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Über Avira Antivirus Pro
Avira Antivirus Pro ist ein mehrfach ausgezeichnetes Antivirenprogramm, das einen umfassenden Schutz beim Surfen im Internet bietet.
Some attractive points are listed below. Best part of Avira Antivirus Pro is light weight and simple.
The trial has lots of interrupting advertisements.
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Nutzerbewertungen filtern (77)
Beste Sicherheit und Ordnung für den PC und Handy
Die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, das PC System zu schützen, aber es auch einfach und schnell aufzuräumen. Außerdem der Passwortmanager und der VPN Dienst.
Das Startmenü könnte noch ein bisschen übersichtlicher sein, aber das ist kritisieren auf hohem Niveau…
Solide Grundversorgung
Das der Instalkationsvorgang simpel war und meine Bedürfnisse erfüllt werden
Es wird oft Werbungfür andere Produkte gemacht
Guter, solider Virenschutz
- gutes Design - man findet sich schnell zurecht - läuft stabil im Hintergrund
- seltene Updates- - keine Prüfung von Autostart und Taskplaner

Ein zuverlässiger Schutz
Es ist ein tolles Programm, weil es den Rechner kaum ausbremst. Bisher hat der Scanner auch immer zuverlässig gearbeitet.
Gibt es für mich keine Nachteile, denn andere Programme sind nicht so effizient.
Meine Erfahrungen mit Avira
Ich habe Avira schon seit vielen Jahren als meine Antivirus-Software. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist einfach und ich bin zufrieden mit dem Schutz, den es bietet. In den letzten Jahren habe ich keine Probleme gehabt und ich denke, dass ich es weiterhin als meine Antivirus-Software wählen werde.
Ich finde, der Preis für das Jahresabo ist gerade noch akzeptabel.
Avira Bewertung Alleseasy
Als antivirenprogramm macht es was es soll und gut
Zur Zeit benutze ich ein anderes antivirenprogramm und bin damit sehr zufrieden

Good antivirus detector to secure your data
Kommentare: Overall it's quite good.
It does have a good malware process and detects many threats.
My issue with this software is that it considers any unknown file or link on a website as a possible threat and then blocks it, so it needs an update for this bug.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Great Protection for the Price
Kommentare: In the 14+ years, I've used their software for solid protection and it maintains up-to-date with security protocols.
Avira uses lower system resources than the competitors and allows easy custom protection.
The trial has lots of interrupting advertisements.
Avira Antivirus Pro Review
Good detection rate. I like that you can manually update Avira, in cases that there are problems with the automatic update.
It takes more resources compared to other antivirus software. Also, it has a high false positive rate than average.
Review for Avira Antivirus Pro
Kommentare: It really good and effective Antivirus software.
Its very efficient and keep my computer and data files safe.
Sometime it makes my computer works slower while scanning.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
excelente herramienta como antivurus y spyware excellent tool as antivirus and spyware
Kommentare: provides a good review of antiviruses, has an updated database
I liked the interface and the easy implementation
high cost versus other applications that provide the same service
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Good product to consider
I have found quite a few good things about Avira. It's Smart Scan worked brilliant and has been doing well in my test environment with trying to get it to catch various malware thrown at it. Good notifications, pop ups are instant on critical detections. Firewall seems good, still playing with it.
Really haven't found anything, I'm still comparing pricing, so we'll see where it falls versus other suits.

Avira Antivirus Pro Review
I appreciated that Avira Antivirus Pro offers thorough defense against viruses, spyware, ransomware, and other internet threats. Additionally, it offers sophisticated features like real-time defense, a firewall, and risk-free browsing. Also, the user interface is incredibly simple to use, which makes it ideal for new users.
The price of Avira Antivirus Pro is its main drawback. Even though it is one of the less expensive antivirus applications, it is still more expensive than some of its rivals. Also, some users have said that the program can be sluggish and slow, which affects the performance of the system as a whole.

Avira Antivirus review
Avira Antivirus Pro is a robust antivirus program that helps to safeguard your computer. It protects you from a wide range of malware, viruses, trojans, and other threats 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It also saves you from malicious files that may try to access your system while you're online.
It is more expensive, though, and it is not always accurate in identifying viruses and possibly malware, and it can occasionally cause the laptop or computer to slow down. Other than that, i am happy with all other feature with this antivirus software.

It works perfectly but sometimes it's difficult to understand it
Kommentare: Well, it's been a while since we changed, but all the complaints are the fewest. It's a good option.
It has a beautiful interface, the security of the team is very good, and it has a free option
Has some pop-ups and stuff like that that can be cumbersome and tricky to disable

Avira Antivirus Experience
Kommentare: Overall , Very good experience with and extreemly safe for your computer , needs some improvement with notifications and it's delay
The Most thing i liked with my Avira experience is the ability to detect , quarentiene and imediate delete the files injected with virus which may not be detected by similar apps
I think that Avira needs to be improoved with it's notifications , some time you face some kind of Lag with te pop-up window which appears from the righ side down the computer's screen , some times it delays and causes some lag for secons specially with HDD storages
Ho risolto tutti i miei problemi di performance e sicurezza del Mac
Kommentare: Ho notato un notevole miglioramento delle prestazioni del mio Mac con una percepibile diminuzione dell'assorbimento delle risorse del sistema. Sono abituato a tenere alta la protezione web e tra l'altro non spengo mai il mio Mac che rimane ininterrottamente acceso giorno e notte.
Facilità di istallazione ed interfaccia molto intuitiva per automatizzare la scansione antivirus ed anti-malwares del proprio sistema Mac. Opzioni di protezione molto flessibili con un ottimo firewall manager e possibilità di attivare anche una VPN. Comodissimo il supporto clienti che è completamente gratuito via mail.
Tutto perfetto, sono soddisfatto dell'acquisto e non ho notato nessuna anomalia importante per l'uso professionale che ne faccio. L'estensione Avira Pro per il browser con Chrome a volte fa i capricci, ma io utilizzo quasi esclusivamente Firefox sul quale funziona egregiamente.
Ottimo prodotto
Kommentare: Più che soddisfatto...
Abbastanza leggero anche su PC non di ultima generazione. Buona scansione
Un po' macchinoso nella gestione degli allarmi e della selezione quarantena.
Mon expérience avec Avira
Kommentare: Très bonne expérience je vous conseille dessayer
Avira est un antivirus célèbre que j'utilise toujours pour forcer la sécurité de mon desktop
C'est un antivirus complet seul il rend le laptop un peu long

Avira Antivirus Pro - Avis
Le logiciel détecte vraiment bien les virus. Il peut détecter les applications qui doivent être mis à jour. Deux possibilités, le faire automatiquement ou manuellement. Je préfère le faire manuellement personnellement.
L'antivirus est assez lourd par rapport à ses concurrents, ce qui a pour tendance de lancer des processus en arrière plan et de faire ralentir l'ordinateur.

J'utilise Avira Antivirus Pro
Kommentare: Avira Antivirus Pro protège mes appareils des cyberattaques, et des autres infections provenant des connections USB. Ainsi, mon matériel met plus long, et j'économise les dépenses liées à la maintenance.
J'ai téléchargé et j'utilise facilement Avira Antivirus Pro. Il est compatible avec tous les autres logiciels et applications, garantissant ainsi une stabilité pour mon système d'exploitation.
Depuis plus de 15 ans que j'utilise Avira, je n'ai jamais eu de souci particulier.
is Avira the best antivirus 2022?
Kommentare: overall experience I would say that Avira is a great antivirus with a cheap price .
Avira is really known antivirus for a long time, I'm using it for my computer security, and it has a really great impact on your computer, your data will be always safe from trojans and bad files, and there are a lot of features like web protections, mails protections, and there is also real-time protection so you will be on touch if anything strange is happening on your device, there is a free VPN included which is a good thing that you will need for your privacy.The thing that I liked more is the prices. The prices are very low I'm not gonna lie. you can try the free version if you want but I would really recommend you get a membership.the software interface looks easy to use, and it's not going to take your PC performance.
the software is great, I haven't seen something wrong.
Avira un bon logiciel de sécurité
Il est assez simple d’utilisation et propose de très bonne fonction même sur la version gratuite même si la pro est quand même mieux
Je n’ai personnellement pas de réel point négatif à dire sur Avira
Tra gli antivirus più efficienti
Il fatto di essere sempre monitorato e di conseguenza protetto, anche in tempo reale
Considerando l’uso del mio periodo di prova, non ho riscontrato grandi problemi quindi non avrei da lamentarmi
The Strongest security for Computer
The regular updating process which can protect from latest viruses.
I did not found any least option of this software