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Prime Suite
Was ist Prime Suite?
Suite von Anwendungen, die Gesundheitsorganisationen bei der Verwaltung von medizinischen Praxen, Patienten, Aufzeichnungen, administrativen Aufgaben und mehr unterstützen.
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Prime Suite
Bewertungen über Prime Suite
Primesuite for large groups
We've been using Primesuite since 2013. We are a large (and growing) Gastro practice in Florida with about 250 users and 20 locations. We migrated every office over from their EMR/ paper onto Primesuite and just like any other EMR, we have had many ups and downs along the way. We have experienced growing pains on our end as well as growing pains on Greenway's end. No one is going to be 100% satisfied with their EMR company, but it's the nature of the beast. I like the flexibility we have with the system and the ability to customize so many different features for all our individual locations that it allows them to still practice as individuals. That being said, the more flexibility you have, the more confusing or harder it can be to grasp all the different possibilities. On the clinical side, there are many different ways you can tailor a workflows for each user in the office from set up, templates, orders, filters, tasks, etc.... I feel it is extremely user friendly and you can customize the system to fully utilize your time and streamline documentation in order to focus more on the patient. HOWEVER, you have to put the work into building it for YOURSELF.
On the other hand, I have heard it's a lot tougher than some of the previous systems on the practice/ billing side- especially since we need to keep everything separated by location. The larger we get the slower the system is in sending out claims or harder to run reports. I have heard a good bit of complaints from the billing side. I feel the clinical side of this software is better than the practice side, but I also mostly work on the clinical side. For larger practices there are a number of areas that need improvement, but you will find that in most systems as well.
I like the flexibility and customization for the providers/ staff in order to accommodate the individual roles in the office. I also enjoy the patient portal and having patients log in and fill out their paperwork on line so it populates the chart. That saves a lot of data entry time. I also appreciate the webinars they send out and the training they have online to keep everyone updated with the changes. They also have a large conference once a year to focus on continued education and training within the systems. They have very knowledgeable resources working these events and allow you to bounce ideas off of them or speak with them face to face about what you are experiencing. They are always very friendly and helpful. You can schedule one on one time with management or with an expert in Primesuite. It's also one of the greatest networking experiences to speak with other practices on the same system as you. You can ask how they utilize the system or what they would recommend for workflows if you are struggling. I find that conference is well worth attending for anyone who is starting out on the system or who has been on it for years. One last thing would be the people that work there. Everyone you talk to in support is very helpful and pleasant to speak with. We'd be lost without a few specific people that we work with on a weekly or quarterly basis.
I hate that the system cannot separate out (HL7) documents coming into the system by office location. They are all mixed together so that's very frustrating the bigger we get. The staff have to sort through all the providers to find their own physician's documents. This is something that affects larger groups the most. I have not personally seen a solution yet, however they might have something to fix this- but I will believe it when I see it. Also the reporting for the CBO is getting to be an issue and we don't know if it's because of our size, our servers, the product version we upgraded to, ISP, etc.....
Challenges keep arising.
Kommentare: Recently they have been overbilling us for more providers than we even have. Very disgusted with response time for solutions to billing and software times.
Clinical alerts for pop health. Able to identify all gaps in care at the point of care without additional software.
Need functional care plans and support needs to improve.
Overall just okay
Greenway is an older EMR with established systems. I do like the billing platform.
Scheduling, task management, and analytics are where Greenway needs the most help and updates.
A good EHR that continues to improve...
Kommentare: We have used this product since August of 2011. Since then, we have seen this EHR go through it’s growing pains, but ultimately, continues to improve and build on a platform that is more user-friendly and customizable (by non-techinical personnel which ultimately lowers overall cost of ownership) than many others out there in the market. No EHR is perfect and anyone touting such is not providing a realistic assessment of the current state of EHRs. There are definite pros and cons of each and ultimately, decisions need to be made with systems that have more pros than cons. As with any EHR system, you will only see maximum efficiency if the proper time is taken to perform the right set-up and then continuous process evaluation to tweak and adjust as the practice moves forward.
Ability of non-technical users to update and adjust templates without requiring the assistance of highly-paid consultants or users with advanced “technical” expertise. The new orders module helps tremendously for many different areas and can be used to help with PQRS, in-office lab testing or imaging (and has helped us with many audits to provide evidence of ordering and interpretation of said tests), and many other areas (including questionnaires). The new mobile version is one of the best I’ve seen and the interface continues to improve. It’ll really be a game-changer once the ability to chart form mobile is released. I think this will expand the ability to chart from an iPad (or iPhone if a doc chooses) compared to a clunky computer or laptop. The additional modules (while they do cost extra, but at a reasonable rate), integrate well for a patient portal, messaging system, PQRS registry, population health management, and clearinghouse. Finally, the Meaningful Use reporting system is one of the best I’ve seen. It makes it easy to track how physicians are performing throughout the year and make adjustments to help meet MU criteria. While it is already good, a future update should make it even better. I best not forget that have a dedicated Client Experience Manager and dedicated account executive helps to keep a personal touch with how we are performing as a practice and act as a liaison with the company executives.
The correspondence module for referral letters is really weak and needs a major overall. We still have to resort to transcription for more customized and stream-lined correspondence (versus sending the entire note). We know things are trying to move to a more electronic medium in communication, however, some docs will never abandon their fax machines and still really on paper charts. As such, we must maintain a quick and efficient method for communicating with these referring physicians. Direct messaging is good, but currently feels more like an after-thought. It will be nice when this is truly and fully incorporated into the software. The interface does seem a little dated, however, we have been told there are plans to overhaul the user experience and interface in the coming year to give it a “fresher” appearance more in line with the current mobile offering.
Kommentare: We are Lakeland Surgical Clinic and we consist of 8 board certified general surgeons located in Jackson Ms. We offer the latest surgical techniques in Robotic, Bariatric, Laparoscopic, Breast and General Surgery in 7 different facilities in the greater Jackson area. We have been with Greenway Medical Technologies since January 1st, 2005. We were with Companion Technologies, which at that time they were trying to go EHR and never could get there. Our new, younger physicians had wanted to look at a more user friendly computer system and they wanted something that would take us into the future. We are currently on the latest version of PrimeSuite and the capabilites are endless. I actually went through the implementation process in 2004 and went to Carrollton for training. They actually sat down with us one-on-one and what they helped us build, we are still using in our office today. When it came time for the office as a whole to train, Greenway sent four trainers (two for chart and two for administrative) and they made the transition as smooth as possible. They made sure that everyone, including the physicians, were comfortable using the system before they left. The support that we get from them is like no other. They pride themselves on really helping the consumer. I remember before we actually hired ICS as our IT company we were trying to do it ourselves. Well, one of the network switches went down so half of our office was not able to work. I did not really know what to do except to call Greenway Support. I was in a panic and Al who works in support and Greenway diagnosed my problem, he then called Best Buy to get them to hold the piece of equipment that I would need to replace and then he walked me through getting those users back online again. Now if that is not customer service then I am not sure what is. We currently have implemented PrimeMobile, PrimePatient, PrimeSpeech and parts of PrimeDataCloud. Each of these Primes are awesome in their own right. PrimeMobile is great becasue the physician can actually in put a picture or free text a note directly into the patients chart from the hospital while they are making their rounds. They can also check their schedule, view the full patients chart and create a charge from their phone/ipad. PrimePatient is a very nice feature because the patient can communicate with us through this portal without having to make a phone call. The Patient forms and Health History forms that the patient fills out online directly imports into our system. The patient can also pay their bill on line as well as request prescriptions, medical records, ask a question to our nurses/doctors and even make their own appointment. PrimeSpeech, which our doctor LOVES gives him the capability to dictate directly into the chart, which improves time savings and accuracy. PrimeDataCloud is where we go to visit our dashboards. This holds our PQRS measures and it is very user friendly when you go to fill out the information and submit it all to CMS. You have the ability the send patient records for a single visit to other providers/hospitals. With the help of Greenway Medical Technologies and their Primes we have been able to achieve meaninful use Stage 1 Year 2. We have attested and recieved 266,500.00 in Incenitive money. So if we had it to do all over again, well you bet your bottom dollar we would do things exactly the same.
You are on your own
Kommentare: Our overall experience has been poor
We are site 64, using this product for more than 10 years. The clinical portion is easy and intuitive, although we have received zero support in learning. The notes are easy to read and fast to complete.
The management portion is quite difficult, but most of all, the instruction is not existing and, after paying for advanced training, we are going no where. The support is not only horrendous for the software, but the billing is even worse. They have been charging us for features that we don’t use and our representative occasionally responds to email but never showed up at the meetings that HE set up. It has been over two months and still …no response
Kommentare: We are an 11 Physician, 6 midlevel OB/GYN practice in Fayetteville, Georgia, but had two large satellite offices in Jonesboro and Newnan. All staff and providers are fully functional on the product and have been since implementation in 2003. I was impressed with the coordination between Greenway and multiple staff members during the deployment process. I can only compare our deployment of Medical Manager and Greenway and say that the Medical Manager deployment was an absolute disaster, leaving me and my staff totally bewildered. They spent two days on site, performed minimal training and there was no follow-up from them except when they wanted to sell something else. Comparing to the Greenway deployment which was well planned and thought out. We spent many hours prior to deployment thinking through and discussing our workflow and planning for the change and it paid off. They were here for ample time and every office to hold our hands as we waded through the deep waters. Moving from paper to EMR is a difficult process, but we actually planned and made it as painless as possible. The giant pay out was the increase in revenue from more accurate charting, coding and billing. We researched products for two years prior to selecting Greenway and we were early adopters within the Greenway system. We have seen this company evolve to one of the very best EMR companies in the business. My biggest concern was customer support, especially when concerning the chart side of our business. I can say that we have not been disappointed. They are responsive to immediate needs, but not only that, they listen to my concerns and desires for product development. The development of products over the years far surpasses what I even expected. We utilize the system to it fullest capacity, at least as much as we can learn and swallow and implement. I was very fortunate to have many of my physicians who championed and carried the charge as we moved forward and continue to move forward. Dr. Killebrew was at the latest PrimeUser Meeting this falll and was very impressed at the concentrated learning and take-away she had from this meeting. I was impressed with her, she attended meetings, brought ideas to the table and continues to talk about all that was learned. She is encouraging others to attend this year's meeting. I find the product ease and functionality to be excellent. As others in our business, we see turnover in the ranks from time to time and training new employees and providers has been easy to accomplish. We believed in the value of education from the beginning and have sent staff from time to time to the Greenway headquarters for Super User training. This has proved to be a valuable asset to the practice. I would choose Greenway again if I had it to do all over again. I believe they have something no other EMR vendor has. They have hired staff who understand the clinical environment and that has translated over to both the products and training as well as support. To me, this is one of their biggest assets. Many EMR vendors hire people who understand sales, technical mumbo jumbo and can create a great technical product, but they have no understanding of how that works in the "real" world. Lastly, if I were to leave this practice (which probably won't ever happen) and look for another practice opportunity, it would only be one that had Greenway.
Kommentare: We had a two part launch with Greenway's PrimeSuite, first our PM side separate from our chart side. We launched our PM side Oct 2010 and our Chart side July 2011. Although slightly cumbersome to begin with, this phased approach helped keep our clinic functioning as smoothly as possible during the transition and was a way to reduce staff stress. The longer delay also enabled us to craft our own templates, which was essential since we are a specialist practice (Orthopedic Spine Surgery). Greenway was accommodating in allowing us this time to get our templates as close to what our providers could envision the "normal" clinic to look like. They were also very responsive in getting back to us as we encountered various issues while building then. Since we were not in a live clinic session while doing this work it went fairly smoothly. We spent a great deal of time crafting these, and I think if you went live without taking the time to really mold your own templates, you would have a difficult time no matter what area in which you practice medicine. We had various trainers for our chart implementation, and some were better than others. However, once we found a trainer we could work well with and we felt understood the product fully in how it would relate to our practice, Greenway worked with us to complete our training with them. In looking back over the transition, although it was difficult at times (as any transition from paper to electronic would be), we think we weathered the storm fairly well. In large part this was due to the immense amount of staff support and buy in. You have to have your ancillary staff on board as they will and can do a tremendous amount of heavy lifting to make it as good as it can be. Our providers still notice some shortcomings (e-Prescribe often being the one that stands out) but we took as much extra time as we could to make their templates as thorough as possible to try to speed them up during the clinic. The immense amount of documentation for a specialist to enter via a template is always going to be a lot of work (EHR systems speed some things up and slow some things down) but we feel this system is giving us as much flexibility as we could get from an EHR. We have tried to make PrimeSpeech work for us in an effort to speed up clinical documentation, but so far have not had much success with that, but we are constantly trying to figure out how we can improve what we use daily. We also find that Meaningful Use in a Specialist office often hinders the workflow, but that would be true of any attempt to capture data that may or may not be applicable to a specialist. I have been very happy with the technical support of the product at Greenway, but will also admit that with any EHR, the staff has to be willing to think outside of the box and to take a concern of daily workflow and try to make that work within the system. When we think of these things and bring them to Greenway, their support has been very good in allowing us to make this happen. We did a great deal of research before deciding to partner with Greenway (we researched the product that would best fit a specialist practice), and in that respect we have been very pleased with our PM and Chart solution via Greenway. I would encourage all specialist practices to give them an educated look to see if the product would fit their practice.
Greenway meets our needs
Kommentare: We are a privately owned clinic with 29 (currently) providers. We had paper charts until 2013 when we went with Greenway. We chose Greenway because our providers decided that they wanted to still do as much dictation as they could, which Greenway allowed us to do. Through the past couple of years and learning to build the templates we need, this dictation hasn't been such a priority for the providers, but the ones that want to do this, can still do it with a Nuance product and PrimeMobile solutions. In 2014 we outsourced our billing with Greenway's Revenue Management. This was a challenge to get everyone on the same page, but persistence and sticking with it we are now happy with the choice to do this. We ended up downsizing about 15 of our billing personnel when we did this, so we knew we HAD to make it work and we did. We do not use the Greenway Patient Portal, when we began with Greenway the only option to us was to use the Medfusion portal and now that the Greenway Patient portal exists, it would not be beneficial to switch over. Greenway and MedFusion do not currently have a way to seamlessly transfer our patients from one portal to the other. The staff at Greenway has been VERY helpful. If we have an issue and it isn't resolved, i have been known to go up the chain to get some solution to a problem and that has not been a problem for Greenway staff. The training was exceptional when we went live on both practice and chart. We do have several interfaces with Greenway: lab, radiology, portal, etc and that have been an issue that our IT department has been working with Greenway on. The API's don't seem to be stable for some reason, it seems to be an issue that upgrades and hot-fixes cause the interfaces to have issues. Our nursing and doctors have gotten good at using Greenway and there are so many ways to do things within the software, which makes it flexible for different types of users and workflows.
Ease of use and the intuitiveness in using it. We have a customer experience manager, we can call her at any time with questions and she helps us out, she is very helpful. If you need a report and you can't figure out how to create it, call support, they will set it up for you. Tons of reports.
Sometimes when calling support, you will get someone on the phone that tells you to do something, that you KNOW you shouldn't do. Greenway has promised that they would get a better support solution and they have delivered. It is alot better than it was in the past. Sometimes the billing invoices are not to be trusted and convoluted. They are hard to read, not logical in any sense, do not indicate what exactly the charges are for and the same charge will appear in numerous places on the statement. We have to review the statement every time before payment is made.
Tier 1 Orthopedic & Neurosurgical Institute--Cookeville TN
Kommentare: We went from paper charts and a little $ software the doc purchased when he started the practice back about 20 years ago, to Greenway's PrimeSuite in 2007. It was an awesome experience because they sent people to our office to spend a few days training on the PM side and we went live on it first.Then they sent the clinical side trainers back a month later to get the physicians trained on template building and gave us great instructions on how to implement it slowly rather than jumping in with both feet. We recently merged with another site who also went on PS about 4 years ago. They aren't utilizing it to it's fullest capacity so I am hoping to train them and get them to loving it as much as we do!
It's built on one platform rather than the chart side being separate from the PM side like some of the earlier EHR's were. Support is wonderful...love the live chat when it's available. The Greenway community website is very helpful to log cases and blog with other users. If I have an urgent support issue I can call support and get help from the person who answers the phone or they will get me to someone to help me. That is a real plus when you have doctors in the clinic and they have a script error or something urgent.
The thing I like least is user rights. I wish there was an easier way to know which user right affects which part of the software. It's sometimes called something totally different in user rights than what it is called in the software. Setting up new users would be easier if we could copy another user. Wish there were a little help with PQRS, MU, MACRAS & MIPS. It's pretty difficult for specialties to meet the requirements and takes a lot of research, google and networking with others to get it done. I don't know if we ever did get enough measures in the list to make our last MU attestation.
Repeatedly Bill for services despite being paid
Kommentare: NOt good - the billing department cannot keep accounts straight cannot keep invoices straight can tell us why we are being billed
It works .... most of the time nothing special easily replaced by many others which are less expensive and will have less interruptions due to THEIR mistakes
Their Billing department is totally confused. WE have then set up on a monthly pay basis - every three months or so they shut us down for a week stating we have not paid. We then have to make multiple phone calls send them copies of our bank statements etc etc and they reinstate us realizing they cant keep track of payments made. THis has become a real problem ans we will be seeking another vendor very soon
Physicians To Women, Roanoke VA
Printouts are functional and readable. It doesn't actively try to hurt you, physically.
Poor, poor, poor support! I often have staff members running around trying to be productive while they wait an hour on hold each time they call. They have to use their own cellphones, then put it on speakerphone and put it in their pocket so that I'm not just paying them to sit on the phone for an hour. My nurse often walks around with Greenway On-Hold waiting music emanating from her pocket. It'd be funny if it wasn't so infuriating. I get a nervous tic every time someone says the words "Seamless upgrade" to me. A recent example of our latest "Seamless upgrade" was the search function for diagnoses was just crippled. Now, I have to memorize the exact wording of the descriptor for the ICD-9 code I need. I can't just search for a keyword, I have to know how the sentence begins exactly. So now I have to pull out my iPhone, perform a ICD9 keyword search on a free app, then enter the ICD9 into greenway. Greenway's response, after listening to Greenway music for an hour, was I could send in an email requesting that the ability to search for ICD9's. I have little faith such an email would ever be read by anyone who'd give a care.
Intuitive EHR system
Kommentare: I used this system daily at a previous clinic I worked at. Company was bought out and EPIC was brought on instead, which is much more complex.
Easy to learn, took almost no time to train new users. Easily incorporated dictation for providers. Integrated well with our Phreesia system for patient self check-in. The face-sheet screen is a great feature, allowing you to see important patient info at a glance. The integrated billing section was great and allowed staff to easily answer questions related to billing without passing the patient off to someone else. One-stop problem solving was a huge patient satisfier!
User interface feels dated, unable to customize notes.
Kommentare: Greenway Prime Suite was very good it is that the Company decided they no longer wanted to support their product
The best feature is that there could be an Administrator over this software that limits/extends permission/rights in the office rather than calling someone in IT or at the software company!
They are sun-setting this product due to the fact that they want everyone to switch to their new platform - Intergy rather than support 2 EMR systems they will only have to support one.
Straightforward product
Kommentare: Good product overall, could be better in functionality for pediatrics in particular
Coding suggestions for notes Inter office messaging system Orders entry Folders for documents (labs, notes, correspondence, etc)
Does not use metric system for vitals which is very inconvenient Growth charts are not very user friendly Orders tracking is difficult Scheduling isn’t very customizable (I.e. visit length options)
No customer service
Kommentare: Customer service and problem-solving is nonexistent with this company. Multiple error messages every single day with no response from the company. Any product without support is not worth buying.
Products barely adequate with templates.
Orders tracking and diagnosis mapping is terrible.
User Friendly
Kommentare: Any problem or questions that I have with any function in Greeway is ALWAYS handled promptly, professionally and each person that I have spoken with in these past years has addressed my issue with grace and a positive attitude which from my side of the page is extremely helpful
Practice Management Side - ease of use and I love the Greenway Clearing House feature as it is so easy and the turn around of claims is fabulous
The appt scheduler - I would like to see a drop down or something so you can see future appts listed for one patient...presently, you can only see one past and one in future
Muliple Practice User
Kommentare: I manage 5 practices that utilize Prime Suite, both housed and hosted. I have worked with Greenway for over 5 years and although there have been a few bumps in the road, Greenway always steps up and improves the software and customer experience. I have worked with every major software in the current market, as well as providing training on many of them, Greenway is always my #1 choice.
Effective training material Superior customer support Clear and well defined work flows Integrated clearinghouse
Cloud based version is a bit challenging Invoicing and changes to invoicing is difficult to facilitate
Prime Suite Software
Kommentare: Overall experience with Greenway Prime Suite has been positive. If they do not have what is needed, they will work to get it for you. They listen to the consumer.
Ease of use--Consumer friendly. customer Service is always helpful, friendly, pleasant.
Can't think of anything right now. Find 99.99% of my time with Prime Suite has been positive
Great EHR - easy to manipulate
It seemed easy for our team to manipulate the foundation system to our needs. I think it would be ideal for small to medium size medical practices looking for an all in one solution.
It seems that because the software was able to be configured to allow for a variety of methods to complete tasks it made tough from a training perspective. To prevent any inconsistency, I would recommend setting procedures and policies and building training from there.
Greenway is a "Five Star" PM and EHR system.
Kommentare: We interviewed many different companies before choosing a PM/EHR system. Our clinic has now been with Greenway since 2012, and we are very thankful to have this company on our side. Greenway EHR and PM system is the best answer for us.
Greenway has a smooth and efecient flow. Great software support. Great hardware support. Upgrades are seamless. Pleasant support staff.
There have been a few hiccups along the way, but Greenway support has always provided a fix or a workaround.
Kommentare: I wouldn't recommend this product because of the several issues.
It was fairly easy to learn to use it and navigate through the different areas. The facesheet showed everything you'd want to know about the patient and his/her history in one place.
It froze up constantly which really interferes with the workflow when you're trying to see patients. There were often times I'd get booted out and have to sign back in.
Kommentare: I like PrimeSuite EHR. It does most everything we need to do for our patients, the CMS quality initiatives and our management team. I think it is User Friendly.
I think it is fairly easy to learn. It's a very powerful system with depth. I've been responsible for setting up new employees, training, trouble-shooting, opening cases, being the middle-person between THSPP staff and Greenway Technical Support for a year and a half. I still learn something new every day.
I wish Greenway Help was more helpful. I'd rather look something up that I don't understand than call the Help Desk. Usually when I look something up the answer is outdated or it just doesn't make sense to me. Many times the answer isn't clear, doesn't make sense or I can't even find the answer. For example, yesterday I was looking for instructions on what you are supposed to do to pass the MU Measure of Patient Electronic Access. There are no step-by-step instructions. Also, the only other thing I do not like about it you have to pay for each and every thing including email addresses.
8 year physician user - Provider side review only
EMR side is long outdated with no apparent plan for modernizing. They are STILL working out problems as simple as getting it to have a functional spell check that is compatible with current operating systems. Specialty support other than ob-gyn is non-existant
On the provider side, EMR is very complicated to get up and running and needs a dedicated templates person for PE admin and templates both. Superbill does not show total charges for the visit. No easy report to even show a physician how much they billed that day. Lab interfaces and integration are available but very expensive to have built. Patient portal, mobile access and others are an additional add-on expense as are many of the other features they show when advertising the product.
Great Company
Kommentare: Good product that can scale to support needs of mid size healthcare practice. Very customizable but not too overwhelming to support.
Amazing product support and ease of use. Great customer support. Many folks have been on that team supporting the product for a long time.
Somewhat out dated user interfaces and not able to turn on ad-hoc interfaces. Must go through vendor.