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Qlik Sense
Was ist Qlik Sense?
Qlik Sense ist eine Business-Intelligence-Software, die globalen Unternehmen hilft, schneller voranzukommen, intelligenter zu arbeiten und moderne Analysen für jeden zugänglich zu machen. Einfaches Kombinieren, Laden, Visualisieren und Erkunden von Daten, egal wie viele (oder wenige). Erstelle und teile leistungsstarke, interaktive Dashboards in einer kontrollierbaren Umgebung. Die Software hat ihren Schwerpunkt auf Performance und Skalierbarkeit für Unternehmens-SaaS, in der Cloud oder On-Premise. Beschleunige deinen Weg zum Geschäftswert mit einer sehr umfassenden BI-Plattform (Business Intelligence).
Wer verwendet Qlik Sense?
Qlik hilft Unternehmen, mit Daten zu führen, um das Kundenverhalten besser zu verstehen, Geschäftsprozesse neu zu erfinden, neue Einnahmequellen zu entdecken und Risiken und Ertrag in Einklang zu bringen.
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Qlik Sense
Bewertungen über Qlik Sense

Qliksense Review
Mächtiges Tool, Einstig auf für Anfänger:innen gut möglich
Kommentare: Es macht Spaß mit QlikSense zu arbeiten. Mehr muss ich nicht sagen !
Ansprechende intuitive Benutzeroberfläche mit viel Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, insbesondere jetzt nach den Mai 2024 Update. Sehr mächtiges Tool.
Bei großen Datenmengen längere Ladezeiten beim Anzeigen der Daten. Wurde mit dem Neuen Update aber behoben.
Aus meiner Sicht das beste Gesamtpaket um BI im Unternehmen zu implementieren.
Kommentare: Bestes BI-Tool, was ich bisher kennengelernt habe.
Ich bin in der Lage ohne Data-Warehouse BI-Projekte umzusetzen. Durch das vorgelagerte Skript kann ich den kompletten ETL-Prozess abbilden. Die Qlik-Community ist sehr groß und man findet fast immer Lösungen und Hilfestellungen.
Die Administration des Servers könnte einfacher sein. Aber mit QlikCloud wird es einfacher.
Sehr hilfreiches Analysetool
Kommentare: Qlik Sense gibt ein gutes Gesamtbild ab und ermöglicht uns die täglichen Daten im Einkauf besser und schneller zu analysieren.
Gute Performance. Gute grafische Darstellungen. Report-Builder ermöglicht viele Auswahlmöglichkeiten zur Datenanalyse an.
Zu viel Customizing notwendigt. Macht am Ende das Gesamtpaket eventuell teurer.
BI-Tool mit unendlich vielen Einsatzmöglichkeiten
Die Einführung von Qlik Sense hat unser Reporting revolutioniert. Was vorher in zig Excel-Auswertungen mühsam zusammengetragen werden musste, befindet sich jetzt gebündelt in einem Tool.Die Konnektivität mit den verschiedensten Datenbankmodellen ist hervorragend.Die Auswertemöglichkeiten sind vielfälltig.Das wahrscheinlich beste an dieser Software ist aber die riesige Community - bei einem Problem erhält man binnen weniger Stunden eine Antwort.
Das einzige negative ist die unterschiedlichen Funktionalitäten zwischen der SaaS-Lösung und der On-Premise-Lösung.Hier wird man als On-Premise-Kunde mit weniger Funktionen benachteiligt, so dass man auf kurz oder lang gezwungen ist, in die Cloud zu wechseln.
Erfinder des BI Tools
Ich habe jahrelang mit QlikView gearbeitet, dass leider nicht mehr weiter entwickelt wird und bin daher auf Qlik Sense umgestiegen. QlikSense ist deutlich moderner und bietet vielfältige Funktionen, wobei das Niveau von QlikView, was die Möglichkeiten angeht, meines Erachtens noch nicht erreicht ist. Dennoch ein gutes BI Tool, speziell wenn man auch noch den ETL Prozess anhand der Skrip-Sprache gezielt gestalten will.
Die Bedienung anhand des "normalen" Menüs und des "erweiterten Menüs" empfinde ich als teilweise etwas unübersichtlich. Es sollte noch mehr Einstellmöglichkeiten bei den Objekten geben, z.B. bei einem Bubble Diagramm würde ich die Blase gerne in Abhängigkeit nach der Dimension und zusätzlich auch nach dessen Wert einfärben.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Probably the most powerful BI software
Kommentare: Qlik Sense is probably the most advanced and powerful BI software on the market. Creating advanced data visualisation dashboards is easy and critical in a big and dynamic organisation such as ours. The decision making process is faster and it enables you to react quickly to the market.
Being able to connect to very diverse data sources, the ease of creating new dashboards and reports.
The only con I can identify is that we don't have enough time to keep up with all the features that Qlik Sense brings, and further develop the data analysis capabilities. But in time we will manage :)
Qlik Sense Review: A Comprehensive Overview
Kommentare: Overall, Qlik Sense is an incredibly powerful and user-friendly data analysis tool that makes it easy to quickly understand and analyze your data. Despite some of its more complex features, it is still relatively easy to use and can provide valuable insights from your data.
Qlik Sense is an incredibly powerful and user-friendly data analysis tool that makes it easy to get insights from your data. The drag-and-drop nature of creating visualizations makes it simple to quickly understand and analyze your data, and the data integration capabilities allow for easy integration with other data sources.
While Qlik Sense is a powerful tool, it can be difficult to learn due to its complex features and user interface. Additionally, there are some features which can be difficult to use, such as the scripting language and data modeling capabilities.
Top notch scalable self-service BI tool with cutting-edge visuals
Qlik Sense is a self-service analytical tool based on the same in-memory technology as QlikView. It's associative engine allows for snappy selections, filtering and prompt re-calculation of all charts and aggregations on the fly as the user navigates throughout the dashboard, even on datasets of over 100 million rows. Qlik Sense focuses more on the self-service aspects of BI, where users are encouraged to build their own Adhoc visualisations without the use of keyboards simply by drag & dropping various elements, making the technology utmost business friendly. Also, as the whole technology is fully web-based, it embeds the latest visualisation libraries (D3, Raphael etc.) and allows for a seamless integration of customised extended JS charts (so-called extensions). The latter enables for unlimited possibilities when it comes to visualisations (http://d3js.org/) and further integration with web-services (R servers, real-time analytics, Hadoop etc.). Also, the Qlik Sense Server deployment is tailored to facilitate a multi-node deployment, allowing for a very scalable enterprise solution, even cloud-based. The data security technology (Section Access) is the same one as in QlikView and is customisable, secure and robust. All in all, when it comes to deploying a scalable and business-friendly BI solution, which has very presentable dashboards, a fast and robust aggregation engine with extended self-service capabilities, Qlik Sense is currently the best product of its kind on the market.
Qlik Sense is still a new product and not very mature yet, as it has only been released a year and a half ago. The review is based on Qlik Sens version 2.1 which is important to emphasise, because QlikTech is constantly updating the software and publishing releases with enhancements and bugfixes. Qlik Sense is not the right tool, if you requirement is: 1. To have a guided analytics dashboard, where the user is constraint in the way he views his data. -> This can be overcome by creating mashup websites, however you will need a web developer to do this. 2. Standardised reporting via Qlik Sense and production of pdf files is not possible (yet). -> An integration with nPrinting, QlikTech's latest acquisition, could change this and it's on Qlik's roadmap for the next year. 3. Your BI solution needs to accommodate flexible data extraction capabilities (e.g. to Excel). General current disadvantages: 1. The story telling functionality is not mature yet - users have more benefit using PowerPoint directly. In my opinion it's missing a live connection of the snapshots used in the story to the underlying chart objects. 2. Security settings (NOT on data level) are governed centrally via the management console and are complicated to comprehend. 3. No guided analytics aspects, even navigation between sheets can't be controlled. 4. No supported data extraction capabilities. It's almost impossible to get comprehensive extract of it's underlying data, something that was possible with QlikView (Export functionality e.g.) 5. The vendor has little practical knowledge on how Qlik Sense is deployed enterprise wide within a business and is not really able to support. 6. The vendor is focusing more on the data story telling and collaboration aspects of the Qlik technologies and almost imposes those on the business. Personally, I would prefer if QlikTech listened to its customers a little bit more.
A Comprehensive Look at Qlik's Data Visualization Software
Kommentare: Overall, Qlik Sense is a great data visualization tool. It is highly customizable and provides a wide range of data sources and connectors. The software is quite expensive and the learning curve can be steep, but once users get the hang of it, they can create beautiful interactive visualizations with ease.
Qlik Sense is an incredibly powerful data visualization tool. It allows users to quickly create interactive dashboards, charts, and graphs that are easy to understand. The software is highly customizable, giving users the ability to tailor the visuals to their preferences. It also has a wide range of data sources and connectors available, making it easy to access and integrate data from multiple sources.
One potential downside of Qlik Sense is its pricing structure, which can be quite expensive. Additionally, the learning curve can be steep for those who are unfamiliar with the software, making it difficult for users to get up and running quickly.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Still a market leading Data & Analytics end-to-end solution
Kommentare: QlikView was the best in market and with Qlik Sense, Qlik continue to be the best in market from data import, transformation, visualisation and now into alerting and machine learning
The amount of features that come out of the box within the cloud offering which is far over and above the nearest competitors which rely on third party tools and services
The price is higher than competitors like Power BI but the total cost of ownership is lower in the medium term as you do not require additional data transformation tools or extensive development time
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Best BI Tool available
Kommentare: My overall experience with Qlik is great, i love using this daily, it has become my number 1 used app at work, and even for things at home. i now track my spending in an app, my shopping and my exercise. all using different apps. the exercise app i have integrated with the maps function and can now even track distances and plot the out on a map.
Qlik sense is an epic platform for any level of developer / user requiring insights from data. the platform is aimed at everyone. for advanced users this platform is incredibly powerful, the speed to insights is amazing. i can take data from any source and generate insights in a matter of minutes. which in the past would have taken me a long time. i am a skilled developer so this comes naturally to me, but for other users this is a tool that comes with ease.
the lack of alerting within the console to alert me to failed tasks is the part i find the most frustrating, if it had a way of alerting to these failed tasks, then this would be even better. the other thing i find a struggle with is the Security ruloes, these ca be very frustrating, and limited online resources makes it a tough job.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Best BI Solution for Large Data Sets
Kommentare: We have millions of rows of data in our apps so we needed a BI tool that could handle the volume. Qlik is the right tool for us in that regard. The support from Qlik is frustrating to say the least. We end up going to our partner and paying them hourly rates for support rather than reporting issues to Qlik. Vizlib really makes Qlik shine, though it is unfortunate that we need a third party add-on to do that. Overall I would recommend Qlik and would look to implement it again in my next company.
Qliksense allows us to easily relate data from many data sources with little effort. We have deployed over 40 apps to the business that are used by hundreds of users from all departments. We are able to easily show both detail and summary information for all of our data sets.
Qlik should spend more effort on allowing users to better format the visualizations and text within the tables and charts. We had to purchase a third party product called VizLib to to make it look better.
The best Bussiness Intelligence Tool I ever used
Kommentare: We used to have problems to know the profit of the company. Now we just open Qlik Sense and we know it, the overall profit of the company, also per costumer, brand or even product
You need some training to work in a efficient way with Qlik Sense, but once you know the tool, you can design complete reports wich allow obtain critical information about your bussiness fast.
Maybe is more expensive than Microsoft Power BI
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Analyze data fast and make decisions quickly with Qlik Sense
Kommentare: Our goal was to have everyone reviewing business analytics in one spot and making decisions based on explainable data. We were Excel users for analytics at first. It was OK but we couldn't scale. We dabbled with Tableau. It was dreadfully slow and awkward. We demo'ed a couple more software and chose Qlik Sense due its speed, scalability and performance on mobile devices. Within days of using Qlik, our staff was able to convert 10 most used Excel dashboards into excellent dashboards that gave a much clearer perspective into business operations and finance. On modest server, we have been running Qlik Sense to provide enterprise-wide data analytics and our ability of decisioning has improved significantly due to Qlik.
Speed. Qlik Sense loads data quickly into memory and analysis is stunningly fast. It is very easy to get the information you need quickly and begin to make decisions. Slicing and dicing the data is very fast as well. Having used competing software like Tableau, Qlik Sense is a breath of fresh air. There's no waiting time during analysis and that keeps a person focused on the application and gets the person curious about information being presented.
The software's support model is horrific. Qlik uses value added resellers (aka VAR) for the most part. Most VARs I have talked to aren't exceptional and provide absolutely no valuable support after selling the software. They basically add zero value. Qlik has no idea what VARs are doing and VARs have no idea what Qlik is trying to tell them. Getting a license key correctly can take a few tries. Great software, horrific delivery. If I were the CEO of Qlik, I'd change the business model and remove VARs altogether and bring sales, marketing and support right into Qlik.
Feature Rich BI Solution
Kommentare: It was very positive, however we didn't proceed as there were other options which met our needs at a slightly better price point
It was very feature rich vs some of the alternatives we reviewed
It was at the higher end of our budget.
I like that it supports the drag-and-drop functionality besides it being able to handle large volumes of data and perform complex calculations.
It can be expensive to license and maintain, so if you want to use it, use it fully.
I really liked Qlik sense software.
Kommentare: The overall Qlik Sense experience can be positive, with a few bumps along the way. On the plus side, Qlik Sense's simple drag-and-drop interface allows even inexperienced developers to create visually appealing and interactive dashboards and reports. The software also includes a plethora of resources and tutorials to help users get up and running quickly.The learning curve for some of Qlik Sense's more advanced features and functionality, on the other hand, can be steep, making it difficult for junior developers. Furthermore, when working with large data sets, the software's performance may slow down, which may be an issue for some users.
User-friendly and intuitive interfaceCapability to work with large and complex data sets.Data visualization and analysis capabilities that are robust.Team and organizational collaboration features.
When working with very large data sets, the software can be slow.For new users, the learning curve can be steep, especially when it comes to advanced features and functionality.The software can be expensive, especially for enterprise-level users.

A powerful Business Intelligence tool
I use it mostly for analyzing the data which can be huge and overwhelming. Qliksense helps me summarize the data and obtain essential insights which eventually helps in decision making.
I didn't find any limitations so far using the product. The only thing is there could be some lag in processing huge datasets.
A very effective tool for us in our search for the best analysis to get the right solutions
Kommentare: Qlik Sense Contributes to the automation of the majority of periodic reports, as well as the reduction of the time required to compile those reports and the improvement of the overall quality of the work team's performance. Because of the ability to utilize it on all types of phones and tablets, we were able to rely on it at all times and use it for a variety of different analysis procedures and tasks. It is an extremely effective tool for us in our search for the best answers.
Qlik Sense is a tool that adds power to the organization, as it has many options and tools for analyzing and sorting data, and most importantly, it enables business teams to create all business intelligence projects using it, from ideation to final visualization. The platform is ideal for everyone and suitable for them with different experiences, as it is professional and easy to use and contains many integration options with many other applications, which facilitates the import and export of data. Qlik Sense allows you to explore, discover, and display data dynamically, and non-technical managers can easily consume reports and interact with dashboards. It also provides all the data on the cloud, which allows all members to further collaborate between them to achieve the best results.
Qlik Sense merely requires adequate training, and once you have the requisite skills, it's a terrific program, from which you can extract the best analytics.
good tool for data visualization
Kommentare: this platform has helped me a lot to know my different analytical data.I recommend
It is a very powerful data visualization and analysis platform. It is known for its intuitive user interface and powerful data modeling capabilities. It allows us to easily create interactive dashboards and reports, and explore and analyze data from multiple sources.
I have not encountered anything wrong with qlik sense.works very well

Best data analytics software
QS is a very useful tool for creating tables, graphs and especially data analysis. In the company where I work, we are dedicated to the development of QS extensions, which means that QS is a fully modifiable software full of versatile possibilities. QS is used by many large corporations around the world and is considered one of the best software for analyzing vast amounts of data.
The only disadvantage of QS is that when processing a huge amount of data, you can see a slower system response, but this is something that can be expected.

Qliksense for business
Kommentare: Thanks to Qliksense we are able to provide easily the information the user wants and to personalise it depending on their needs. Sometimes a given report can be used as base to create another which saves you time to deliver critical information in the least amount of time with the best results.
What I like most about Qliksense is the ease in which you can portray the information, also the duplicate function helps you to customise your sheet until you like it over and over again. Also it's really easy to convert an information table into a pivot, graph (any kind), filter, etc. Also the export feature as well as the filter can help you greatly to get just the information you want in the format you want.
Sadly when you work with a lot of information lines or put to much formulas into a report it will limit how you can export it (you have to filter by parts to get the full report) or it will not show the information and you will have to filter the overall report to just visualise the information you need.
Qlik Sense - Rapid Development of Dashboards
Kommentare: Qlik Sense helps in rapid development of dashboards. The load scripts, data model viewer and the available visualizations have enabled us to create dashboards at a fast pace for demos and proof-of-concept apps.
Qlik Sense is a self-service visualization tool which users can learn to use within a short span of time. Adding the data sources is a smooth experience. Select the columns that's required, drag and drop into a new dashboard and we have a dashboard ready in minutes. The data model component helps to create associations/joins between the columns/fields of a table/file. The associative data model of Qlik Sense keeps the data associated across visualizations in a dashboard. Change a parameter and the whole dashboard gets reflected immediately. Qlik Sense also supports 3rd party extensions for visualizations and they are regularly monitored and approved by Qlik. Qlik Sense load scripts can be overridden to include custom code.
1) Cyclic Groups feature is missing. It was present in QlikView. We have to depend on qsVariable which is a 3rd party extension. 2) Trellis Chart is missing.
Central Location for Evaluation of Performance Metrics
Data is very clear and clean and easily accessible. The ability to customize the dash board and pull various reports from virtually any time period is clutch. You are able to easily see how the business is performing compared to the target performance indicators.
There is a lot of manual entry that needs to occur in order for the data to be properly displayed. Often times when checking metrics for 1 day, there will be more hours recorded than actual hours within the day (i.e. 24 hours in the day, but 30 hours have been input). Not too much of an issue if you have 1 person dedicated to maintaining the system -- but if several people are inputting data, this can become a head ache.
I work everyday with QlikSense, it's a very good BI program, there is everything that companies need
Easy implementation of data clouds and BI analysis, increase the speed of data
processing thanks to the extraction logic in the QVD
it is continuously updated with interesting new features, it's user friendly, it is a program that takes into consideration the design and the new trends, it is nice to see and the animations on the graphics make it even more innovative
tokens are too expensive for a medium-sized company, the QMC is still a bit complicated to use. Updating qlik sense server is a bit tricky, (especially moving from Synchronized Persistence to Shared Persistence)