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FlowShare Erfahrungen

4,6 (37) Eine Bewertung schreiben Deutschland Lokales Produkt

Über FlowShare

Hilft bei der automatischen Erstellung von Anleitungen und Schritt-für-Schritt-Tutorials, um Software-Know-how einfach mit anderen zu teilen.

Erfahre mehr über FlowShare


Easy to use, and just doing your tasks as normal.


The same happened with the arrow, sometimes the position wasn’t ideal, now you can turn it. I still would’ve preferred if you could not just rotate but move it around.

Bewertungen zu FlowShare

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9/ 10

FlowShare hat eine Gesamtbewertung von 4,6 von 5 Sternen basierend auf 37 Nutzerbewertungen auf Capterra.

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Print- und Web-Design in Deutschland
Internet, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Dokumentationen für Computeranwendungen einfach erstellen und flexibel verteilen

5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Ich nutze FlowShare schon seit längerem und stoße immer wieder auf Features, die mich begeistern. So hatte ich Dokumentationen bislang immer als PDF-Datei weitergegeben. Nun habe ich den HTML-Export für mich entdeckt. Hintergrund ist, dass ich eine Website für eine Organisation erstellte, an der mehrere Autor*innen und Redakteur*innen in verschiedenen Ländern arbeiten und einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für das Erstellen von Seiten, Editieren von Beiträgen, Einstellen von Bildern und anderem benötigen. Die für mich perfekte Lösung: Workflow in FlowShare erfassen, im HTML-Format exportieren und die Dateien auf dem Server ablegen, auf dem auch die Website läuft. Die Links zu den einzelnen Anleitungen habe ich in Form eines Inhaltsverzeichnisses auf einer eigenen Manual-Seite angelegt. Der große Vorteil gegenüber PDF-Dateien sehe ich in diesem Fall darin, dass die Anleitungen stets aktuell gehalten werden können und sichergestellt ist, dass allen immer die aktuelle Version zur Verfügung steht. Ich muss mich also weder um den Versand von e-mails mit PDF-Anhängen kümmern noch darum, ob ich immer alle aktuell Mitarbeitenden erreiche und diese dann auch immer auf die aktuelle Anleitung zugreifen. Und: Das Erstellen von wirklich ansprechenden Anleitungen im HTML-Format ist mit FlowShare einfacher und schneller als in jeder anderen mir bekannten Form!


Das Erstellen von Dokumentationen für Software-Anwendungen, allgemeine Computerbedienung oder Arbeiten im Internet ist mit FlowShare für mich einfacher und schneller als mit anderen Programmen und Techniken. Besonders schätze ich die Flexibilität bei der Wahl des Endprodukts, wie zum Beispiel eine PDF-Datei oder Seiten im HTML-Format.


Es wäre angenehm, wenn ich das Programm abwechselnd am PC im Büro und am Notebook unterwegs nutzen könnte, ohne jedes Mal den Lizenzschlüssel übertragen zu müssen.

SAP Consultant in Deutschland
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 201–500 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

SAP Dokumentation leicht gemacht

5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Habe FlowShare für die SAP Dokumentation verwendet und seitdem sind die Telefone stiller geworden.


FlowShare hat mir Tage an Arbeit erspart. Wenn es das nicht gegeben hätte, hätte ich Screenshots gemacht und gelayoutet und dann den Text geschrieben, für etliche Schulungsdokumente. Weil ich nur Klicks machen musste und nicht noch das ganze Layout der Anleitungen, konnte ich mich auf den Text und die unterschiedlichen Benutzerarten konzentrieren und musste nicht noch groß designen und alles zu einem schlüssigen Dokument zusammenfügen.


Ich hab nicht sofort das Hin- und Herschalten verstanden zwischen Aufnahmebildschirm und Export. Andererseits fand ich es auch gut, dass ich nicht überladen wurde, von irgendwelchen Anweisungen und mich, nachdem ich es verstanden habe, schnell zurechtfinden konnte.

IT-, Management- und Unternehmensberatung in Deutschland
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Einheitliche und Schnelle Dokumentation

5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: in seinen Funktionen ausgereiftes Tool, viel Zeitersparnis durch die gute Tool-Unterstützung


Schnelle und einfache Handhabung, Standardisierung durch einheitliches Design, vielfältigen Exportmöglichkeiten.


Wenige Integrationen - evtl. eigene Cloudplattform für Wissensmanagement wünschenswert

Softwareentwicklung in Österreich
Industrieautomation, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Flows als WiKi

4,0 vor 2 Jahren


Die Möglichkeit, Flows über den online Upload sehr schnell anderen zur Verfügung zu stellen.Zusätzlich ist dieses Tool auch sehr hilfreich in Supportfällen. Eine Anleitung ist schnell erstellt und kann auch ganz einfach als PDF zum Kunden.


Man ist mit den Tools zur Gestaltung und Bearbeitung der einzelnen Screenshots etwas eingeschränkt. Allerdings kann man mit den gegebenen Tools schon alles machen was es braucht. Die Einfachheit in dem Fall auch als Vorteil gewertet werden.

angehender Softwaretester in Deutschland
Bildungsmanagement, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

Überzeugendes Tool mit vielen Möglichkeiten!

4,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Es sind eine Menge an individuellen Einstellungen möglich. Beim explorativen und manuellen Testen anderer Programme bieten sich hier vielfältige Möglichkeiten der Dokumentation, dem entscheidenden Feld zur Kommunikation mit Entwicklern im Scrumteam. Es könnte als angehender Softwaretester in Zukunft für mich ein unverzichtbares Tool werden, das mir eine sehr hohe Zeitersparnis offeriert.


Unkomplizierte Bedienung und ausreichendes Hilfematerial. Übersichtliche und oft selbsterklärende GUI.


Exportfunktionen (lokal und webbasiert) sollten noch optimiert werden.

IT-Service DEsk Engineer in Deutschland
Pharmazeutika, 201–500 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung


4,0 vor 2 Jahren


Was ich gut finde ist das jeder Mausklick aufgezeichnet wird und so die Erstellung einfach von der Hand geht. Aber davon geht man ja schließlich bei so einem Programm aus. Auch der Export in verschiedene Formate ist möglich.


Schön wäre es wenn der Export auch in ein Video Format erstellt werden könnte.

Fachberater IT in Deutschland
Automotive, 5.001–10.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

FlowShare are the best

5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: FlowShare ist eines der besten Tools um schnell, kommunikativ und einfach Arbeitsabläufe von Apps zu beschreiben. Wir nutzen Flowshare um unsere Anwendungen für unsere Kunden zu erklären. Weiter so!


FlowShare ist eines der besten Tools um schnell, kommunikativ und einfach Arbeitsabläufe von Apps zu beschreiben. Wir nutzen Flowshare um unsere Anwendungen für unsere Kunden zu erklären. Weiter so!


Wir kennen keine Cons von dieser wunderbarsen Anwendung

Vertrieb Innendienst Leitung in Deutschland
Informationsdienst, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Perfektes Produkt

5,0 vor 4 Jahren


Einfach zu nutzen, Erklärungen im Programm, Support ist auch super


Nichts, alles vorhanden was man braucht.

Antwort von miraminds

vor 4 Jahren

Liebe Miriam, Vielen Dank fur das Feedback! Es freut uns zu horen, dass Sie mit FlowShare zufrieden sind. Wenn Fragen auftauchen, sind wir gerne fur Sie da! Herzliche Gru?e, Ihr Team miraminds

Managing Director in Deutschland
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Pharmazeutika, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

A fine piece of software

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: FlowShare is a high quality and intuitive tool for everyone who has to prepare larger number of software instructions. The efficiency of creating such documents is significantly enhanced as well as the quality and usefulness of them.


The AI, which accurately captures how you navigate through an application is the key feature in my eyes. Next comes the reduction of redundant steps, which is more on the light end. So, I always had to remove some steps manually but never missed any important step, which is good. The bulk editing feature (cropping or blurring) across all similar screenshot in a flow is the third outstanding feature.


The formatting of instructions and headlines could some more flexibility and features. It would also be great to import content into a customer template. But maybe these are PRO functions, which I did not use.

Founder in USA
E-Learning, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

FlowShare - Documentation just got a whole lot easier!

5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Overall I would say that FlowShare is an excellent resource for documenting a number of different activities and can significantly cut down on time taken to create documentation that would normally take hours.


FlowShare makes it easy to take screenshots and quick succession several different tasks, and this makes it easy for all types of documentation. I work int he edtech space and creating complex tutorials and documentation have become much easier with Flowshare.


Some of the biggest issues with FlowShare is that it does not have quite all the same tools as something like snagit which is a different type of capture tool. While they are similar they are different in that taking screenshots with snagit takes significantly more time, that being said it is far easier to edit images taken in snagit then it is in FlowShare. Overall they are now both part of my workflow.

Founder in USA
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Abandoned license holder. Better options out there!

1,0 vor 5 Monaten

Kommentare: Abandoned. Do not care about long term users. Terrible operators of their business. Even worse support.


Easy when your license works but support is awful!


Zero support. License does not work when installing on a new machine. It is 2024 and they offer no device management. I sent multiple emails which they opened and viewed and ignored. They do not care about their customers. Use a better tool called folge.me

Antwort von miraminds

vor 5 Monaten

Hi Chris, I am sorry to hear you felt abandonned and about the friction you had when installing FlowShare on a new device. However, when you reached out, we responded to the first email within 7 hours (due to a different time zone) and to the second email within 30 minutes with a link to download the latest version and a license key that should work. We didn't hear back from you so we assumed the issue was resolved and everything worked on your end. It seems you wrote this review on the same day. Did our message with the solution get lost in limbo? I also noticed that you had unsubscribed from our communication list, which may have caused you to miss product updates. We’re more than happy to resolve this for you, as we indeed do value our long-term customers. Sincerely, Sofia

Managing Partner in Deutschland
Hochschulbildung, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Guiding users through the user interface - step-by-step

4,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: As an ERP consultant and trainer for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Centrral / NAV I have to document the company specific procedures - this can be done with snipping tools and snagit and a lot of other software if you do not have flowshare at hand. But with flowshare I can easily edit the whole story in one user interface and publish it in different ways easily.


When doing the job I don´t have to worry about forgetting any step - FlowShare will take care of that 100%. And while editint the full story and removing some obvious and simple steps i can simply remove the boring parts and reduce the story to the real content. this will keep attention of the reader high! And: publishing the story as pdf, word, ppt or HTML makes it easy for the user/reader to consume the content his preferred way of reading and learning! That´s really great!


It is not really a mistake or error of FlowShare itself - it is more or less a constraint in my job: quite often I work remotely via rdp for my customers. When recording my work with flowshare I then do not get a fully detailed description of my step. This full description is very helpful with locally installed software and I miss it on remote machines. But more and more customers accept an installation of flowshare on the remote machine - then the work is easy again!

Antwort von miraminds

vor 4 Jahren

Dear Wolfram, Thank you for sharing your FlowShare story! Our software is meant to be a simple and efficient alternative to manual documentation, so we are pleased to hear that this is the case for you. We are trying to make remote work with FlowShare as functional as possible, which is why you no longer need to have customers install FlowShare on their devices, it is enough if they simply copy the unpacked installation folder onto the desktop of the target device. Hopefully, this feature makes your work yet a bit easier! Sincerely, Team miraminds

CEO in Deutschland
Computer-Software, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:

A helpful tool for documenting and teaching new software interfaces

5,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: We develop new software interfaces, information architectures and software tools for customers. We use FlowShare on the one hand for the documentation of functionalities in the course of development and on the other hand for the software users on the customer's side when introducing new functions.


Easy to use with a quick, effective result for introducing users to new software interface.


We wanted a little more individual design options for the visual output.

Antwort von miraminds

vor 4 Jahren

Dear Olde, Thank you for leaving us your feedback! We are glad to hear that FlowShare supports you in introducing your customers to a new software interface. As for the design options: We are currently working on creating more diversity in designs. Hopefully, we can soon provide you with a creative update! Sincerely, Team miraminds

Verifizierter Rezensent
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Baumaterial, 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Excellent product, that does the job

5,0 vor 9 Monaten


Very feature rich, however not complicated to use at all!


Exporting to PDf and multiple file types

Verifizierter Rezensent
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Internet, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Good approach, not practicable for every documentation

3,0 letztes Jahr


Fast and automated screen recording. Simple operation and saving of the company CI for further use.


unfortunately, the application is still prone to errors here and there. the automated screen recordings are basically a great thing, but also turn out to be cumbersome. in my case, it was a web application that had to be documented. related steps were poorly recognized or not recognized at all. It may be that flowshare is not suitable for our application or that it is more suitable for desktop applications, but I can't say. unfortunately, none of the export formats were of any use to me. i only exported the screen recordings.

Director in Australien
Buchhaltung, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Excellent Product

5,0 letztes Jahr


Very easy to use and great value for money!


None. This product has been incredibly user friendly and intuitive.

IT Administrator in Deutschland
Erneuerbare Energien & Umwelt, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

What a relief!

4,0 vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare: I was looking for a software that would allow me, as an IT administrator, to answer recurring questions quickly and easily. A tutorial is, of course, the most obvious thing to do. Several administrators recommended Flowshare to me. I tested several programs, and Flowshare was the only one that convinced me. With other tools you still have to write a lot or edit screenshots. With Flowshare, this is kept to a minimum and I'm glad I found it. However, I was a little put off by the price, since there is no for-profit company behind it. But when I calculated how much time is wasted per month and how much it costs - well ... Now I'm happy and not so hectic. So my overall experience is a very positive one!


it is really straightforward to create a guide. I can now concentrate on my work and not on the laboriously created documentation.


it is hard to find anything negative. However, I think the price is a bit too high. A monthly subscription for that amount is probably not suitable for non-profit organizations. I would prefer one-time purchase software, as the need is not the same every month.

Founder in USA
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Marketing & Werbung, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Love this tool

5,0 vor 3 Jahren


It's been a godsend. I can move away from Google docs, and into the 21st century. Saves me 15 hours a week at my SEO agency.


Sometimes the automation doesn't get the copy exactly right, but overall its great

Senior Analyst in USA
Finanzdienstleistungen, 5.001–10.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

FlowShare Documentation Software

4,0 vor 3 Jahren

Kommentare: FlowShare will meet my immediate needs for documenting process flow much more easily than other tools I have tried. It’s only shortcoming, if it is a shortcoming and not an actual design decision, has to do with it limited use of manually added markups which makes it less useful for documenting interfaces. After I've spent more time working with FlowShare on this first series of projects I will provide an update to this review.


Not a lot of setup parameters, so easy to understand and get productive out of the gate. It is very easy to capture process flow. Editing the document is easily done. Generating the finished product is a snap to do. The output is very nicely done.


FlowShare in some ways seems to be a little rough around the edges. For example the markup function could stand to be a little more refined. While there is a rectangular markup selection tool, it does not provide any ability that I can find to automatically create document references for each markup like exists in other products. The markup itself does not allow for the associated text to be repositioned away from the markup selection. The lack of flexibility in the markup function makes FlowShare a good tool for capturing process flow, but not the best tool to use to document an interface. Documentation for the product seems to be rather lacking. When reviewing documentation on their site, the version presented there does not appear to be the most recent. Additionally, while the text is English, the illustrations are not. Also, the illustrations are not very high resolution which makes them difficult to see.

CEO in Deutschland
Versicherung, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great Software

5,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Solves the problems of documentation for each purpose.
We are using it for new software-developments/processes and for initial training for new employees.


Makes lifes easier. Safes a lot of time for "documentation". Just telling the colleagues to use this tool for documentation and that's it. No further investigation or explanation needed.


Overview for licenses, Would be perfect to have an overview about used/activated licenses.

Antwort von miraminds

vor 4 Jahren

Dear Philipp, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on FlowShare! Making documentation easier and a no-brainer is exactly what we are looking to achieve, so it is a great confirmation to hear about your experience. We will look into making overview of licenses easier for our Teams Licenses. One way to already solve this is the concurrent licensing. With this you should be able to use FlowShare without the restrictions of a regular license activation. Sincerely, Team miraminds

Head of Digital in Deutschland
Konsumgüter, 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Convenient and easy to use tool for step-by-step guides.

5,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: The probably easiest solution to kick start your process documentation.


I am always amazed how such a simple program saves us so much time and stress in our daily work. When I introduced it the aim was for my colleagues to document their processes in our HR and ERP software, to build a foundation for our inhouse knowledge base. I was not so sure how they’d handle it, but the team is really relieved and now has more time to focus on more important tasks than creating manuals


A few functions were still missing at the beginning - like including more drawings and descriptions directly into the image, I told the support about them first they helped us out with a workaround how we could achieve the desired result and a few months later the feature was included in the new version! The same happened with the arrow, sometimes the position wasn’t ideal, now you can turn it. I still would’ve preferred if you could not just rotate but move it around.

Antwort von miraminds

vor 4 Jahren

Dear Moritz, Thank you for your feedback! Input from our customers is very valuable for us to improve FlowShare and your comments have been a great help. And we have exciting news for you: With the version 2.7. you are finally able to move the arrows and adjust the rectangle selection. We hope you'll enjoy the new feature! Sincerely, Team miraminds

Head of Business Development in Deutschland
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Our software Falcon has many options and functions so we were in need of a simple way to onboard our

5,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: It works well and simply and everyone can use it, that is the main thing!


Our software Falcon has many options and functions so we were in need of a simple way to onboard our customers and provide support. Videos took too long to make and we wanted something that we could use for our help desk as well. I discovered FlowShare last year, it was very easy for our team to adopt and start creating guides with FlowShare instantly, resulting in more time to focus on what’s really important - providing frictionless results for our clients. Anything more difficult than Flowshare would’ve been too much of a hassle, we needed something that we could implement in our busy workflow and with Flowshare we could create consistent how to guides in an instant. Everybody can do it, it’s just that simple.


I would like to be able to embed videos in the presentations. We had to tweak the css template of the html export to adapt it to our design, would’ve been better if there were more html template options from the start.

Antwort von miraminds

vor 4 Jahren

Dear Christian, Thank you for your feedback! Great to hear that FlowShare is helping you to enable your customers to get the most out of Falcon. We're looking to expand the template options for html output and happy to get your feedback on it. Sincerely, Team miraminds

Continuous Improvement Specialist in Deutschland
Versorgungsunternehmen, 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Fast and easy to use support to create manuals for software!

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: - Flowshare supports us by creating very well documented handovers when staff changes.
- The time savings for manual creation by using FlowShare is impressive while quality and standard layout is improved at the same time.
- The compact and powerfull structure of FlowShare leads in a very fast ROI even with a very small no. of manuals to be created per year.
- I'm convinced that alot of manuals are not available because it is annoying to create them - FlowShare might help to extensuate this problem


- very easy to learn and use - independent software without need for bigger software enviroment - export manuals in several types of files incl. the further editing in word, power point a.s.o. - use of an own power point template for consistant coorperate identity layout is possible - full picture editing within the software with paint - very flexibel license models available


- not possible to copy and paste individual steps within the software (yet - feedback was well accepted by miraminds and maybe there will be an improvement) - implementing an own power point template is tricky

Antwort von miraminds

vor 4 Jahren

Dear Jascha, Thank you for your thorough feedback! Setting an incentive to document more software by making the process easy and fast is a major objective of our company, so it is nice to hear this from you. You are right, implementing one's own PowerPoint template can be tricky even with a step-by-step-guide, as the types of template vary very much from company to company. That's why we are offering our customers support to adjust their PowerPoint template to work seamlessly with FlowShare. Your feedback Sincerely, Team miraminds.

Managing Director in Deutschland
Finanzdienstleistungen, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Intuitive and easy-to-use software for process manuals

5,0 vor 5 Jahren


At Streamline, we use FlowShare as our tool for generating process manuals in the Finance Department. Instead of handling snippets and manually copy and paste them into a document which needs to be formated several times, FlowShare comes with an intuitive approach by making screenshots as a basis for the final process document. I especially like the idea of adding text and headlines and mark things to the single screenshots. When done, you are able to automatically generate a final handy document in the pdf format incl. a table of content which we can use in our company to easily onboard new employees. The ease-of-use is very impressive, it does not take 5 minutes with the tour to begin with creating process descriptions with FlowShare.


The software fits perfectly to what we were looking for. Easily created process descriptions without the hassle of document formating. I am not missing any specific features.

Antwort von miraminds

vor 4 Jahren

Dear Christoph, Every customer that saves time and unnecessary work with FlowShare is a success-story for our company. We are excited that our software makes your work easier! Sincerely, Team miraminds

Co-Founder in Deutschland
Unternehmensberatung, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Decentralization of Know-How

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Quick win for every company based on digital technology based processes, a must have tool for every company driving its digital transformation.


Time-saving software documentation tool, unbeatable ease of work and usability, fast implementation, investments into implementation-consulting is not needed, enables every employee of a companies to bring their know-how-transfer to the next level, safeguards the investments into software solutions and accelerates reaching the return of software investments by increasing the efficiency of the use of software.


There are not any barriers or show-stoppers not to use this software documentation tool.

Antwort von miraminds

vor 4 Jahren

Dear Hauke, Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on FlowShare! We're delighted to hear that our software is meeting its goals and helping our customers get the most out of their software experiences! Sincerely, Team miraminds