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Was ist Zenkit?
Zenkit ist das Projektmanagement- und Kollaborationstool, das mit Ihnen und Ihren Projekten wächst. Zenkit bietet eine Vielzahl an Funktionen für Aufgaben- und Zeitmanagement, Teamarbeit und vieles mehr.
Mit Zenkit lässt sich jede Aufgabe ganz individuell angehen. Daten können jederzeit so aufbereitet werden, wie Sie es benötigen. Mit nur einem Klick kann zwischen einer To-Do-Liste, einem Kanban- Board und der Kalender- Mind-Map oder Tabellenansicht gewechselt werden.
Auch in größeren Teams kann in Zenkit produktiv gearbeitet werden. Gemeinsame Fortschritte und Ergebnisse lassen sich projektübergreifend in einem Dashboard aufrufen. So können Fortschritte und Workflows immer im Blick behalten werden. Dank der Möglichkeit in Echtzeit mit anderen Teammitgliedern zu kommunizieren, garantiert Zenkit eine nahtlose Zusammenarbeit im Team.
Wer verwendet Zenkit?
Einzelpersonen und Teams, die den Workflow ihrer Projekte visuell nachverfolgen möchten. Zenkit ist für jeden etwas: Projekt- und Produktmanager, Blogger, Freelancer und Mitarbeiter in Home-Office, Sales und Marketing Abteilungen, kreative Köpfe, Personalmanager…
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Bewertungen über Zenkit
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Sehr empfehlenswert
Start 2019 in einem kleinen (überlasteten externen) Team (No-Profit-Organisation), leider keine erfolgreiche Implementierung, da die Begleitung (durch meine Person) nicht optimal war. Allerdings ist dort ein Neuanfang gestartet worden.
Parallel 2019 in einem größeren Team eingesetzt und mit der besseren Begleitung hat sich das Tool über die Jahre fest in den Arbeitsalltag verankert. Geeignet für kleine Teams und große Organisationen. Absolut empfehlenswert. Überlegungen laufen im Haupthaus, den Einsatz zu erweitern.
Vielfältiges Dokumentations- und Planungstool. Bei umsichtigem Start kann man ein Team mitnehmen, nach und nach mehr Funktionen entdecken
Bei unvorsichtigem Einsatz verliert man schnell den Überblick, was bei all diesen Tools passieren kann.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
letzten Monat
Dear Oliver, Thank you so much for the positive review! We appreciate it. As we are constantly working on making Zenkit better, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via service@zenkit.com with any suggestions for improvement or other questions. Cheers, Louisa
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Gutes Aufgabenmanagement
Kommentare: Insgesamt finde ich Zenkit modern und zeitgemäß. Es läuft schnell und auf vielen Plattformen. An der einen oder anderen Stelle fehlen noch Einstellungsoptionen.
Der Vorteil liegt meiner Erfahrung nach darin, dass man Aufgaben sowohl nach Kanban als auch nach Terminen und Uhrzeiten planen kann und der Server in Deutschland steht. Das kann bspw. von Trello oder dem Microsoft Planner nicht behaupten. Die Bedienung ist deutlich besser als das Aufgabenmanagement in Outlook. Der Preis pro Mitarbeiter ist okay, aber im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz kein Schnäppchen, wenn man davon ausgeht, dass der Microsoft Planner bei vielen ohne Mehraufwand vorhanden ist.
Bei dem Verteilen von Aufgaben auf die Woche werden keinerlei Labels angezeigt. Das macht diese Funktion eigentlich sinnlos, da ich in der Liste nur noch die Bezeichnung der Aufgaben sehe, aber nicht mehr die zuvor angelegten Prioritäten oder andere Felder einsehen kann. Man kann zwar den Outlook-Kalender anzeigen, aber nur in dem globalen Kalender und nicht in eigenen Collection, d. h. bei der Verteilung der Aufgaben auf die Woche und Uhrzeiten. Ich muss in diesem Fall immer parallel in Outlook nachsehen, ob es nicht zu einer Terminkollision kommt, wenn ich Aufgaben mit Zeiten versehe.Der Schieberegler mit dem Detailgrad ist unklar in seiner Funktion. Es wäre besser, wenn man auswählen könnte, was bei den Aufgaben angezeigt werden soll.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
letztes Jahr
Hi! Thank you very much for your honest and detailed review! We are happy to hear your thoughts on Zenkit. I have created a feature request about the slider but would like to hear more about your thoughts on the calendar view in general. Would it be possible to reach out to us via service@zenkit.com about that? Our dev team is constantly working on making Zenkit better. Cheers, Louisa
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Warum muss da ein Titel hin?
Kommentare: Im allgemeinen ist es schon ein sehr flexibles Produkt mit einem sehr günstigen Preis. An einigen Stellen würde ich mir aber Verbesserungen wünschen.
Flexibilität, multiple Views, einfache Änderbarkeit der Templates, angenehmes Design (bis auf die Farbpalette)
- Kunden-Kommunikation von Axonic in engl. Sprache; das könnte ich zwar bedienen, ich habe aber oft keine Lust dazu. Es fördert für mich auch keine Nähe zum Produktion und ist für ein inländisches Unternehmen nicht zu verstehen - die Möglichkeit Subitems einzurichten ist schön, allerdings wird die Zugehörigkeit zum Vater-Item nicht angezeigt, dies wird im Handling hinderlich (Beispiel: Vater-Item 1 = Prospekt A, Vater-Item 2 = Prospekt B. Bei beiden gibt es z.B. Sub-Item "Entwurf", dann weiß man nicht, zu wem das Item gehört) - Farbführung bei den Zeiten ist m.E. nicht klar gelöst. Erwartet hätte ich, wenn ich einen Zeitpunkt X (deadline) setze und eine Erinnerungsspanne Y, dass im Falle die aktuelle Zeit hat X - Y noch nicht erreicht ist, "etwas" grün angezeigt wird, dass im Falle die aktuelle Zeit liegt innerhalb der Erinnerungsspanne "gelb" angezeigt wird und sonst "rot", also so eine Art Ampelsystem. Dies wird mit der Einfärbung der Zeit zwar so ähnlich gemacht, fällt aber nicht wirklich auf. Ein eingefärbter Kreis wäre m.E. besser - die Steuerung der Farben über Labels führt bei der Farbpalette zu z.T. unleserlichen Designs, hier muss m.E. dringend eine luftigere Version her (dieses Feature habe ich daher komplett abgeschaltet)
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 3 Jahren
Lieber Stefan, vielen Dank für dein Feedback! Wir bieten aktuell Support auf Deutsch und Englisch an. Unser gesamtes Supportteam spricht beide Sprachen fließend, sodass du Fragen und Anregungen auch gerne auf Deutsch an uns versenden kannst. Bezüglich der Subitems, kannst du die Hierarchie-Ansicht verwenden, um klarer zu sehen, welches Item welchem untergeordnet ist. Es ist auch möglich, den Rang (1, 1.2, 2, 2.2, 2.2.3, etc.) anzeigen zu lassen (was in anderen Ansichten hilfreich ist). Kontaktiere uns gerne über service@zenkit.com, falls du weitere Anregungen und Feedback für uns hast. Liebe Grüße, Louisa
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Cooles Tool
Kommentare: Monstertool, wäre schön, wenn es viel weiter verbreitet wäre!
Die Vielfalt der Funktionen und die hohe Parametrisierbarkeit. One fits all...
Hoher Aufwand sich die Vielfältigkeit zu erschließen.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 3 Jahren
Lieber Tom, Vielen Dank für dein Feedback! Da Zenkit eine Vielzahl an Features und Funktionen hat, bieten wir neben unserem Support auch unsere Wissensdatenbank an, in der die einzelnen Funktionen alle genau erklärt und beschrieben werden. Wir arbeiten stets daran, Zenkit zu verbessern. Falls du weitere Anregungen oder Feedback hast, schreibe diese gerne an service@zenkit.com. Cheers, Louisa
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
An sich wirklich gut - aber....
Ich benutze derzeit zwei Systeme: MeisterTask (Pro-Version) und Zenkit (Basis), jeweils für unterschiedliche Einsatzgebiete.
- MeisterTask hat (für mich) leider die Nase vorn -> keine Ausfälle; sehr übersichtlich!
Allerdings hätte ich gerne ein paar Zenkit-Features -> variable Datenfelder; zusätzliche Ansichten; deutscher Server-Platz, Offline-Funktion
Großer Vorteil ist, dass die Datenfelder auch in der Basis-Version selbst definierbar sind! Auch die Offline-Funktion finde ich sehr gut.
Als Nachteil empfinde ich die Übersicht der offenen Aufgaben - die ist in MeisterTask besser gelöst (oder ich habe mich daran gewöhnt) Sehr lästig ist, dass die Kommunikation komplett englisch ist - Newsletter, Support...! Es gibt zwar Deepl... trotzdem :-(
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 3 Jahren
Hallo Jürgen, vielen Dank für dein Feedback! Unser Supportteam spricht sowohl Englisch als auch Deutsch und wechselt auf Nachfrage auch gerne in die jeweils andere Sprache. Falls du weitere Anregungen oder Feedback hast, schreibe uns gerne an service@zenkit.com. Liebe Grüße, Louisa
Die verschiedenen Sichten auf einen Thema
bessere Integration in MS Office bzw. Google
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 3 Jahren
Liebe Michael, vielen Danke für dein Feedback! Wir arbeiten stets daran Zenkit zu verbessern und freuen uns sehr Verbesserungsvorschläge, Feedback und auch Fragen zu unseren Produkten zu erhalten. Melde dich gerne bei uns über service@zenkit.com. Liebe Grüße, Louisa

Absolutely amazing !
Kommentare: It makes me get organised and productive in my job. As person trying to implement and stick to the Agile methodology in my work, makes everything really easy for me.
Love the simplicity to use and the short and easy learning curve. Every functionality is placed and working kind of intuitively. I am also using the Iphone app, which is absolutely amazing as well, all the functionality of the desktop version is available every time , everywhere in my pocket. Zenkit really means one thing and this is Productivity at it's best. And last but not least is the FREEDOM to use the app without any limitations of the features ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE!!! I am a startup founder who just left his full time corporate job to pursue his dreams and at this time cash is really important for me. Zenkit to plan absolutely everything from the concept to task to be executed. Over the years i found that when brainstorming the most convenient way for me are by using Mind maps. I was using Trello, then Asana before that, but the lack of mind maps made me looking constantly for a other solutions, which will give me the opportunity to easily convert the ideas in tasks and build whole working projects. Well Zenkit does exactly this, from ideas to full projects to be managed with most effective productivity and project management techniques in the easiest possible ways. Brainstorm with Mind maps, create task and execute them in Kanban or List, then easily present or manage them as full blown tables ( i even almost stopped using Excel ). I also like is the constant evolving off the app in only positive way. The team behind it really know their job!
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 7 Jahren
Hi Stoyan, Thank you so much for your kind review! I'm so glad you're enjoying Zenkit :) Please feel free to get in touch if you have any ideas or feature requests!
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Great for Small Business
Kommentare: Excellent experience with customer service. The only glitch was a small one when I upgraded my plan, but they helped me figure out a way around it. I love that they continue to develop the software instead of allowing it to remain stagnant.
I like that our team can see our plans and data in a variety of different formats, as each person has a different work style - some prefer tables, some Kanban, some Gantt. Everyone can get what they want and need.
Overall, the biggest challenge is not the software itself but getting our team to use it effectively and wholly. But that's an issue with every software implementation.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 3 Jahren
Dear Kelsey, Thank you so much for your five-star review! Please don't hesitate to send any feedback or suggestions for improvement to us via service@zenkit.com. Cheers, Louisa
Finish your projects on time.
I found it very functional for tracking projects. I was able to develop and present my projects as I wanted until the delivery date.
The user interface is very complex. Working out is tiring and gives a headache.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 2 Jahren
Dear Sarah, Thank you very much for your honest feedback! We appreciate it. Please feel free to send any questions to us via service@zenkit.com or to reach out to us via chat. We have a knowledge base for the rather complex interface to help our users guide themselves through Zenkit. The following link will take you there. https://help.zenkit.com/en/support/solutions Cheers, Louisa
Everything in one place
Kommentare: I am using it on a daily basis for tracking writing projects, planning trips (I also work as a travel journalist) and collect all kinds of information in a way that I will find it again.
The fact that it combines Evernote and Todoist into one application. I replaced both apps with Zenkit and quickly changed from the free version to the next higher level. I like the individual backgrounds (for fun). I highly appreciate the wtwo-way Google Calendar integration that gives me an overview of my day and week.
It's bit pricey for a one-man show like my business. I am missing an inbox where I can simply throw my ideas as they come (although I have fond some kind of a solution for that). A web clipper would be nice to quickly pull interesting articles into Zenkit.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
One tool, many solutions.
Kommentare: Our teams were getting saturated with the amount of projects and the moving parts we were keeping track of. Zenkit allowed for some clarity and the process itself streamlined our workflows as well as developed a database that we constantly refer to.
The multiple views allows us to craft specific solutions related to our projects. Mindmaps for meetings and brainstorms. Lists for task management. We like it very much.
The fine grained customizability was somewhat daunting for most new users. It's very power made them afraid to learn it's functions freely. They worried about breaking it somehow. Usually watching the videos was enough.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Honest review
Kommentare: Sometimes pretty good, especially on a desktop.
The look on the desktop. It is an all in all good solution on the desktop and really pleasent to use.
The App is pretty bad in usability and a real painpoint. The reminder block everything. Just not usable.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 3 Jahren
Hi, Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it! We are constantly working on making Zenkit better. Could you please specify what exactly you'd be wishing for in usability? Please feel free to send us any suggestions and other feedback to service@zenkit.com. Cheers, Louisa
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Love this software!
Kommentare: Absolutely fantastic! Very easy to use and set up. I highly recommend this for any team!
Ease of use, all the different ways to keep track of my tasks and associate them. There were so many ways to view and sort the data. It really helped me keep track of items and prioritize them.
I definitely would like a little more capabilities in the Mind Map specifically around additional grouping or associating tasks to one another
Effective Tool for Scheduling Management
Zenkit facilitates order organization in our laboratory. It is well-structured and arranged with clarity.
The only negative aspect is that it might be a little challenging to locate older entries; this could be fixed.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
letzten Monat
Hi! Thank you for the positive review. We appreciate it. We would really love to earn five stars so please don't hesitate to get in touch via service@zenkit.com. Our team would love to hear about any suggestions for improvement or other questions you may have. Cheers, Louisa

As we Germans say - the "egg laying woolmilkhog" :)
First of all ZENKIT got me by the amazing support and friendly people behind the product. Quick reacting, personal and really interested in what the customer is doing or requesting.
The tool itself can basically do everything, from normal lists to KANBAN ending at MindMap functionality. I can use whatever I feel like and can even use employees to work on problems THEIR way while I can supervise MY way. Or work together as a team. But thats just work - I also use it in private areas. SO currently I use to manage the issues and challenges of MY PRIVATE LIFE / RALLY RACING TEAM / BIKE RACING TEAM / LUXURY CAR DEALERSHIP / CHARITY BIKERs CLUB / BARBER SHOP / PRIVATE CONSULTING COMPANY / CAR CLEANING COMPANY and so on. And I dont even use 50% of the functionality. Whatever you need to organize - ZENKIT is the tool!
And if you are not sure know how to use it or what else to do with it - look at the blog entries and videos. The concept of GTD for example opened up to me through one of their blog entries! And finding a template in the tool helped to accelerate!
The many ways to enter and use the tool. App. Web. Web Offline. All relevant platforms. The many ways of handling information: list. kanban. mindmap. table. calendar. The design. Awesome. The flexibility. Need a special field to hold information? No problem, just create it. Need automated reminders, etc. No deal, enter their specifics and get reminded. The support. Individual. Quick. Listening. The numerous templates. Save time by just applying prepared configs for your individual topic.
I dont understand the question... :) Honestly, havent found a downside so far!
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 6 Jahren
Thank you so much for your thorough review, Mario! We really appreciate it and we're so happy to hear that Zenkit is able to fulfill so many uses for you! Thank you for being such a valued user and member of the Zenkit community :)

Love this software!
Kommentare: I use Zenkit to keep track of my tasks at work. It has replaced all of my sticky notes that I used to use to keep track of my to do list. I can now easily prioritize items, take a quick glance at everything I need to do, and check things off. I also use one of the columns to track talking points with my one on one with my boss. I absolutely love it!
Easy to use and import data. I can easily link it to other task related software using zapier. I love that I can easily switch between a kanban board, list, and mind map
I wish there was a way to group cards by type in the Mind map instead of having to create separate cards that act as headers. Perhaps by labels or something?
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 5 Jahren
Hi Nicole! Thank you so much for your kind review. :) There will soon be an update of the mindmap view, stay tuned! Grouping items inside the mindmap view rigorously sound very interesting. If you don't mind, please feel free to go into detail regarding your great suggestion in an email to service@zenkit.com. :)
Zenkit Is Terrific
Kommentare: I use it personally and professionally.
It is full-featured and powerful, while being easy to use. It has more fields and options that its competitors - which makes it more useful and flexible.
Great for task mgmt, not as much for large project mgmt.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 2 Jahren
Dear Andy, Thank you for the five-star review! We appreciate it. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team with any suggestions for improvement or further questions. Cheers, Louisa
Excellent product… Fills a unique niche
Kommentare: Awesome ... effective ... and the support people respond to online chat questions within a day.
This is the most effective tool/environment that I have found for navigating between a big picture "concept" (blue sky) view/conversation about a complex issue through the detailed work of executing tasks and delegating assignments for people to complete on a timely basis. In my past, I have had difficulty helping executives to understand the many moving parts to create a thorough solution. However, using Zenkit, I have been able to help people who are "visiting" an issue to understand/sponsor/champion a go-forward plan which captures their emotional as well as verbal support. More importantly, I have found the success to be repeatable – not just a one-off with a single personality-type.
The mindmap view has been critical to my success. However, because Zenkit can only print the mindmap view from a screen capture copy, I am often not comfortable handing out hardcopies because the image sometimes blurs (the online view is fine - I manage the browser setting). My one wish is that Zenkit would offer an output version which can expand without pixelating.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 5 Jahren
Hi! Thank you very much for your great review. :) There will soon be an update regarding the mindmap view. If you would like to go into detail on your suggestion of improved export of mindmaps, please feel free to message service@zenkit.com. We thoroughly appreciate your feedback and suggestions. :)
Zenkit's different views on my tasks help me get stuff done
Typically going from ideation or task breakdown through to execution. I would have started with a mindmap in freemind, then cut and pasted into Trello, but it's one way - changes in Trello are then not reflected in Freemind. Using Zenkit lets me easily flip views, I didn't re-key and the data in both views is identical.
I use it to plan my holidays too :-)
Very flexible. The different views over the same data really sold it for me. I can brainstorm with a mind map, work on individual tasks on a Kanban board, use a grid for mass maintenance, all over the same data with much less setup overhead than something like Notion. I even use it to plan my holidays
Most of my "leasts" have been addressed. I was frustrated initially with the lack of an API, but they were just prioritising development and this is now released. The mind-mapping took a bit of getting used to compared to say, FreeMind, but not having to re-key anything going from Brainstorm to Kanban made it worthwhile.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 3 Jahren
Dear Rob, Thank you so much for your five-star review! We appreciate it. As we are constantly working on improving Zenkit, please don't hesitate to send us any feedback, questions or suggestions for improvement via service@zenkit.com. Cheers, Louisa
An exzellent tool to organize your live and your work with family, friends and colleagues
Zenkit is a great tool to organize task - for private or work related projects.
There are way simpler and more complex tools on the market, I do love Zenkit - and recommended it a lot to more than a dozen different startups.
Zenkit ist really easy to use, works on alle divides, the mobile version makes it easy to do even Wunderlist-kind of small task and get the good feeling of „get shit done“. The complexity of Zenkit makes ist also possible to work on full srum-type projects.
I do not have reals cons. In the two years of daily use of the software, a couple of bugs and wishes occur, were sent to zenkit‘s costumer relations and were fixed immediately.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 6 Jahren
Thank you so much! We're so glad to hear your experience with Zenkit has been so positive, and that we've been able to resolve issues so quickly!
Clean, beautiful, and minimal UI. Excellent user experience.
Kommentare: Structure, organization, and a beautiful interface and user experience.
I love how simple it is to use Zenkit. A lot of project management software often times have a lot of features and an over-complicated user interface. A lot of the time I find myself clicking aimlessly just to accomplish a simple task. What I love about Zenkit is it's simplicity, its ease in creating projects, to-do's within said project, linking to-do's to other projects, too, and having it all stored in an easily accessible sidebar, without any clutter. It gets straight to the point.
Zenkit is a webapp, and as such, is amazing at storing all your projects and to-do's online, so if you need to access them from another computer, you can do so. This is always a plus, but an app would be very helpful, too. In those times of disconnecting from the internet or having a website blocker on my browser for productivity, having access to the site without having to tinker too much with my blocking app would be great.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 7 Jahren
Hi Jessica, Thank you so much for sharing your feedback! We're glad you enjoy using Zenkit. You can download our apps from zenkit.com/apps, and actually, the web version is available offline, too!

Really love Zenkit and use it on daily basis to organize by tasks
Kommentare: After reading several helpful articles on how to use it, as well as some theories about organizing tasks (Getting Things Done, among others), I started using it to organize by daily workflow and keep track what what I had to do. It's really been a huge catalyst in changing how prioritize task and keep track of what I need to do at home, work, and on the go.
It's very easy to use, has a lot more features for organizing and filtering tasks than other similar programs, and interfaces well with other applications.
I would like for there to be more themes/colors to choose from without having to pay too much.
Zenkit is my go to task and project management app, and for good reason!
Kommentare: Flexible views give me everything I need to organize my tasks, projects, goals, and teams. Having one central location for all this information and being able to quickly adapt it to meet my current needs puts Zenkit in a class of its own.
Zenkit has quickly become my favorite task and project management app. It combines the strength of several different utilities into one incredibly convenient package. One of the key concepts that sets Zenkit apart is the ability to change views. Go from viewing tasks in standard "To Do" lists to a two-level Kanban (Trello-style) board with a single click. Feel like laying the items out in a mind map? One more click away. Need to batch update items or schedule them on a calendar? Zenkit can do that too with additional views. As you dig deeper, you find even more functionality. Link collections together to plan projects, track inventory, or follow sales leads. This is honestly where it leaves other systems in the dust. I have the ability to set up projects, connect them to weekly priorities, and then assign the next actions on a master task collection and easily switch between them all. I really can't say enough about this incredible piece of software!
As a non-profit, I would love to have the ability to add more people to our team without paying more, but that is more about me being cheap than about the software or pricing itself.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 7 Jahren
Thank you so much for your lovely review! Please feel free to get in touch if you have any ideas or feature requests!
Overall really good experience. I like that you can change views. No mobile app yet, but webapp good
Kommentare: For a student, the ability to organize some of my private projects for free. As mentioned in the review, the main feature that convinced me to try this app was the fact that you can change the views of your data (kanban, list, mind-map) and display as little or as much information pro item that you need. I haven't tried the collaboration features yet but the few times I needed to share something with a fellow student it worked just fine. Main benefit is just an easy way to organize and have a controlled overview of some of my projects. Also, markdown support is a must for me, for compatibility to other apps.
The ability to change views of the information you input. For some thoughts I like lists, for others mind-maps are more appropriate, so I like to have the ability to change that on the fly without much hassle if I need to. It works just as expected. I like the ability to add your own fields to the cards and that everything is searchable. What I also appreciate is that you can choose how much detailed information the elements should have. This always depends on the use case I am working on, so I like that option. The app is responsive and snappy. Also, markdown & html support ! Customization is also all quite nice. Errors patches are deployed quickly and support is responsive.
Sometimes it's a little buggy, but not in work-stopping ways. One time the "Add Item" on the kanban view was below the kanban-cards so I couldn't reach it. However I could still use the "+" button and the error disappeared after a few days. Other than that, there have a been just a couple of times where the site was down, but after a while it worked again. Integrations using Zapier are still not that advanced (altough I don't if the developers can do anything about that). Anxiously waiting for the Android App.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Diego, Thank you so much for your detailed review, we really appreciate the feedback! We're working on improving the stability and should have a solution soon. Direct integrations are on the way and we will definitely add more options to Zapier when we have the time! We're testing the Android app now - please get in touch if you'd like to join the beta.
I like the visual capabilities
Converted from Trello because of the views. However, Trello is better when showing images. With Trello the image displays nicely in the cards, but with Zenkit you have to click on the card to see the full image. I like the fields options, especially the reference fields. I am also converting some Evernote projects because I like the visual representation with Zenkit.
After using Zenkit for an hour of so my computer (MacBook Air) gets bogged down. I have to restart the computer. When I use the program on my iPad I don't have the memory problem.
Antwort von Axonic Informationssysteme
vor 3 Jahren
Dear Andrew, Thank you so much for your five-star review. Could you please contact us about the issue you were facing with your computer while working with Zenkit? We are constantly working on making Zenkit better and really value your feedback and any suggestions for improvement. Please feel free to send that to service@zenkit.com. Cheers, Louisa