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Was ist Showpad?
Das eOS (Enablement Operating System®️) von Showpad vereint Marketing- und Vertriebsteams von Unternehmen nahtlos. Deine Teams können das Inhaltsmanagement mit einem zentralen Repository, erweiterter Suche und KI-gestützten Erkenntnissen rationalisieren. Die visuell intuitive Nutzeroberfläche und interaktiven Käufererlebnisse stellen sicher, dass Verkäufer zur richtigen Zeit über die richtigen Inhalte verfügen, sodass sie bei jeder Kundeninteraktion einen Mehrwert bieten können. 1.200 Kunden aller Größen und Reifegrade in mehr als 50 Ländern vertrauen auf eOS®️ von Showpad.
Wer verwendet Showpad?
Zusammenführung von Vertriebs- und Marketingteams, um ein optimales Einkaufserlebnis zu erzielen. Zu den Kunden zählen Xerox, Fujifilm, Kimberly Clark, Johnson & Johnson, Prudential, Roche, Dow und Honeywell.
Wo kann Showpad bereitgestellt werden?
Über den Anbieter
- Showpad
- Ansässig in Chicago, USA
- 2011 gegründet
Support für Showpad
- Telefon-Support
- Chat
Showpad Kosten
- Keine kostenlose Testversion
- Keine Gratisversion
Showpad bietet keine Gratisversion und keine kostenlose Testversion. Die kostenpflichtige Version von Showpad ist ab 1,00 €/Monat verfügbar.
PreismodelleÜber den Anbieter
- Showpad
- Ansässig in Chicago, USA
- 2011 gegründet
Support für Showpad
- Telefon-Support
- Chat
Showpad – Videos und Bilder
Showpad Funktionen
Bewertungen über Showpad
Sales & Marketing
Der Grund, warum wir uns damals für Showpad entschieden haben, ist simpel: Wir wollten das Onboarding unserer Kollegen erleichtern und gleichzeitig die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Teams wie Sales und Marketing intensivieren, um insgesamt mehr Umsatz zu generieren. Das Hauptproblem, dem wir als Vertriebler gegenüberstehen, ist, dass das Marketing-Team oft nicht versteht, wie wir uns präsentieren und verkaufen, und umgekehrt gilt dasselbe. Showpad hat es geschafft, diese Kluft zu überbrücken.
Die Plattform war einmal bei uns down - war aber nicht schlimm.
Worth your budget!
Kommentare: We were using Sharepoint before which is not great for needing to understand which assets from marketing are of value and those of which are most popular with prospects. That insight is really beneficial to the marketing team. From an Enablement and onboarding perspective, this platform is quite comprehensive while being user-friendly for your day-to-day account executive to do their job successfully.
The product is simple to get a grip of and whenever I've found something puzzling, the support documentation, video recordings and screenshots have been extensive. Not the mention the direct availability of a customer success/support function has been essential to getting the most out of the platform.
A bit more on version controlling would be nice rather than a complete wipe of the existing version with a direct replacement on the asset. The ability to mass assign permissions from the upload window or the ability to adjust the OOTB permissions that default on any newly uploaded assets would be a nice to have.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Highspot
Warum Showpad gewählt wurde: Was not Admin friendly, left by the wayside with no real owner made the platform to cumbersome to adopt and adapt to changing hands.
Zuvor genutzte Software: Highspot
A Solid Solution for Content Management and Selling Success
Kommentare: Overall Showpad has been an extreme positive for our company. We have alleviated a significant portion of our content issues across our sales and marketing teams. Folks are now much better equipped to learn about, find new, and share out content in their day-to-day. Marketing receives far less basic inquiries and is now able to better focus on providing more successful content instead of just trying to meet initial needs or do one offs that do not benefit the broader team. We are very happy with the Showpad team and tool so far!
Showpad won our selection process primarily for its ease of use. I handle all new users and nearly all admin work. I don't need to do much to onboard folks as they are able to quickly pick up the tool and get to using it. Love shared spaces and how collaborative they can be. We also really love the pages functionality and extending it's use cases to use for events and more. Content organization is also great in the tool and there are plenty of ways to make it work well for the team. Appreciate the degree of automation which allows me to easily get greater visibility into assets that used to be so much harder to find.
Reporting needs more work. Need better insights and some easier navigation through the available data, particularly for who is viewing stuff outside of the company.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Highspot und Seismic
Warum Showpad gewählt wurde: Did not meet business needs. Was also just as expensive as Showpad but with way less to offer.
Zuvor genutzte Software: Dropbox DocSend
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Showpad: Ease and use and price-to-value.
Solid sales enablement software, needs improvements for administrators
Kommentare: Showpad does what it promises and provides Sales and Account Management teams with access to customer-facing documentation they can share with customers. Acts a source of truth for content.It is not easy to maintain from an admin perspective if you have large amounts of courses and content. Reporting is available but the UI is not intuitive.
From the perspective of end users is a powerful tool for your sales org if your company has a strong Sales Enablement process like ours.
As an admin, organizing the content is sometimes difficult and unclear. There are other limitations that are bothersome for example syncing our Google Drive to Showpad is not optimal and requires a lot of steps. I wish there was a way to sync Google Sheets automatically.
Extremely Important and Effective
Kommentare: Prior to Showpad, we only had Google Drive, which was hard to manage versions of and see what the team utilized. Now, we are able to provide valuable data to share with the marketing team and ensure content that is most shared/viewed is up-to-date.
As an admin, it is easy to upload collateral and ensure each document has the accurate tags, information associated. The integration with Google Drive made it extremely easy to get up and running, and the support we received aided in shortening the time to launch. Now, with the team on board and using the tool multiple times a week, I receive data back on what the team utilizes frequently, I am aware of my power users and those who need additional training or information on how to use the tool. In addition, the Shared Spaces is a huge hit for our team. Originally, it was an aspect we didn't push out as we weren't sure how effective it would be. Now, we have most reps producing at a minimum of 5 shared spaces and many reps believe it has helped them in closing business.
Showpad is always sharing product release information and right now there isn't much I dislike regarding Showpad. It has helped our organization a lot.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Highspot
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Showpad: Cost and ease of implementation. Showpad was less expensive, but easier to implement with our tech stack.