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Was ist Docker?
Docker ermöglicht es dir, eine Anwendung mit all ihren Abhängigkeiten in eine standardisierte Einheit für die Softwareentwicklung zu packen.
Wer verwendet Docker?
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Bewertungen über Docker
Leistungsstarkes Werkzeug für Entwickler
Als Entwickler empfehle ich Docker, da es mir ermöglicht, Anwendungen schnell und einfach in Container zu packen und auf jeder Plattform auszuführen. Es bietet auch eine Vielzahl von Tools, um den Entwicklungsprozess zu automatisieren und zu vereinfachen, was uns Zeit und Ressourcen spart. Insgesamt ist Docker ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, das die Art und Weise, wie wir Anwendungen erstellen und bereitstellen, revolutioniert hat.
Die Komplexität von Netzwerk- und Speichermanagement um Container herum, die Leistungseinbuße auf virtualisierten Infrastrukturen sowie die mögliche Herausforderung des Managements von Containerorchestrierungs-Tools wie Kubernetes sind Nachteile von Docker.
World changing containers and standard de-facto
Docker was first (I believe) on themarket of containerized software. There was a lot of talks that it is nothing more than an interface to unix cgroups and that docker has no future, this is just hyped piece of software.
Time proved them wrong. Docker became a standard solution, participated in Open Container Initiative and while fully comply with all the OCI requirements, docker is used much widely.
Container solves library/dll hell - that means that you may have two application that require incompatible libs running on the same computer without any problems. Applications are separated, they can't affect each other, their resource consumption may be tuned using docker tools.
You may build proof of concept wiring containers into a single docker-compose and have the whole stack running here.
Multi stage build allows to build software which does not have access to any secrets used during build step.
You may use tons of software without installing it, just by running them in the docker.
Great documentation. Easy to use. Exists on any OS and platform you may need it (doesn't work with latest ARM Mac yet, but I believe this is a matter of time). Allows to you to use any software / platform / solution you want without actually installing it on your computer. Docker-compose may ran the whole stack right on your laptop and multistage builds takes care of safe software building. Free docker registry on top of that. Tremendous amount of how-to.
Some functionality behaves differently depending on platform. For example - mounted volumes. Some of issues related to file permissions stays there for at least few years. Internal volumes can not be extracted and moved to another computer easily, which somehow defeats it's purpose. Doesn't play well with WSL/WSL2 and especially if you pair it with build in kubernetes.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
The lean virtual machine tool we've been waiting for
Kommentare: Feels like a bit of a learning curve coming from using VirtualBox, vagrant, etc., but when you get that first cluster of virtual environments running interacting apps you know how worth it it was
Docker works on every platform and makes it simple to match production and development systems. It's similar to older virtual machine and VM management tooling, but much more lean and 100% open source.
Getting started can be intimidating. While it's worth the time invested, development teams accustomed to working directly on their own hardware or with traditional virtual machine tools will have a bit of a learning curve.
Docker has gone the way of the dodo
Kommentare: Started out great, then turned to not-so-great, then eventually GET ME OFF THIS THING.It took them coming out with an Open container initiative to be able to market their product, which is bloated cruftware. There are better options out there. Maybe not as user-friendly, but definitely not as buggy.
It was awesome the day we replaced it with something else. I suppose it's a good dashboard app for showing off running containers on your workstation.
It's too resource intensive, and makes everything else crash when I'm running the containers. I hate how they force you to upgrade to the latest version if you're a freebie, and that usually breaks all my keys on boxes, which means I've got to reset to factory defaults just to use what I already had working. Docker is literally a productivity killer because they think they know more about virtualization than you do and so they push updates and force you to download them and occupy all your hard-drive with bloated containers.
Containers are great!
I use docker mainly on qnap systems and it works fine. I set an uniquity docker in a network without server to install, so i am able to manage the equipment.
I run docker of course in a linux machine, i haven't any problem or issue, everything runs smooth. Docker is indeed a great solution, you should try it.
Containers are quick to deploy and you can have dedicated machine that run software you don't want (or you cannot) install on any machine in your network. I have a Zabbix docker machine, an uniquity one and also a snort one. I usually install docker on linux machines (I choose Ubuntu in my case) but you can also use docker on QNAP Nas systems, really useful and easier to setup. Installation of docker is easy, just follow the instruction on main site. Installing applications is also easy. Highly recommended!
You need a Linux machine and a little knowledgement to run successfully docker, but there is a lot of documentation on internet