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Was ist EasyWorship?
EasyWorship ist eine effektive, leicht zu bedienende Präsentationssoftware für Gottesdienste. Erarbeite eine vollständige Messe inkl. Songtexten, Schriften, Ankündigungen, Videos und Hinweisen zu Predigten – schnell und einfach an einem Ort. Nutze eine Software, die auf die Bedürfnisse großer und kleiner Kirchen weltweit zugeschnitten ist.
Wer verwendet EasyWorship?
Kirchen, Kirchentage, geistliche Ämter, Einsätze, Missionen
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Bewertungen über EasyWorship
Great presentation software!
Eine spannende Software
Kommentare: Gerne arbeite ich mit diesem Programm, das ganze ist sehr ansprechend und gut aufgebaut. Sogar meine Helfer arbeiten gerne damit und beherschen schon das wichtigste.
Darstellung und Aufmachung sind sehr ansprechend. Ich entdecke immer neue Möglichkeiten, das ist spannend, darum arbeite ich gerne mit dem neuen EasyWorship. Prima finde ich den Import der Songs aus SongSelect! Der Support im voraus war sehr gut. Die Erklär-Videos sind hilfreich.
Es braucht Zeit sich ins Programm einzuarbeiten. Das selber erstellen von Songtexten habe ich noch nicht ganz im Griff. Schade, dass alles auf Englisch ist, ich bin nicht mehr so bewandert darin.
Antwort von Softouch Development
vor 3 Jahren
Hi Emil, thanks for the feedback! If you think of anything else that we can do to improve the software or your experience, please let us know. Fred
EasyWorship really is easy
Kommentare: Overall, we've enjoyed using EasyWorship. I can show someone how to run it in just a few minutes. Building schedules is a bit more complicated, but relative easy once you understand it.
It is easy to use a schedule during a service. If something is skipped in the service, it is easily skipped in EasyWorship. Most everything is drag and drop to put it in the schedule. It works well with PowerPoint and videos.
You cannot drag and drop motion background from just any folder on your computer. They have to be in a specific folder.
Antwort von Softouch Development
vor 3 Jahren
Hi Jeff, thanks for the feedback! You should actually be able to drag-and-drop media from anywhere on your computer directly into the EasyWorship software. When you have some free time, please contact our support team at 1-918-250-1493 to take a look at this issue with you. Fred
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
The name is accurate
Kommentare: Overall this is a very easy to use, but powerful presentation software for displaying song lyrics. It integrates with many lyric and license providers which makes adding new songs simple. The price is okay and the developer seems to work on upgrades pretty regularly. I would recommend this software to any church looking for a lyrical presentation application.
It really is easy. It's very nicely laid out and simple to learn, which makes it very easy and user friendly. The developer's have done a fantastic job in many respects and if you're looking for a presentation software for church I would highly recommend trying this one. It allows you to easily change backgrounds or to have a solid color as the background. Changing song lyrics is simple and straightforward and you have the ability to change how the lyrics look as far as font and how many words are on the screen. It's easy to re-order songs if you need to, or add and delete songs on the fly. The search feature helps find a song easily if your teams adds a song on the fly. It also has the ability to put scripture on the screen, with many different versions available.
Sometimes video with sound doesn't work well or at all and the program seems finicky about the type of video file. I've found displaying webpages hit or miss as well, but I'm not sure if that's the control or the program as I haven't done it often. There isn't much that I don't like about it.
Antwort von Softouch Development
vor 5 Jahren
Hi Blair, thanks for the feedback! It sounds like there may be a couple of issues that we should be able to help you correct right now. If you could contact us at 1-918-250-1493 or support@easyworship.com, I would be happy to help. Fred
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Easyworship is "Easy"
Kommentare: I've been using Easyworship 6 for several years and have recently upgraded to version 7. I wish that I would have done it sooner! I am a very satisfied customer.
1. User friendly which is important when training new volunteers. 2. One license covers several installations at a Church, home or elsewhere. 3. Direct link to Songselect making the download of lyrics easy and automatic reporting of song usage is a no brainer. 4. Direct link to media that can be used for countdowns, song themes, scripture themes, etc. 5. On-line training videos make it easy for a new volunteer to learn the basics and more advanced features fo the software. 6, On-line streaming capability. 7. On-line support when needed is helpful. 8. The interface just works. It's so easy to understand. 9. Multiple outputs. Currently we use 3 different outputs. 10. Powerful search tool make finding worship songs or Bible scriptures a simple task.
1. This is not the fault of the software, but the complexity of hardware and software integration is beyond the capabilities of the average user or volunteer, especially with respect to on-line streaming. There are so many options that depend not only on budget but also on the ability of staff and/or volunteers to implement it.
Antwort von Softouch Development
vor 3 Tagen
Hi Ray, Thank you so much for taking the time to us such a great review! Our developers work very hard on adding new features and at the same time keeping the software user friendly, we're glad to hear that EasyWorship is a good fit for you and your church's needs! Thank you for being a part of the EasyWorship family! Customer Support Nolan
Helpful Interface with CCLI but Not User-Friendly
Kommentare: We're using EasyWorship for projecting songs, announcement slides, scripture, and sermon powerpoints on Sunday morning. I've been using the program for just over a year and it was what was being used when I took over as office administrator. It does fill our need for our services, and we now have a wealth of songs and liturgy saved within the program, making putting together those weekly presentations fairly simple. However, if someone were just starting out and choosing which program to use, I would not recommend EasyWorship simply for the fact that it is not intuitive or user friendly and the learning curve to get to the place where it is easy to use is very steep (as I observed both for myself and for a secretary at another local church who just went through that process with my help this fall).
The best thing about EasyWorship is the interface with CCLI that allows me to import new worship songs into our presentation for Sunday morning, saving me the time of typing up the lyrics manually. And though I find the interface not very user-friendly, there is an extremely helpful wealth of "how-to" articles and videos provided by EasyWorship. When I run into a question of how to do something, I can simply google my question and the first return on the search is always an EasyWorship how-to page. Importing of powerpoints, which our pastors use to construct their sermon slides, is pretty seamless, though occasionally we run into snafus if one of the slides has a video.
As a designer who has used everything from the Adobe suite to Microsoft Office to Google's many online programs, I have to say that EasyWorship is one of the least user-friendly programs I've encountered. I have been frustrated by things like a simple "undo" function being absent from the program until the most recent update, and menus so confusing and counter-intuitive that I spent much of my first few weeks with the program googling "how to find__ in Easy Worship" just to access basic menus. For example, editing tools for anything but your basic font options are not found in an "edit" menu but through an "inspector" button. I helped train someone new in on the software and could tell that they were very overwhelmed, as many things are not where you would expect based on previous experience with software and Apple or PC operating systems.
Antwort von Softouch Development
vor 6 Jahren
Hi Kaitlin, thank you for your feedback! I wanted to reach out and see if you had any recommendations for making our software more user-friendly or to shorten the learning curve. If you would like, you are welcome to contact me at support@easyworship.com to talk about some potential changes. - Fred