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Adobe Photoshop
Was ist Adobe Photoshop?
Bildbearbeitungstool, mit dem Unternehmen Fotos bearbeiten und verbessern, digitale Zeichnungen erstellen und Dateien in einem zentralen Repository speichern können.
Wer verwendet Adobe Photoshop?
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Adobe Photoshop
Bewertungen über Adobe Photoshop
Industry Standard when it comes to photo editing
Unangefochtene Nr. 1 in der Bild und Grafik Bearbeitung
Relativ hohe Hürden für Einsteiger, um das volle Potenzial der Software nutzen zu können.
Immer noch Standard, aber mit Alternativen
Die Integration in das Adobe-Paket macht Photoshop mit Sicherheit für Fotografen und Designer unumgänglich. Die Möglichkeiten sind schier grenzenlos, die Automatisierungen durchdacht und auch für Laien recht schnell nutzbar. Wenn man sich auskennt, sind Standardbearbeitungen und sogar aufwendige Bildkompositionen schnell umsetzbar.
Wer nur gelegentlich Fotos oder Grafiken bearbeitet und weder auf die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen noch auf die Programmvielfalt der Adobe-Kollektion angewiesen ist, der zahlt unnötig. Ich bin schlussendlich zu Affinity gewechselt.
Wohl die beste Entscheidung für Grafikbearbeitung
Es gibt ein paar wenige Tools, welche an Photoshop herantreten können, jedoch ist Photoshop die einzige Applikation, welche alle Prozesse wirklich vernünftig abhandeln kann.
Adobe weiß, dass deren Software gut ist, dementsprechend viel Budget muss hierfür investiert werden.
Super Kundenservice
Kommentare: Sehr gutes Produkt,Leider nicht für jedermann finanzierbar
Funktioniert sehr gut. Programm ist echt top.
Preislich nicht günstig. Gerade das Aboprogramm gefällt mir nicht.
Photoshop das Standarttool
Habe es jahrelang für kleine Fotobearbeitungen verwendet.
Funktionsumfang ist für Nicht-Profis teilweise zu groß
Insgesamt gute Software
Kommentare: Wir nutzen eine ältere, kostenlose Version, die für unsere Zwecke jedoch völlig ausreicht. Anfang hatten wir einige Probleme. Es funktionierte einfach nicht so, wie wir es wollten. Nach etwas Einarbeitung lief alles, wie am Schnürchen. Allerdings nutzen wir Photoshop nur für einfache Arbeiten und nicht zur professionellen Bildbearbeitung
Bilder ausschneiden, Hintergrund änder und vieles mehr.
Nicht ganzu einfach zu bedienen. Man braucht etwas Zeit.
Nichts für Newbies
Ich halte Adobe Photoshop für eins der besten Designprogramme. Es hat tolle, intelligente und interessante Tools für eine professionelle Anwendung.
Leider ist das Programm recht anspruchsvoll in der Bedienung. Es ist meiner Meinung nach deshalb eher etwas für zum Beispiel professionelle Designer oder Fotografen.
Alt bewehrt.
Kommentare: Es ist die wahrscheinlich professionellste Lösung für Grafik Designer und Art Direktoren.
Neue Tools sind sehr gut. Wenn man sich eingearbeitet hat, ist es sehr einfach das Ergebnis zu bekommen, dass man sich Vorstellt.
Alte Tools werden nicht aktualisiert. Die bleiben einfach da bis sie vergessen sind.
Der Standard, aber nicht immer die passende Wahl
Kommentare: Insgesamt ein mächtiges Werkzeug, was für meine Anforderungen am Ende zu umfangreich war. Mit anderer Programmen komme ich schneller und günstiger ans Ziel.,
Wenn eine Software quasi das Pseudonym für einen ganzen Bereich geworden ist, dann kommt das sicher nicht von ungefähr. Photoshop ist so ein Beispiel, für mich lange der Standard der Bildbearbeitung. Der Funktionsumfang und die Qualität ist enorm, leider auch die Komplexität.
Ohne sich sehr intensiv damit zu beschäftigen, kommt man mit Photoshop nicht weit. Wer die Software nur gelegentlich nutzt, muss immer wieder nachschauen, und findet in der guten Dokumentation zum Glück schnell Hilfe.
Qualität hat nun einmal ihren Preis - lohnt sich aber!
Kommentare: Die Software bietet alle Funktionen, welche für professionelle und gute Bildbearbeitung nötig sind. Der Preis schmälert es etwas, ist für die Funktionen jedoch angemessen.
Die Software ist auf den ersten Blick nicht direkt durchschaubar. Viele Funktionen muss man erst einmal nachlesen, hat man sie aber einmal verstanden ist es sehr logisch und simpel aufgebaut. Neben den Grundfunktionen für Jedermann gibt es auch für professionelle Bearbeiter alles, was das Herz begehrt. Eine gelungene Software, wenn der Einstieg einmal geschafft ist.
Man benötigt viel Zeit und Feingefühl, um sich mit der Software genauestens vertraut zu machen. Einige Funktionen werden nicht genau erklärt und müssen erst durch Videos erforscht werden. Der Preis ist für eine Privatperson sehr hoch, da muss überlegt werden, ob es sich für die entsprechenden Einsatzzwecke lohnt. Man sollte regelmäßig mit der Software arbeiten um den Preis reinholen zu können.
Das Programm schlechthin, wenn es um Fotobearbeitung geht
An Adobe Photoshop kommt man kaum vorbei, wenn man Fotos und andere Rastergrafiken bearbeiten möchte. Der Werkzeugkasten ist sehr umfangreich und bietet Lösungen für jedes denkbare Problem. Besonders hervorheben möchte die gute Dokumentation der Software.
Ich finde es schade, dass es keine einmalig lizenzierbare Stand-alone Version mehr gibt. Ich habe jahrelang Adobe Photoshop CS6 genutzt. Der Umstieg auf das Creative Cloud Abo war aus preislicher Sicht eine größere Hürde.
Adobe Photoshop, Best in Class
I've been using Photoshop for over twenty years! What I love about the product is that it keeps innovating and leading the industry for all kinds of designers. A new update always tests my knowledge.
I honestly don't have a lot of constructive feedback. I would say that I am using about 20% of the software's capability, which means that I have a lot of growth.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Long Time Photoshop User
Kommentare: Love it, have used it for years and will continue to.
Photoshop is the industry standard and for good reason. It's packed with features you need to accomplish anything with raster graphics.
Some of the cloud based services are a bit annoying, and the new AI tools constantly popping up can be distracting.
Okay product comparatively
Kommentare: It used to be a great tool for image editing and creating cool digital art but now there are better and cheaper alternative available with permanent licence options instead of the subscription models and the new AI policies introduced by adobe.
It's a powerful tool for editing and manipulating images and works well with adobe's ecosystem.
The new AI policies and slow performance while using the tool for digital painting.
Adobe Photoshop Review
Kommentare: Great tools and features, but still questioning on how to utilize it by teaching myself. Perfect for people who are in designing.
numerous great features. I can generate the highest quality of works through the Adobe Photoshop program. It is obviously a necessary program for people who do some art-related (designers, advertiser..) jobs for living. If you are familiar with every feature and know how to use it, it is the best choice for your design. But not for me.
I was trying to get a refund because I do not want to keep the subscription due to the pricey fee for me, it was really difficult to get matched with a representative to help me to get a refund. It took forever and even after chatting with the representative, I still need to explain why I want to get a refund even though I haven't used Adobe Photoshop after the fee had been paid. There could be more students who think this program is a bit expensive and difficult to use. That is why I decided to stop subscribing to Adobe Photoshop.
Top Tier Image Editing Software
Kommentare: I've been using photoshop for both work and also personal use for about 18 years, and I can't imagine life without it. It's my favorite image editing software, and it's a must have for post production professionals.
Photoshop is incredible software that is very useful for all kinds of graphics and image editing. The new AI Generative fill feature is very useful for saving time, it's super handy when you need something done quick.
I primarily use Photoshop on my laptop, but I do just wish they had a more fleshed out version for mobile devices than what they have out now.
Photoshop is still king
Kommentare: I have been a loyal Photoshop user for 12 years and have no intentions of switching any time soon.
Photoshop is a behemoth in the design community for good reason. You cannot beat it's image editing and compositing features. There is a tool for every job.
The learning curve for Photoshop is steep, and the software has become bloated and less streamlined over time. It makes it harder to get people up and running with it quickly.
Necessary Tool for Designers and Artists
Kommentare: I have loved the application since I used it in college and Adobe has updated the product with new features. It is a must-have software for designers. It is a versatile software that can be used across industries and is user-friendly too. Customer support has been amazing
The latest versions of generative AI tools allow the creation of images with text prompts. History Panel makes it easy to undo or redo changes so it helps users in being productive. Also, Layers allows to work on different elements independently.
I love all the features but wish it was less expensive.
Adobe Photoshop
Kommentare: By and large my involvement in photoshop has been perfect. I would suggest it, and the way that it accompanies the apparatus suite membership makes it worth the expense.
The superb client care with an entire munitions stockpile of video instructional exercises. Incredible Corporate logos and print plans for notice, pamphlets and individual cards are simply perfect.
Some of the time I loathe that there are simply Such countless devices that learning them all is hard. A class would presumably do ponders for somebody seeming to be flexible in the program.
Best for photo processing
Kommentare: I have been using photoshop for 5-6 years. I currently have a creative cloud subscription. I use photoshop on my desktop, laptop, Ipad and mobilephone. I have always enjoyed working in photoshop.
I like how photoshop can be used to process all linds of photos. I have been using photoshop for processing photos in astrophotography and other genres of photography. Regular updates with new updates makes it even better.
There are no one time purchase options. Subscription model is good but one time purchase is more preferable.
Adobe Photoshop is a great choice to make.
Kommentare: Adobe Photoshop has been outstanding in my everyday life, a satisfying creative experience that motivates me.
If your producing digital art, design work, or high-quality images, Adobe photoshop is a top choice grabber. Photoshop has given me confidence in my creativity level, illustration, graphic design, and image editing. It's excellent that Adobe Photoshop has step guides for any task to be knowledgeable in those areas.
I'm looking for more updates regarding 3D and video editing features for highly complex situations.
Wonderful Photo Editing Software
Photoshop is my go-to photo editor. Originally I was using another software, but Photoshop offers a bunch of unique effects and filters to create Art just exactly how I want it.
I really is a great softwate. I've been using it for the past 8 years on a nearly daily basis. It doesn't have any cons.
My Best Design Partner
Kommentare: I really like using Adobe Photoshop and I cannot imaging my life as a Graphic Designer without it. I think it is getting greater and better as time progresses
That it now has Ai built in and that I can now use Generative Fill to enhance the images i create and that it also uses neural Filters to enable me to easily work on repetitive tasks
The only thing I do not like about Photoshop is that it is quite Costly especially for us here in Africa
Adobe photoshop best software for presentation and photo editing
Kommentare: Generally, my involvement in Photoshop has been exceptionally sure. I've been involving it for a long time, and it's been perfect to perceive how the program has developed and extended over the long haul. While it tends to be perplexing and testing to learn, the awards of dominating the program are certainly worth the work. The capacity to make and alter pictures with such accuracy and control is really astonishing. What's more, I love the feeling of imagination and articulation that Photoshop permits me to investigate. Certainly a program has transformed me and my profession to improve things.
There are such countless things to cherish about Adobe Photoshop, yet assuming that I needed to pick only one, I'd say it's the adaptability and flexibility of the program. It tends to be utilized for a great many errands, from basic picture altering to complex visual depiction. Also, with the tremendous choice of instruments, channels, and impacts, the conceivable outcomes are unfathomable. A program can develop and develop with you, as your abilities and requirements change over the long haul.
While Photoshop is a strong and flexible program, it has its disadvantages. One of the greatest issues is the lofty expectation to absorb information. With so many elements and choices, it tends to be overpowering for novices to get everything rolling. And, surprisingly, experienced clients can find it trying to stay aware of the multitude of most recent highlights and updates.
Adobe Photoshop is still the best for photographers
Kommentare: Photoshop continues to be the best app for full creative control of your photographic images. It takes some time to learn, but the interface is very similar to other Adobe applications so users of other applications should be able to adapt well to using photoshop. Being able to control things like color, contrast, shadow and highlight, and crop are essential for photographers in their artmaking or running their business.
Photoshop keeps its core functions easily accessible and adds new, more automated features. The ability to access learning content about photoshop as you use the program is beneficial and rather brilliant. You don't have to stop and watch videos elsewhere to learn how to use a new tool or pull-down menu!
There are a dizzying number of pull-down menus and added features. So finding more core functions can take a little longer. The monthly fees are still a drag, but the Photoshop/Lightroom mini bundle is relatively cheap, compared to the full Adobe Suite, so it is a blessing for photographers.