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Was ist Plytix?
Plytix ist ein PIM-System mit dem du deine Produktinformationen effizient verwalten kannst. Das Tool hilft dir dabei all deine Produktinfos und die dazugehörigen Medien an einem Ort zu zentralisieren. So erhältst du einen perfekten Überblick deiner Produkte und kannst sie viel einfacher und schneller gemeinsam mit deinem Team verwalten. Endlich müsst ihr nicht mehr zwischen zig Tabellen und Systemen hin und herspringen!
Plytix gilt weltweit als das beliebteste PIM-System auf dem Markt für KMU dank der benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche, fairen Preisstruktur und des personalisierten Onboardings und kontinuierlichen Kundenbetreuung.
Wer verwendet Plytix?
Kleine bis mittlere Unternehmen, die den Multichannel-Vertrieb erobern möchten und auf der Suche nach einer smarten Lösung sind ihre Produktinformationen effizient zu verwalten und keine Lust mehr auf zu komplizierte oder überteuerte PIM-Software haben.
Wo kann Plytix bereitgestellt werden?
Über den Anbieter
- Plytix
- Ansässig in Nordborg, Dänemark
- 2014 gegründet
Support für Plytix
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Plytix Kosten
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- Ja, Gratisversion verfügbar
Plytix bietet eine Gratisversion und eine kostenlose Testversion. Die kostenpflichtige Version von Plytix ist ab 699,00 €/Monat verfügbar.
Preismodelle Kostenlose TestversionÜber den Anbieter
- Plytix
- Ansässig in Nordborg, Dänemark
- 2014 gegründet
Support für Plytix
- Telefon-Support
- Chat
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Plytix Funktionen
Bewertungen über Plytix
Benutzerfreundliches Tool und toller Support
Kommentare: Plytix ist insgesamt ein sehr benutzerfreundliches, intuitives System aufgrund dessen wir in vielen Bereichen der Contenterstellung enorme Zeitersparnisse feststellen konnten.
Die Filterfunktion in Plytix ist sehr dezidiert, sodass spezielle Produkte im Bulk bearbeitet werden können. Wir haben durch den Einsatz von Plytix eine enorme Zeitersparnis in der Bearbeitung und Aktualisierung von Produktinformationen festgestellt und sind sehr zufrieden.
Das Handling von Assets ist für unsere Bedürfnisse noch nicht ganz ausgereift. Bei dem Upload und Zuweisung von Assets zu Daten sollte eine Mehrfachbearbeitung möglich sein.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Pimcore
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Tina, great to hear that Plytix has helped you save lots of time when it comes to updating and processing your product information. :) thanks for sharing your feedback about our asset functionality, we will take notes of it for future product improvements
Endlich kann die Produktentwicklung durchstarten
Kommentare: Plytix macht spaß. Es vereinfacht das Arbeiten in unserem Unternehmen ungemein.Die Möglichkeiten Produktdatenblätter und Kataloge im eigenen Design zu erstellen ist top und sonst nirgendwo so benutzerfreundlich im Angebot.
Das Erstellen der Produktdatenblätter und das Erstellen der Kataloge ist ein absoluter Benefit in diesem Programm.Das nutzerfreundliche Interface und die übersichtliche Landing Page sind zusätzlich auch noch variabel pro Benutzer anzulegen.Es vereinfacht das tägliche Arbeiten in sämtlichen Bereichen des online Business
Ausbaufähig ist das Reporting. Eventuell könnten auch noch weitere Dinge wie logistische Daten aus einem ERP berücksichtigt werden
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Pimcore
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Plytix: Preis Leistung so wie Customer Support
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Thanks Martin for your honest review, great to hear that Plytix has made your work easier! :) We'll take your further feedback into consideration
Tolles System für viel Arbeitserleichterung im Produktmanagement
Kommentare: Plytix ist im Vergleich zu anderen PIM Systemen sehr intuitiv und nutzerfreundlich. Eine kleine Einweisung benötigt man natürlich schon aber dann kann direkt gestartet werden. Das System ist sehr durchdacht und es macht Spaß, darin zu arbeiten - gleichzeitig optimiert es unsere Produktdatenpflege enorm und erleichtert uns viele Arbeitsprozesse im Tagesgeschäft.
Der eigene Lernprozess gestaltet sich mit der Software sehr einfach und es kann schnell eigenständig gearbeitet werden. Für unseren Bereich ist das Erstellen von Katalogen und Produktdatenblättern eine große Arbeitsentlastung und ein toller Mehrwert der Software. Durch Plytix konnten wir nochmal einen tieferen Fokus auf die Produktdatenpflege legen und wir haben einen viel besseren Überblick über das Sortiment.
Wir arbeiten erst seit ein paar Monaten mit dem System. Grundsätzlich ist die Schnittstelle zu anderen Plattformen aber nicht ganz so einfach.
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Anna, we're happy to read that Plytix has made your work easier and that you appreciate the creation of catalogs with our tool! :)

Sehr solides PIM
Kommentare: Durch Plytix sind wir endlich weggekommen von einer Excelbasierten Datenbank. Das spart uns wirklich viel Zeit, vor allem bei dem umfangreichen Produktkatalog, den wir haben.
Der größte Vorteil ist die einfache Bedienbarkeit und der herausragende Support.Die Verwendung von Plytix gestaltet sich als intuitiv und durch die wirklich guten Hilfeseiten kommt man auch schnell weiter, wenn es mal hakt.
Eine direkte Anbindung an Amazon wäre prima
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Akeneo Product Cloud
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Plytix: Plytix hat den besten Mehrwert geboten. Ist von den Features her sehr gut und hat die für uns passenden Funktionen.
Antwort von Plytix
vor 2 Jahren
Danke Björn für dein ehrliches Feedback! Wir freuen uns zu hören dass unser Tool dir und deinem Team das Leben einfacher macht
Top-Team | Top-RD | Top-Support
Kommentare: Spitzenteam. Freundlich und kompetent. Wir wollten unsere Daten mit unserer Website verbinden und sie automatisieren. Jetzt ist es möglich. Außerdem war es vorher mühsam, die Produktdaten zu ändern und zu pflegen. Mit Plytix ist das ein Kinderspiel. Die Anreicherung der Daten, die unser Produkt erhält, ist geschäftsverändernd.
Das Beste an dieser Software ist, wie einfach es ist, deine eigenen Anpassungen für deinen Geschäftsprozess oder dein Produkt vorzunehmen. Sie ist flexibel, und das Team entwickelt ständig neue Funktionen. Wenn du also etwas vermisst, ist es wahrscheinlich schon in der Entwicklung.
Wenn du dich in dieser Branche nicht auskennst, wirst du wahrscheinlich auf einige Hindernisse stoßen. Aber es gibt nichts, was ich jetzt an Plytix ändern würde. Das Team engagiert sich so sehr für die Community und die Nutzer, dass es sehr gut gepflegt und aktualisiert wird.
Antwort von Plytix
vor 3 Jahren
Vielen Dank für deine ehrliche Bewertung Jan! Es ist uns eine Freude gemeinsam mit dir und deinem Team arbeiten zu dürfen!
Kommentare: Ohne Plytix hätten wir unsere doch ziemlich hochgesteckten Ziele, was vor allem die Zeit betrifft, nicht erreichen können.
Die Einfachheit der Einführung und der Nutzung.
Die Relations sind etwas mühsam zum machen. Eine Relation ohne Mengenangabe wäre noch super.
Antwort von Plytix
vor 3 Jahren
Danke Florian für deine Bewertung, wir freuen uns zu lesen dass Plytix euch dabei geholfen hat eure Ziele schneller zu erreichen! Meld dich gerne bei deiner/m CS Manager/in um zu schauen wie ihr die Relationships besser verwalten könnt.

Amazing Value for the Price
Kommentare: The ability to add thousands of products onto a website quickly
It allows us to use a PIM without having to pay tens of thousands of pounds a year and get all of the benefits associated with scaling up the business. It was very easy to set up and we had our first connection with our website within a few days.
There are many little features that could be improved but the main one is the inability to change imported values in a spread sheet (such as appending text to a column) and all work must be done in the spread sheet first. They have computed attributes for their exports, but would be good to have something similar for their imports too.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Pimberly PIM und Confluence
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Plytix: For the price this product is amazing and the technical support is first class although to be honest I've not needed to use them much.
Antwort von Plytix
vor 4 Jahren
Hi Chris, We really appreciate your honest feedback. It is great having customers like you ;) We look forward to your success.
Plytix is a tool that is helpful for managing product information effectively
Direct integration with Shopify and the automated sync
No image ai auto tagging for the photos.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Sales Layer und Pimcore
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Plytix: Price and features like the automated synchronizing of Shopify data
I use PIM daily and am satisfied with the experience so far. Previous user of Salsify.
Kommentare: Plytix PIM helps me organize and work within my business's inventory quickly and easily.
I like that PIM is the kind of product that can be adapted to meet the needs of my business and that it organizes the information for each product quickly and easily.
Plytix lacks crucial NEXT BUTTONS that make moving from one product to the next in a group a process that can either be a. smooth and easy or b. a repetitive task of jumping back and forth in the same two pages repeatedly.
Fast, Intuitive and fun to use - the rest is a bonus
Kommentare: Loving it, has helped our business pull product information into a single place.
Onboarding is easy. I can think of something and then navigate how to do it in plytix with ease. The whole PIM idea is new to our company, so the onboarding piece is very important. Other departments only loosely buy into the idea and won't sit through training sessions. The software is so common sense they can hit the ground running.Oh and the flexibilities of the filters is great too.
Brand portal customisation is still not quite right.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Pimberly PIM
Warum Plytix gewählt wurde: Plytix offers PIM capabilities with a built in DAM. Filecamp was just our DAM.
Zuvor genutzte Software: Filecamp
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Plytix: Price levels that are suitable for a small business - but still with all of the main functionality. We have a limited number of SKU's <500, paying the large sums for the other players didn't make sense, their pricing tiers lumped us with companies that had 10,000 sku's and multiple web platforms.
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Byron, thank you so much for your detailed review, it makes us really happy to read that you enjoyed our onboarding process and using our tool. We'd love to hear what customisations you are looking for exactly in the brand portals for future improvements. Thanks! :)
Great tool!
Kommentare: In comparison to a previous tool I was using, Plytix is a huge step-up. It poses all essential features of a data management tool. I am happy that we have it
It is user-friendly, easy to manage, has almost all features you need for data management, will help you feed an online shop with all related assets and attributes in one place. Great for building a "single source of truth"
You cannot define specific user roles regarding attributes they can edit.There is no data quality control. If you made a mistake and didn't notice it, it will not be reported
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Valeriya, happy to hear that Plytix makes it easier for you to manage your product data and distribute it to your online shop :) You will be happy to hear that by now we do have the functionality in place to give attribute permission for specific users
Plytix is awesome
Kommentare: My overall experience with Plytix is very good, it is easy to use and teach others.
Plytix is very compatible with other systems which makes the integration with other apps work fantastic. PIM is very easy to use and teach others.
It is annoying that you can not BULK more photos at once.
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Emma, happy to hear that Plytix has made your work smoother! :) we'll keep your feedback for further improvements in mind
CFH Review
Easy import / export Routine processing of assets Asset storage Unlimited attribute creation Dynamic PDF generation + real time E-catalogs
Lack of private usage (it's all a shared workspace)
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Pimberly PIM
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Plytix: Cost for maximum usage, clean interface, very easy to assimilate existing data to the system.
Antwort von Plytix
vor 4 Jahren
Hi Alex, Thanks a million for your honest review. We really appreciate it About the "privacy" is it top in our priorities to offer Attribute-based permissions: https://portal.productboard.com/2jhnylp4zyhc6zaqxubgazpp/c/48-attribute-level-permissions Hopefully, we will be able to offer that during this year. Best
Amazing Experiance!
Kommentare: I'm not the type of person who writes reviews about products or services, but for this software, I am happy to share my amazing experience and recommend it to all the companies who are searching for such product.
Literally, everything is perfect, the account manager support, the PIM system itself, the way I can create my own catalogs in just a minute, the brand portal, the assets management, the data management, the channels.This system saved me a huge amount of time listing my product on any e-commerce platforms, sending updated daily lists to our customers, or creating catalogs.
it's hard what to not like about this system, but If I'm going to pick something, it's going to be the filters that keep resetting the filters on the brand portal every time I click on a certain product or go back to the previous page.But they promised me that it's going to be solved soon, as they're bringing new modifications to the brand portal, and I hope it will be done very soon.
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Bashar, we're over the moon to read about the positive experience you're having with Plytix! :) These kind of testimonials really make our day, we're happy to see how plytix has improved - to say it in your own words - basically everything! :D Thank you for sharing your feedback about our filter function in the brand portals, we're keeping this in mind for further tool enhancements
All your Product Data in one Location
Plytix has been a great system to allow us to consolidate all of our product data. We run mulitple websites and supply feeds for numerous resellers. We constantly found updating information painful with everything disconnected. Plytix fixed this with all data now stored within and feeding out to our various systems.
The api could be a little easier to use. Have struggled to get image urls to export with bulk product data.
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Daniel, thanks a million for your honest feedback! :) We're happy to hear that consolidating your data in Plytix has made managing your product information less painful, and more enjoyable. Our team is more than happy to help you out with any issues you might run into with our API

Plytix a good alternative for Akeneo
Kommentare: My experience with Plytix is very positive. Are always ready to help. Easily accessible. A disadvantage is that the development sometimes takes a little longer or is not relevant for our organization.
The best feature is that it is a complete web-based (SAAS) solution and a great support department.
The disadvantage is that it is a Saas solution and there is not always the option of customizing
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Akeneo Product Cloud
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Plytix: Good guidance, many options and in the cloud
Antwort von Plytix
vor 4 Jahren
Thanks, Gaby for your sincere feedback. We really appreciate your ideas and the way you have helped us design better features that solves your and other customers' issues. We look forward to working together with you to keep developing new solutions that will help your team and other teams around the world.
Plytix great system for tech challenged person like me
Kommentare: Super pleased with this platform. Love how our team can work on products and it synchronizes everything. No more multiple locations for product development!
How it synchronizes across platforms! Solid one source of truth!
I’m not as technically experienced so I’m learning how to use it still.
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
thank you Veronica for your review, it's great to hear how Plytix has helped improve to work more efficiently for your and your whole team! :) If you are running into any issues, you are always more than welcome to reach out to your CS Manager 🙌
Great help setting up Plytix - Saves so much time doing certain jobs now
Kommentare: Great overall experience, was offered a lot of help with the set up of Plytix and great customer service help with anything afterwards.
The ease of setting up products and pulling it into different customers product sheet formats. Saves so much time.
There is a lot of information you take in and so many pages, it can be a bit daunting to use if you don't use it regularly.
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Sidnie, we're glad to read that plytix has helped you save time getting your work done. If you experience any issues navigating in the system, our team is always happy to help you out, just give us a shout :)
A Whole New Experience
Kommentare: Plytix helps us a lot in reducing manual processes and gives us more confidence in the shared information recorded. It will be more helpful and useful in the future and also can develop a distinct function.
PIM helps us to manage product information and cut down on the manual process we need to do especially when we need to integrate the product information into our other platforms.
We have needs to separate our products by packaging into the product level. Therefore, we need to have a distinct function so that when we want to sync to other platforms can only sync as a master product. Now we need to sync to an intermediate platform doing the distinct function before syncing to the end target platform.
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Hendri, awesome to read that plytix has helped to make your day to day work easier and that you enjoyed our sales and support process :) thanks for sharing your use case of the management of separate packaging for your products, we will keep this in mind for further product improvements
Great product information management system
Kommentare: Great tool for managing all of our products across two brands and having a portal our internal and external stakeholders can download and access the materials they need at any time.
User friendly interface makes it easy to house all of our product information, from technical specifications, to marketing content, files and assets and product grouping. The portal is great for sharing with our external parties.
It can be easy to override information and lose data sometimes. The changelog helps here, although you cannot reverse a bulk action.
Antwort von Plytix
letztes Jahr
Hi Jessica, thank you for your feedback. Great to hear that it's easy for you to store, manage and share your product information with plytix :)
Plytix Review
Kommentare: Being able to manage large volumes of data for multiple channels each with its own requirement was always a challenge. Plytix has been a great help and made the work so much easier to manage.
A great piece of software that has been a great help in managing our data for multiple channels. It has enabled us to be able to specify what data we need and where using one central location for data.
Athough it is not as advanced as some PIM software there has been great improvement in what is available over the time we have been using it and lots more to come in the pipeline.
Antwort von Plytix
vor 5 Jahren
Hello, Michelle! Thank you very much for your review and kind words. It really fills our hearts with joy to see our customers happy!
Intelligent solution for small money
before the introduction of Index we had stored our product data in .XLSX tables.... Horror. With Index I can now retrieve our product data from anywhere, share it with customers and with Index we are very fast with our products on the market.
Our wish is to be able to generate beautifully arranged and visually appealing data sheets with Index.
The ease of use, data entry and open database structure is great. Plytix Index is best suited for PIM beginners as well as advanced users. Of course not everything is perfect but the Plytix team is very customer oriented and takes customer needs into account when developing the software.
A PIM must fulfill the following four tasks for me: - input - Processing - Analysis - output The first three makes index good, the output still has improvement potential. The feed export in .CSV, .XML and .XLSX is great but the catalog PDF export function is still not sufficient today. The customer must be able to create his own PDF catalog or Index must offer at least a selection of templates. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
Antwort von Plytix
vor 6 Jahren
Thank you for your very honest and fair review Albert! We hope to be feature complete soon enough for you to be able to create those beautiful data sheets - thank you every day for your patience, and for putting your faith in us! It's a pleasure to know we are helping you get your product information to the market faster. Bests, Plytix
Great Product
Kommentare: So far Plytix has been a positive experience from both product and support.
The speed and efficiency in which we are able to upload, modify, access and share all of our product information has been very beneficial.
Direct ERP integration would be a helpful. Options to customize the look and feel of the catalogs falls a bit short.
Antwort von Plytix
vor 5 Jahren
Hey Daniel, we really appreciate your feedback. It's great to hear Plytix is making your work easier. We're developing our system for new features and improvements continuously, and we hope you are enjoying our latest Catalog launch. Thank you always for your patience!
Plytix makes me life easier on a daily basis
Kommentare: I have used Plytix to solve more problems than I can possibly list. Even as a simple organizational tool, it is has more than proven its worth to me. Beyond that, it's potential to assist in tying our various platforms together as our mothership of information is exciting.
Plytix is a very useful tool for organizing our product data. I have a SKU database of nearly 3000 items. Plytix gives me the ability to create my own attributes and group them how I need. I can then create feeds using my own custom criteria to perform a ton of different tasks within my company's various departments. Implementation assistance and support has been top-notch. From that aspect alone, I've yet to see Plytix outperformed.
Nothing major. Minor issues are resolved quickly and professionally.
Antwort von Plytix
vor 5 Jahren
Hi Andy, the biggest compliment you can give us is that we're making your life easier! Thank you so much for your kind words.
Powerful platform which requires some learning first
Kommentare: Single, consistent repository of product information
High flexibility in customizing fields, multiple images, media, etc... Easy to import/export big quantities of data Super supportive and knowledgeable support team
Difficult to manage the Product/Variant duality and ensure consistency for the shared fields Quite complicated adding a lot of fields in the Feeds (unlike Catalogs which is very easy) Feeds/Catalogs could be merged, allowing for both file export and web visualization It would be nice to have preconfigured ecommerce flows (e.g. Shopify, Amazon, etc...)