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symplr Provider
Was ist symplr Provider?
Die Kombination aus Cactus und eVIPs von symplr stellt die robusteste und umfassendste Anbieter-Datenmanagement-Softwarelösung im Gesundheitswesen dar.
Die vollständig skalierbare Plattform automatisiert deine Prozesse für Anbieter-Referenzbereitstellung, Ernennung, Privilegierung, Registrierung, OPPE/FPPE, nutzerdefinierte Berichterstattung, Vertrags- und Netzwerkmanagement sowie Peer-Bewertung.
Der hoch skalierbare cloudbasierte Zugriff mit sicheren Datenintegrationen bietet eine einheitliche Quelle für unternehmensweite Integration, Berichterstattung und Genauigkeit.
Wer verwendet symplr Provider?
Krankenhäuser, Gesundheitssysteme, Praxen, Gesundheitspläne/Kostenträger, Managed Care Organizations, CVOs, medizinische Mitarbeiter*innen, medizinische Mitarbeiterdienstleistungen, Qualifikationsprüfung, Anbieter-Onboarding,
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Bewertungen über symplr Provider
Very Powerful
Kommentare: this program is a very powerful program and when used correctly is a valuable tool in the credentialing process. I don't have much experience with other programs but what I have experienced I am impressed and am fairly happy. even with the cons I listed, I would and do plan to stay with this program.
Makes tracking Privilege dates, license expirations....a snap.... easy to pull reports and fairly easy to input.
we switched from Visual Cactus to web based Cactus and the transition has not been very smooth. most of the bugs have been worked out but not all. it would have been best if Cactus/Symplr had worked all the bugs out ahead of implementing the new product.
Symplr Event Reporting System is user friendly and the customer support is quick and knowledgeable!
Kommentare: Our overall experience is EXCEPTIONAL!
We love the ease of use for our caregivers! Customer support is quick and helpful!
We really have no issues as they are fixed within an hour via their customer support team!
Not what we expected.
Kommentare: Upper management talks the talk, but are not good with follow through.
Trainers are good and so is support, but the initial build of the system and clean up from conversion is the client's responsibility - very time consuming.
-LEMM (web crawler) only works for MD/DO state licensure boards, it will not perform web crawls for DPM, DDS, etc. Also, the LEMM "bucket" (after it has performed a webcrawl and results sent back) has to be cleaned out daily. It's like having another email inbox to manage, and saving the results to the system for each individual provider. Very time consuming. -OIG/SAM query - you can do a monthly sweep of the entire medical staff, but it will not provide a report to show evidence of completion. -Mass uploads - when large groups renew malpractice insurance, you can only do a mass update to change the expiration date, you cannot mass upload the certificate of insurance (COI) to each provider in the group. It's a manual process to save the COI to each practitioner's file. -Uploading documents - what symplr refers to as images - you can click on a PDF file from your computer and drag it over into the system, but you cannot click/drag/drop a PDF from an email attachment. You have to save the email attachment to your computer, then click/drag/drop. Extra step. -Primary Source Verification - you can go to various Board, NPI, etc. websites and the system will create a PDF to be saved to a practitioners file; however, this feature will not work for AMA/AOIA website. Same extra step as above. -Letters -have to create your own letters and forms (affiliation, peer reference) within the system-functionality is the same as Microsoft Word, but it's not Word-very cumbersome.
I think the customer support operates at a high level. Software ease of use could be more friendly.
I like the overall visual layout. I like being able to populate and move from name to name in the left hand, blue sidebar.
I have offered these some of these suggestions in the past, but nothing has seemed to change. 1. I wish that information viewing "boxes" say, in Specialties/boards, would have the capability to expand, versus being fixed and using a slider bar. This applies to several of the different "instances". 2. There are far too many redundant keyboard "clicks" required. I make my choice and then a screen comes up asking "am I sure" and I have to verify my choice. When I make a choice, don't ask me to verify. Another wasted extra keyboard click is when dropping a PDF into "images" on the toolbar of the credentialing instance. I move the document in, then a screen comes up that I have to click on stating "An image has just been added...". Every time that pops up I say to myself, "No, s#*t. I just purposefully added it." 3. When I enter a "from" date, I would like the cursor to automatically jump to the "to" date box, (like it used to do in visual cactus), instead of having to press "tab". 4. When I enter, let's say, a new license on the licensing screen, I would like for it to automatically go and populate into the credentialing instance, versus having to go to the credentialing set up, to click on the yellow icon to approve the entry. Again, I purposefully entered it. Trust that I wanted to do it. Don't make me have to do yet another verification of my actions. 5. Re: "Packets" they don't work the way they were explain to us,and sought clarification/direction 2x
Visual Cactus works well for maintaining our credentialing information.
The Documents are fairly easy to work with/author/edit. Multiple users can access the same record simultaneously with no problems. Assigning screen- and field-level security is simple to understand.
There has been a decline in Customer Support responsiveness over the past few years. We used to be able to get connected with someone who knew the software very well, and if they didn't have the answer, would consult with someone and get back to us. Many of my Customer Support calls have gone to someone who doesn't seem sure of what the system can do or how it should be working. There also seems to be some confusion ever since symplr acquired Cactus--there is a definite division between symplr and Cactus but sometimes following a link, etc. will get me to the wrong place and it's like I've reached an entirely different company.