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Was ist Virtuagym?
Die Software von Virtuagym beinhaltet umfassende Funktionen, die bei der Verwaltung von Fitnessclubs helfen. Dazu gehören eine Ernährungs-App, einer Trainings-App, eine Mitgliederverwaltungsplattform mit wiederkehrendem Abrechnungssystem für jeden Kunden und ein benutzerdefiniertes Geschäftsportal in deinem Branding.
Reduziere administrative Aufgaben in deinem Club und konzentriere dich auf das Training deiner Kunden, die Förderung deines Unternehmens und die Steigerung deiner Einnahmen.
Wer verwendet Virtuagym?
Fitness-Clubs, Personal Trainer, Physiotherapeuten, Ernährungsberater und andere Gesundheits- und Fitness-Unternehmen.
Du bist nicht sicher, ob Virtuagym das Richtige ist?
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Bewertungen über Virtuagym
FINGER WEG!!! Wenn ihr eine Software wollt die euch entlastet, würde ich auf allen Fällen von Virtuagym abraten!!!
Spart Lebenszeit und Nerven!
Das man monatlich dafür zahlen darf um ständig mit eigener Arbeitszeit/kraft ständig wiederkehrende Probleme zu beheben!
Preis/leistung, Funktionalität, wiederkehrende Probleme bei Verwaltung, Anmeldung, Tracking, Terminplanung, Abwicklungen jeglicher Art bei/von Mitgliedern. Ständig wechselnder Support! Immer wieder die selben Probleme dem 200sten Support-Mitarbeiter erklären. Zeitaufwand zur Behebung von immer wieder gleichen Problemen. Und vieles mehr!
Leider nicht wie versprochen und für uns nur bedingt nutzbar
Kommentare: Nach 4-5 Jahren Nutzung sind wir zu dem Entschluss gekommen, das System nicht weiter zu verlängern. Wir haben mehr Probleme als Nutzen mit dem System (Shop, Foot, Finanz-Management)Wenig Flexibilität innnerhalb der Funktionen.Versprochene Ergänzungen in der Entwicklungen wurden bis heute nicht umgesetzt.
Richtig gut hat uns leider keine Funktion überzeugt, viele Dinge haben Fehler, Bugs oder Fehlfunktionen
-Support meldet sich gar nicht oder nur sehr spät - ständig wechselnde Mitarbeiter die nicht genügend Fachwissen in den Themen haben-nicht Lösungsorientiert-Funktionen werden in den einzelnen Bereichen nicht weiterentwickelt-
Wieder zurück
Kommentare: Inovativ - freundliche und einfach Anwendung - super Support - Unterstützung beim Onboarding war großartig - ein Wechsel kommt nicht mehr in Frage - Preisleistung stimmen def. vor allem bei einem kleinen Studio
Meine Kunden lieben die App, leicht verständlich, unkompliziertes eigenständiges Einbuchen - verschieben - Überblick
... da ich wieder zurück bin, kann ich nichts dazu sagen ;-)
Schlechter Kundenservice
Kommentare: Chaotisch.
Das Design ist ganz ok, gute Übersicht beim Ein und Aus Checken.
Habe gefragt im Kundenservice ob es möglich ist die vorgegebene Rechnung zu ändern, weil es nicht in einem Briefumschlag mit Fenster die gefaltete Rechnung einzubringen.Sieht sehr unprofessionell aus, Teile der Rechnungen sind im Fenster zu sehen des Briefumschlages.Wir wurden ziemlich schnell abserviert, mit es wäre nicht möglich einfach bisschen platz einzufügen. Auch die Termin vergabe ist sehr unüberschaubar, vor allem wenn man dauernd schauen muss an welchen Uhrzeiten die Kollegen arbeiten.Manchmal verschwinden merkwürdiger weise Rabatte und Sepa Rechnungen werden falsch erstellt.
Absolut unzufrieden und völlig überbewertet
Kommentare: Kann ich leider absolut nicht weiterempfehlen
Design im eigenen Firmendesign möglich.
Schon die einfachsten Fuktionen funktionieren nicht (Rabatt bei Rechnungen), Übertragung der Daten von Mobil zu Pc unterschiedlich, Synchronisation funktioniert nicht, Apple und Androit haben gravierende Unterschiede. Support gibt alles nur als Feedback weiter aber ändert nichts! Probleme werden nicht ernst genommen und mit immer den gleichen Texten ruhig gestellt. Bereich Ernährung ist für mich wirklich eine Katastrophe was die Programmierung angeht, keine Besserung in Sicht leider. Jeder Bereich hat steckt oft noch in den Kinderschuhen, viele unnötige Klicks nötig innerhalb de Systems.. Lebensmittel etc müssen immer exakt geschrieben werden, Rezepte ändern sich automatisch, können nicht kopiert werden und ändert man eine Sache, wird sie bei allen anderen Kunden auch geändert! DSGVO nicht nach Norm, jeder Kunde wird automatisch in der „News“ Gruppe angezeigt..
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 5 Jahren
Dear Timo, Thank you for your review. We are always aiming to better understanding our client's needs to be capable of addressing them throughout the variety of modules we have built. You mentioned having to deal with different obstacles when using our system and we would like to cover all basis with you on what went on. We would highly appreciate if you could please email us at support@virtuagym.com using the code JA9842121 in the subject line, this way we can further talk and provide you with the top quality assistance our clients deserve. Looking forward to hearing from you, Sincerely, Virtuagym.
NICHT für reine Online Coaches zu empfehlen!
1. Software ist Geschäftsschädigend für selbstständige, da Trainingspläne und einzelnen Dinge verloren gehen und nicht wieder hergestellt werden können
2. Schlechter Kundenservice
3. Gibt es in "13" Sprachen, aber nicht für alle Features im System
Ablauf der Trainingsapp, wenn man das Training ausführen möchte.
Dinge gehen von heute auf morgen verloren und keiner weiß warum und es kann nicht wieder hergestellt werden!
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 5 Jahren
Dear Lisa, Thank you very much for your review. As we continue to work harder day by day to not only meet but also exceed our client's expectations, your feedback is a very important part of our growth process. We like to do our best by delivering outstanding quality service every time which is why it would be fantastic if you could email us at support@virtugaym.com using the code JA36417 in the subject line and find a suitable time for us to go through these areas of opportunity you've mentioned while making sure we find the best possible resolution to ensure you make the most out of the tools we have built for our clients! We look forward to hearing from you soon! With warm regards, Virtuagym,
Unfassbar schlecht
Kommentare: Offenbar sehr hohe Fluktuation - unterbesetzt - Support miserabel - einfachste Funktionen gibt es nicht
Leider war tatsächlich nur alles vor dem Abschluss des Vertrages gut verkauft
Der Support - fehlende Lösungen für unseren täglichen Betrieb
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 4 Jahren
Hallo Phil, Danke fur dein ehrliches Feedback. Es tut mir Leid, dass du mit unserem Software- und Support-Team keine gute Erfahrung gesammelt hast. Ich habe mitbekommen, dass du uns wertvolles Feedback und Verbesserungsvorschlage fur unsere Software gegeben hast. Dafur sind wir wirklich dankbar. Leider konnen wir derzeit nicht alle Wunsche umsetzen, diese werden aber berucksichtigt. Wir werden unseren Kundenservice verbessern um sicherzustellen, dass du alle Unterstutzung erhaltst, die fur das Wachstum deines Unternehmens benotigt wird.

An analytical and efficient tool to boost my business
Kommentare: As a personal trainer, this platform has been an indispensable tool to boost my business and provide a better service to my clients. Also, I can easily create personalized training programs and adjust them according to the individual needs of each one.
What I like the most about this platform as a personal trainer is its analytical approach and its powerful management tools. This platform allows me to closely monitor the progress of my clients, as well as analyze and evaluate their physical performance.
Although it is a very complete and satisfactory tool in general, I must mention that the aspect that I like the least is the initial learning curve. At first, it can be a bit overwhelming to get familiar with all the functions and features of the platform.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Consumer Feedback
Kommentare: Overall, I am happy with the functions of the product. The team has shown a tremendous desire to meet any of my goals and needs and works in collaboration with their clients. They have helped me set the system up after transferring from a competitor, the client experience is outstanding, the tools available are great for gym specific needs. I am completely satisfied with the product and only wish to see some advancements in payroll processing to reduce management time.
I enjoy the ease of communication between club goals and client goals. The use of the message boards, program design tools, app sign in functions, and scheduling have helped make this product a great success for our team and for communicating with our members
I dislike the inability to track payroll. Payroll has become a manual process where each day needs to be logged and accounted for rather than automated through services rendered. Further, the inability to adjust previously logged sessions: i.e. book a client, client cannot show up, scheduled time of appointment has passed, and we cannot undue the session. Makes it difficult to track sessions completed and payroll.
Antwort von Virtuagym
letztes Jahr
Hi there, Thank you so much for this great review. We appreciate your feedback and will discuss this with our team. If you would like to elaborate further on your feedback I want to invite you to send an email to support@virtuagym.com. We are always happy to help and are ready for your questions. With kinds regards, Team Virtuagym
System was not working
Kommentare: It was AWEFUL, they just kept telling me to watch the videos and my clients were not able to log in.
Nothing the cost was too high, I spent way too much time with stuff that was not related. Support system is WEAK!
It did not work for me so if was time consuming frustrating and expensive, a very bad combination.
Antwort von Virtuagym
letztes Jahr
Hi Mark, We are sorry to hear that you have had a negative experience with our software. We do really value this feedback. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this review. If you are open to discuss your feedback we would like to invite you to email us at: support@virtuagym.com. We hope to hear from you. Have a great day! Team Virtuagym
Happy with our service
Kommentare: It has been very beneficial to every day use. From setting up new membership to taking payments
Was easy to set up with the one on one help going over all features and way to use them. It make our book keeping easy and membership and payment management is awesome.
Tech support not available 24/7 if there is a problem can take days to fix. One of the features my members like most was when they scanned in at gym door it greeted them by name and told them how many credits they had left. One day it just stopped showing and after many phone calls still not back up.
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 3 Jahren
Dear Dan, Thank you for providing us with your valuable insight. We are glad to hear about your positive experience with Virtuagym, and your feedback will be, of course, taken into consideration. As for the issue you mentioned you have been experiencing with the check-in system, please feel welcome to email us at support@virtuagym.com so we can look further into this and help you find a resolution! Team Virtuagym

What you see is what you get
Kommentare: Fantastic customer care experience, guided setup done with patience from one of their stuff, always available via phone for quick questions, the product is sleak and customisable to a great extent even without purchasing extra packets
Full Features and the pricing scales depending on your business size. That means that you get full service no matter how small your business is. Once you grow, you start paying more. It's a fair model
Still no Onefit integration but it's really a minor thing. I cannot find anything else to fault them for
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 5 Jahren
Dear, Alexander Thank you very much for sharing your experience! We are thrilled to hear you've encountered so many benefits in your product and the tools we have built for our clients to not only meet but exceed their expectations. Your feedback is very valuable to us and we will continue to do our best when providing our clients with topnotch services as you all deserve! We look forward to excelling in every aspect of our services and making all the necessary efforts to be part of your business growth. Once again, your review is highly appreciated! Sending you all the best, Your Virtuagym Family.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
False Claims
Kommentare: Don't waste your time or your money. I now have to take the time to find a new product AND convert my clients to a new system. This is not ideal at all! I am very frustrated. I've only been using virtuagym for 4 going on 5 months. Avoid at all costs!
I like the idea of the software. In theory it was everything I wanted. Scheduling and interactive calendar for myself and staff. Nutrition coaching at our fingertips. Progress tracking and club goals/community aspects. Billing and business management tools. Everything sounded great!
I may need more space: 1. It is not real-time scheduling. You cannot adjust your schedule, plan or delete anything if you are not on the web browser version. As a personal trainer I need the ease and convenience of using my phone to schedule at any given time. 2. The nutrition database is atrocious. Clients and staff are both complaining about the incorrect numbers, portions, nutritional details, etc. It is way too tedious to find the right product and measurements and half the time I am just finding something "close enough." 2b. Meal plans do not save entirely once you construct them. Once you click save, some or all of the items you populated onto the plan will be deleted and you'll have to start from scratch. Waste of time! 3. No progress pics can be added from the app 4. When you want to add a video of an exercise you must link it to your YouTube unlike Trainerize who let's you upload directly from your laptop/phone 5. New members have the HARDEST time getting setup 6. I paid for the customized app and all of my clients have a "virtuagym" app. 7. When I complained about the needed features not being accessible, they gave me a completely pointless feature that I cannot use. All in all, I thought I was getting more with Virtuagym than I had with trainerize but I think I will just go back to Trainerize. I would not recommend this product to anyone who takes pride in their coaching.
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 3 Jahren
Dear Jessica, Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. We are very sorry to hear that our product did not fulfill your needs as presented during the sales process. We would definitely like to discuss your experience further for us to have a better understanding of the reasons for the inconveniences you described and find a resolution, therefore, it would mean a lot if you can reach out to us personally at support@virtuagym.com, as we were unable to find your account in our system with the information given in the review details. Again, we appreciate your time in reviewing Virtuagym.
My local gym uses Virtuagym to more effectively manage my member experience
Kommentare: I moved to my new gym about 1-2 years ago, and they automatically use the Virtuagym platform to manage member profiles. As a valued member, I've been able to interact with this platform and have definitely enjoyed its ease of use and straightforward features.
My gym and trainers use Virtuagym to manage member profiles, and I personally use a customer-facing version of it on my end. I love being able to track my fitness schedule alongside my trainer's gym calendar. Additionally, I'm able to track my membership, monthly pricing, extra gym features, and even fitness goals.
I wish I would be able to customize my fitness goals a bit more holistically on the app.
Good platform for personal trainers
Good platform for personal trainers. We have used it for several years for nutrition and training plans. Easy to use and good support when needed.
There are some features that could be added such as online courses, in-app messenger, and the loading speed could be improved.
Perfect Fitness App for Every User
Ease of use, customer support and vast exercise library
some problems with adding custom videos into general workout plans
Nice to work with Virtuagym!
The whole manage system, booking system (schedules) & the support by email
Credit system: when clients pause, they still receive credits. It's different to work with the coach app & on the web (you have much more option on the web).
Antwort von Virtuagym
letztes Jahr
Hi Maud, Bedankt voor je review! fijn dat je samen met een van onze medewerkers een gesprek hebt kunnen hebben omtrent jouw feedback. We kijken uit naar een mooie samenwerking in de toekomst. Met vriendelijke groet, team Virtuagym
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 5 Jahren
Dear Tim, Your feedback is very much appreciated, It is indeed very sad to hear that our services did not meet your expectations. We've been performing constant improvements to the system itself and the options available that it's a little bit strange to read it did not work for you at all. Unfortunately, when dealing with technology, obstacles will always arise and while we try to deal with the issues quickly and thoroughly, at times it can take longer than desired to solve those. Finally, we've also added several qualified and expert people to both our development team and support for the client's consulting, in an attempt to continue improving our times for solution delivery. We'll definitely look up your account records as I mentioned before, to make sure all areas of opportunity can be accordingly addressed. Please do let us know if there is anything else we can be of assistance with. Sincerely, The Virtuagym Team.
Great customer service and timeliness!
Kommentare: Overall, I'm please with our new software company, Virtuagym. They've been able to answer any and all questions that we've had.
I love how user-friendly Virtuagym has been. From the sign up process to the member management, the system is very easy to work with.
The transition from our previous software company to Virtuagym could've got a little easier, specifically talking about the transferring of payment methods. We're struggling to get ALL of our current members involved with the app and to set up their payment methods.
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 3 Jahren
Dear Colten, Thank you for proving us with your valuable feedback! We work very hard to ensure we provide a high-notch and user-friendly system, so it truly means a lot to know that our efforts are paying off. On another note, we know that migrating to a new system might be hard, so please do not hesitate to contact us at support@virtuagym.com to better assist you with this matter. Again, we thank you for taking the time to rate us, we're very appreciative of your kind words. Team Virtuagym
Indispensable Software for Urban Sports Haarlem!
Kommentare: The automation features save us valuable time that we can now spend on improving our members' experience. Virtuagym customer service is always willing to help and is very responsive. We are grateful for the efficiency Virtuagym has brought to our organization and highly recommend it to other organizations!
At Urban Sports Haarlem we have integrated Virtuagym into our daily business operations. The user-friendly interface makes managing bookings and classes very easy.
A group (class) cannot register at the same time, then the system will crash
Great Customer Service and Focus!
Kommentare: Great experience and very professional and understanding staff!
The functionality of the App was easy navigate for members, creating your own programs, engaging with trainers and also the community! The team answered any questions or issues we had within 24 hours and were prompt to fix these issues.
Creating customised push notifications would be a great feature and something we definitely would pay extra for!

Superb assistance for customers
This App is highly adaptable and effective in handling reservations, monitoring activities, and billing processes. Additionally, their response to any incidents has been excellent in terms of support and care.
Since I'm new, I haven't encountered any drawbacks or downsides yet.

Customer and End User benefits
Better than every other system we have used when asking inexperienced or junior staff to pick it up and go with it. The user interface for customers is also much easier and better than others, we have had very positive feedback from our gym members. A good range of tools and options that can be set up and customised without having to dedicate additional resource to operate it. The community noticeboard feature has been vital to our customer-centric approach.
limited connectivity to big brand wearable tech. We were also unable to use it to manage our online sports hall bookings.
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 4 Jahren
Hello Jack, It is highly pleasant for us to know that our software is helping you to run your business in such a good way! We are continuously working on improving our product, and offering more integrations is already on our roadmap. As for online bookings, we can of course help you in setting this up through Virtuagym, so please feel welcome to reach out to us at support@virtuagym.com to better assist you with this! Team Virtuagym
Great program especially for an affordable price
Kommentare: I do love the product! Being such a small gym it's nice that there is a company out there that is priced perfectly even for us small gyms. (less then 25 clients). Sometimes that's so hard to find.
The ease of adding clients, and being able to set up a schedule a year out, or once a week up to every day.
The one thing I don't like is I wish when a class/session was cancelled it would text a client, not just go to e-mail. Also I have trained clients under 18 years of age, I wish I could have 2 different e-mails on file. One for the parent and one for the actual client
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 3 Jahren
Dear Theresa, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We are very happy to hear you are pleased with our system. It truly means a lot to have our customers share their positive experiences with us! We are committed to improving our product and service, so we will definitely take your feedback into consideration when deciding which features to include in future releases. We appreciate your business and the confidence you have placed in us. Please feel welcome to email us at support@virtuagym.com if we can be of further assistance. Team Virtuagym
By far the BEST training software for Fitness Professionals!
I have been using Virtuagym since April 2016.. I have used other platforms for my business (Mindbody, AmStatz, MyPTHub).. Virtuagym is on another level. There is a reason why they are internationally recognized and used by gyms around the WORLD. What sets them apart from any other service out there is there database of exercises and the ability to demonstrate each movement without having to be sent to a youtube video. The workout builder is awesome and very easy to use. The ONLY problem I can say about it is I wish there was a way to switch between reps vs time on exercises, and allow a way to create supersets & circuits. I have been able to easily work around that by just adding a note in the specific workouts I create. And their customer service has already confirmed them working on updating that portion of the software. Speaking of customer service.. They are amazing! You can call them anytime and speak to a real person! If you email them about an issue, someone replies within an hour.
Scheduling clients is super easy. The app allows clients to register for their classes and automatically tracks remaining sessions/credits.
The nutrition side is great for holding clients accountable and works similarly to myfitnesspal, but better, mainly because it is integrated with the workout portion of the program allowing clients to track calories burned/consumed. As the trainer it allows us to monitor each client individually allowing the info to remain private between trainer/client.
The software also has a online portal allowing you to create "groups".. This allows you to separate members and easily communicate with your entire team.
Overall I absolutely LOVE Virtuagym. Whether you're running a small studio (like me) or managing a large capacity box gym, investing in Virtuagym will instantly separate you from your "competition", especially with the custom mobile app!
*****5 STARS ALL DAY! *****
Everything! But most of all I like the Workout Builder. 2nd would be the "Online Portal"
The ONLY thing I wish they would update is the Workout Builder.. Offering buttons to more easily switch reps/time, type of workout (circuit, hiit, supersets). Also maybe a way to copy exercises if you are doing them more than once within a workout? Virtuagym has already confirmed they are working on updates. In the meantime I have been able to easily work around these by adding little notes within the specific workouts.
Antwort von Virtuagym
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Ryan, thank you so much for your feedback! Just reading this made us feel proud about the hard work we all put into creating not only a great product but also cater each client's specific needs. As my colleagues have already confirmed, we are currently building a new version of the workout editor which will include many more different functions such as circuits and supersets. All best, Alkistis