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Was ist Spameo?
Mit der Antispam Chrome Extension kannst du alle unerwünschten E-Mails aus deinem Gmail-Postfach entfernen und filtern. Einfache Möglichkeit zum Blockieren von Absendern und Filtern von E-Mails in Gmail.
Wer verwendet Spameo?
Gmail-Nutzer, die zu viele E-Mails erhalten
Du bist nicht sicher, ob Spameo das Richtige ist?
Mit einer beliebten Alternative vergleichen
Bewertungen über Spameo
Great way to stay on top of spam issues on computer!
This spam software was one I wanted to try out because it seemed to have great features! I love that it has a free offer and does a great job of keeping emails organized and cleared out.
Sometimes I worry about things being deleted without my approval first. The software just delete every 30 days without checking in first which can be a little bit nerve-racking. So far no files of importance have been deleted
Great spam software.
Spameo has been a great spam tool and has performed excellently. The results are night and day and could not ask for a better spam fighter.
This is a must if you receive email large quantities
asy to use, Easy to install, the Chrome extension makes the app installation very friendly. it helps to filter any spam in your email, especially if you are a gmail user,
t delays sometimes to load and then to detect the different spams There is nothing else to say about app dislikes.
Antwort von Spameo
vor 7 Jahren
Thank you for your review! Jean from Spameo
Does the job
Kommentare: Overall it's a catchy tool and I'd probably recommend it
If you're typically overwhelmed with spam then this will certainly do the job for you. Fairly easy setup
I just worried that something important will fall through the sifter, but so far it's been okay for us
Kommentare: This tool is essential ! Thanks to Spameo I finally get rid of spams, and I am not waiting my time cleaning my mailbox every day anymore !
Antwort von Spameo
vor 7 Jahren
Thank You Paul.