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Was ist ARCHLine.XP?
Eine architektonische BIM-Software mit großartigen Funktionen für die Innenarchitektur zu günstigen Preisen.
Wer verwendet ARCHLine.XP?
Ingenieure, Architekten, Innenarchitekten, Möbeldesigner
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Bewertungen über ARCHLine.XP
Durchschnittliche Bewertung
Nutzerbewertungen nach Unternehmensgröße (Angestellte)
- <50
- 51-200
- 201-1.000
- >1.001
Bewertungen nach Punktzahl finden
Created by engineers and architects
Kommentare: I am a former Revit + 3D Max and ArchiCAD user, which once decided to test ARCHLine.XP. My purpose was to test the representation options (visuals), but I absolutely liked the infrastructure and deepened into details. Turned out more convenient to use and more functions we, architects and interior designers, need. Later, while working on projects I noticed much better visual representation of the project, what was appreciated by the clients in out intermediate meetings, and much smoother and faster work of the software itself. In my experience, it is faster and more suitable digital tool than any of which I have tried before.
1. ARCHLine.XP has everything an architect or an interior designer may need for the project from scratch up to the documentation and management. 2. It is extremely good for the individual specialists and freelancers, but has an infrastructure for the decent team work 3. Multiple speed-up functions and very logical software infrastructure. A newcomer spends one day to learn software and concentrate on his/her project assignments 4. Enormous amount of videos, text, materials and support 5. Ongoing fast development (one year ago MEP, today other functions, tomorrow smth else) 6. Can be used as the main software by furniture designers and landscape architects 7. In-built libraries which are easy to use, adjust, modify or create yourself (both 3d and 2d) 8. Complicated shapes are created in easy steps 9. Real finishing like tiling, layers of paint etc. Very useful for extracting detailed sections and take-offs for billing 10. Strong simulation modes, real lighting, animation and in-built rendering. Possible to have very good images and videos for the presentation material 11. Very fast on even average computers (ARCHLine.XP requires twice less than Revit) 12. Many clients are satisfied with the view of the project right from the workspace and even skip waiting for the renderings. Btw renders are usually around 2 hours for the 4k size and high details, what is fast. You still can work with the project, no slow-down noticed 13. Many features for roofs, wooden structures, stairs
the software develops that fast that when you think it is so far goo already, smth else comes even better. Cons are not noticed today. However, you will find that construction companies that are using Revit already usually pushes architectural department for Revit solution, though many architects stand against it. The fear of impossible compatibility of the software and being able to work on one project plays its role. Today, ARCHLine.XP had already created a solid environment to work smoothly with any other software.

Da 30 anni nel mercato italiano con continue soddisfazioni
Kommentare: La nostra azienda distribuisce il software in Italia da oltre 30 anni, abbiamo visto nascere ed evolvere ARCHLine.XP e dopo tutto questo tempo ancora oggi presenta caratteristiche uniche come l'estrema flessibilità del suo modellatore e la presenza al proprio interno di un vero CAD-2D. Il supporto tecnico e la formazione che mettiamo in campo a supporto dei nostri clienti è un altro valore aggiunto, perchè il software è uno strumento di lavoro, ed i professionisti devono sapere che in ogni momento ci sono delle persone, dei veri partner al loro fianco.
Facilità d'uso e flessibilità Modellatore 3D potente Vero CAD-2D al proprio interno Software BIM Pacchetto di funzionalità a completamento delle esigenze del progettista moderno (rilievo, terreno, rendering, tavole di stampa, nuvola di punti, cartografia,...)
Il software è orientato principalmente al settore dell'architettura, nel 2009 è iniziato un processo che lo ha portato ad essere un leader anche nel settore dell'interior design, e dal 2020 è iniziata l'avventura nel settore del MEP. Non è da escludere che in un prossimo futuro venga coperta a pieno anche la disciplina Strutturale così da offrire una piattaforma BIM Authoring completa a 360°
Easy to Learn, combines 3D CAD and 2D drafting
Kommentare: Simple, easy to learn, more efficient tools for small-medium residential and commercial projects.
I found all the architecture & interior design tools significantly more useful than what I was using before. ARCHLine.XP comes with a range of automatic tools including the roof tool, stair tool, railings, room-maker, cabinet tool, auto-dimensions, ceiling tool, tiling tool, 3D object creator, etc. which saved me a significant amount of time. The software brought a great level of balance of 2D and 3D elements by including a full set of 2D drafting tools, with lines, hatch styles, trim, commands, etc. as well as a full BIM capability which is fully IFC 2.3 buildingSMART certified. Overall easy to learn, great level of support and a huge hub of educational content.
The software appears to be much more tailored towards small-medium residential and commercial projects, and there were just a few minor issues, but overall this did not hinder my workflow at all.
My Take on ARCHLine.XP
Kommentare: This is one of the best products I have had the pleasure of using and the guys in Hungary can't help enough to make sure i get the most from their product. Very impressed. I am able to compete head to head with all the other brand products and do it at a much more competitive price. I would sya it is easily twice as easy and twice as efficient as its competitors at most task.. (not all) Over all we have clocked the efficiency as being 35% better.
It either equalled or surpassed all the other BIM/CAD software on the market such as ArchiCAD, Revit, Chief-Architect, Etc
The interface took a little getting used to.