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Was ist Upscope?
Onboarde und unterstütze deine Nutzer, wie sie es noch nie zuvor erlebt haben.
Upscope Co-browsing ist eine neue interaktive Zero-Download-Bildschirmfreigabe mit nur einem Klick für müheloses Onboarding und Support:
1. Mit einem Klick siehst du, was dein Nutzer sieht, ohne Downloads.
2. Verwende deine Maus auf ihrem Bildschirm, um für deine Kunden zu scrollen und zu klicken.
3. Dies geschieht über dein Live-Chat-System oder wenn deine Kunden anrufen.
Wunderbar integriert in Intercom, Zendesk, Olark, Livechatinc und in dein bestehendes Telefonsystem.
Wer verwendet Upscope?
Kundenbetreuungs-, Kundenerfolgs- und Accountmanager, die Kunden mühelos onboarden und unterstützen möchten. Beliebt bei SaaS- und Finanzunternehmen, Gesundheitsdienstleistern und E-Commerce-Unternehmen.
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Bewertungen über Upscope

Perfect for use with Intercom! Frustrating when "Upscope User Not Found"
Kommentare: Better customer support and training. Cowbrowsing straight from intercom is excellent. Would recommend upscope to anyone using Intercom to support customer UI interactions. Great tool!
It is seamless with Intercom. A customer has a question and our team can be co-browsing with the customer in moments. Drawing on the customer screen to help them know where to click is very helpful.
Every so often we get an "Upscope User Not Found". It is frustrating because we have come to depend and really value upscope. So if we are blocked from using it we have to revert back to the old-school screen share tools that require the customer to download a plugin. I have contacted upscope support regarding this issue and they were very responsive! They said that: "Sometimes the intercom integration will have problems if the user logs in from multiple computers / browsers. This can be fixed by telling Upscope who the user is with a unique ID. In a single page application, if you don't have identity information at page load, you can use the following method: Upscope('updateConnection', { uniqueId: 1234 }); Please only call this after the Upscope('init') function. By setting a uniqueID for the user (this can be taken from your own db, or it can be the user email if that's easier for you), we can tie all their sessions together and it would make the intercom integration more reliable. I hope this helps! Do let me know if this keeps happening even after doing this and I'll dig further." Sounds like there are things we can do to make it more reliable.
Antwort von Upscope
vor 5 Jahren
A note on 'user not found' and how to avoid it: In 99% of cases, user not found is when the Upscope javascript snippet is not on all pages on which you wish to screen share with a customer. Once the code is added, it will work smoothly. While we can't be 100% certain that this was the case here, from our experience over the last few years, it's around 99% likely :) There are some cases in which the screen sharing link within a chat integration is blocked by adblockers but this can be avoided by installing it directly on the page and not via Google Tag Manager. The Intercom ID issue has also been solved as we now have a direct integration with Intercom allowing anyone to launch a co-browsing session with a customer from directly within their chat.

Screen sharing easily
Upscope is our main choice for screen sharing quickly with computer that my department in-charge. We can fix or troubleshoot the target computer remotely, without having to physically presented to the target computer.
Trying to control the screen share with a unstable internet connection is very hard, as the mouse pointer will not synchronized with my mouse and making things very confusing and frustrating.
Upscope Useful customer support tool
Kommentare: But overall good tool.
Upscope is a convenient tool to share screen with our partners and it is paired with our live chat app which is great.
With a few enhancements it will be be that much better. The issue I have with it is that it disconnects from who i am sharing the screen with and does not allow us to reconnect until some time passes.

UpScope helps take our customer support to the next level
Kommentare: With the help of a developer it was so easy to get started. Upscope allows us the ability to see our customer's screen to help guide them through the process with one click. Combine Upscope + Intercom and you have an amazing solution to assist your customer remotely. Love it!
Within a couple of minutes we were able to connect Upscope to our Intercom platform and start 1 click screen shares with our users with the combination of Upscope and Intercom!
Initially they had a weird log in process but they have since fixed it now. I would like to potentially see more fun tools as the product matures to help us continue to create a great customer support experience.

Such a great compliment to Intercom
Kommentare: Love the product! It is such a great compliment to Intercom and helps us support our customers in a way that creates limited friction!
What I like most about UpScope is the 1-click instant screen share!
A little stranger log in process but not a big deal, they send you an email with a link and then you log in from there.

Fastest way to see a user's screen!
Kommentare: Simple one click screenshare through Intercom. Beautiful solution when done right.
Perfect companion to Intercom. It is the most elegant simple way to one-click and view our users screen. We are a SAAS company and use Upscope daily and it is awesome value!
As of right now there are a few features that I would love to see, however they have promised that there are some awesome updates right around the corner. But as it stands right now they provide exactly what we need!

Perfect for Tech Support
Kommentare: It has been invaluable for our team when assisting users training or troubleshooting issues!
Integrates with our Intercom live chat system, making it easy for us to view our users screens and troubleshoot issues both big and small. Allows us to control the users screen!
We cannot see images or click/view drop down menus on our users screen. Using voice is a bit expensive and it is just easier for us to call the user with a landline while we screen share.

Best of its kind
Kommentare: Much better customer support
We have tried a lot of services like Upscope, but no one does it as well as they do. We have it intergrated in out SaaS platform and mobile devices.
I honestly have no cons on it. Everything with Upscope has been a smooth ride from the very beginning!

Too Easy
Kommentare: We using Upscope for our support team to lower the time to resolution and increase customer experience and satisfaction.
One of the most important things when getting a new software or implementing a new process is that it is easy. Upscope is one of the easiest platforms to utilize. We have the intercom integration and we click 1 button.
Currently, I do not know of any gripes from the team here at DriveCentric.

Your SaaS business needs this tool
Kommentare: Having spent 10 years doing Customer Success and sales this is the best tool I've ever used. My phone demo time has decreased from over an hour to just 20 minutes at times with increased knowledge by the user.
The ability to sign into a screen with a single click on the operators end saves anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes from traditional screen shares. Drawing on a screen is another amazing aspect since you can train the user to do it for themselves instead of doing it for them. Finally, being able to take control when they cant figure it out makes the demo go much faster.
I don't have any cons with the software. Everything worked perfectly.
Screen sharing easy
The ability to screen share with your customers is a great asset when assisting non-tech-savvy users
Upscope can lose connection very easily if the customer's connection isn't high speed
Really great service that works very easily, customer service was outstanding.
Kommentare: Easy seamless customer support instantly.
Users don't have to worry about downloading anything, instant screenshare that's seamless. It also has a pointer that's easily recognized and can actually interact with the user's webpage.
Occasionally doesn't link on the first try and sometimes I have to log in again through my email. (That might be because of our account settings though)
Upscope Review
I love being able to see the customer's screen so I can better assist them with their needs
Sometimes the email address doesn't load in the system, resulting in not being able to see the customer's screen. It seems inconsistent with when customer's email addresses load or not
Kommentare: It's a great help. It lessens the burden of asking the customer's issue as when we took one look, we already knew what is the problem. Customers were happy. Kudos!
The timely loading of share screen since it is very needed in our site. Most of the problems we encounter are technical and majority of our customers were old. They don't know how to describe what is happening on their end and the best way to only find out if we are on the same page is using Upscope. From there, we would be able to immediately assess what is the problem all about as we can see their screens. It's time saving and delivers satisfaction to our customers.
The phone button because it keeps on dropping when I try to use it but maybe it's our internet connection. We rarely use that button. All we need is to see the customer's screen.
CVT Upscope Review
Kommentare: We're able to see what the member is doing or if they are in the correct place, then guide them through the process.
It allows us to see exactly where the member is, as they don't always articulate where they're at in the process. I also like the ability to highlight or draw, so they can go straight to what I;m referring them to.
The log in process... I have to find an old email and click on it, then enter my email , click on the link in a new email to get logged in to look for the member email I want to look at - all while a caller is waiting on hold for assistance.
Basic, Helpful, not totally Reliable
Kommentare: Overall Upscope has been a helpful tool in the belt. It's not 100% reliable, but I can tell the app is slowly improving, and the pros outweigh the cons.
The basic use of the program--screensharing--is super helpful. Way easier than requesting screenshots from users who may or may not know how to do that.
Upscope can't always find the user, even when I know they're online. Sometimes it just doesn't connect, so that's embarrassing when they're waiting on me and I have to say "Sorry, it doesn't seem to be connecting."
Great Co-Browsing Platform
Easy to Connect and integrate Responsive / very little lag Requires Email verification for every login
Upscope occasionally goes down and is unusable. Fortunately, their status page is helpful in monitoring these events and their resolution.
Upscope: Exactly what you want for customer service screensharing.
Kommentare: Very positive. We didn't use it as much as we thought we might, but the program itself is impressive and the customer service is very helpful.
Upscope's ability to allow customer service agents to share their screen with a customer is incredibly helpful. It's even more useful that Unbounce allows the customer service agent to request permission to co-browse with the customer, seeing exactly what they see and clicking them through the process that's giving them trouble.
The way that Upscope manages logins and permissions is tiresome. Basically to share out "seats" you have to email a link to the agent who is going to use the seat. There's not an easy way to bookmark Upscope in order to login.
Demos and training made easy
I love this software. We use it to train clients and walk them through design and layout choices. It is great that they don’t have to download anything. The connection and sharing feels very natural to our clients.
Nothing, the one feature I thought it lacked, cursor mode, was added a few weeks ago.
The only way to troubleshoot
Kommentare: Excellent experience, would highly recommend trying it out.
Not everyone is savvy in the ability to explain “what’s wrong”, Upscope delivers that and we’re able to support our customers with little effort on their part.
No cons, it runs seamless with intercom.
Amazing Secret Tool!
Kommentare: Goodbye hotjar, crazyegg, this new tool is amazing in conjunction with Intercom.
It's amazing how easy it is to see and prospect our visitors now, it helps TONS to understand in real time what they do.
I would love to TAG or MARK down some of the visitors.
Needs work
Kommentare: So far I am not impressed.
It is integrated in to Slack.Not much else so far.
Crashes and view of customer screen is not adequate.
Antwort von Upscope
vor 5 Jahren
Hi Bill, we don't have an integration with Slack, is it possible you've us confused with someone else?
Interesting, have never used.
Kommentare: WE are able to share a screen and walk people through problems
It is easy to view on a computer and follow and quick
Though it is easy to view, maybe the highlighter could be brighter
Must Have!
Easy of use and ability to add more information to a clients profile for future inquires
Falls short of ability to work most times
Kommentare: Overall I have had a pretty good experience with Upscope.
It is easy to access the customer's screen and it is great to be able to see what they are doing in their own system.
The time it takes to pull up an email account. I also don't like how multiple accounts pull up as I am never sure which one I should click on.