Wir helfen Unternehmen seit 17 Jahren,
bessere Software zu finden

Was ist Teramind?

Maximiere die Produktivität deiner Mitarbeitenden und sorge für Sicherheit und Compliance mit Teraminds umfassender Lösung zur Mitarbeiterüberwachung. Mit datengestützter Verhaltensanalyse kannst du verwertbare Erkenntnisse gewinnen, um Abläufe zu optimieren, die Produktivität zu verfolgen und das Compliance-Management zu stärken – ohne die Privatsphäre der Mitarbeitenden zu verletzen. Von der Bestimmung der leistungsstärksten Mitarbeitenden bis hin zur Rationalisierung von Prozessen und der Leistungsmessung liefert Teramind die vielseitigen Kennzahlen und Erkenntnisse, die du für den Erfolg benötigst.

Wer verwendet Teramind?

Unternehmen aller Größen und Branchen nutzen Teramind für die Mitarbeiterüberwachung, vom 5-Personen-Shop zur großen staatlichen Organisationen. Unsere Lösung ist in der Cloud als auch On-Premise verfügbar.

Wo kann Teramind bereitgestellt werden?

On-Premise (vor Ort)

Über den Anbieter

  • Teramind
  • Ansässig in Aventura, USA
  • 2014 gegründet

Support für Teramind

  • Telefon-Support
  • 24/7 Live-Support
  • Chat

Erhältlich in diesen Ländern

Afghanistan, Albanien, Algerien, Amerikanisch-Samoa, Amerikanische Jungferninseln und 220 weitere


Englisch, Hebräisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Portugiesisch und 3 weitere

Teramind Kosten


10,00 $/Monat
  • Ja, kostenloser Test verfügbar
  • Keine Gratisversion

Teramind bietet keine Gratisversion, aber eine kostenlose Testversion. Die kostenpflichtige Version von Teramind ist ab 10,00 $/Monat verfügbar.

Preismodelle Kostenlose Testversion

Über den Anbieter

  • Teramind
  • Ansässig in Aventura, USA
  • 2014 gegründet

Support für Teramind

  • Telefon-Support
  • 24/7 Live-Support
  • Chat

Erhältlich in diesen Ländern

Afghanistan, Albanien, Algerien, Amerikanisch-Samoa, Amerikanische Jungferninseln und 220 weitere


Englisch, Hebräisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Portugiesisch und 3 weitere

Teramind – Videos und Bilder

Teramind Software - 1
Teramind Software - 2
Teramind Software - 3
Teramind Software - 4
Teramind Software - 5
6 weitere anzeigen
Videos zu Teramind
Teramind Software - 1
Teramind Software - 2
Teramind Software - 3
Teramind Software - 4
Teramind Software - 5

Teramind Funktionen

  • Abrechenbare & nicht abrechenbare Stunden
  • Aktivitäts-Dashboard
  • Aktivitäts-Verfolgung
  • Alarmfunktion / Benachrichtigungen
  • Anpassbare Vorlagen
  • Anwendungssicherheit
  • Audioaufzeichnung
  • Audit Trail
  • Aufgaben-/Projektverfolgung
  • Aufgabenmanagement
  • Aufzeichnung der Bildschirmaktivität
  • Berechtigungsnachweis-Management
  • Berichterstattung / Analyse
  • Berichterstattung und Statistik
  • Bildschirmaufnahme
  • Browserverlauf
  • Compliance Management
  • Compliance-Verfolgung
  • Dashboard
  • Daten-Connectors
  • Daten-Identifizierung
  • Daten-Import / -Export
  • Datenvisualisierung
  • Drittanbieter-Integration
  • Echtzeit-Daten
  • Echtzeit-Monitoring
  • Echtzeit-Warnungen
  • Einmalige Anmeldung
  • Einsatz-Management
  • Ereignisprotokolle
  • Für MSPs
  • IT-Asset-Management
  • KPI-Überwachung
  • Leistungskennzahlen
  • Live-Chat
  • Management von Benutzersitzungen
  • Mitarbeiter-Datenbank
  • Mitarbeitereinsatzplanung
  • Mitarbeitermanagement
  • Mobiler Zugriff
  • Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung
  • Netzwerküberwachung
  • Produktivitätsanalyse
  • Projektzeiterfassung
  • Remote-Support
  • Richtlinien Managemen-
  • Risikobewertung
  • Self-Service Portal
  • Server-Überwachung
  • Suchen / filtern
  • Tastendruck-Aufzeichnung
  • Threat Response
  • Trend-Analysen
  • Urlaubsverwaltung
  • Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache
  • Verfolgen der Teilnahme
  • Vorfall-Berichterstattung
  • Whitelist/Blacklist
  • Widgets
  • Wirtschaftsprüfung-Management
  • Workflow-Management
  • Zeitverfolgung
  • Zugangsmanagement
  • Zugriffskontrollen / Berechtigungen
  • Überwachung
  • Überwachung von Mitarbeiteraktivitäten

Alternativen für Teramind

Eine Zeiterfassungs- und Mitarbeiterüberwachungs-Software, die genau ist und dir hilft, zu wissen, ob dein Team wirklich produktiv arbeitet.
Verwalte die Online- oder Inhouse-Gehaltsabrechnung und spare bei der Zeiterfassung, Berichterstattung und Gehaltsabrechnungen.
ActivTrak gibt Benutzern die Möglichkeit zu verstehen, welche Prozesse für dein Unternehmen am besten geeignet sind, wer engagiert ist und ob sich die Produktivität ändert.
Sieh mit der Software zur Mitarbeiterüberwachung von Hubstaff in Echtzeit, wie die Arbeit erledigt wird und identifiziere Produktivitätstrends. Starte deine kostenlose 14-tägige Testversion.
Überwache deine Mitarbeiter unternehmensweit – unabhängig davon, ob sie im Büro oder unterwegs sind oder aus der Ferne arbeiten.
Eine Cloud-Rechnungsstellungs- und Buchhaltungssoftware für Freiberufler und Unternehmen.
Mitarbeiterüberwachungssoftware mit Screenshots und Echtzeitanalyse, verfügbar im Hidden- oder Visible-Modus. In der Cloud oder On-Premise.
Die benutzerfreundlichste Zeiterfassungs-Software zur Zeit- und Kostenverfolgung von Projekten. Projektmanagement & Zeiterfassungs-Software.
Wrike ist eine Projektmanagement Software für Unternehmen mit Vorlagen, Zeiterfassung, Gantt-Diagrammen, Kanban-Boards, Berichten und mehr.

Bewertungen über Teramind

Durchschnittliche Bewertung


Nutzerbewertungen nach Unternehmensgröße (Angestellte)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001

Bewertungen nach Punktzahl finden

Founder in USA
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Perfection for a virtual company

5,0 vor 7 Jahren

Kommentare: Improved overall company security and employee performance.


Globonics is a virtual company with employees working from home in many different locations. We needed a way to monitor these employees' performance. With Teramind we are able to: 1. Monitor emails both incoming/outgoing and we are able to search for key words across our entire enterprise's email flow 2. We monitor clock in / out performances. There is a tendency for people to clock in when working from home and simply not work for the first 30 to 60 minutes. 3. When we spot a productivity opportunity we can go back to the exact time and employee and watch their recorded video. We have used these videos during performance reviews. 4. The recorded videos can also be used to provide training on what we call EIO's (efficiency improvement opportunities). For example, a user spends 4 hours working on 100 items. The user was not using a series of hot keys programmed into our software. We took the video and showed a before and after. After user worked 130 items in 4 hours. 5. Teramind has an automated alert system that can be customized for many things but is robust even out of the box. It monitors for key website usage (monster.com/indeed/etc) and will let you know if your personnel are looking for other jobs. It monitors for file uploads, unauthorized printing, and more. 6. We are successfully using Teramind to satisfy SOC2 DLP (data loss prevention) audit requirements. Needless to say we LOVE it!


When we were using the hosted version: The only suggestion I have is to tweak how your licensing assignment works. When using the hosted version every time a "user" logs onto a computer it creates a new "employee" in Teramind and eats up a license automatically. There are times when our trainers travel to employee homes or when we have an onsite computer at a client that has multiple employees logon to it where we do not want this behavior. Instead, my suggestion is it creates a profile for each employee and track's their usage across ALL devices they log on to. Now that we use our own internal server: Teramind tracks by actual device and not by user so the licensing application issue no longer exists however, we still have many duplicate employees as it still creates a duplicate each time they logon to a different device.

Antwort von Teramind

vor 7 Jahren

Hi Brandon, Thanks for your review! We are glad to see you found value in Teramind's award winning UBA Solution. Sorry to hear you had a bit of a hiccup with deployment. You can integrate Active Directory with Teramind for a smooth deployment of agents, which will prevent duplicate employee's from being automatically generated. Please reach out to our support staff if you require assistance with AD integration. We thank you once again for your review and are working towards providing an even better user experience for our customers. - The Teramind Team

Accounts Manager in Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Unmatched Employee Monitoring Software

5,0 letztes Jahr

Kommentare: My overall experience with Teramind has been highly positive. The platform's robust employee monitoring capabilities have provided valuable insights into our team's activities. The ability to track and analyze user behavior has enhanced productivity and security within our organization. The customizable alerts and automated actions have streamlined our workflow and ensured policy compliance. While there were some areas for improvement, such as the learning curve and occasional performance lags, Teramind has proven to be an essential tool for effective employee monitoring. It has empowered us to make informed decisions and maintain a secure work environment.


Teramind impressed me with its standout features that revolutionized our employee monitoring experience. The powerful monitoring capabilities provided real-time insights into employee activities, helping us enhance productivity and security. The ability to track and analyze user behavior allowed us to identify potential risks and mitigate them proactively. The customizable alerts and automated actions streamlined our workflow, ensuring prompt response to any policy violations. The comprehensive reporting and analytics provided valuable data for optimizing processes and making informed decisions. Teramind has become an indispensable tool for efficient and secure employee monitoring.


While Teramind offers robust employee monitoring capabilities, there were a few areas that left room for improvement. One drawback was the complexity of the platform, which required a learning curve to fully utilize its features. The interface, while functional, could benefit from a more modern and user-friendly design. The pricing structure felt a bit on the higher side compared to some alternatives. Additionally, the system occasionally experienced performance lags, impacting real-time monitoring. Despite these limitations, Teramind remains a powerful employee monitoring solution with valuable features, but it could benefit from addressing these areas for enhancement.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Time Doctor und DeskTime

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Teramind: After thorough evaluation of alternative products, I ultimately chose Teramind for its unmatched employee monitoring capabilities. Its robust features and comprehensive insights surpassed other options. The ability to track user behavior, customizable alerts, and automated actions set Teramind apart, ensuring a secure work environment. The intuitive interface and powerful reporting tools provided a seamless monitoring experience. While alternatives had their merits, Teramind's comprehensive feature set and advanced monitoring capabilities made it the clear choice for effective employee management.

Founder in USA
Marketing & Werbung, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Inept Support

3,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: The customer experience has been poor.


The platform seems to be the most advanced from what we have seen however we have not been able to use it fully or properly since it has not tracked time or tasks properly since day one.


Buyer beware. The platform is very advanced from the looks of it but since I have signed up 2 weeks ago, the system hasn't tracked time or tasks properly and after spending hours on remote sessions, chat and email support, the system is still not working and when I request additional support they have nor record of all of the tickets, meetings, etc. As a new customer, this experience has been horrible. Again the platform may be advanced but all that technology doesn't do any good if you can't use it and support can't support you.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Time Doctor

Warum Teramind gewählt wurde: video recording fearure

Zuvor genutzte Software: Hubstaff

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Teramind: I thought this was a more advanced system however it is missing very basic features like being able to provide your client a simple time report of time worked during a specific period. You can't export or share reports.

File Review Manager in USA
Immobilien, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Terrific Time Tracker

4,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Overall, its great and it works for what it was implemented for. It accurately tracks hours and it is both app and web based so you can use it wherever you go.


This app definitely tracks time as long as you stay active. It works and is especially helpful during the shelter in place order we are all experiencing. Its easy to use and can work for employees and independent contractors alike. A great tool, most ideal for small business owners.


It will time out and try to reconnect for no apparent reason. It requires you to shut down the program and could require program repair to fully correct. It does not track what programs you are using which would be nice (possibly a upgraded account feature?) This would be helpful to report to the company tracking the hours.

Antwort von Teramind

vor 4 Jahren

Hi Iris, Thanks for your review! We are glad to see you found value in Teramind's award winning UBA Solution. We encourage you to work with our support staff to assist in troubleshooting any issues you may experience with connection issues. Teramind can easily record which applications are being used as well as generate reports based on usage. On the top right-hand side of the dashboard you will find a Tour Guide, which should help in using the Teramind solution to its fullest and provide guidance for you in this area. We thank you once again for your review and are working towards providing an even better user experience for our customers. - The Teramind Team

IT Director in USA
Tiefbau, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

An awesome solution for monitoring behavior and productivity

5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Teramind is an excellent product that enables us to keep close tabs on user activity and prevent data exfiltration. It is easy to install and administer and as powerful as it is, it is very easy to administer. A very well written program!


The product is very powerful yet is very easy to administer. I really like the fact that it can be used surreptitiously to monitor behavior, but also used to monitor user productivity.


This product is not the least expensive option, however, when you factor in all the features it provides, it is worth it.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Veriato Workforce Behavior Analytics

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Teramind: Teramind checked all the boxes for us and was more robust and easier to administer. Because they offer three different tiers (Starter, UAM, DLP and Enterprise), it allowed us to select just what we needed, which in our particular case was UAM.