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Webroot Business Endpoint Protection
Was ist Webroot Business Endpoint Protection?
Multi-Vektor-Schutz vor Viren und Malware, der vollständigen Schutz gegen alle heutigen hoch entwickelten Malware-Bedrohungen wie Trojaner, Keylogger, Phishing, Spyware, Hintertüren, Rootkits, Zero-Day und fortgeschrittene hartnäckige Bedrohungen bietet. Integriertes Identitäts- & Privacy Shield verhindert, dass Daten gestohlen oder erfasst werden, wenn das Internet genutzt wird, und die ausgehende Firewall verhindert ebenfalls, dass Malware deine Daten stiehlt. Du musst dir keine Sorgen um Updates machen - Cloud-basierte Sicherheit bedeutet, dass die Endpunkte immer auf dem neuesten Stand sind.
Wer verwendet Webroot Business Endpoint Protection?
SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection ist für Unternehmen jeder Größe, doch wegen seiner hohen Wirksamkeit und geringem Verwaltungsaufwand besonders für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen und KMUs attraktiv.
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Webroot Business Endpoint Protection
Bewertungen über Webroot Business Endpoint Protection
The Default AntiVirus we use for ALL our clients
Best of the best, but you pay for it
Kommentare: I continue to use the software at home and recommend to anyone out there to include Webroot in their list of vendors to evaluate. Do not let the technology get to you. Just because the software does something different than what you are used to, try it out before disregarding Webroot as a solution. We found Webroot easy to deploy with a light footprint which more than made up for the additional cost.
Webroot does an amazing job of removing and detecting threats to computers. We also found it very simple to install with a very light footprint on the computer. Users never complained about computer slow downs due to virus scans when we had Webroot deployed.
We faced two issues with Webroot. Their technology is impressive, but complicated. We never were able to really wrap our heads around how their technology worked compared to other antivirus / antispyware solutions, but it did work, and was quite successful at it. The other concern with Webroot was its price. It is the best software out there we have found for computer protection but it is among the most costly.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Simple, light weight, and effective antivirus
Kommentare: We were a large enough deployment that we had assistance in our initial installation from a Webroot Engineer to setup the different policies for workstations, servers, and remote desktop servers. The understanding of the setting in the policies and having someone guide us to making the right decisions was key to making sure that we were protected and that Webroot did have any performance impact especially on our servers.
We use the software daily and find that it is easy to use and do not get any complaints from users about it slowing down their systems. Deployment and licensing is simple and can be done by sending an email with a link, group policy, or manual installation. We get alerts in near real time of any threats found and while we sometimes have to do additional remediation we have not had a serious outbreak.
We get false positives around generic Trojans that need to be whitelisted. The whitelisting of programs in by the MD5 hash of the files contained in the programs. The method for identifying and whitelisting the MD5 hash of files in the programs is not intuitive and is done by what Webroot sees as unidentified files. Since Webroot does not have the traditional whitelist a folder so it doesn't scan the folder for viruses that other AV systems use we are often having to explain and butt heads with software vendors who blame the AV for issues. Technical support is knowledgeable, but we had issues getting a hold of technical support and response to tickets is often 24 - 48 hours.
Antwort von OpenText
vor 4 Jahren
Thank you for all of the valuable feedback!
Speed, but with sacrifices.
Kommentare: I've used Webroot Endpoint Protection for a little over two years. I've found every aspect of the product to be excellent except (and this is a big except) actual detection of threats, and client speed on OS X systems. Webroot allowed several common worms through at my client's location, and did not detect them on a standard Windows 7 installation, even on repeated scans, after I was able to confirm that the infected downloads and compromised .dll files were within the scope of protection. Needless to say, this did not inspire confidence. I wound up using a Kaspersky live stick to remove the infections, and installing a realtime threat detection system using Suricata and ClamAV to meet the data security needs of our clients and ensure we were meeting the obligations of our contracts.
Very easy to use and deploy, administrative console allows excellent granular controls of client privileges, scope of protection, and endpoint groups. Integrates with Windows server products for deployment (though I use Samba instead, so this was not an option), and provides a centralized point for administrator notification and action when compromised/infected systems are detected. Client seems relatively fast and works on multiple platforms, though see below re. OS X.
In my experience, Webroot, though the exposed end is fast and well-designed, does not reliably block or detect common threats. This is obviously a Big Deal in a product billed as enterprise-grade antivirus/antimalware. One employee at the affected client's office was able to download three separate third-party software installers containing malware payloads on a Saturday, install them, and work for a full weekend before I arrived back on Monday to complaints that her machine was being "slow and weird". I discovered that Webroot, though fully deployed and set to monitor downloads, warn on browsing, and scan the affected directories, simply had not alerted on anything. At that point, it doesn't matter how beautiful the interface may be: antimalware software which lets common malware through is essentially useless. Also, while there is an OS X client, it's buggy and slow. It causes problems with network browsing and network virtualization with both VirtualBox and VMware Fusion, and it results, for some reason, in systemwide UI slowdowns, which suggest to me that there may be some elemental problems with the codebase: use of deprecated APIs, memory leaks, etc.—not usable.
Antwort von OpenText
vor 7 Jahren
Thanks for sharing your feedback with us, Nathan. All threat related matters need to be handled by our Threat Team directly. You can open a ticket or contact our Team by phone for immediate assistance. Open a Support Ticket: http://mysupport.webrootanywhere.com/supportwelcome.aspx?SOURCE=ENTERPRISEWSA Business Technical Support: Call 1-866-254-8400 Regards, Josh P. Digital Care Coordinator
Webroot helps ease the mind about endpoint security. Great software.
Webroot is very easy to install and manage. Virus signatures are updated in real time automatically through their cloud based signature platform. Very good software and great value.
There really are no cons to Webroot. Easy for users and administrators. We have also never had any issues, so thank you Webroot.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Clear Winner in a Crowded Field of Protection
Kommentare: Overall it is very easy to find antivirus protection but when it comes to minimal false negatives and no resource hogging clients this is the clear winner.
Webroot is a thin, non-system resource intensive anti-virus and malware protection suite. We have tried countless renditions of protection but none offer the amount of protection and ease of use as Webroot. We deploy the client from the web panel and each user is managed in groups with group policies set within our management console. All viruses, malware, and other threats are reported and handled by the client and admins are notified of the threat. The good thing is that the deployment talks to our cloud based management whenever internet is accessed. Users can't disable the client either without our administrative overview.
The only con I can see is we have had a couple clients that appeared twice in the management and with no rhyme or reason. This was fixed by removing both an reinstalling the client on those particular clients. The good news is that it only happened once or twice.