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Über eviivo
Mithilfe dieser Anwendung können Gastgeber und Hoteliers die Raumverteilung und Buchungen problemlos abwickeln. Für alle, die Räume vertreiben und Geschichten verbreiten.
Easy to use diary, integrated emails and channel management.
Also the templates for the customer communication emails are awkward(perhaps due to British English or British preferences) and guests are confused.
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Ein sehr schlechtes Programm!
Kommentare: Von 2018 bis Sommer 2019 habe ich versucht mit EVIIO zu arbeiten. Der Testmonat wurde überschritten mit Schulungen, so dass ich für 1 Jahr das Programm an der Backe hatte. Mein Fazit: EVIÍVO ist unübersichtlich, umständlich und grottenschlecht in der Bedienung! Nach vielen Diskussionen bin ich zu einem anderen Programm gewechselt, und zwar nach der rechtzeitigen Kündigung, bereits ca. 4 Monate vor Ablauf des Vertrages. EVIIVO hatte darüber keinerlei Kenntnis und berechnete stumpf - ohne die Kündigung zu bestätigen - weitere Monate nach Ablauf der Frist. Nach meinem Hinweis, dass ich fristgerecht gekündigt hatte, wurde das Programm sofort und vollständig abgeschaltet, auch für das vorhergegangene Jahr. Ich hätte keine Chance gehabt, auf Gästeliste, Kundenkartei, erstellte Rechnungen etc. zurück greifen, die ich allerdings mit Hilfe des neuen Anbieters rechtzeitig gesichert hatte. Durch die rechtzeitige Kündigung, die ich allerdings intensiv und nachhaltig einfordern musste, konnte ich EVIIVO canceln. NIE WIEDER!!! Das grenzt an Betrug!
Ich kann nichts Positives berichten. Die Kenntisnahme zur Kündigung musste sehr energisch eingefordert werden.
Die Schulungen wurden über den Testmonat hinausgezögert, so dass der Folgevertrag griff. Das Aussteigen wird bei EVIIO nicht leicht gemacht!
Antwort von eviivo
vor 4 Jahren
Sehr geehrte Frau Kraak, es tut uns leid, dass es bei der Abschaltung Ihrer eviivo suite zu Problemen gekommen ist. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die direkte Abschaltung unsererseits nur auf ausdrucklichen Wunsch erfolgt. In der Kundigungsbestatigungs-Email weisen wir ebenso grundsatzlich darauf hin, zu welchem Datum diese Abschaltung erfolgt und es wird empfohlen, alle notwendigen Informationen vorher extern zu speichern. Wir werden Sie zeitnah kontaktieren, um mit Ihnen personlich die Situation zu losen. Viele Gru?e David von eviivo
Meine immer liebe & hilfsbereite "Freundin" Wallis beim Eviivo Team-immer da,wenn man Sie braucht !
Ich habe mich gut eingearbeitet,obwohl ich durchaus auch mal fluche,wenn es nicht so geht,wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe.Am besten ist mittlerweile der persönliche Kontakt am Telefon, um noch mal auf meine
Wallis zurückzukommen,die sofort freundlich und kompetent weiter hilft und im Nu all meine Probleme löst.
Zu Anfang die einzelnen Berichte wie ausgestellte Rechnungen,Steueraufstellung,der gesamte Überblick, so sauber und durchdacht-allerdings in manchen Bereichen auch schwer nachzuvollziehen. Zum Beispiel müßte man bei großen Gruppenbuchungen auch nachträglich die Namen der einzelnen Gäste pro Zimmer eintragen können,da diese erst von den Firmen kommen,wenn die Buchung schon abgeschlossen ist.
Nein- einfach ist es auch heute noch nicht,und ich verstehe manche Gedankengänge im Buchungssystem nicht,obwohl es so einfach sein könnte.Man muß für einige Vorgänge soviel Schritte machen,damit das richtige Ergebnis herauskommt.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Toller Support, Jederzeit und schnell
Kommentare: So weit sehr gut. Aber ganz besonders möchte ich den Service - Support hervorheben, ohne den ist die beste Software nichts wert.
Mit eurer Hilfe war es leicht zu integrieren und auch selbst weiter zu gestalten
Es gibt schon das eine oder andere was ich gerne geändert hätte. Das sind aber Feinheiten zur Erleichterung vom Alltag und wäre kompliziert zum hier schreiben
Tolle Kundenbetreuung!
Kommentare: Hilfsbereitschaft, den Nutzer kompetent und mit Geduld zu unterstützen (Telefon und auch online über die „Hilfe-Option“)! Dem Kunden gegenüber sehr lösungsorientiert.
Zu den Kontaktzeiten immer ein Mitarbeiter persönlich erreichbar, der mir bisher auch immer prima weiterhelfen konnte. Mein Problem wurde jedes Mal sofort gelöst. Gute Beratung.
fällt mir spontan nichts ein. ——————————
Kommentare: Die tägliche Arbeit mit eviivo macht Spaß. Auch weil ein kompetentes Team hinter eviivo steht. Ein Anruf oder ein Chat genügt, falls einmal ein Problem auftaucht. Wir werden es auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.
Die Arbeit mit der Software ist super in der Handhabung. Im Dashboard sind alle einzelnen Positionen aufgeführt. Alles für eine reibungslose Arbeit.
Fällt uns nichts ein. Es ist alles von Seiten der Software gut durchdacht.
Kommentare: Das Team von eviivo gibt sich Mühe allen gerecht zu werden, Sie haben Geduld für nicht PC kenner.
Übersichtlich der Buchungsmaske, Funktionen zur aus Wahl, Benutzerfreundlich
zu Umfangreich daher etwas schwierig zu Nutzen für nicht PC Kenner. Auch die vorgegebenen Hilfefragen geben meist nicht die richtige Hilfestellung so das man immer Chatten muss.
Super Tool
Kommentare: Wir sind froh darüber eviivo gefunden zu haben
Die Einfachheit der Anwendung Klare Berichte Gute Handhabung Zuverlässig Übersichtlich
Der zu langsame Kundenservice Vor allem an Wachenden
Für uns reicht es auf jeden Fall
Kommentare: Für uns klein Hoteliers genügt diese Software bestens.
der Preis, mittlerweile der Support auch.
nicht mit allen Portalen Kompatibel bei den Beschreibungen und Bildern.
Dank an den Support
Ich möchte mich recht herzlich für die kompetente Hilfe von [GEVOELIGE INHOUD] - eviivo Support Team bedanken. Er hat mir bei all meinen Problemen sehr proffesionell geholfen. Weiter so 5 Sterne
Die Preiseingabefunktion ist umständlich.
Erleichtert unsere Prozesse
Kommentare: Der Gesamteindruck ist sehr gut. Alles in allem eine tolle Software mit App, was super funktioniert!
Die Integration in unseren laufenden Betrieb hat gut funktioniert, jedoch muss man sich auch sorgfältig einarbeiten. Danach funktioniert alles sehr gut.
Kleine Funktionen fehlen oder sind nur über kleine Umwege zu erstellen (manche Gebühen für Zeiträume festlegen, Aufpreise für eine Nacht, etc)
Sehr gute Kundenservice!
Kommentare: Tolles Buchungsportal bzw. Channel manager, bietet eine eigene Website an und der Kundenservice ist unschlagbar!
Sehr einfache Handhabung, tolle Unterstützung.
Der App hat ein paar kleine (!) Fehler. Ist aber auch sehr einfach zu bedienen.
Sehr gut
Kommentare: Sehr gut
Leichte Handhabung, gut verständlich. Ideal für kleine Betriebe.
Mir hat alles gut gefallen. es gibt nichts zu beanstanden.
Hervoragende Software
Kommentare: Sehr übersichtlich und recht einfach zu bedienen
Optimale Möglikchkeiten für meinen Betrieb
es gibt nichts was mir nicht gefallen hat
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Simple to use. Value for money.
Kommentare: 99% of the time it works flawlessly. Good support but not the fastest in responding to queries.
Simplicity. There is a free trial!! Their preauthorisation of credit cards is a key feature leading to us staying with them. It will flag failed cards I your booking calendar allowing you to cancel via booking.com if card not update within 24 hours. This feature saves money and offsets the cost of the software as failed cards have a much higher no show rate.
Outages - system has had a number of outages I last two years one of which lasted over 12 hours making processing payments for departing guests impossible via the system. Bookings received via OTAs impacted and needed to be verified. Outages are a concern and have triggered my review if alternative platforms.
Feedback on Eviivo.
Kommentare: I have had great customer service from the folks at Eviivo and from the local maintenance professionals.
I like the cost-effectiveness, the ease of use, the many various changes I can make to my system, including pricing, notes to myself in the calendar, and the financial reports which help me keep my accounting books and also greatly helps when I have to pay montly sales tax and lodging tax to authorities.
I had some trouble with my mobile app at first, but I think the kinks are worked out now.
Antwort von eviivo
letzten Monat
Thanks you so much for taking the time to leave your review. We're delighted to hear how eviivo Suite is helping you manage your day to day business and accounting with ease... It's a pleasure to help and our team will be very happy to see your feedback !
Eviivo Review
Kommentare: It's ok from our end but our guests are not nearly as happy with it as they were with Webervations.
It accurately keeps bookings and I don't have to be concerned about double-booking units.
- It doesn't track returning guests. - When quoting someone a price I have to manually add the room charge + tax to give them a quote from the Eviivo booking page. - Guests often miss the "guests" number when making their own reservations. - The program doesn't ask for "City" or "State" of guests so we have no idea where they are from. This has been a problem during the Covid-19 crisis. - It's nearly impossible to find a cancelled reservation. We have to know the guest's name. Please give an option to show a list of "Cancellation" to us with units, dates and names to choose from. - Room night charges are not shown on the "Charges" page. There is no way to see our guests' charges for each night in their reservation detail. - Our booking email sent from Eviivo when a guest books needs to show the unit at the top. Besides the date, the UNIT is the second most important piece of information we need.- - When a reservation is modified the guest needs an email confirmation. Eviivo should give us that option rather than make us manually find the email section and send one out. - The previous program, Webervations, allowed us to put a complete availability calendar in our website for each unit so guests could see when that cottage was available before going to the booking platform. - IN WEBERVATIONS GUESTS COULD BOOK THE SPECIFIC UNIT THEY WANTED WITHOUT SORTING THROUGH OTHER UNITS. MANY OF OUR GUESTS KNOW WHAT UNIT THEY WANT BUT NOW THEY CAN'T FIND OUT WHEN IT'S AVAILABLE.
Antwort von eviivo
vor 4 Jahren
Hi Joy! Sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties. The good news is, you can do pretty much all of these things in eviivo suite! Reach out to our eviivo experts via live chat for help making the most of your subscription. -James Shepherd
Amazing Experience
Eviivo has made our lives much easier. We manage over 90 properties in Hocking Hills, Ohio. We have 40+ employees and several of them are managers working in Eviivo everyday. The platform works perfectly for monthly reporting & integrating with all the channels that we need. We couldn't be happier.
Integration with Airbnb can be challenging some times. Data isn't pulled through correctly after reservations are made and you are unable to modify these reservations.
Antwort von eviivo
letzten Monat
Thank you so much for your review. It's fantastic to hear how much eviivo Suite is helping the team run your busy business and accounting. We're always happy to help and will be in touch to understand more about the Airbnb challenges you've mentioned.
Great property mgmt system
The live support and the quick help with every question I have.
No complaints. Some limitations in reporting but support helped us find a different way.
A useful but cumbersome channel manager
Kommentare: I used it because it was the platform available to me through BBCanada. If I remember correctly the yearly fee was quite low (perhaps a discount through BB Canada?) Once BBCanada was working on launching their own platform I began looking for another channel manager.
I like that it managed by bookings on multiple OTA's
I found it difficult to use. The functions were not easy to find and making updates was confusing.
Terrible experience
I got trapped in their annual contract YET I immediately realized how bad it was. And I reported to the team and stepped out, as I found a much more efficient software.
So I told the team I was not going to use it any longer, despite I paid the initial full annual fee.
YET invoices started to arrive into my bank account, after few month and charged me.
I complained but NO ONE ever replied to my emails
They pretend listening to you, when you phone their ?customer care?
They reply to you from a NO-REPLY email address
I finally called my bank and stopped their invoices to be billed
I did not like much of it . I am glad I have not continued to use it
I was hooked into this Eviivo as I had to move on from Xotelia, company purchased by them. Everything was bad. The main issue is that they charge by ROOM!!! Non-sense. If you have a vacation rental property with 5 rooms, they calculate as if you have 5 units!!!
Can be questionable
It provides the basic needs of any reservation software system. Being able to record gift certificates is a plus and the overall interface of it is pretty simple to understand and navigate for the most part. You're able to adjust room prices and minimum night stays and the reports aspect of it is decent too. You can customize the colors to differentiate payment statuses which always helps as well as customize and label colored flags to tag specific reservations all on the occupancy map.
The system is sluggish and very slow at loading anything. I've logged in from different computers and laptops, but it's not my personal laptop or desktop at work or my friends desktop that is making the system slow, it's the system itself. There is an update always going on and every update so far has not made the system more functional in any way or improved it by any means. I believe at one point that one of their updates had actually made the software worse. I don't like how it saves the same guest information over and over if that particular guest uses an outside third party website to make their reservations. It should be able to recognize the information and pull up that guest. It just makes it difficult to see thousands of names under the Guests Tab if you're wanting to search for a particular guest and it pulls up 10 duplicates of the same person with the same last name of the person you are looking for but with a different first name. That duplicate basically takes up the whole screen making you have to scroll until you find the guest name you're actually looking for.
[sensitive content hidden] is Awesome
Kommentare: I love it so many ways to keep your business and keep up with changes.
User friendly, support in chat is handy.
Love everything the daily planner is super helpful and the calendar view.
Antwort von eviivo
letzten Monat
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your review! Our team is always happy to help and we're delighted to see your comments on how the Planner in eviivo Suite is helping you manage your business.
Lovely chanel manager
I like everything about Eviivo especially the monthly rate, very much afordable.
to many pop up messages and changes in the system
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Best Customer Service
Kommentare: When I was notified that eviivo would take over Rezovation which I used for 13 years, I was worried. however, all agents of eviivo I came in contact with have performed better than I could have imagined. it is just comforting to know that a team of eviivo has your back . thank you, I love you all.
The easy use was important for me and the continuing of records I had developed by using the software which eviivo took over.
nothing, I cannot say any negative word about this product. i am a completly satisfied customer. At 72 i need a lot of support when it comes to software.
Kommentare: Eviivo has cost our business time and money. I am now looking to replace eviivo with another booking engine. It's a shame that the customer service is so lacking because I really had hoped I would like their product. Especially after being on Webervations for 15 yrs which saw virtually no improvements to their calendar despite so many technical advancements in that timeframe which really makes my point...how could eviivo be so much worse than the antiquated and outdated Webervations? At least Weber worked reliably and never cost me reservations.
Absolutely nothing. Booking engine is NOT working. Their customer service is NON EXISTENT. Phone calls go to voice mail, emails unanswered, support tickets unanswered, online chat spotty at best.
This booking engine is unreliable at best. Since going "live" 2 weeks ago I have not received a reservation thru eviivo because it doesn't work. I have received calls from guests who were unable to complete their booking online which was exactly my experience after I conducted my own test to ensure their system was actually functioning. My test booking never went thru...just kept cycling back to the reservation page. I am 2 weeks into this and have not even received a phone call back from eviivo and the booking engine is still NOT working. The customer service is NON EXISTENT. No one answers the phone, their online chat support is not staffed and most often is unavailable, email and support tickets go unanswered. I have a small lodging property and pride myself on being responsive to the requests of my guests. I am dumbfounded by the total lack of regard eviivo has for their customers. Each day that goes by without the booking engine working properly is costing my business revenue and disservicing my guests. Here are more negatives: 1. The address field asks only for a zip code and not the guests full address. Why? 2. The Discover card and Amex logos do not appear as accepted forms of payment even if your business accepts them. 3. The confirmation letter generated is poorly worded, is largely not customizable and is confusing for a guest to understand. 4. The booking page uses language native to the UK but not the US. Ex: Forename and Surname vs First and Last name.
Antwort von eviivo
vor 5 Jahren
Hi Sheri, We are sorry to hear of the difficulties you experienced with getting help when you migrated across to eviivo suite from Weber. We experienced some difficulties in being able to get back to customers during this period and apologise for the service level during this time If you'd like to discuss this with us personally please do provide us with some contact details and we'll be in touch. Regards, eviivo