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Floor Schedule
Was ist Floor Schedule?
Vermittlungen und Management: Es ist an der Zeit, sich die Planung der Besichtigungs-/Anrufzeiten vorzunehmen und jeder hat eine andere Anfrage. Erstelle in wenigen Minuten einen fairen und ausgewogenen Zeitplan. Beinhaltet Anfragen zur Freistellung, Urlaub, Feiertage, automatische und manuelle Planung, Bearbeitung, unbegrenzte Schichten, einen oder mehrere pro Schicht, über 99 Agents. On-Line-Ansicht, Drucken, E-Mail, Berichte, mehrere Standorte, Export, nutzerdefinierte Ereignisse, vollständige Unterstützung. Die Testversion ist kostenlos. Keine Kreditkarte erforderlich. 12 $/Monat oder 10 $/Monat Prepaid. Lies dir die Realtor-Bewertungen durch.
Wer verwendet Floor Schedule?
Verwaltung von Immobilienmaklerbüros, Immobilienadministration, Büro- und Vertriebsmanagement.
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Floor Schedule
Bewertungen über Floor Schedule
Floor Schedule
Kommentare: Overall I have enjoyed it so far and look forward to new improvements and new adjustments.
What I like about this softwear is that it is an easy and is a super fast way to creat a team schedule for our Real Estate Office. Easily punch in Arents Names and Shift times and you can instantly creat a fair and distributed schedule for the whole office.
What I did not like so much is that you cannot put in the agents preferrences in days and times so I can please them as much as possible.
Floor Schedule
Kommentare: The overall experience has been positive. It is a helpful tool for a large office.
I like that it generates the schedule for you. This save a lot of time when you are trying to schedule multiple people.
I would like if it didn't make you re-login each time you stop using it and I would like to see if when you mark a day that the office is closed and you generate the schedule, that the day would stay unscheduled but it schedules people when I have told it that the office is closed. Those are really my only complaints.
Antwort von CRS
vor 6 Jahren
Thank you Tamera for your review. Yes, the user is logged out after 15 minutes of inactivity. This is for your security and to help keep the application running optimally. On the CLOSED issue.. if you have more than one location, you will need to enter the closed date and times for each. We designed it this way for more flexibility. For example: your mall satellite office is open, but the main office is closed. Hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other issues.
Office Admin User
Kommentare: Our offices must be staffed for floor time about 360 days annually, for 3-4 shifts a day. Furthermore, some of the staff overlap (take floor time in some offices, but not others). Then there are the Time Off Requests. With the number of agents, shifts and offices we need to schedule, the task would be a nightmare without Floor Schedule.
The steps to creating each step for a new schedule are in tabs, clearly numbered and labeled, in order, across the top of the first screen after log in.
I have to create schedules for three offices. It's great that they are essentially generated all at the same time, but the data for all three is presented in one calendar. The date must be filtered to view a single office, the header(s) renamed and the print font selected each time I want to view and/or print one of the three. Also - we share floor time by the week with a different office at one of our locations. That means that I have to edit out all the shifts generated for my agents for the approximately two weeks per month that belong to the other office. That can only be done by deleting one shift at a time.That's over 56 shifts a month that have to be selected and deleted one by one each month! Not fun.
Antwort von CRS
vor 6 Jahren
Susan. Thank you for your review. You have a complicated set up. Where agents are scheduled to only one office you'll want to have a separate login for that. For agents scheduled to more than one office, we may be able to help make that easier for you. Please call us. The print button is above the schedule on the schedule page. You can then adjust your print settings using the print preview option of your browser. Thanks again!
Floor Schedule
I like that I can add request off for agents and change it each month. I like that it auto saves what I am doing. I like that when I have added special requests in and I go to make a change, it reminds me that the agent has asked for that off but will also still let me override that and still put them in. I like that I can print the reports and have it in front of me while I make changes to the schedule. Easy to pdf and save copies in my computer.
I don't like that it will put an agent on two days in a row or will put them on two weekends in a row. I also find it strange that when I go to print the calendar pdf, that there is no actual "print" button and that I have to right click to open my printers. I also wish I could write or drop an image in the the left over squares for the month. Like if it was July, I could write "Happy 4th of July" or put a little picture in the box, or write a message for the agents. Not a big deal, just would be neat.
Antwort von CRS
vor 6 Jahren
Hi Suzie. Thank you for your review. Spacing: The scheduling engine does its best to space everyone out evenly, but if no one else is available to work because of requests off, then it may be forced to schedule available agents back to back in order to fill all shifts. Printing:Thank you for the Print Button suggestion to hook into the browser. Right now we use the File | Print Preview option. There are web security restrictions with our accessing your printer directly. We'll look into seeing if we can shortcut that for you. Adding Events: You can add comments or other events to the schedule by double clicking on the schedule date, on a blank area outside of the existing shifts. Thanks again for your helpful comments!
A Great Help!
Kommentare: Once I learned the basics of using it, the software is easy. I just have to figure out the logistics of the cumbersome properties I mentioned above, and I'm not sure how to do that. But from the standpoint of creating a schedule at the click of a button, it's been a great help!
Being able to enter the parameters into the software for each agent's schedule, and have the software create the schedule was the reason I reached out to my Corporate office for help. It was a nightmare every month to do it manually.
I may not have full knowledge of what I'm doing yet to be able to tell you the cons. But in some respects it seems cumbersome to use. It might be easier to delete all the agents who are not in need of scheduling and only schedule those for the month who do wish to be scheduled. Because sometimes I miss some of them - either they were on last month and don't want to be on this month or vice versa.
Antwort von CRS
vor 4 Jahren
Thanks Andrea. If you have lots of agents who change their mind each month I suggest that you start by setting all as manual only, then uncheck for those participating this month. See the Request off page, above top grid, on the right, to check all.
Kommentare: Love having a program that can fill in the blanks with everyone's can't do list. If they don't like the day it is not "my Fault" the program did it!
It is a set reminder to the agents on duty for that day. The agents love getting the reminder the day before their duty. It frees up out admin from making that phone call or email. It is set after you make the schedule. 1 stop shop.
There is nothing that I can think of at this time that I would change.
Scheduling made easier!
I used to dread creating the monthly floor schedule for all of our locations. It caused me to lose sleep.
Since I've been using MyFloorSchedule, I feel like so much weight has been lifted. It's not 100% - but with a few tweaks, I am able to provide my company with a fair schedule in fraction of the time - and I'm a much happier person because of it!
I was spending days with paper calendars & printed emails attempting to fairly schedule agents. Now by inputting all data into software, it easily spits it back out to me in a fraction of time.
Other than wishing I had known of it's existence sooner, I cannot think of anything that is a true "con".
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Love it but find it difficult at times
Kommentare: I like that I don't have to do figure out on my own!
I wish the time off was a little easier. I wish that in the Requests off tab that for those who are manual were in a separate section. I also wish the system kept a long of the changes. For example when I have to switch someone out. That we could see who the previous person was.
When I change a shift to Available that the system sent out an automatic email to everyone letting them know or show in red on the agent/participant's view.
Antwort von CRS
vor 4 Jahren
Thank you Lauren. This might help - Click on the header "Manual Only" to sort by this setting. That will group them for you. Though not automatic, you can send out emails when you like via the EMAIL button on the schedule page. Appreciate the review.
Review of Floor Schedule
Kommentare: It is a great time saver for me. I am able to create a floor schedule for the agents that is fair and arbitrary insuring that each agent has the same number of shifts/floor time.
The ease of setting up the shifts, and the hour for each shift. The ability to make a schedule which is completely arbitrary and equal with total number of shifts for each member of the real estate team. All the agents like the email reminder feature which is sent 24 hours prior to when the agent is scheduled.
I have no dislikes for this software package, it has helped me in every aspect of my scheduling.
Excellent Program!
Kommentare: The experience has been great, I pretty much taught myself how to use it because when my predecessor left she didn't show me how to use the program. It's so incredibly easy to use
The software is extremely easy to use, very user friendly & intuitive. Setting schedules times and days off for agents is very easy.
The only improvement I would like to see is that ability for the program to automatically adjust a shift time if I put us as closing early on a certain day. For example, our shifts are 9-12, 12-3 & 3-5, we are closing at 2pm the day before the 4th of July and when you put that in it automatically only schedules someone for 9-12 & it shows closed next to 12-3. To remedy that I have to put closing at 3 & then just changed the PDF to a JPEG, edit it in paint & change the 12-3 to 12-2
Compared to the program we used to use, this one is so incredibly better!
Kommentare: Ease of use. Time saving. Great customer service. Make my job easier.
This program is so easy to use. In my first use, I was able to figure out how to set up my schedule in no time, with little reference to the help in each section. I had entered all the necessary information, produced the schedule and printed it, all in less time than it would have taken me to just double check the agent names in our old program. It is also very versatile and can easily accommodate an agent's schedule when necessary. I love that it takes very little time to set up a schedule, and that it e-mails all the agents their own personal schedule. The customer service has been great, and updates/changes are always communicated with us. I was very impressed when we first got the program to receive several calls from the owner making sure I wasn't having any problems learning the software or didn't need help with anything. Since I'm all about working efficiently, I love the way the program saves me time and makes my job easier.
Rave reviews for Floor Schedule
Kommentare: We have folks that staff a desk at several different locations and it makes it fast and efficient to do schedules for all the locations at once. Much less hair pulling than we have had in the past and a minimal amount of time.
I love how easy it is and the GREAT support. We had a couple small issues and every time they are accessible and make it easy to understand and fix problems.
It schedules at the location with the smallest number of open positions (staffing hours) first, however, once [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] understood our needs he helped us with work-arounds that overcome this. There is really nothing we don't like about this app.
Does what I need
Kommentare: Customer service is great. The product is simple and fairly easy to use. It isn't as intuitive to use as I would like but I know how to use it so it's fine.
This product does what I need it to do. There are things I wish it would do but they aren't nonstarters for me so I continue to use it.
That I can only schedule 1 month at a time.
Antwort von CRS
vor 4 Jahren
Lori. Thanks for your great review. You can indeed create a multi month schedule - where requests off are limited to Day of the Week. With specific date requests (5th of Jan) - multi month doesn't work so well. In this case, create one month, then another, separately. Almost as quick!
Answer to a prayer!
Kommentare: Huge improvement to the hard drive version both in design and manipulation
Easy web access from anywhere, user friendly step by step process, accurate with requests, excellent agent interaction via email and phone. Ability to email reminders, edits can be made in real time
Automatic reminders are an additionally paid feature
Great Program
Kommentare: We have over 60 agents on floor duty. This program allows me to black out dates for their vacations, office holidays, special closing hours, and also sets the agents on a random basis so there is no complaining. Schedules are evenly divided between work days and weekends for each individual agent.
Super simple to use and perfectly meets my needs. Reps are extremely easy to get in touch with if I have any questions and finds solutions if I don't see them myself. Not to mention he's just a great guy!
I have not found any issues or problems with the program.
Very Good Tool
Kommentare: My agents really like the Scheduled Shifts report so they can see all of their scheduled times at a glance.
I like the ease of use. Adding new agent, putting in their requests, etc. is all very easy.
I think it would be helpful, instead of clearing dates and times off from the previous month, which I do to make things clearer, that the previous months requests show up in red or a different color. This would make it much easier to edit without starting from scratch each month.
Couldn't function without this!
Kommentare: I solve the problem of unfairness and also scheduling on days people aren't available.
I like the options to look at reports and see what days are scheduled on each person! LOVE that the program does the random picking for me so time/dates are evenly spread between people.
Not much but it is a pain to switch between pages to check mark who is signing up and the request off time.
This has been a great, easy to use product that has saved me countless hours and headaches.
The functionality is great. I also love the ability to schedule around my agent's personal availability. Without this software I have to manually create a schedule for my agents, take into account everyone's schedule, fairly split up shifts, etc. This takes all the work out of that. This literally saves me several hours every month. The product more than justifies the cost.
There are certain things that take a little getting use to. Some aspects aren't extremely user-friendly, but the tech support has been helpful with any questions I've had.
Floor Schedule Review
Kommentare: The scheduler works for what I need it for! And I only need to use it once a month.
The customer service is very good. I find the program challenging to use as intended, therefore I adapted it for my use. The overall look of the software is nice.
The option buttons should be larger. Also, I find it difficult to work in a backwards way of thinking: 'What shifts can't people do?'
Always improving
Kommentare: It's been great and a huge time saver.
Easy to use and distribute the finished product quickly. Easy to change mid-month. New added features make the process of creating the schedule for each individual easier and prevents mistakes.
I wish there was a way to communicate with the agents trough the program on a monthly basis for their conflicts for the following months schedule creation. I currently message them separately with a form attachment through email.
Raveis Farmington Office
Kommentare: Creates an ideal, streamlined process for monthly scheduling of floor duties.
Love the ability to pull reports & ease of information with regard to assigning agents. [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] is very responsive and always knowledgeable with answering questions.
I can't speak to any objections I've ever experienced.
Faithful Floor Schedule User!
I have used this software for many years and find that it is easy to use, change schedule times and produces a pretty fair schedule with little change needed.
It would be nice to be able to produce a customized schedule with a header and logo for your company.
Floor Schedule Software review
To do our office schedule, it used to take me hours, using pencil and paper...
Now it is done in minutes and only need to reshuffle a couple of times, to tweak it.
The ease in which I can input the many requests in for the month. The speed in which it sorts that information to create a schedule / calendar for the month.
Would like to insert pictures or customize each months calendar. Not able to make it so it does not assign 2 shifts in a row.
Review of CRS Website
Kommentare: The website is very user friendly and time efficient to do the job. When I have a question it is answered in a timely manner.
How easy it is to use and it takes very little time to process my floor schedule each month.
I do not like the printing feature it is not user friendly.
Antwort von CRS
vor 4 Jahren
Jane. Thanks for you nice review. See the 'How to Print' video. This may help. Printing is done using the browser print options and they have a number of adjustments you can make.
Easy and Fair
Kommentare: Not having the brokers sign up on their own solved several problems.
I love using Floor Schedule for my monthly real estate floor schedule. It makes it so easy to input the times and dates brokers are not available and review how many times they were scheduled.
I'd like it to be easier to exclude a person from the schedule, for just 1 month and not have to remember to open up the # the next month.