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Was ist CATIA?
Produktdesign-Software, die alle produzierenden Organisationen anspricht, von OEMs über ihre Lieferketten bis hin zu kleinen Herstellern.
Wer verwendet CATIA?
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Bewertungen über CATIA
Best friend of a design engineer
Kommentare: In summary, Catia is the best software in CAD world for me. It allows user to design a part from basic level to upper advanced. That's why it's preferred in industry.
There a lot of things to emphasize. However to be more precise, I'm using for metal and plastic part design and it serves great. Generative sheet metal tool is very helpful and tools under this tab half the time while designing a metal part. In addition user stamping is a great way to design brackets amd evaluate producing process.
There are lots of tools I didn't feel so comfortable in the beginning about ease of use. But got used to it.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Recommended for creating models in motion or when working remotely.
Kommentare: In terms of user satisfaction, much focus was made on reducing the need for rendering and animation function characteristics. The mouse cursor is used as an extra visual reason, and each function will provide simple rendering results. Changing the drop-down menu creates a stunning aesthetic, and the set animations are customizable.
Although it does not have the same features as high-end applications such as CATIA, it can be handled and utilized on laptop computers without issue. When a remote connection is impossible, it might be used for model construction and drawing.
Even though it is used on the cloud, we use local storage as the primary operation due to security concerns. Loading of wishes and data format conversion should be replaced by local storage so that performance is inconsistent throughout the process to adapt to each company's changing security standards.
Catia Enovia V6 review
Kommentare: I create large motor boats with large assemblies and i use Catia and NX on a daily basis. I have no problem managing the boat and the parts but when it comes to modelling in Catia i find incredibly tedious and very time consuming. Some days are very frustrating using this software as it is still very buggy. And when i contact helpdesk, they just reply 'oh yes, we know about that. This will be fixed in the next version!*
Managing large assemblies is particularly good with Enovia V6. I frequently open large assys containing up to 3-4000 parts (some of these individual parts are even 500MB each) and i have no problem with rotating the model with too much lag. The perspective view and general rendering of the parts is very good and quite impressive compared to other top CAD engineering packages.
Catia is not an easy package to learn. The UX is very over complicated and you really have to be shown by another user how to grasp the endless mouse clicking menus as they are not straight forward. After using Siemens NX for 10 years and then having to learn Catia was a nightmare. Catia takes far longer to model compared to other CAD packages. After 1 year with NX i didnt have a problem with creating anything, it was very reliable and I knew i could have a solution within a certain period of time. With Catia i never know how long something will take. It is far more unstable and it crashes very frequently.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Precision and Efficiency in Design
Kommentare: CATIA is a robust design software with powerful features that enable quick design modifications. It's a valuable asset for me in design process.
CATIA is a powerful design software that offers precision and efficiency in creating 3D models and drawings. The software's extensive features make it a valuable asset. The software's parametric modeling capabilities allow for changes to be made easily, reducing the time required for design modifications.
The software has a steep learning curve and requires a high-end computer with advanced graphics capabilities.
Catia CAD Review
Most complete CAD software, most versatile with a lot of features for the pro version. After getting used to it we can understand why it's one of the best top ranked CAD softwares
Requires some time to get used to it and a lot of training, but after that very good software