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Was ist DyKnow?
DyKnow ist eine Verwaltungssoftware für Schulungsräume, die Lehrern hilft, … Geräte von Schülern zu überwachen, Ablenkungen zu vermeiden und Schüler bei der Aufgabe zu halten.
Schüler sind durchschnittlich 11-mal pro Unterrichtsstunde mit ihrem Gerät lehrstofffern aktiv. Du kannst beruhigt unterrichten, da DyKnow sicherstellt, dass Chromebooks, PCs und MacBooks von Studenten zum Lernen verwendet werden.
Wer verwendet DyKnow?
DyKnow wurde für K-12-Distrikte und Klassenzimmer entwickelt, in denen die Schüler während des Unterrichts Chromebooks, PCs und/oder MacBooks verwenden. DyKnow ist die einzige Managementlösung für Klassenräume mit gemischten Betriebssystemumgebungen.
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Bewertungen über DyKnow

Great for classroom management
Kommentare: Really helps keep students honest during tests
Simple to learn, easy to implement Quick, intuitive, great Monitoring of students
Not much. Maybe some work on preventing crashes
Dyknow Keeps the Students Honest..or else!
Kommentare: I use DyKnow primarily to keep up with student's on-task behavior. Blocking schemes work well to keep them from specific sites and applications OR to allow them only on certain sites and applications. I can take a quick look and the thumbnails will very easily allow me to detect "off-task" computer activities. I can tell if they are doing something they shouldn't be doing (games, shopping, and watching video are easy to spot with a quick glance). Dyknow is an extremely valuable tool for a teacher in a 1:1 environment.
Most important functions for me are accessed quickly. It's "Class Analytics" feature keeps a "history" of student activity while you are monitoring them, making it possible to go back later and see what they were doing...or not doing.
There are some features when using "Class Analytics" which have been a little "buggy" for me, such as clicking on one date in the past to see student activity (I have found a workaround on that one by clicking on an adjacent date.) There are isolated cases when blocking that students have an issue using a program which is not being blocked. This gets into a more technical aspect than I can explain well and I am sure it can be rectified in the future. Could be the other applications which cause this for a small number of students.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi John - Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about using DyKnow Cloud! We're so glad to hear how beneficial it is to your classroom. Class Analytics: If you double click a single date, you can view Analytics for only that day :) Blocking: If you ever find an app or website that isn't being blocked as expected, please email support [at] dyknow [dot] com or use our in product chat feature, and we'll get to the bottom of it right away!
DyKnow allows easy observation from all points in the classroom.
Spotting misuse of computers Monitoring at any time during school day Ability to block students or sites readily Ability to send custom message to the screen of the user whether one blocks him/her or not Multiple-screen viewing Ability to stop several selected students without being the whole class nor one at a time
Some users never seemed to show up on the system Inability to see the tab bar of the student screen to see if other sites/tabs are being used but not at that moment Confusion at times when blocking a person(s) and not blocking all-This improved Inability to have two or more people monitor the same student at the same time
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 7 Jahren
Thanks for sharing, Christopher! If you'd ever like some assistance troubleshooting why students aren't showing up in class, please reach out to our support team and we would be more than happy to help :)

DyKnow must be known by all teachers to hold students liable for every classroom activity!
Kommentare: Most of the teachers are having problems on monitoring the students' activities on their gadget and this software solves my classroom management issues on proper used of the iPad. I am no longer thinking whether my students are on-task or off-task because through this software every single action of the student on the gadget is monitored.
I was searching on the net of the perfect software that can help me strictly monitor the iPad activity of my students and then DyKnow came out. DyKnow is a very useful classroom management software because this innovation helps me to handle my class well in identifying every online activity of my students. This software monitors every single detail of every task that student is doing on their iPad and what particular applications they are doing - a very cool application and it empowers me because I can do multitasking. The feature that I like most about this software is that I can block and unblock each student's screen and I can takeover of what they can and cannot do on their gadget.
This software is the answer to my problem on how to strictly monitor on the use and abuse of using the technology. If this software is properly set-up, everything works perfectly. I have nothing to complain as far as the technical functionalities of the software are concerned. This software for me is excellent to make sure that technology used is properly implemented in my classroom.
Great for monitoring, could be better when it comes to action
Works great for helping teachers monitor student behavior on chromebooks. The two main flaws that I have noticed are:
1) If a student downloads a chrome extension (many games are available this way), it does not show up on the monitoring screen, but rather says "Out of Browser". Teachers are unable to block these activities.
2) Teachers cannot take over individual student screens. The ability to take over an individual student's screen and click on the correct link (or links) for them would allow for redirection or assistance without hassle. This would also help alleviate the above issue, as it would allow teachers to manually "x out" gaming apps.
Other than these two issues, I enjoy using Dyknow and trauly believe that it holds students accountable for their actions on the Chromebook.
Holds students accountable, allows me to multitask.
No manual takeover, no way to combat gaming through web extensions
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Anthony! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback. As for the extensions on student devices, it's our best practice for the campus to prevent this at the Google Admin level. If that's not the case, an "Allow Only" plan with the websites your students should be using will prevent access to all extensions. Add "Web Browsers" as an application to your Allow Only plan. Thanks for the idea about taking "remote control" of student devices! We will share this with our Product Manager. Here's a "how to" article for building an Allow Only blocking plan: https://support.dyknow.com/hc/en-us/articles/204065406
Helpful, Functional, and Fun
I love that this software is easy to use and functional in the classroom. DyKnow truly has made a difference in my classroom. Not only is it helpful in monitoring and limiting computer use, but it also helps keep students engaged. The feature where you can poll the audience, check for understanding, and send the students to a certain website by opening it on the computer has really revolutionized the way I teach. It has also saved classroom time. Instead of waiting for students to type a URL, find a website, etc. I can just open it on their computer screen and not have any troubleshooting.
The hardest thing about this software is really just user error. I sometimes forget to end and start the monitoring each class period. I wish there was a way to set time parameters and have it automatically end and stop class periods according our bell schedule.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 7 Jahren
Hi Chelsea! Thanks so much for leaving your kind feedback :) It's actually on our short term roadmap to release the ability to automatically monitor ;) We'll be in touch about that soon! -Abbey
I love DyKnow!
Kommentare: It has helped tremendously with classroom management. I am able to maintain rapport by not calling distracted students out to the entire class. It also allows me to see what my students are actually working on in real time during independent work time. That is huge! They can't just quickly minimize the video they were actually watching instead of working on their assignment. I wish I would have had DyKnow where I last worked. I don't know what I would do without it now!
I did not realize how great that DyKnow is until I started working where I do now. I don't have to wander about the room and have students quickly minimize the YouTube video they were watching instead of working on their assignment. I can block distracting activities and send a discreet message telling a student to get to work instead of making an announcement to the class that a specific student is distracted.
I wish there was a way to make multiple segmented blocking groups. I want to be able to block everything from kids who are far too distracted and unblock some things for those students who are more intrinsically motivated.
Dyknow's been a huge help in a 1 to 1 setting as a teacher
Kommentare: Accountability and Control of the digital classroom
This software enables you to completely and reliably monitor students, control their acess, record their activities, and provide accountability for online assessments. I don't know how I could teach in a 1 to 1 setting without dyknow or a program similar to it. Dyknow tames the internet and the tablet for learning in a classroom full of kids with tablets to actually occur. It also is fairly easy to set up and run with minimal effort on a day to day basis.
It's dependent on the internet connection, so students still can be sneaky in some ways if testing. Students can and will find ways around it or create headaches; although this is a minority of students. It's not perfect, but its the best thing I've found out there for all practical purposes, and it works well 95% of the time with 90% of students.
GREAT tool for student monitoring
Kommentare: DyKnow is a fantastic product for monitoring your students in real time! I LOVE the features of being able to instantly block students who are making inappropriate choices and messaging them to get them back on track. The blocking plans are also another wonderful feature to keep students focused on the task at hand. Overall, DyKnow is a wonderful tool and has become essential in my daily classroom activities. Highly recommended!
The ease of use & being able to message students/block students in real time
I wish that I was able to see all the tabs they had open instead of just the open screen... many of my students keep game or music tabs open, but I can't see them unless that is their active screen. I'd LOVE to be able to see all tabs!
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Beth! Thank you so much for taking the time to share :) I'll mention your request to see all tabs to our Product Manager! In the mean time, if students navigate to one of those open tabs, not only will you see it in Activity Tracker and the thumbnail, but it will also make an appearance on the student's Analytics report :) That way if you happen to not see it in real time, there's still a record that it happened. Here's a "how to" article on Analytics: https://support.dyknow.com/hc/en-us/articles/215244648 Thanks again!
When it works, it is really good!
Kommentare: This software actually delivers what it promises. The only negative experiences I've had have been server related, as in when the servers hosting DyKnow go down. There are some quirks, as with any software, but overall I'm satisfied with its reliability and performance. Kids figure out ways around it occasionally, but we have ways of thwarting them. I especially like the way I can quickly switch between blocking plans and have different students, or groups of students, on totally different plans. Some I want to lock down, others will control themselves! The messaging component is also another favorite feature.
Does what it says. Very responsive customer service. Flexibility with blocking and allowing sites and apps. Messaging component is a nice "Big Brother" touch.
Glitchy at times. Some students don't show up. Sometimes slow to work.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Jim - We appreciate you taking the time to share! We've been doing a lot of work on our servers to keep them in tip top shape, and continue to prioritize this work for our customers. If you ever find a student isn't showing up, please let us know by using our chat feature in the product, or by emailing support@dyknow.com with the student's name and time of day this happened. We'll get to the bottom of it right away!
Really Good, Could be Great
Kommentare: The product is really easy to use. Very intuitive and visual. There are a couple of features I wish it had. The questions sections could use the ability to organize it into units or themes. I would like the ability to send messages to students from the class view, instead of having to go to the specific student view first. Also, the program is a little slow to respond and load. That could be improved. Overall this is a really good program and I use it often for a variety of things.
Easy to use.
Slow to respond and load.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Justin, Thanks for taking the time to share! To send a message to all students from your Class view, check out the Bell icon on the right side of your screen. When you click this icon and select "Send a Message," you can select "Select all Students" and send your message with one click! Here's a How To article with screen shots: https://support.dyknow.com/hc/en-us/articles/217202737 We definitely like the idea of organizing your questions, and will share this with our Product Manager! We're also constantly continuing to improve the speed with which DyKnow is delivered to you :) Thanks again!
Love being able to monitor my students during class!
Kommentare: My school has an account for all freshmen and sophomores because we started a chromebook program. I love being able to block certain sites or allowing only the sites I want to use during that class period. It does freeze sometimes and I have to restart but that's the only problem I've had. I really love it! I wish we had accounts for the seniors and juniors too!
Ability to block sites Ability to allow only certain sites Ability to see student activity in real time Reports of student usage
Sometimes freezes
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Agatha - Thanks so much for taking the time to share! We love hearing how DyKnow is helping your classroom :) If you run into a specific event when the product freezes, please email support [at] dyknow [dot] com and we'd be happy to look into it!
Helpful to Focus
Kommentare: I have enjoyed using DyKnow in my classroom. It helps me keep my students focused and on track with what we have to do for the day. It is easy to block and unblock websites and apps as I need to. I like having the message feature that allows me to send individual messages to students as they are doing their work. I also like the feature of being able to see my students' computer screens all on my computer. It helps me know if they are having trouble with something in their work.
I can block unnecessary apps and websites during class.
I seem to have a lot of problems with it just loading. It also blocks some apps even when I have them listed under the allow only tab.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Christina! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback. When you get a chance, we'd love to help you with your blocking plans. Please email support [at] dyknow [dot] com or use our in product chat feature! :)
DyKnow makes so many things easier
It's so easy turning on my blocking plan when class starts and knowing my kids will be focused on their classwork instead of minecraft youtube videos. If I see a kid on an inappropriate site (games usually) it's super easy to add it to my blocking plan so that they can no longer access the site today or in the future.
Kids will always find new games/websites but I'll always be there to block them when they do.
Thanks DyKnow
Good interface. Easy to use
Sometimes when I want to make segmented blocking plans I have issues
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Justin! Thanks so much for taking the time to share! We appreciate your feedback. We'd love to hear more about what's going on with Segmented Blocking - please email support [at] dyknow [dot] com, or use our in product chat feature any time and we'll help you get to the bottom of it!
Well worth the money
Kommentare: DyKnow allows for behavior and engagement to be managed in a very gentle manner. This eliminates arguments and struggles for power that ever might occur; great tool.
The ability to pull up usage data for individual students over specific ranges of time is nice.
The blocking is sometimes too general or too difficult to remove. A simple feature is made complicated.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Corabn! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback :) Here's a trick: If you copy the URL you want to send to students, you can paste it into an Unlocked Message and click "Send" - this will launch the website on each student's Chromebook! We'd love to hear more about how you'd simplify blocking. Please chat us in the product or email csm [at] dyknow [dot] com any time!
Excellent monitoring software
Kommentare: DyKnow makes monitoring my students' technology usage so simple. I love the analytics feature which makes note of the sites my students are viewing as well. This makes keeping my students on task so much easier!
Ease of use
The lack of a chat feature between students and the teacher
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much for taking the time to share :) I will make a note of your request for students to be able to respond to teachers in our messaging feature. We appreciate your feedback!
First time using internet content blocking software
Kommentare: Dyknow is software to monitor what students are doing on their school provided laptop. It is cloud based and allows a teacher to see what kids are doing when in their classrooms. At the beginning of class the teacher has to start monitoring of a class they have previously populated. Occasionally, this takes quite a bit of time to kick in which is frustrating. Another problem is kids getting stuck in other "classes". Dyknow has been responsive in coming up with a way to automatically end the class at a predetermined time. Once things are up and running a blocking plan that the teacher designs is implemented. Plans can run from allowing everything to allowing nothing. Apps and web browsers are included in what can be allowed or blocked. In addition, every 15 sec teachers get a snapshot of what students are doing. This information can be used to send a message and temporarily block activity or completely block activity. It is a nice compromise between no control and allowing students some freedom. Not everything is perfect yet, but it is moving in the right direction.
Ease of use.
Not all features robust enough to keep up with a class.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Thanks for taking the time to share, Joe! We're dedicated to continuously improving our user experience, and appreciate you mentioning that :)
Great Resource for Teachers
Kommentare: I use DyKnow to monitor students daily. I enjoy being able to restrict students computers without having to verbally remind them over and over again. Furthermore, it helps keep students on task.
-Restrict individual computers -Data collection -Quickness of the program
-Not being able to block spotlight features (Ex: using the calculator through spotlight)
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Betsy, thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback! I appreciate the mention of Spotlight - this is a known issue and I will "+1" back to our engineers.
Easy Monitoring System
Kommentare: I love this product. It makes being able to teach and use technology a breeze. You can customize the program to restrict access to sites, which helps lessen distractions and helps with productivity. It allows the teacher to work with small groups of students, or even one-on-one without being glued to their device monitoring students or concerned about what students are on while the teacher isn't looking. It's simple to use and easy to learn.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Wow - thank you, Jenny! We appreciate your feedback and you taking the time to share :)
GREAT way to Monitor Student Progress
Kommentare: This program helps me make sure all my students are on-task and focused. I am able to provide immediate feedback and directions to help them succeed.
Ability to monitor student progress
Not always up to date because of refreshing time
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Dana! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience. For a real time view of what websites and apps students are using, check out our Activity Tracker! Here's a How To article: https://support.dyknow.com/hc/en-us/articles/206974567
Reeds Spring Experience with DyKnow
Reeds Spring School District has been a DyKnow customer for several years. As we rolled out our 1:1 digital conversion we were looking for a solution to managing student life online and setting students up for success in their digital world. DyKnow provides our teachers with a way to set up Blocking Plans to help students stay on task and to avoid distraction. Additionally, our teachers use DyKnow to monitor student activity, and with the recent addition of their Analytics, we are able to determine where students spend their online time. This in turn helps our district to properly set a network filter, blocking sites that are non-educational in nature.
We have been satisfied with the level of support at every level from DyKnow, from teacher support in the classroom to our administrative support in managing the program. DyKnow has also provided our teachers with some valuable face-to-face professional development and follow-up training as we have brought on more teachers that are new to DyKnow.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 9 Jahren
Thank you for your kind words, Janna! We love working with Reeds Spring!
great when it works, but the key is when...
Kommentare: This program does not work consistently. In fact, it only works at the beginning of the day and occasionally in the afternoon. I teach 6 sections of Earth Science and during periods 3 through 5 it is a failure. It doesn't connect, load, or it malfunctions to the point where students chromebooks are locked up. This is something that has distracted us even on test days. It is a great progarm in theory, but in application it is lacking any consistency.
Its capability
Its inconsistency
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Jeff, thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. I'm sorry to hear DyKnow isn't working as expected, we haven't heard this from other teachers at Warren, especially during designated times of the day. I will ask our engineers to look into this!
Great Classroom Management Tool
Kommentare: I'm a middle school teacher in a 1:1 classroom. Being able to easily monitor what students are doing on their computer has been an extremely helpful management tool. I especially love having the ability to block students when they are off task!
Monitor, block or send messages to students who are working on computer
Sometimes slow to load
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 8 Jahren
Hi Alison, thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback about DyKnow! We love having Reeds Spring as a customer :)
Like it as a way to monitor my students; miss my ability to interact with students.
Kommentare: Love the new at-a-glance feature of DyKnow where I can see instantly where all my students are in terms of programs and sites (on the right side of the screen). The ability to block and allow is quite good--I like creating schemes in this version. Wish I could select certain students to free/block as in the old version. Greatly miss my ability to push docs to students as in the old version. Monitor doesn't work as efficiently as it once did when it comes to viewing and sharing a student screen. Darn blue bubble! Most miss DyKnow Vision--my ability to interact with students and to put them into groups electronically and give instant feedback was phenomenal. Please try to find a way to bring back Vision!!!!
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 9 Jahren
Hi Sharon, It's great to hear you feel DyKnow Cloud is easier to use than Dyknow Desktop! The "free / block certain students" feature you described was released Monday 1/18/16 :-)
Keeping Students Safe
I love that I can use this software to prevent my students from accessing other websites on their Chromebooks which are supplied to them by our district.
I don't like that once I turn on the blockers, I have to manually turn it off. Most of the time I forget and another teacher has to remind me to turn it off. I wish there was a timing feature available.
Antwort von DyKnow
vor 6 Jahren
Hi Alethea, Thank you for your review. A "Timed Blocking Plan" feature does exist in DyKnow so you can automatically release students from your designated plan. More information on how to can be found here: https://support.dyknow.com/hc/en-us/articles/228185788-DyKnow-Cloud-Timed-Blocking-Plans Best, The DyKnow Team