run the payroll and then you can run another afterwards to do an extra check for the employee.