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bessere Software zu finden
Was ist Manta?
Die einheitliche Datenherkunftsplattform von MANTA hilft Unternehmen, den Schaden, der durch schlechtes Datenmanagement und die manuellen Prozesse, die damit verbunden sind, zu beheben.
MANTA kann zahlreiche Modellierungs-, BI- (Business Intelligence), ETL- (Extract, Transform, Load) und Big-Data-Tools sowie Programmiersprachen scannen und die Datenherkunft in jede Governance-Lösung von Drittanbietern übertragen.
Wer verwendet Manta?
Unternehmen mit großem Data Warehouse auf Basis von aufgeführten Technologien, die End-to-End-Daten Linie für Compliance erhalten und Data Governance verbessern müssen.
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Bewertungen über Manta
Good product for visualizing variable lineage in stored procedures
You can visualize the data lineage of variables/ fields / items in stored procedures to trace the procs through from inputs to outputs or vica versa (where do outputs come from)
There is not a way to export data lineages to excel to show final function/proc outputs and neatly show where they were derived from. It would be great if you could use this show for each output from a function/proc how that output is derived and what intermediate table/fields had data had to flow through and the transformations
Manta is really good but we expect more
1. The depth and visualization of lineage is really great. 2. Ability to create custom models 3. Large number of Native Scanners 4. Picking up more detailed metadata information.
1. Many resources need to be improved and enhanced, like Java, Tableau, OBIEE 2. Manta follows column-column, table-table, schema-schema linking. It would help if there is an option to link resources at any level. We use custom models a lot, so this feature would help us in connect native and custom objects at any level.
We gained a good overview in our ETL processes my using MANTA. That made it a lot easier to find specific informations.
The maintenance of our data is very complicated. For the Import of our processes the exported data had to be selected manually.
Best Lineage and Harvesting tool
Kommentare: Customer support was excellent and got great support all the times.
1. It has a great potential to integrate with different kinds of databases like Oracle, MS SQL etc., and load various metadata objects with a bit of configuration with less turnaround time. And few features like showing expressions etc has impressed our user. On top of it, Manta has provided a world class feature to integrate with downstream systems like Collibra etc., to push assets/data.
Manta was awesome tool and didn't find drawbacks.
Antwort von Manta
vor 4 Jahren
Thank you for your review, we are glad to see that MANTA helped you and we are looking forward to solving more data management issues together!
Good experiences
Kommentare: Validation of supplied solutions.
Helps to prevents errors in supplied solutions.
I noticed, that list of old Checker reports have some problem. At first shows all reports and then reduces it to selected number. Is is visible only in up of thoudands reports.