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Foxit eSign
Was ist Foxit eSign?
eSign Genie ist die einfachste und kostengünstigste rechtlich verbindliche elektronische Signatur-Lösung, um Dokumente, wiederverwendbare Vorlagen zu erstellen und elektronische Signaturen von einzelnen / mehreren / bulk Parteien zu erhalten. Wenn du eine sichere, robuste und zuverlässige Website / Anwendungsintegration unter Verwendung von APIs oder die beste Bulk-eSignature-Lösung benötigst, ist eSign Genie die richtige Wahl. Sende deine neue Kunden-Registrierung, NDAs, Verzichte und andere Formulare unter Verwendung von eSignature-Links, damit man direkt auf deiner oder unserer Website unterzeichnen kann.
Wer verwendet Foxit eSign?
Einfach zu verwendende elektronische Signaturen, erschwingliche Preise, Dokument-Anlage während dem elektronischen Unterzeichnen, eingebettete Unterzeichnung, APIs, Bulk-Unterzeichnung und hierarchische Sicherheit macht eSign Genie ideal für Unternehmen aller Größen.
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Foxit eSign
Bewertungen über Foxit eSign
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
No Other Services Fit our Needs until eSign Genie
eSign Genie allows tons of customization. We are an accounting and tax practice and send documents frequently for both our own purposes (contracts, engagement letters) and documents that need to be filled out and forwarded to the IRS and other tax authorities. These documents need real signatures, not the type-written signatures that most eSign software lets clients use. With eSign Genie, we can limit our clients to only have the option to draw their actual signature, allowing us to use this for more documents than our previous solution. Also - I cannot speak highly enough of eSign Genie's Pay-as-you-Go plan. Most eSign providers no longer (or never did) offer this type of plan, and it is perfect for my type of business that doesn't necessarily need to send hundreds of documents per month. I pay a $10 fee for 5 documents at a time, and they don't expire. When I run out, I just "top up" with 5 more documents at a clip.
I really haven't seen anything negative about eSign Genie as of yet. The only small issue sometimes is the speed - I've had a few clients say that it is sometimes slow to load, but it's infrequent - so not enough of a problem for me to look elsewhere. (Trust me, I have already looked elsewhere and was utterly dissatisfied!)
Antwort von Foxit Software
vor 5 Jahren
Hi Dane, Thank you for taking the time to leave a detailed review. I am happy to announce that eSign Genie has overhauled, tuned and upgraded our database resulting in 3 second maximum load times on every screen of our application. Searching for a document is now instantaneous. eSign Genie has always focused on having an Easy-to-Use, Legally Binding and Comprehensive eSignature Solution. We now have the fastest eSignature Solution too! --> eSign Genie DevOps Team
Customer Support Lacking
Kommentare: Overall, our Sales Representative has neglected to provide the correct package for our organization. The rep is impossible to get ahold of, has added incorrect features to our account (even after multiple confirmations). I am constantly calling the support line (after hours, because that is the only time I can get through).
It is very easy to set up forms for signature.
It is difficult to add features (2FA) to the account. We ran out the day before a critical deadline, and there was no one available to assist me. Was promised call-backs, and never heard back from anyone. Foxit let our organization down.
Signature function does not work.
Kommentare: Hate the experience. I wish I could convince my company to change to another package. Please do not send me a gift card. I suspect if it comes from your company, the card will not work and the experience will be agonizing.
I do not like much about this product. I wanted to like it, I need to like it, because I am forced to use it every day. This product is hampering our audit procedures and the timeliness of our approval process. I guess the good thing about this product is it forces us to maintain our manual back up systems, i.e. print, physically sign, scan, save, send.
The signature function does not work properly. When I try to save, my subscription has expired? The software does not allow me to save a document after signature. When I do apply a signature image, it does not allow me to rotate the document and maintain orientation with the signature. This software is very difficult and time consuming to use. The menu system and toggle switches for options are not intuitive. I miss Adobe.
Authentic eSign Solution
What I like most is the applicability and the many features. It supports multiparty signing, file sharing and signature authentication.
When sharing a large file, it's not swift
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Simple yet effective eSignature platform
Kommentare: Very satisfied.
Ease of setting up and modifying templates, and tracking execution while sending reminders are excellent features
Modification of templates could be a little easier.
Antwort von Foxit Software
vor 3 Jahren
Hi Dylan, Glad to hear you are enjoying the reminder and tracking features when sending your documents from eSign Genie. We would be glad to help you with your templates and any other queries you might have. Could you email us your review at cs@esigngenie.info so we can get in touch? Thank you.