Wir helfen Unternehmen seit 18 Jahren,
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RISKTURN ist eine innovative Cloud-Lösung für risikobasierte Investitionsrechnung. Es stellt eine einfache und intuitive Schnittstelle dar, um probabilistische Geschäftsprognose in nur 5 Schritten zu bauen. Das leistungsstarke Modell integriert Finanz- und Zeitvariablen der Unsicherheit in einer Cashflow-Prognose. Dann wird eine Monte-Carlo-Simulation ausgeführt und es liefert einen kompletten Satz von Wahrscheinlichkeitsfinanzkennzahlen für einzelne Initiative oder ein Portfolio (zB Wahrscheinlichkeit, ein Rentabilitätsziel zu erreichen, VaR, CFaR, Empfindlichkeit ...).
Wer verwendet RISKTURN?
Business-Entwicklung orientierte Unternehmen wie große Unternehmen, mittlere-kleine Unternehmen, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsorganisationen und Finanzierungsanbieter (Venture Capitalist) und -Suchende (Start-ups)
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Bewertungen über RISKTURN
Simple and accurate budgeting application.
Risk turn is a user friendly capital budgeting and forecasting application that is accurate and very helpful for business planning.
The application is cloud based, thereby requiring a strong and constant internet connection in order to access
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 7 Jahren
Thank you for your review, we appreciate your positive feedback!
Analisi del Rischio Intuitiva
Kommentare: The platform’s ability to integrate Monte Carlo simulations into financial planning makes it an excellent solution for analyzing uncertainties in cash flows and investment outcomes. I found this feature particularly useful in exploring multiple scenarios and understanding a range of possible results rather than relying on static forecasts.
The platform succeeds in simplifying a complex process like risk management, making it accessible even to those who are not experts in statistics or finance. The intuitive interface and the ability to visually display different projections make data much easier to understand.
Despite the interface being designed to be intuitive, using Monte Carlo simulations and managing complex scenarios can still be challenging for those without experience in risk modeling or quantitative finance.
Experienced Trade finance banker
Kommentare: In the past you had a range of parameters, and one was able to evaluate how different parameters evolved, but were not able to put them together. Now with RiskTurn, you can actually sum up all your risks and see how one element moving will impact the other variables and how it will impact your overall success rate with each project. And you can compare them too.
I work with many clients who are looking to secure their accounts global accounts receivables at the best possible cost. This is a great tool to help them with modelling their various scenarios (country risk, political risk, bank risk, client risk, commodity risk) to ensure they can secure their cash in without risking to loose too many clients due to extreme credit protection measures. The software is very user friendly but also allows sophisticated scenarios. A great decision making tool.
It could have been useful to have some more precise demos/ examples of how others have used it in online help.
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 8 Jahren
Hello Tancrede, thank you for your opinion! We strive to support the optimization of our customers' budget allocation and let them compare potential investments. We also share different templates to help the users' start. Write to us at info@riskturn.com and we will be glad to answer to your needs. Alexander, Riskturn support team.
Innovative and user friendly
Kommentare: I have tried the software with the idea of using it in university project management courses. With just a few clicks, the software allows to simulate the effect of risks on project cash flows and the resulting financial indicators. I appreciated the user friendliness of the software that - with a little training - should allow project managers to analyze risks in their projects, which usually requires deep technical expertise. Compared to other software, Riskturn integrates risks related to time: for instance, an activity can last more or less than expected and this can lead to increased costs or delays in revenues. For the more sophisticated users there are also special features to consider the specific cost/revenue profiles, the amortization and to mathematically model the risks. Congratulations to the developers who brought risk analysis to a new level of accessibility.
User friendly, considers time-related risks
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 8 Jahren
Hello Ruggero, thank you for spreading the voice about Riskturn! We are interested in collaboration with Universities, because we think that this approach is leading to a better economic valuation of projects! Alexander, Riskturn support team.
very fast!
Kommentare: I'm not an expert of this kind of tool but this is very simple and clear. Until now we use Excel for this analysis and the quality of the rsult is not the same.
The speed of use, you don,t need to be an expert
Probably it would be nice if will be possible integrate the tool with our other software (eg. for input/output of some specific data)
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 8 Jahren
Hello Stefano, thank you for reviewing Riskturn! We have focused our effort to develop a user-friendly cloud solution, to enhance the quality of results and to avoid the Excel black-box effect. The integration with other tools is already available for the Enterprise editions! Alexander, Riskturn support team.
A very useful tool to support a sound decision making process
The Riskturn software looks very intuitive to use, a few steps get you started without any long instruction manual to follow, and results are impressively clear and, visually speaking, looking good and understandable at first sight
In our particular field of small-mid cap private equity investors, we happen to deal with unpredictable factors, very often depending on the entrepreneur we are negotiating with, which is impossible to insert into a model. Larger organisations dealing with larger investments will be more at ease with the models obtained, as human factors are possibly less important in the big picture.
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 7 Jahren
Hello Alessandro, Thank you for your positive feedback. We are glad to see that you are getting helpful results from Riskturn for your private equity activities. Best, Jean
Great tool, simple and efficiency
Kommentare: We use the free trial version to estimate our business (logistic and travel company) and we are looking to buy enterprise version. With this toll we can select the best opportunity to match our business target.
ease of use and clarity of results
it would take a specific version for our business
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 8 Jahren
Hello Tania, thanks for reviewing Riskturn! We developed various template for different businesses, please find out! Alexander, Riskturn support team.
Great, simple yet comprehensive tool for business planning
Kommentare: I am the founder and CEO of a start up facing changes in business plan and assumptions as market and products evolve. Riskturn was very useful to make my business plan, evaluate our risks and convince my shareholders on their risk exposure and potential ROI
Easy to use, Excel interface, adapted to various business situation
Some mandatory fields could be more self explanatory
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 8 Jahren
Dear Charles, thank you for your feedback. We are excited to help start-ups in building trust on their investment valuations. Thanks to your advice, we have added a Help section for every step of Riskturn analyses. Alexander, Riskturn support team.
Must have app for forecasting and budgeting
Kommentare: This app helps me a lot in probabilistic forecasting of cash flows for my clients. It takes all sorts of risk into consideration before projecting. A must have application for those whose business revolves around project financing.
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 8 Jahren
Hello Ayushi, thank you for your review, we are constantly improving Riskturn to fulfil our users' needs. We have just added a live chat support! Alexander, Riskturn support team.
Used for business planning in retail
Kommentare: The software is very user friendly : easy to understand and to use. The results come out immediately with graphics which are very intuitive. It becomes a game to build a business plan with this tool.
Very intuitive. Easy to use.
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 8 Jahren
Dear Aude, thank you for your consideration. We are happy to see your validation of the main Riskturn strengths. Wishing you lots of new projects analyzed with our software! Alexander, Riskturn support team.
User friendly and relevant
We've just experienced Riskturn on some investment projects in real estate.
We appreciate the design of the service and the quality of provided information.
This really innovative product brings us a lot compared to solutions available till now.
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 8 Jahren
Dear Guillaume, thank you for your appreciation. We are proud of our continuous commitment in delivering the best solutions and services to our customers. Alexander, Riskturn support team.
Wow! This is a game changer.
makes risk management and financial analysis super easy, and Fun!
maybe it would be cool if it could integrate with other programs/apps. Maybe it does but havent been using very long
Antwort von Riskturn
vor 6 Jahren
Hello Justin, thank you for your really positive feedback! If you have any recommendation on which programs/apps to integrate, please share it with us writing at info@riskturn.com. Best, Andrea