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Affinity Designer
Was ist Affinity Designer?
Reaktionsschnelle Grafikdesignanwendung, die für UI-Projekte verwendet werden kann.
Wer verwendet Affinity Designer?
Professionelle Grafikdesigner oder Unternehmen, die Grafikdesign benötigen
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Affinity Designer
Bewertungen über Affinity Designer

Affinity Designer review
Affinity Designer
Einmalige Anschaffung, keine Abokosten, alle wichtigen Funtktionen sind ausführbar
Gibt es nix
Gutes Tool für wenig Geld
Kommentare: Bin recht zufrieden mit dem Preise/Leistungsverhältnis.
Sehr günstig im Vergleich zu Adobe-Produkten. Intuitiv bedienbar. Schnelle Lernkurve.
Batch-Verarbeitung und Konvertierung in andere Formate könnten noch ausgebaut werden.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Für mich DIE Alternative zum Marktführer
Nahezu identische Programmversionen für iPad und Rechner und auch für Nicht-Grafiker wunderbar nutzbar. Über Affinity Designer habe ich zum ersten Mal die Arbeit mit Vektorgrafiken verstanden. Die Kombination von Vektor und Raster ist für mich absolut perfekt, um schnell Ideen visualisieren und an Grafiker zur Finalisierung weitergeben zu können.
Für mich persönlich bleiben viele Funktionen ungeklärt, da sie nicht selbsterklärend sind. Ist aber nicht das Programm schuld - ich bin nun mal kein Designer und weiß gar nicht, was alles möglich sein könnte.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Sehr tolle App zum Designs erstellen mit Schriftzügen und Icons.
Kommentare: Sehr tolle App zum Designen und Fotos Bearbeiten. Insbesondere mit Text und Icons sehr praktisch.
Es ist sehr komplex und auch auf dem iPad gut zu nutzen. Alles ist in Fingernähe und auch zum Lernen sehr einfach.
Manchmal zu viele Funktionen und man ist sich nicht sicher welche von den sehr ähnlichen Funktionen man jetzt braucht.
Affinity Designer / Photo & Publisher
Kommentare: Perfekt für Professionelle Grafik Designer / im Bereich Corporate Design ( Logo / Magazine etc..) / Künstler / Photografen / Illustratoren
Diese App gehört dir nach dem Kauf, also kein Abo! Sie hat mehr zu bieten als die Adobe Programme von der Schnelligkeit des Arbeitsflows und Effizienz! Unter Mac OS X ist es möglich zwischen den verschieden Apps zu Switchen, genial - es spart enorm viel Zeit und die Dateien müssen nicht jedes Mal neu in das jeweilige Programm importiert werden. Es ist sehr einfach die Programme zu lernen/ intuitiv und übersichtliche Darstellung. 5 Sterne für diese Programme ich bin ausnahmslos begeistert !
Es gibt keine Nachteile der Programme von Affinity es wäre nur schön wenn es in Zukunft eine automatische Vektorisierung von Bitmap Dateien geben würde! Dafür muss ich im Moment ein anderes Programm nutzen.

Great software especially if we consider its price
Kommentare: My overall experience is great so far. It's a very capable software and I really love the one-off payment that gives you access to the entire suite.
It has a nice user interface and plenty of powerful features such as seamlessly switching between vector and raster graphics.
I wish there was an Image Trace feature for converting png images to vector.
Perfect for a wide range of graphic tasks in a marketing agency environment
Kommentare: I was looking for a tool to do my entire design - from print materials to social media URL preview images. It covers it all and is easy to use.
Pricing for what you actually get on functionality.
Some minor issues on figuring out how to set up the studio.
User friendly
Kommentare: I think that losing quality when sizing images needs to be improved as it is a significant issue
It’s very easy to figure out how to use, and it’s user friendlt
Image sizing loses quality of the image for vectors
The best alternative to illustrator
Affinity designer is a very feature complete alternative to adobe illustrator, I feel that some tools are even better, and it is also much faster than illustrator.
Unlike illustrator, designer is made from scratch and as for that utilize modern hardware much better and everything works much faster.
I use is as a freelance graphic designer since v.1 and the compatibility with adobe apps is pretty good, but even if you have trouble you can simple share PDF files that work fine. For example if I need to outsource some printing I send a PDF that can be saved in a PDF standard (like PDF X-1a:2003) and nobody have ever complained about incompatibilities or anything.
Devs are improving the app all the time adding new tools and features. Personally I do miss from illustrator the image trace tool and the newer AI tools, although since affinity is bought by Canva maybe the AI gap in tools will soon be eliminated.
Also you buy once in a very reasonable price and you can have it for ever. The newer universal license is pure gold value as you can have all 3 affinity apps for all available platforms for the cost of few months of adobe subscription (although yeah adobe suite give you a wider arrange of apps, me as a graphic designer simple need the 3 basics illustrator/photoshop/indesign, why to pay every year for apps that I don't use?).
All in all it have a 60 days trial, so you can try for yourself for free. Just arrange the workspace the same way you had it in illustrator and the transition will be very smooth. The only thing that works completely differently is the clipping mask, but it is not a big deal.
Simple put, it is a very good and fast alternative to adobe illustrator with very competitive pricing and one off buy.
Technically speaking it is still on it's infancy, while it covers a lot of functions for a program that new, there are still things that are not yet implemented that I would love to have (although I have faith on the dev team that eventually will add everything that you may ever need).
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Powerful software for graphic design and illustration
Kommentare: Fast and powerful software with everything needed for graphic design and illustration.
Extremely good software for graphic design and illustration. Offers all needed tools. One-time payment instead of subscription model.
Everything I need is included, but generative AI tools like in Adobe products would be nice to have.
Why Affinity Earns My Loyalty: A Review of Their Customer-Centric Approach
Affinity has always been a value-centered brand that genuinely cares about both the quality of its products and the satisfaction of its users. While many brands focus on maximizing profits and squeezing out every penny, Affinity chooses to do right by its customers with straightforward and simple purchase models. That's why their apps remain indispensable in my toolkit, and I feel a deep sense of loyalty toward their brand. Great job, team, and I think your 6-month model is brilliant. I wish you every success with it.
Learning curve takes time and help files could be better.

Breath of fresh air for design products
Full-featured suite that reminds me of the way Adobe products used to work prior to subscriptions and feature bloat.
Some features are still missing, but I’m hopeful they will arrive with the Canva merger.
Affinity Designer - love it, and grab the 50% offs they do
Kommentare: Required some playing with to learn the features, but the control on elements is so precise.
I already had Affinity Photo and Publisher, purchased during the 50% off deal. 50% off came back again, and I was getting frustrated with the lack of control on precision Canva - so Affinity Designer absolutely gave me the control I need to produce my images. I could take my Canva work for example, and then continue in Affinity. The product was £26. A bargain.
Obviously, with any package like this, including MS Word, if it's not part of your job you only learn the bits you need. But, it's easier to learn than Adobe packages.
Affinity Designer is more bang for your buck
Great alternative to Adobe products for an affordable price.
The UI is a little different than Adobe so there was a learning curve
More compatível with Photoshop than ilustrator
Kommentare: Great, very very fast comparing with illustrator, fast redraw on complex documentos. Less RAM requirement to work and very good export options and compatiliby with Adobe friends
Pasta inside mutch better than illustrator with thouse cliping paths from last Century. Speed, and opening PSD in layeres and exporting in PSD format among other features and easy to learn and work.
The mini Photoshop inside, the perna stuff
Great for the price
By far, the biggest pro is the price. I switched from Adobe products because I hate the subscription model and the switch was super easy!
There were a few things that u had to look up because they didn’t match Illustrator but once I got the hang of it, it was great.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Best value for price in the industry
Kommentare: Overall a very good experience and after using it for a while i cannot go back to Adobe Illustrator.
It has a very competetive pricing for what it can do. It does not have a subscription model, which is very incommon nowadays. While it is still lacking behind on some features compared to others like Adobe Illustrator, it is catching up fast.
Some features that one is used to from Adobe Illustrator are missing. Hoping for the addition in a future update.
Vector graphics for everybody
As the leader of a small-to-medium-enterprise and an educator in sound for media, many times I have the need to create simple graphics. From schematics and diagrams to icons and beyond. I use them for my company's internal knowledge-base, when I blog, for my presentations in classrooms, and even to create our own software graphical assets from mockups to finished product. First of all, it's no secret that working in vector is what every software developer should do, as it allows for the generation of all the graphic assets to be made in various bitmap resolutions, so your application looks clear and crisp in any device. Lately, even the Unity game engine introduced a pipeline to use vector graphic assets to create games, so that they render in any resolution, I definitely recommend checking this out if you are a game developer.
Anyway, Affinity Designer always delivered a great experience for me and all my colleagues said that I became a graphic designer, which is not true, but it is a great compliment, and I really own that to Affinity Designer.
The exporter feature is one huge time saver, you should check out the videos they have about this one and also the rest of Affinity team's video tutorials in Vimeo.
Overall, the experience of using the application can be described as smooth, fast and easy.
What I liked most about this program, is the workflow and interface. The developers managed to create a simple to use application for vector graphics, that everybody can operate. I can't remember how many times I got frustrated trying to make a simple graphic in other programs, while in Affinity Designer, the workflow is mapped so well, that everybody can use it. From computer graphics professionals around the world, to amateurs like me, it is straight forward to open the application and start creating. The online help system is awesome and omni-present and the graphical interface is sleek and looks good in any monitor that I tried it, even small ones. I also consider a great bonus that the company keeps a straight policy about pricing, they don't use the subscription model which is very good for SMEs.
Some advanced vector tools are missing, but the software is still young and I'm sure it will develop to a great tool. After all, the developers seem to have usability, ease of use and fast workflows in mind, so they add new features very carefully, to keep Affinity Designer the great tool that it is now.
My Preferred App For Vector Drawing
Kommentare: Even though it has some restrictions, I love using Affinity Designer and use it instead of Illustrator about 90% of the time. I switch back to Illustrator only when I have something I can't achieve with Affinity Designer. But the app gets updates pretty regularly so I'm hoping that it will only get better and better with each update.
The interface felt so easy to handle, uncluttered, and user-friendly after Illustrator. Even though Affinity Designer lacked some features that Illustrator has, it became my favorite drawing app very quickly and is still after using it for more than a year daily.
I'm hoping that Affinity will introduce an image trace feature soon. This feature is not only important for tracing images (which I don't really do) but also for using some custom vector brushes. For example, I bought some lovely watercolor vector brushes for Affinity Designer from a website just to realize that what I draw with them in Affinity Designer doesn't become a real vector image. When I tried the Illustrator version of the same brushes in Illustrator, I could get true vector drawings. Then I realized how important image tracing actually is.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
The powerhouse of vector design
Kommentare: We use Affinity Designer for a myriad of things - from designing logos and graphics for websites, to making merch design for our web comic. The great UI and amazing performance are an upgrade from our previous vector design software.
Affinity designer is the software I was waiting for as long as I remember. It has all the options of the mainstream competition, but for the fraction of the price. The best part of it is that Affinity Designer does what it does perfectly. But, the thing that attracted me to the Serif software, Affinity Designer and it's sister products Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher, is not only that. They offered their software for absolutely free for three entire months when the COVID pandemic started, and then for another three months later on. All the time, their price was down to 50% as well. They were not only the best, but the most human and kind. And that is the kind of company I want to give my money to.
A solid bitmap tracing option would be nice.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Affinity Designer is a Worthy Contender in the Design Software Space
Kommentare: Affinity Designer feels like a friendlier vector design option as compared with some of the other usual suspects. While old-school designers and illustrators may prefer a more traditional approach, A.D. doesn't make you work quite as hard for basic shapes, text, etc. On the other hand, the departures may make it a harder transition for more experienced users. And, while this isn't a reflection on the software specifically, as a newer addition to the space, there are fewer tutorials available. I don't use it exclusively in design work, but I definitely favor it in many ways.
The interface is user-friendly, although there is definitely a learning curve coming from other vector design packages. I appreciate that there is a library of built-in shapes. When I'm trying to work through a design, I'd rather not have to draw a call-out or a cog or a heart. It's nice to be able to just pop them in. I also find that the basic text tool is friendlier than other packages.
There are some features that don't work as intended or are missing entirely, when compared against other vector design software. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to auto-trace a raster image, which would be helpful for my use.

Affinity Design Review
Kommentare: It has been wonderful
I love how inexpensive the software is for the quality that you gain.
I wish it had a feature where it adjust its setup instantly to that of a previous photoshop user which is where I came from
Great alternative to Adobe Illustrator
Kommentare: I love using Affinity Designer. It is intuitive and works well in my workflow. The design and user interface are made with the actual user in mind which helps the transition from other similar apps.
One of the best things about Affinity Designer is its price. Unlike Adobe Illustrator, which requires a monthly subscription, Affinity Designer can be purchased for a one-time fee. This makes it a great option for budget-minded designers.
There is a bit of a learning curve when using the app for the first time (and not having experience with other similar apps). But the software website and other online resources are easy enough to access and gets you familiar with the app right away.
Afiinity Designer, picking up where adobe left off.
Kommentare: Affinity Designer, is a one time purchase product that works just as well as it's adobe counter part (who has a subscription plan). It has a lot of bells and whistles, one of which being its own app store. In the app store you can find and get helpful assets that others have created, to make life easier when trying to create your own product.
•One time payment•Ease of use•Text Editing is on point•Fully Custom Brushes•Overall robust software
•Fairly heavy software. You are getting a lot when you utilize this program but that comes at the cost of needing better computer specs to work with larger files, or your program will begin to jitter.
Affinity Designer
Kommentare: I find it simple to learn about the software's features and quickly customize my designs. Furthermore, the software's tools are diverse, allowing me to easily bring my ideas to life.
What I like best about this software is its user-friendly interface and the variety of tools available for vector graphics creation.
It would be perfect if it included built-in collaboration features, allowing us to collaborate on a project in real time. However, this software is great and meets my needs. It appeals to me.