Wir helfen Unternehmen seit 18 Jahren,
bessere Software zu finden

Was ist SiteMinder?

33.000 Hoteliers verlassen sich auf SiteMinder für intelligentes und einfaches Reservierungsmanagement. Mit über 2 Millionen Reservierungen pro Jahr in Verbindung mit einem leistungsfähigen Channelmanager und einem Ökosystem von mehr als 700 branchenführenden Kanälen und Anwendungen hilft SiteMinder Hotels jeder Größe, Gäste zu gewinnen, mehr Gewinn zu erzielen und Immobilien mit Leichtigkeit zu verwalten.

Wer verwendet SiteMinder?

Geeignet für Gastgewerbe jeder Größe. Von Pensionen bis hin zu Hotelketten auf globaler Ebene. Für alle, die von unserer Softwarelösung profitieren können. Leicht mehr Online-Präsenz & mehr Buchungen.

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Bewertungen über SiteMinder

Durchschnittliche Bewertung


Nutzerbewertungen nach Unternehmensgröße (Angestellte)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001

Bewertungen nach Punktzahl finden

Junior Manager in Deutschland
Gastgewerbe, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Viel versprochen, wenig gehalten

2,0 vor 6 Monaten

Kommentare: Wir wurden bei Beginn der Zusammenarbeit mit SiteMinder darauf hingewiesen, dass eine Umsatzsteigerung von 20-30% normal sei. Leider blieb dieses Versprechen unerfüllt. Auch durch die Anbindung an andere Buchungsplattformen war über einen Zeitraum von fünf Monaten keine Veränderung zu spüren. Hinzu kamen zahlreiche Fehler bei der Übermittlung ins Buchungssystem, wie z.B. Fehlbuchungen, nicht durchgegangene Stornierungen und fehlerhafte Übertragungen von Namen, die keine Seltenheit waren. Nachdem wir beschlossen hatten, unseren Vertrag zu kündigen, wurden wir über zwei Monate lang hingehalten und es wurde uns sogar noch einmal zu viel Geld abgezogen. Man vertröstete uns mit der Begründung, dass Sie viel zu tun hätten und eine Kündigung momentan nicht möglich sei, bzw. ungern bearbeitet werde, da dafür keine Kapazitäten seien. Uns wurden drei Freimonate angeboten, um uns zum Bleiben zu bewegen. Trotz unserer Ablehnung dieses Angebots wurde weiter Zeit geschunden. Nach erneuter Nachfrage nach 1,5 Monaten wurde unser Wunsch endlich ernst genommen, jedoch folgte daraufhin ein wettbewerbsschädigendes Verhalten. Gegen 18 Uhr, als das Büro nicht mehr erreichbar war, wurde die Kündigung bestätigt und alle Schnittstellen sofort getrennt. Dies geschah ohne Vorwarnung oder Mitteilung, sodass wir keine Zeit hatten, uns auf die Trennung der Schnittstelle vorzubereiten oder einen neuen Anbieter zu suchen. Dieses Verhalten finde ich höchst unprofessionell und inakzeptabel, insbesondere angesichts der Beträge, die wir an diesen Anbieter gezahlt haben. Es steht in keiner Relation zu den Leistungen, die SiteMinder erbracht hat.


-viele Schnittstellen zu Portalen -freundliches Personal bei der Kundengewinnung -eigene Website möglich


-Support Team nicht wirklich kompetent -auf Antworten müssen Sie min. 2-3 Tage warten was bei einem Standartpreis von 175EUR nicht sein sollte -nach Integration kein Deutscher Support mehr -langes Delay bis Buchungen im Buchungssystem ist

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 6 Monaten

Hi John, Thank you for sharing your feedback. I'm sorry to hear about the challenges you've faced with our service. Your experience does not live up to our usual standard. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your concerns further and work towards a resolution. Please email me directly at ereena.rosli@siteminder.com so we can address your issues promptly. Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to hearing from you. Warm regards, Ereena

Geschäftsführer in Deutschland
Gastgewerbe, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Ich war nicht zufrieden

2,0 vor 10 Monaten

Kommentare: Im Verkaufsgespräch wurde alles versprochen und danach wurde man nur so durch den Integrationsprozess gehetzt und man wurde gefühlt alleine gelassen. Es wurden hohes IT Verständnis Voraus gesetzt. Für einfache Eigentümer geführte Hotels meines Erachtens nicht zu empfehlen.


Das Verkaufsgespräch . Mehr Erfahrungen konnte ich nicht sammeln, weil es nicht funktionierte.


Die Integration und als die Website nicht mehr funktioniert hat, sollte man sich selber darum kümmern.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 10 Monaten

Hi Torben, Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We sincerely apologise for any discrepancies you've experienced between the services promised during the sales process and the actual delivery. Please be assured that we take your feedback seriously and have escalated the issue internally for thorough investigation. Rest assured, someone from our team will be in touch with you shortly to address your concerns and find a resolution. Warm regards, Ereena R.

CEO in Deutschland
Gastgewerbe, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Zuverlässiger Channel Manager, der jedoch noch Verbesserungspotential hat

3,0 letztes Jahr

Kommentare: Funktionell aber deutlich verbesserbar und sehr kostenspielig.Kundenservice ist leider nicht so gut und lässt sich ewig Zeit für Anfragen und Support....schade für dieses Geld


Die Synchronisation der Verfügbarkeiten in Zusammenspiel mit unserer Hotelsoftware 3RPMS läuft seit einem Jahr vollkommen reibungslos und ohne Fehler. Das macht der Channel Manager wirklich absolut top!SiteMinder bietet eine riesen Anzahl an Schnittstellen und Apps, das ist natürlich ihr großer Pluspunkt.


Die Software und die Bedienung hat schön öfters kleinere Bugs gehabt, für die sich der Entwickler aber nicht weiter interessiert. Das fängt bei Rechtschreibfehler der deutschen Benutzeroberfläche an und hört bei Einstellungs-Bugs auf. Fehler, die man vom selbsternannten größten Channel Manager Anbieter der Welt, nicht haben dürfte.Es gab auch schon schwerwiegendere Fehler, wie die plötzlich falsche Übermittlung der Stornofrist zu dem OTA....also auch SiteMinder ist bei weitem nicht perfekt und lässt einige Features vermissen, die sogar kleinere Anbieter anbieten.Auch müssen Sie sich als Hotelier über den hohen Preis im klaren sein. Über die Sinnhaftigkeit von über 400 OTA Anbindungen kann man definitiv streiten, bei einer derartigen Monopolstellung von Booking.com, Expedia etc.Die Benutzeroberfläche ist relativ übersichtlich, aber die Software an sich sogar mit einer 1000Mbit Leitung ziemlich träge und langsam....das geht besser.Umlaute werden immer falsch ins PMS übertragen....Gäste stehen vor der Tür als Muller heißen aber in Wahrheit Müller. Wie peinlich das als Hotelier ist, kann sich wohl jeder denken. Dieses Problem wurde von mir im August 2022 angemerkt und seitdem hat sich absolut nichts geändert. Immer wieder wird man vertröstet, das Problem wäre auf der Warteliste aber in der Prioritätenliste gäbe es andere Entwicklungen, die Vorrang hätten. Peinlich, dass ein derartiger Bug es berhaupt in die fertige Software geschafft hat.

Antwort von SiteMinder

letztes Jahr

Hi Marco, Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback on SiteMinder's Channel Manager. We're pleased to hear about the successful synchronization with your hotel software, 3RPMS, and your positive experience with our wide range of interfaces and apps. We apologize for any issues you've encountered, including software bugs and user interface concerns. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve. We're actively addressing these matters to enhance your experience and provide the level of service you deserve. Regarding customer support delays, we're committed to resolving these issues promptly. Your comments have been shared with our teams, and we're dedicated to ensuring a smoother, more efficient experience moving forward. Thank you for your partnership and understanding. We look forward to making your experience with SiteMinder even better. Regards, Ereena R.

Vertriebsleitung in Deutschland
Gastgewerbe, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Macht was es soll - ohne viel „Schnick-Snack“

5,0 vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare: gut in der Praxisalltag integrierbar - lässt sich auch auf mobilen Endgeräten noch gut bedienen


- ansprechende/intuitive Benutzeroberfläche - sehr guter (schnell + kompetenter) Support - Support-Antworten auch per E-Mail - faires Preis-Leistungsverhältnis - läuft sehr stabil / zuverlässig


- z.T. würden wir uns schnellere Synchronisationszeiten wünschen da es vereinzelt zu Überbuchungen kommt - nicht alle Restriktionen können für alle Reisemittler und Portale übertragen werden (liegt teils jedoch an den OTA's selbst) - FAQ-Artikel sind leider nicht durchgehend ins Deutsche lokalisiert

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 3 Jahren

Hi Ralph Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to lease us a review. We are happy to learn that you find SiteMinder easy to use because everything is under one operation, customer support has been attentive, and the interface is user-friendly. Most importantly, you feel secure using the SiteMinder product for its high level of security. As for the faster synchronization that has led to occasional overbookings, restrictions can be transferred to all travel agents and portals, and FAQ articles are not consistently localized into German. We will check internally and see if that has been resolved for you, but if you haven't already, please write to us, and we'd be happy to help! If you find something is not working how it should or how you would like, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via our 24/7 chat, and one of our team will be able to help you. Thanks

Inhaberin in Deutschland
Gastgewerbe, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung


5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Sehr guter Support und Hilfestellung.




keine, da finde ich jetzt zum Beispiel nicht gut, dass ich hier mehr schreiben muss als ich möchte

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 4 Jahren

Hallo Frau Schillbach, vielen Dank, dass Sie uns so eine positive Bewertung gegeben haben. Es freut uns zu horen, dass Sie so eine gute Erfahrung mit unseren Produkten, und mit unserem Kundendienst hatten. Wir wissen die Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen zu schatzen. Mit freundlichen Gru?en, Jessica

Verifizierter Rezensent
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung
Quelle: GetApp

Einbindungsprozess über Monate

1,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Der Auftrag wurde verzögert, wir haben nun 21 Monate auf die Anbindung gewartet


Es wäre eine mögliche Ergänzung im CM Bereich gewesen


Der Support vom Siteminder ist nicht hilfreich

Head of hotel distribution in Spanien
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great product, less than average support service

4,0 vor 7 Jahren


Great software for hoteliers who wants to reach a global audience. Will save a lot of time, especially if you want to offer many different rates and length of stay. Not expensive at all. Give you ability to connect to so many different booking sites around the world in no time. Another great thing is - they have their own PMS (LittleHotelier).


The support service. No words... Having problem during a weekend? Oh, sorry we have no one in the office you can speak about, leave a message... What? Response time for created cases is slow. Accounting: if you have several hotels: your bills could be mixed up easily. After being with them for 7 years quit only because of support service. Still do feel sad about that as I loved the software. Now we are using other software and each time I receive an answer from new software support in less then one hour I remember how I was waiting for SiteMinder answers for days!

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 7 Jahren

Hi Zanneta, Thanks so much for your feedback and taking the time to review us. It's great to hear that you loved our product and found it so easy to use. We were disappointed to hear that our support didn't meet your expectations. The good news is that we improve our support service all the time and should you wish to come back to SiteMinder in the future, we'd love to chat to you about your experience. We hope your properties continue to be successful. Thanks again, Clare @ SiteMinder

Reservations Manager in Belize
Gastgewerbe, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:

Great channel manager & user-friendly

5,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: The property I manage online is displaying live availability 24/7 across many channels, including Airbnb which is becoming a popular OTA. Room rates can easily be adjusted for specific periods. Overall this is one of best systems ever and very user friendly, which is very important.


It is so easy to setup; from adding a new channel to the mapping process. Rates can easily be configured for specific room types and channels, unlike others which are not so flexible.


Does not have HBSi connectivity. Some channels such as Flight Centre, Apple Leisure Group/Mark Travel Corporation connect via HBSi and I am using Synxis for this.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 5 Jahren

Hi Marlon, First of all, thank you for letting us be part of your journey! And thank you for your thoughtful feedback. We're so pleased to hear that you find our systems efficient and user-friendly, and that you understand our passion for improving your service and customer experience everyday! Customers like you make it all worthwhile. We appreciate your feedback and will take to our product team as we are always looking to improve our user experience. So thanks for sharing, and thanks for trusting us to be your partner. All the best, Misha

Founder in USA
Gastgewerbe, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Okay for a one-night stand.

2,0 vor 5 Monaten


Efficient set up. They are great about getting new customers.


Customer service. The organization is bad at working with small organizations. They come off as more money driven than there to be in a partnership.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 4 Monaten

Hi Ryan, Thank you for your feedback. We're pleased to hear that you found the setup efficient and appreciate our efforts in attracting new customers. However, we’re sorry to hear about your concerns regarding customer service and the perception of our approach with smaller organisations. Your input is valuable, and we’ll ensure it’s shared with our team to help us improve our support and partnership approach. If you have any further suggestions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out. Warm regards, Zidane

Distribution & Reservation Manager in Indonesien
Gastgewerbe, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:

Amazing Features

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Siteminder help me to solve my needs in Booking Engine, Managing Channels.


- The software is easy to use - the first installation didn't take much time, it's just take few day for the installation - the integration with the other channel also just few minutes to make it integrated, if you have any trouble for the the integration, you just need to call the Call Center and they will help you to solve it within minutes.


at the moment I have not get any trouble or any difficulties nor problem from the software.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 4 Jahren

Hi Tander, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with us and other hoteliers. We are pleased to hear that you were able to connect to different channels easily. We have over 450 distribution channels available, which is a huge advantage. Feel free to get in touch with us for anything you may need. Our support team is available at anytime. Thanks for your partnership with us! Warmest, Jessica

Reservation in Indonesien
Gastgewerbe, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great channel

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: it's a very easy channel to adapt and use


Easy to use and to get help if any issue occur


lining on the phone for help, and even if i switch into english it still waiting

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 4 Jahren

Hi Boy, Thank you so much for your time sharing your thought with us and other hoteliers. Our team of expert can assist you quickly via our 24/7 chat support. Do't hesitate to contact us if you need any help We really appreciate your support and hope we can keep focusing on improving your experience. Warmest, Jessica

Hotel Founder/ CEO in USA
Gastgewerbe, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Horrible all around

1,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Horrible- I would not wish this service for anyone.


I like that I can get out of using it as soon as possible- they make it time consuming to try to setup and get working but at least I can leave after months of horrible service and no functionality.


Absolutely no customer support- their phone line support always responds that everything is working when nothing is setup correctly. Their email support just never gets back to you. I have been manually checking reservations for nearly 6 months because of no help or functionality from Siteminder!

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 5 Jahren

Hi Abby, We're really sorry to hear about your experience as that is not usual for us. Thank you for taking the time to submit your feedback. We have escalated this to our management and customer success teams who have been in touch. We can assure you that your support contact is currently working very closely with representatives from our product team to review your suggestions and feedback and get back to you more information as soon as possible. We value the feedback we receive from our customers and are continuously looking for ways to improve our service, so thanks again for taking the time to share this with us. Thanks, Misha

S Olaf
S Olaf
Owner in Brasilien
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Gastgewerbe, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

Strange Sales & Marketing practices

2,0 vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare: The Sales and Onboarding process is fairly convoluted. Apart from the misinformation on Free Trials and key product functionality, you are meant to schedule a call only to confirm verbally the data provided earlier via a formsheet - what a waste of time.


Seems to have good stable performance in terms of synchronization across their Channels. But honestly, I didn't get a full insight into Siteminder's suite of CRS/Channel Manager/Booking Button. At the end of the Onboarding process it was actually revealed that key information provided by Sales at the beginning was plain false.


Sales and Marketing standards and practices are extremely questionable. First of all, there is no Free Trial available despite countless claims and buttons on their website. Fake news. Second, they seriously missold me when confirming Stripe as my Payment Gateway of choice was available on Brazil, only to then turn around and saying it wasn't.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 3 Jahren

Hi Sven, Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We are so happy to hear you that you find SiteMinder good and stable. Reading this has made our day. We're sorry to hear that your experience with us didn't live up to our usual standards. Your honest feedback is very much appreciated and I've escalated it for urgent attention. Someone from our team will be in touch with you soon. In the meantime, if there's anything else that I can support you with, please let me know. Thanks!

Property Owner Manager in Australien
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung


5,0 vor 7 Jahren

Kommentare: Peace of Mind, StressFREE, Happy working with them and Relief!


From the Outset, the Sales Representative was incredible informative, honest, and consistently followed through every step of the way. The website on extranet looks professional, is user friendly, has everything that we need ... The Support (whilst on a FREE TRIAL) is OUTSTANDING. We went through a painLESS few day process that took the previous Channel Manager months to get right (and they only managed to perfect two OTAs, after a lot of PAIN) ... At first I was very reluctant to spend more on this service ,and now I am so delighted that I listened to the rep, made the much-needed change over to SiteMinder, and that I that have been and still am working with the rep


There are no cons at this stage ... We have a Wix website and used two of their "preferred" channel managers (they "sacked Myallocator who were really good and then contracted with HotelRunner, who were an absolute nightmare to work with, for six months . The comparison goes without having to say anything more (read the above "Pros")

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 7 Jahren

Hi Linda, Thank you for your great feedback. We are thrilled that you have had such a positive experience with your SiteMinder sales representative and our support team! Thanks again and please let us know if we can be of any assistance. Thanks, The team @ SiteMinder

SEO Manager in USA
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Gastgewerbe, 5.001–10.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great All-in-One Solution

5,0 vor 6 Jahren

Kommentare: Overall, our experience has been nothing but positive. Online booker engagement is up, and times on page have increased, which has allowed us to build bigger and better audiences for our online direct channel.


Their whole suite of products simplifies managing reservations for a smaller chain like ours. I find their website design to be easy, intuitive, and devoid of 'too-many-options' which sometimes scare bookers into exploring more and booking less.


Their support is limited, but it's an out-of-the-box product that is priced super-competitively, so honestly, you can't expect enterprise level account management or support.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 6 Jahren

Hi Alex, First of all, thanks so much for taking time out to review us! We really appreciate your insightful feedback and certainly hope we can keep focusing on improving your experience. It's excellent that you've gotten great results using the product! Thanks again for being a customer. It means alot to us. Thanks, Mei

General Manager in Montenegro
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Gastgewerbe, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great tool for hoteliers!

5,0 vor 3 Jahren


User-friendly, clear, fast, great support... Started to use it a month ago and haven't explore all its functions yet.If all the functionalities are as the basic ones, I will remain life-time SiteMinder user.


I believe single and multiple occupancy set up have a large space for improvement.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 3 Jahren

Hi Zorica Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We are happy to hear that you find SiteMinder clear, fast and user-friendly. A customer like you makes us want to strive for better, especially when you mentioned that you would remain a SiteMinder lifetime user. We are so honoured by your feedback! This can be done about single and multiple occupancies set up but depending on the upper channel rates. We suggest you contact the support team to assist. Let me know if there's anything I can assist you with. Thank you! Best regards, Ereena R.

Business Development Manager in Australien
Gastgewerbe, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Terrible system and support

1,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Terrible


The initial pitch was that the current system we use and siteminder were compatible. I asked on a number of occasions if any other customers worked with the 2 systems and never received a response. The bottom line is It does not integrate with our hotel management system . After numerous attempts to contact support they were unable to provide solutions and response time was terrible. Was told I could not speak with a supervisor.


The system does not work and the support team terrible

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 2 Jahren

Hi Kelly, We apologise that your experience didn't meet our usual standards. I'd love to help you with the experience above, especially with integrating your hotel management system with ours, we hear that you have difficulty reaching out to our support, and I hope I can help you. If you could drop me an email at ereena.rosli@siteminder.com, I could help to assist you further as I don't have your details in this review to assist. I'll be waiting for your email and hope to hear from you soon.

Online Sales Manager in Guam
Gastgewerbe, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Easy to use software and very helpful and friendly customer service!

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: We have been working with SiteMinder for more than 6 years and it has been a wonderful journey. We started with channel manager + bookingbutton and expanded the business with SiteMinder to GDS and PMS integration area over the years. As an independent hotel, the services SiteMinder provides are essential to us and we are very thankful for their support!


The software overall is very easy to use and if I ever have questions, their customer support is always very friendly and helpful!


I wish there were more kinds of reports available on the channel manager module. It would also be great if the BookingButton has more features and as developed as major OTA extranets.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 4 Jahren

Hi Yuki, Thank you so much for your insightful feedback. We are so thrilled for having the opportunity to support you throughout your journey during these 6 years. It's customers like you that make what with we do so worthwhile. You will be please to know that our product team keeps working on making enhancements to the booking engine. You can check the latest product releases on this page: https://releases.siteminder.com/en/articles/5274866-may-2021-release-notes-new-features-and-improvements. Thank you so much for all your suggestions. It help us understand all your needs. We are always looking for ways to innovate and give our customers the best possible experience and our support team are always willing to help if you have any questions. Kind regards, Jessica

Reservations Manager in USA
Gastgewerbe, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:

Very user friendly.

5,0 vor 5 Jahren


We were looking for one product with which to manage our inventory for several different OTAs. This is what SiteMinder does beautifully. We are also able to offer unique specials on our own site by using Channel Manager as our booking engine.


The only criticism is minor. When using the calendar feature in the RESERVATIONS menu to jump to a specific date, after entering the start date, you must also go back to the last calender and page forward to the required finish date. For example, if it is Feb and you want to look at arrivals in August, after selecting the "From Date" of 08/01, the "To Date" does not automatically change to August, but remains in Feb until manually moved to August.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 5 Jahren

Hi Cynthia, Thank you for taking the time to share your review with us! We really appreciate your insightful feedback and certainly hope we can keep focusing on improving your experience. We can pass along your feedback to our product team related to the calendar. We are always looking for ways to give our customers the best possible experience. As such, we regularly release products and updates which you can check out on the SiteMinder Release page here: https://help.siteminder.com/s/Releases?language=en_US It's excellent that you've gotten great results using the product! Thank you again for trusting us to be your partner. It's fabulous customers like you that make what we do so worthwhile. All the best, Misha

General Manager in USA
Gastgewerbe, 201–500 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Worst Customer Support!

3,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Worst customer service.


Easy for basic use, no installation cost, reasonably priced. This is where the pros stop.


The customer support!! The worst I have experienced. In fact it is non existent. Since years I have been trying to get a rate loaded, and I was not getting anywhere. I follow the steps and it says its loaded, but when client tries to use the rate code, they cannot. So they tell us they don't see the rate code. Anyways I gave up, since it was taking up too much of my time and getting nowhere. A few months ago, I ran into the same contractual issue with client, who insisted I load the rate code. This time, (due to my previous experience), I delegated the job to another colleague of mine and was hoping she would have a different experience. But no, she was given the same run around and got nowhere. She has given up too. We are still without that rate loaded, and don't think it ever will be. Not with siteminder at least.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 5 Jahren

Hi Sally, Thank you for your honest feedback, Sally. I am so sorry that you felt that you didn't receive the level of support needed to resolve the issue on rate codes to your satisfaction. I have personally escalated this to our highest levels of support to get back to you within the next two hours to make sure we truly listen to how we can help an important customer like yourself. We want to ensure you receive the support you deserve and meet the standards we normally provide to our customers. Thank you, Misha

Sales Admin. in Indonesien
Gastgewerbe, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Siteminder Friendly User

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Siteminder awesome , be better and good service to integrated the system in the future.


Easier to use and handle sync data inventory, rates, etc to all channel agent online


More Quick response for any issue, sometimes on chat we need to queue.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 4 Jahren

Hi Purwanti, We appreciate your time sharing your experience with us. Great to hear you are finding our system user-friendly. We are definitely working on improving and making more updates to our system to make sure customers like you can take full advantage of all the features and channels available. Thanks for all your support! Warmest, Jessica

Owner/Director in Aruba
Gastgewerbe, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Is worth!

5,0 vor 3 Jahren


Channel manager (Little Hotelier) and Booking Button


The sign in process, only telephone code option, I would like to receive the code also by email. If something happens to my phone like low battery or traveling with no roaming it's impossible to log in. There is an app but I don't really want to download more apps, it's too much. Also I suggest to add another option when enable deposit in the booking button: NUMBER OF NIGHTS, at the moment only percentage, full amount, fixed amount, first night.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 3 Jahren

Hi Esmeralda, We are sorry to hear about your experience and want to come to a solution about how we can do SiteMinder work for you. For us to help you, would you be able to write us your email? I can escalate your experience on the sign-in process, and someone from our team shall be in touch with you soon. We are here to support hoteliers and property owners. We aim to provide you with a user-friendly experience and better control over your marketing and distribution strategy, plus more time to delight your guests. Let me know if there's anything I can assist you with; thank you! Best regards, Ereena R.

Founder | Managing Director in Kambodscha
Marketing & Werbung, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

My favourite channel manager

5,0 vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare: Overall I like SiteMinder's channel manager and always recommend it to my clients (large 4 & 5 star hotels).


In my capacity as a revenue management consultant, I have used many different channel managers. Siteminder definitely is my favourite channel manager as it's easy to use, integrates with all the major OTAs and has very good customer service.


It can be a bit overwhelming when just starting out, but once you've got the hang of it you'll be fine.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 3 Jahren

Hi Marlieke Thank you for your great review! We know you have a lot going on in your day, so we appreciate the time you took to let us know about your positive experience around how easy the Channel Manager is and the service you have received. A unique and positive experience is what we aim for here at SiteMinder. Anytime you need us, we are here 24/7 via our chat. Whenever you need us, you can reach out to us via live chat, where our team of professionals is always happy to help.

Revenue in Spanien
Freizeit, Reisen & Tourismus, 201–500 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Best Channel Manager for our needs

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Really good. It's easy to use, fast and with a great customer support.


The ease of use versus its competitors. Maybe the setup at the begining is more tedious than other channel managers, but it makes things easier for your daily work.


The only option that maybe we miss from SiteMinder is the chance to apply offers directly in the channel manager instead of changing its price manually day by day.

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 4 Jahren

Hi Juanjo, We really appreciate your time sharing your feedback with us. Thanks for your suggestion. We are always looking for ways to innovate and give our customers the best possible experience and our support team are always willing to help if you have any questions. I have passed along your suggestion to our product team for further consideration, and we will let you know of any future enhancements. Thanks for trusting us to be your partner, Juanjo. We look forward to continuing to work with you. Warmest, Jessica

commercial manager in Bolivien
Gastgewerbe, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

decreasing support quality

3,0 vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare: From excellent to regular and even bad times. Their product is good, but their policies are slipping away from their clients interest.


easy to use reazonable competitive cost facilitated to work with different channels


it became expensive when the tourism industry came down and hardly any consideration from SiteMinder side quality of support service decreased considerably, difficult to get a serious assistant they reduced benefit of working with Google Hotel Ads

Antwort von SiteMinder

vor 3 Jahren

Hi Dick, Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review! We are happy to hear that you find our product easy and intuitive. We are sorry to hear about your experience with covid challenges and want to come to a solution about how we can make SiteMinder work for you. We are here to support hoteliers and property owners and our aim is to provide you with a user-friendly experience! One of our team will be in contact asap to support you. Best, Ereena