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Über Tableau
Als vertrauenswürdiger Marktführer in Analysen hilft Tableau Menschen und Organisationen dabei, sich mehr auf Daten zu verlassen.
Tableau seamlessly integrates with Salesforce and allows us to create beautiful reports and dashboards.
The Error messaging is ambiguous sometimes. There is also limited crosstabs which I don't like.
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The easiest tool for Dataviz
Genau mein Ding
Kommentare: Tableau bietet erstklassige Funktionen zur Datenvisualisierung und Analyse und hilft dabei, komplexe Informationen verständlich darzustellen. Benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und vielfältige Visualisierungsoptionen machen es zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für die Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen und die Entwicklung fundierter strategischer Entscheidungen.
Unser Tool ist die perfekte Lösung, um Daten in aussagekräftige Informationen zu verwandeln. Es bietet zahlreiche Darstellungsmöglichkeiten und wird durch führende Ressourcen, Schulungen und eine globale Daten-Community unterstützt. Genau das Richtige bei der Technologieentwicklung zu helfen und beim Aufbau einer datenorientierten Kultur. So wird Erfolg sicherzustellen.
Die Plattform funktioniert einwandfrei. Eine Lizenzoption für den privaten Gebrauch und ein Abrechnungsmodell, das den Bedürfnissen privater Nutzer entspricht, wären eine willkommene Ergänzung.
Sehr gutes Tool zur Datenvisualisierung
Kommentare: Sehr gute Lösung zur Datenvisualisierung. Sehr intelligent und praktisch, aber man muss sich einarbeiten/schon grundsätzliche Erfahrung mit Datenanalyse haben.
- sehr gute Visualisierung von Daten, dazu auch viel Intelligenz im Programm selbst (Umgang mit Daten-Gruppierung, Duplikaten etc.) - gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis - gute Verbindung zu den wichtigsten Tools
- recht komplizierte Einarbeitung - manchmal mit der Zusammenführerung mehrerer großer Datenquellen überfordert - Manchmal einige manuelle Workarounds nötig für Sunktionen, die zB in Excel simpel zu lösen sind
sehr gute Software zur Verwaltung und Pflege aller Daten.
Es hat viele Vorteile wie Power BI, wir können Daten manipulieren, wir können visualisieren, wir können die Regressionsanalyse durchführen und vieles mehr zu Power Visualisierungen. Diese Visualisierungen und Dashboards sind sehr hilfreich für das Management, um Entscheidungen zu treffen. Die kratzigen Daten können in feine und nützliche Daten verwandelt werden.
Wir benötigen lediglich eine Schulung zur Nutzung dieser Software. Für die Aktualisierung und Änderung des Dashboards ist viel manueller Aufwand erforderlich. Die Schnittstelle könnte etwas besser sein, um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern. Ich glaube, dass es einige Sicherheitsprobleme gibt, die geändert und die Sicherheitsbedingungen aktualisiert werden müssen, um die Software sicherer zu machen.
Gutes Übersichtstool
Die Übersicht der Aufträge und andere Übersichten
Die Darstellung teilweise verkompliziert und die Aktualisierung nachdem man die Filtern ändert (teilweise zu schnell)
Führendes tool im BI Umfeld
Einfachheit der Bedienung. Daten anwendergerecht aufbereitet
Details Anforderungen meist nur mit lästigen workarounds zu lösen.
Analyse in Echtzeit
Kommentare: Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, hier etwas Zeit in die Konfiguration zu investieren und damit alle Prozesse im Blick zu haben
Mit der Software können wir unsere Performance optimal und umfangreich analysieren und sind damit unserem Auftraggeber immer einen Schritt voraus
Anfangs ist der Umgang und die Konfiguration etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig
Kommentare: Die Software gefällt mir sehr gut
Mir gefällt an der Software die genauen Auswertungen
in der Software gibt es leider Kopierfunktion
Möglichkeit zur Live Steuerung von großen Mengen
Kommentare: Die Benutzer-/ Bediener-freundlichkeit ist sehr gut, dadurch hat die Einführung nur wenige Wochen gedauert.
Wir bearbeiten 8.000 Aufträge pro Monat für einen großen Telekommunikationsanbieter. Alle 15 Minuten werden meine KPI aktualisiert, sodass ich sofort erkenne wo ich eingreifen muss. Die größten Vorteile dabei sind die Geschwindigkeit und die einfache anpassung der Auswertungen.
Fehlende Möglichkeiten der Visualisierung. Wir haben diverse KPIs auf verschiedenen Arbeisblättern, können diese aber nicht automatisiert durchlaufen lassen.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Tableau for Business Intelligence
Kommentare: Tableau overall is a very suitable software for data visualisation and business intelligence. It is easy to use and very interesting.
Easy to use. Industry standard. Value for money. Large community. Recognised certificates. A year free plan for Students and Instructors. Can handle huge size of data. Charts and Visualizations can be embedded on websites and other spftwares like power point.
Tableau prep is not as easy to use as MS Excel.
Good data visualization but slow
A lot of customizations for data visualization
It can be slow to load and no company ive worked with seems to optimize dashboards
Tableau- a reliable visualization tool.
Kommentare: The best visualization tool on the market so far. I highly recommend this if you want to improve your dashboard.
One of Tableau's most useful features is its flexibility in filtering dashboards. Information that is easy to understand, demonstrate, and derive. A drag-and-drop interface allows each group to quickly and easily extract useful data.
There are limits to the external images that you can import into Tableau workbooks. Tableau can become very slow when processing heavy tables.
Tableau help get precise insights from our business data.
Kommentare: Tableau has shown us why it is the greatest tool for analyzing business data by offering us a very solid five star experience. It has showed us the way of making the right decisions based on the actual real data. With Tableau, we have been able to have in-depth analysis on our data which help get the insights to guide us on how to improve our business.
It was impressively easy to customize Tableau to fit our analytics needs and have it integrate to our working infrastructure. Tableau has very superior AI analytics that help us get in-depth analysis on our data to extract the most useful insights. It also easy to visualize the insights using easy to understand visual dashboards. The reporting function in Tableau allow us to document our insights for easier sharing and future referencing.
Everything about Tableau has been so on point so far. There has been nothing negative to report about it.
Is Tableau Good for Dashboards
Kommentare: I enjoyed using Tableau to create financial dashboards.
Easy to use and intuitive, making it accessible for beginners. It also offers fast connectivity and quick response times when working with databases.
Tableau has seen a decline in popularity compared to Power BI. While it remains a robust and capable software, its higher cost makes it less competitive.
Favorite reporting tool
Kommentare: I learned to use this software during my Bachelor's degree, and fell in love with it ever since. I have tried several alternatives since then, but Tableau is so far the most premium and suitable one for me.
Sleek design, flexible reporting, intuitive UI, great community and library.
Limited access for students, I wish they can provide a program of which students/university students can verify their eligibility so that they can use it.
My experience with Tableau
It’s very user friendly and intuitive to those who are used to large slabs of data
When I first started using Tableau, it was very hard to navigate my way around as everything was so detailed!
The best when it comes to visualization
It is a great tool for visualization and data analysis.
I haven't noticed anything wrong with it for now.
Tableau review
Kommentare: Its ability to connect to multiple data sources, create dynamic dashboards, and present complex information visually makes it an indispensable tool for data analysis.
its intuitive and interactive data visualization capabilities,
ts limited support for advanced version control and collaboration in comparison to tools like Git.
Excellent tool if you need to visualize data in graphs and tables.
Kommentare: This program is very useful to visualize data and present it in a simple compelling way.
I liked that it gives a complete overview of how successful Marketing Campaigns were in a very visual way.
It can complex when graphing certain charts. Took a time to understand the correlations, but this is mostly related to human error not the program itself.
Specific, relevant and contextual tool that helps in identifying growth opportunities
Kommentare: Insightful experience. Best for turning data into actionable and strategic insights.
Tableau helps us understand and appreciate data and what it means to the organization in improving operations and efficiency. Familiarizing ourselves with data filtering, grouping and segmenting. It is key in improving the process of data analysis by eliminating defects. It has eventually improved customer experiences, allows us to make better decisions and helps guide our marketing strategies towards success.
Sending larger files especially to multiple destinations can end up catastrophic. It can stop and you end up losing your files.

Modern platform
Kommentare: The data is clearer and more accessible to everyone, giving a better, more fluid analysis. It helps to have a faster explanation of the real data.
Tableau uses artificial intelligence and makes all data easier to analyze and better understood by each user. Sometimes not all data is understood by everyone and what Tableau does is make its presentation easier to understand with its presentation design. Its integration of all data in a single platform helps make it more understandable and better organized.
It has always worked well, there is nothing wrong at the moment or something to correct.
Tableau Insight
With Tableau, it is easy and straightforward to collect, prepare, model and visualize data across multi-cloud and on-premise sources.
Unavailability of iOS and Android mobile apps is the only issue.
Great for data storage and visulation
My team was able to successfully set up a nightly data feed from Technolutions Slate to Tableau to store historical admissions data. It was important to implement Tableau because there's no way that takes snapshots of data in Slate as it's always changing. Once the data storage was set up my team was able to create many different dashboards to display complicated data to other team members to use. One dashboard we were able to create uses slate data from many different storage tables and pulls together appointment data over time so I can monitor workload volume. This has been a really useful visualization tool.
You will definitely need a data and Excel expert to set up the dashboard and reporting initially as there's a little clunkiness and set it up charts but it still does the job.
Essential for project KPIs and management
Visualisation and ease of automized dashboard creation. It was simple to connect it to other tools and it connected and consolidated everything in one place.
The inputs had to be very exact in order for the outputs to be correct. Sometimes this made consolidation challenging. Uniformity was required across all inputs and sources.
Very powerful tool
Kommentare: We use Tableau as our data vis and reporting tool organisation wide. We pool data into our data lake from various sources and then pull into Tableau to create min-dashboards which track team level KPI's / objectives and then roll up into a organisation wide dashboard.
Very powerful tool. We implement organisation wide and that has created consistency in approach and understanding. Very little tech knowledge needed to create a dashboard and if data is not available we have a workflow to the team who can investigate/solve this.
I am not a tech person, however when we first adopted we had a real struggle pulling some of our existing data into the tool. We had to amend some of our organisational and system processes to ensure we were able to achieve the outputs we desired from the tool. This was teething pain however and therefore not a prolonged issue.
An accessible tool
Kommentare: It is a very good tool for creating dashboards that is accessible by a number of users.
Ability to customize what information and data that can be used.
Users need training to be able to use the tool efficiently.