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Was ist Anyword?
Anyword ist eine KI-gestützte Copywriting-Plattform, mit der Vermarkter Nachrichten an ihre ideale Zielgruppe anpassen können. Die Lösung generiert und bewertet Texte für Anzeigen, Beiträge in Social Media, E-Mail-Betreffzeilen, Texte auf Startseiten und vieles mehr. Anyword konzentriert sich auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von datengesteuertem Copywriting und weiß, was funktioniert und zu Konvertierungen führt. Jede Variation erhält einen Performance Prediction Score, der den Erfolg prognostizieren kann. Anyword bietet auch erweiterte Funktionen, einschließlich der Optimierung von Zielseitentexten und
Wer verwendet Anyword?
Jeder Vermarktungsprofi, jede Agentur oder jedes Einzelunternehmen, das regelmäßig Marketingtexte erstellen muss.
Du bist nicht sicher, ob Anyword das Richtige ist?
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Bewertungen über Anyword
Super stark auf Englisch, beeindruckend aber ausbaufähig in anderen Sprachen
Kommentare: Insgesamt eine Lösung mit gewaltigen Potenzial, das allerdings noch nicht für alle Sprachen vollständig ausgeschöpft wird.
Die KI generiert super schnell Texte basierend auf sehr wenigen Input Informationen und kann zumindest auf Englischer Sprache auch eine Vielzahl an Informationen zu den angewendeten Psychologischen/Kommunikations-Modellen und der Zielgruppenansprache bereitstellen. Der Content der erstellt wird ist unique und optimiert auf das jeweilige Werbenetzwerk (Texte für Facebook Ads orientieren sich an dem was normalerweise auf Facebook gut funktioniert, Google Ads Texte sind entsprechend für Google Ads optimiert usw.). Testen kann man das ganze auch ohne Log-In auf dieser Unterseite: https://anyword.com/beta-signup/?fpr=bing, allerdings ist das Beispiel statisch, es gibt aber auch eine kostenlose Testversion (mit Anmeldung).
Bei manchen Branchen oder Kategorien gelingt es der KI nicht genügend verschiedene Vorschläge zu generieren und in nicht-Englischer Sprache sind nicht alle Insights verfügbar. Unter anderem Sie und Du auseinanderzuhalten fällt der KI in der aktuellen Version teilweise noch schwer.

Every Blogger's Best Companion
Kommentare: I am a Government Policy maker and I write a lot of briefs, also I am a freelance Blogger and content Writer. Usually I spent a lot of time and brain power crafty my articles but not anymore because now Anyword makes my work look like a breeze!
Anyword is extremely easy to deploy and use. The intuitive capacity to produce what I play to say most of the time makes it a very creative and trusted companion. I am happy that I can add and remove on the spot phrases or parts of sentences and also rephrase so easily. I can't stop writing each time I am sitting before my Laptop!
I do not yet have any issues with any part of the software. It integrates well with my spell checker.
Live saving AI tool out there for blog writing
Kommentare: Anyword has posed as an effective tool that gets your message out in a few prompts. In as much as I find it costly. its the most effective
Free trial perfect for testing out the tool. Its effective, easy prompt articulation and plagiarism checker
Its a bit costly. Which may not be affordable for beginners in social media marketing

this is the best ia tool for seo content blog article
how their platform generate valuable content
very helpful in writing
Kommentare: quite useful
very helpful in writing.keep growing. this is awesome app
Please make your writing more readable.develop so that the robot can write more uniquely
very good tool
easy to use and the text is on point, the text is long, and with different ideas that make sense
the trial last little time, i would like that this tool is free for students
Anyword is saving us money and time that can be used in more meaningful ways in our small charity.
I like Anyword because it helps us create good quality content in a fraction of the time we used to. We use it for content creation, brainstorming, seed ideas, and newsletter content, amongst others. We use it a few prompts on what we need on the text, and it creates flawless copy.
I don't have any complaints about Anyword so far. We don't use all of their features yet but it feels like an excellent product for our needs.
Lots of great ideas!
Its so easy to use to help generate ideas! I love to reference when I need to get the creative juices flowing
Nothing that I can think of at the moment.
How useful and beneficial it is to use Anyword.
The product is very easy to use and helps the sentences be framed productively. Would surely recommend for students and professionals to use for formal letters of writings.
The pricing is very expensive. there should be an option for payment of per day as well.
Anyword Ease of use
Kommentare: Good
Website is intuitiveDetails properly mentionedHelpful in research and rewriting
Bit expensive when compared to the competition
Everything is awesome, simple and easy to use
Nothing, I just love everything about the software
Kommentare: Great
Everything is great to use and is very condusive
Nothing is wrong with the app it's super condusive and very helpful
Anyword has elevated our writing skills in less time. I highly recommend this product.
Kommentare: It has improved our written copy and afforded my team the opportunity to create masterpieces with an idea and a few bullet points.
Easy to use and seamless integration. The learning curve was instant.
I don't have any cons for this product. I love the product and enjoy using it.
Very Helpful!
Kommentare: Great
Very Helpful! Another employee told me about Anyword and started using it right away for Marketing.
I used it so much the free trial was up within less than one hour
Best site for content creators
Kommentare: Its been great, very easy, user friendly, i have used it to write blogs for my website & so far its been a great experience.
Its factual data & prompt service. I like the way it gives you tools that are very user friendly & makes it very easy to create content.
nothing so far, it has not let me down so I'm really happy to write this review
Brilliant service
Kommentare: Its been extremely helpful and has provided me with excellent content for my website that actually inspires me so much it puts a smile on my face. Very happy. I will be using it to re-write my business plan as it will give me a new perspective on my own ideas.
Its easy to use, and produces good results. It provides me with as many variations as I want for me to choose from. If I'm not completely happy I take the parts I want from each and submit this and I then get more options. Great tool.
Nothing yet, I've just started using it.
Simply Great
Very easy to use. Guided process made it simple.
I have found no cons with the product just yet.
More proffesional vocabulary when i am trying to create letters to clients
Not sure how to create a custom audience
Kommentare: it is really good
editing skills is really good. it properly paraphrases the context
credits system is bad as if we are in free trial we should be given proper acesss.
Makes running a business so much easier
Kommentare: Great!
I like the ease of use and navigation, its very user friendly
The price, its a bit steep and the 2 plans they offer don't offer much of a difference in use but in price its WAY more expensive between the plans
Great product. 10/10 recommend
I have used anyword to help proof and spice up some blog posts, emails and IG captions. They have made it super simple and easy to copy your content in and within seconds there are multiple options that are grammatically correct and engaging. Proof reading has never been my strong suit, but with Anyword they have helped my business grow and expand and I have saved a lot of time.
I don't think I'm even using Anyword to the fullest of its capability.
In the world of AI
Kommentare: In the world of AI, anyword stood out for me. In understanding how to generate content that resonate with the human touch and makes it genuine that it is written by a human.
The quality of its idea generation for a standard article.
Sometimes doesn't give 100% accuracy to what it's asked to do.

What a great AI blog writing tool
Kommentare: It was a great experience. Will definitely be upgrading to a paid account after the free trial.
The ease of use. The AI is able to generate segments of the blog quickly and easily with simple instructions.
Sometimes the same content can be generated for similar topics on the same blog
Why anyword is highly an effective tool
Kommentare: It very useful tool that I recommend to people who want to post articles bit lack time to write the articles themselves
If is super fast and very reliable to write realistic things
There were some issues with the part where I wanted to edit my topic headers or titles
The Content Creator's Secret Weapon
Kommentare: Totally jazzed, it has proven its worth and is now a tool we use everyday.
Speed and flexibility. This application improves our productivity by 20X!
Ability to specify "like" or "in the style of" -- such as, create this content IN THE STYLE OF HEMMINGWAY.