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Google Earth Pro
Was ist Google Earth Pro?
Google Earth Pro ist ein kostenloses Desktop-Tool mit erweiterten Kartierungsfunktionen. Die Lösung ermöglicht den Import und Export von GIS-Daten (Geoinformationssystem) und den Zugriff auf historische Bilder.
Wer verwendet Google Earth Pro?
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Google Earth Pro
Bewertungen über Google Earth Pro
Sehr hilfreiches Tool
Kommentare: Vorwiegend nutze ich es, um mir die Beschaffenheit von Objekten/Dächern anzusehen.
Man erhält wahnsinnig schnell Informationen zum georgischen Umfeld von Projekten.
Das Abmessen von Objekten entwickelt sich zeitweise etwas schwierig.
Beste Möglichkeit zum Entdecken für mich
Ich finde es super, dass man viele Möglichkeiten hat externe Karten zu installieren und Funktionen zu integrieren. Dies ist für die Luftbildarchäologie ein tolles Werkzeug, um Bewuchsmerkmale zu erkennen und zu untersuchen.
Es wäre schön auf einer Website alle Möglichkeiten der Darstellung und externen Karten zu haben, ohne immer alles einzeln mühsam suchen zu müssen.

Review on google earth pro
Kommentare: Experience with google earth pro is very well and good.
Google earth pro provides high quality maps. In this street view also available it was very amazing we can see houses clearly.
It has some lagging problem and also street view not updates in some places. Remaining all good.
Google earth Pro
Kommentare: One of the most powerful engine to provide detailed view (some times 3D view also) of any place .
Very user friendly high resolution satelite imagenary .
Sometimes taking too much time to load the software.
Google earth reveiw
Kommentare: I enjoy how accurate and independent maps and photos are bit I don't like the tons of useless features and the lack of good costumer service.
Contains several key features which are very useful like spatial anylisis and planners to understand specific locations.for example it provides imagery of parts of the world which can provide a real feeling.
The potential buildings on site which may not let me get rid of current buildings and surroundings which may sometimes conflict and the poor costumer service.
Review of Google Earth Pro
Very user friendly, can import / export various types of data into / from Google Earth Pro, and it's very easy to see data in Google Earth Pro, such as contours and property lines. This is really helpful, especially to people whom have never or rarely work with Google Earth Pro.
The only thing I can think of here is that Google Earth Pro has a tendency to glitch / crash from time to time. Upon reopening Google Earth after a crash, the option to recover my work was usually given to me.
A Geolocation tool that is free and effective.
Kommentare: An efficient Geolocation presentation tool.
I use Google Earth Pro at work to examine construction sites because I work in the engineering sector.
Two things first the program runs slowly and jerkily. More so, there is no option for me to remove existing structures and the surrounding area, which can occasionally conflict, when I place the possible development on the site.
GE Pro
I use google earth regularly for work. My favourite function is creating placemarks then exporting and sending to my phone so I can locate when I am doing fieldwork.
Sometimes this export function can not work entirely. Hard to actually get the placemarks on my phone app
Google Earth Pro: the definitive tool to explore and analyze the study of soil from your desktop
Kommentare: As a future architect interning at a construction company, my experience using Google Earth Pro has been incredible as this tool expanded my ability to perform geospatial research and analysis, giving me a detailed view of construction sites and their surrounding environments but most importantly, It helped me with my soil research. Overall, Google Earth Pro has improved my efficiency and accuracy in the work assigned to me by giving me a more complete and detailed view of the architectural projects, soil surveys, and construction projects I have been involved with.
Of the positive points to highlight of this system are its wide range of functions and updated geospatial data, since they provided me with a valuable resource for exhaustive analysis of the soils of a particular terrain, on the other hand for their high-resolution images they provided me with a detailed view of any location and the type of soil you were testing. Lastly, their option to perform virtual flights and time travel through historical 3D images is amazing, as having data over time for a particular terrain helps a lot.
The only problem I found with this system is that some images were outdated, therefore it can affect the quality and precision of the data in certain locations, however in the case of my work I had no problem.

The KML on Earth
Kommentare: You can create maps or plans on the google database for maps.
it's add functionality to google MyMaps. And you can work on recent aerial photos database.
The workflow if you works with .KML .KMZ

To have a reference of the work area
Kommentare: a good experience because it allows me to observe my work area and prepare the project without going to the area
that you can observe any point on Earth prepare the project
that does not have a good precision of images to make maps

Spatial Intelligence is easy with Google Earth Pro !!
Kommentare: This software is a really good platform to understand the places. We can have virtual visits to places where we have never been before.
I’m using Google Earth Pro for more than two years. This is easy to download and deploy. Google Earth Pro consists of several key features that are really helpful for spatial analysts and planners to understand a particular location. For example, it provides a street view imagery of most parts of the world and users can have a real feeling about the place. Further, this software is having a facility to generate elevation profiles by adding two points to a path. Currently, some countries are having 3D building facilities too. My very first experience was identifying the locations using the search option. With time, I have used Google Earth Pro for various purposes. As a planner, I’m doing land use and landform mapping to identify hazard-prone locations. In that case, I’m using Google Earth Pro to identify land use categories and their changes using historical imageries. For landform mapping also I’m using this software to identify some physical features like escarpments, ridges, isolated hillocks, and slope types using the terrain option. This supports to import of various types of data formats including ESRI shapefile, Geo TIFF, kml, and images that are commonly used by spatial analysts. Further, this software is integrated with other spatial mapping software like ArcGIS & QGIS. For example, QGIS provides a plugin called ‘Send2GE’, which is linked with Google Earth Pro.
Saving more placemarks, polygons, and paths to my places, directly affect the performance of the software.
Ver el mundo desde tu ordenador es posible!
Kommentare: Disfruto de la experiencia de utilizar el buscador para encontrar sitios por todo el mundo.Se puede buscar cualquier lugar del mundo y se encuentra bastante actualizado dependiendo de como de accesible sea el lugar.
Me parece muy interesante que se pueda ver cualquier localización por coordenadas GPS o simplemente buscando el sitio con el mouse.
Opciones como medir distancias y tamaños no son muy intuitivas en comparación con otros software.
Ottimo per logistica e mission planning
Kommentare: In generale ho apprezzato tantissimo l'esperienza e continuerò ad usarlo in futuro. Oltre alla semplicità, permette di snellire il carico di lavoro e abbattere i costi, evitando più di una volta a me e al mio team di effettuare sopralluoghi in loco.
Di Google Earth apprezzo principalmente feature come l'analisi spaziale e la pianificazione in luoghi specifici. Spesso è possibile avere una panoramica del luogo così dettagliata da evitare sopralluoghi dal vivo. In qualità di ingegnere per progetti di R&D, lo utilizzo per la logistica e la creazione di missioni con droni aerei e marini.
Non ho rilevato particolari carenze nel software.

Mapas e Imagenes de alta calidad y presicion
Excelente plataforma para ver mapas precisos y detallados, incluso con modelos 3D
Hasta ahora no he encontrado desventajas para el uso que le doy

Il migliore
Kommentare: Grazie ai PC della mia facoltà ho potuto usare questo prodotto.Conoscevo la versione gratuita ma con questa non c'è paragona.Addirittura puoi visitare i luoghi del passato! Assolutamente un'esperienza da vivere a tutti i costi.
Versione completa a tutto tondo. Possibilità di viaggiare il mondo presente e passato in 3D.
Molto pesante per il PC che ho usato ma comprensibile
Google Earth Pro shows you the world faster than anything.
Kommentare: A great application that you can see how things were and now with lots of photos, locations where you can visit while you are sitting at home. It works both on mobile and on your desktop. Its great.
A wonderful application that can take you to any area in the world in seconds, its updated regularly, Colors and photos taken are wonderful. You can go to certain areas and walk in the streets as if you are there.
There is a lot of improvement that can take place maybe for the future in relation to having clearer pictures when you go deeper to the location, Maybe few live locations where the satellite is, They might add sounds, others.
Kommentare: A facilitato molto la mia vita da quando lo utilizzo quando devo andare ovunque consulto sempre Google e mi ha sempre aiutato
Pratico e informativo sopratutto per chi sta sempre fuori casa e si deve informare dei luoghi o la meta da raggiungere
Si dovrebbe vedere meno sgranato e possibilità di zoomare al massimo
Going Beyond Google Map with Google Earth Pro: A Review of its Features
Kommentare: Overall experience with Google Earth Pro is smooth and useful.
The features I like the most are Google Earth Pro is 3D visualization and also it measures the distance between the marked location.
When you are making a path from one location to another it shows the overall length of the path and in order to measure the distance between you have to save the path and then measure the distance with a ruler.Overall, it doesn't show the distance between two points if you are making a number of points while making a path.
Reseña Google Earth Pro
Kommentare: Excelente software para mapear y tomar mediciones rapidas.
Excelente software para mapeo rapido y facil. Es facil compartir los mapas creados.
No hay actualizacion constante de imagenes de dependiendo la zona geografica.
Google Earth Pro User Friendly and Time Saver
Kommentare: Using this program was an overall good experience and I will continue to use in the future.
I liked the ability to upload gpx files retrieved from the field and also the ability to take data from Google Earth Pro and convert to a gpx file to be taken into the field with the crews. The measurement tools are a time saver and benefit my day-to-day work.
The inability to upload zip folders and have to unzip and transfer files to new folder in order to upload into Google Earth Pro. The program lacks beneficial layers such as legal land descriptions.

Très bon logiciel d'exploitation géographique
La mise à jour des données géographiques, la qualité des calques et la pluralité des calques.
L'exportation des données de localisation et d'altitude sont inexistants. C'est bien dommage !
You will not be lost! Google Earth is with you.
Thanks to the applications that can be used on almost every platform, you can easily apply and use many options such as location finding, directions, data transfer. It has a flexible presentation from satellite view, street view, population, traffic demographic structure, entertainment and socialization areas. Moreover, it has minimal resource consumption. It offers all this for free.
Much higher than other applications. For this reason, it may require some hardware needs in your video card or professional work in layer transitions.
A student's view on Google Earth Pro
Kommentare: My overall experience with Google Earth Pro is rather positive, it is easy in use and can help you with the interpretation of data.
As a student Geography we used Google Earth Pro in multiple courses. What I like the most about Google Earth Pro are the different tools; the 3D visualization, the slide with which you can go back in time, you can add photo's/text,... You can also use Google Earth Pro is also to analyze data or create online excursions all over te world.
The quality isn't always very good which makes is harder to correctly interpret data.
Google earth pro review
Kommentare: I always use it in my work, as it helps to explore the available paths to extend pipelines and avoid obstacles in the way, and also helps in making the horizontal projections of the sites.
Its great and very helpful mapping software its really great in helping with infrastructure work and project's its also have a fantastic feature that allows you to go virtually to a new places around the world as you want and discover it before you go there actually its wonderful software.
The only thing is the app need strong internet connection to can processing the high quality image also the details of non famous places are low in quality than the famous places.