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Was ist Cacoo?
Ermögliche Brainstorming und Priorisierung von Ideen mit Teammitgliedern im selben Büro oder auf der ganzen Welt. Cacoo ist ein Diagramm-Tool zum Erstellen von Flussdiagrammen, Mindmaps, Organigrammen, Mockups und mehr.
Zu den Funktionen gehört die Kollaboration in Echtzeit, leistungsstarke App-Integrationen mit Google Drive, Confluence, Visio und mehr; große Anzahl von Vorlagen und Formen; und einfache Freigabeoptionen wie Einbetten, Verknüpfen und Exportieren.
Wer verwendet Cacoo?
Unternehmen, Start-ups, Freiberufler, Student*innen, Lehrer*innen, Forschungseinrichtungen
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Bewertungen über Cacoo
Your free trial got me!
As a product manager I found myself often times just just needing to throw together a simple wireframe/mockup and it's harder than you think to just find something simple and straight forward to get that done. Cacoo allowed me to use the full product (with a couple of exceptions) right away and then naturally it's what I thought about the next time I needed to do something similar. Eventually I got to the end of my free pages and the cost made it possible to easily upgrade.
- Grouping images. There is no straight forward or easy way to group images and assets unless I am totally missing something. - Keep adding shapes- I think there is a really good start in shapes but you should keep adding shapes and working on the filtering system to get to those shapes.
Cacoo is the perfect software for many usage
Easy to learn and use, Cacoo let you make fast and great diagram for any usage.
Nice to make mockup, especially with linked items that let you have a full interactive mock of your app.
The software is also accurate enough to make some graphical mockup
And as you can export them as PDF with link, you can even share them with everyone!
The collaborative tools make this even easier and open Cacoo to a whole new set of usage.
As its easy to use and share, you can have a very nice whiteboard to share with remote collaborator when brainstorming.
And last but not least, the versioning system let you edit as far as you want any diagram without the fear of losing anything in the process :)
Easy to use. Powerfull. Got some great features.
There is really nothing I can really complain about on Cacoo. Expect the fact that the very old diagrams made with the very old flash engine are not upgradable to the current one. That's really all.
Cacoo a friendly software
Kommentare: I use it to prepare some draws on my business work... just previous workflows draws sended to my engynering team.
The easy way to work . I'ts an esasy software and very friendly to work with.
Need to be in other lenguages to help users. Some times not easy to draw..
A simple to use and powerful tool
Kommentare: Cacoo provides a clear and easy way to produce diagrams describing complex technical solutions which are then understandable to less technical stake holders
Cacoo provides an incredibly easy to use platform for creating in depth analysis and design diagrams. The interface is intuitive mean no real requirement to train users to access features and be able to quickly produce business ready design artefacts.
Until Cacoo rolled out google SSO, logging into the product was tesious as it would bounce you from NuLab to Cacoo credentials. However now that is resolved I have little to complain about.
Best software to manage a company's inflows and outflows
Kommentare: I am solving problems of ease to make reports at the end of each week of business cash flows. This is due to the available features as flowcharts
Cacoo is one of the easiest software I can recommend companies to use to manage their businesses in terms of finances. Cacoo is very affordable as to the good services it offers.
I find the software fine. Its easy to use therefore the more you learn the easier it becomes to use