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Bietet eine unbegrenzte Leinwand für die Kollaboration in Echtzeit über das Whiteboarding hinaus.
O Easy use even for “non-digital-natives. O Integration of MS Office files in Deon-Space, don’t know another tool, where it is as easy as here.
O Usage of a different logic of navigating compared to MS Office products. For me its possible to switch, but for customers, who are not using DEON so often, its difficult.
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Intuitives und vielseitiges Tool!
DEON ist leicht in der Anwendung (nach ein paar Mal Durchklicken, sind die meisten Funktionen relativ selbsterklärend - gibt aber auch immer wieder Erklärungen)und hat das virtuelle Zusammenarbeiten nochmal auf ein neues Niveau gehoben. Es ist super einfach, gleichzeitig mit vielen Kollegen ohne Verzögerung zusammenzuarbeiten. Wir haben DEON damit häufig für Workshops, Trainings und Abteilungsrunden eingesetzt. Auch bei Kollegen, die das Tool bisher noch nicht kannten, reichte meist eine kurze Einführung am Anfang des Termins um gemeinsam arbeiten zu können. Die Einbettung von Word, PowerPoint, ... -Dateien sowie Verlinkung von Skype und Teams-Calls in DEON sind hilfreich, um eine gemeinsame Absprungbasis zu haben statt hundert verschiedenen Programme zu öffnen. Auch Funktionen wie Timer, Library oder Aufgabenverwaltung machen das Programm zu einer einfachen und unkomplizierten Anwendung. Vor allem durch die vielen Freiheitsgrade in Anwendung und Gestaltung unterscheidet sich das Programm von ähnlichen Anbietern.
An manchen Kleinigkeiten, wie zum Beispiel der Verfügbarkeit von verschiedenen Schriftarten, kann man noch feilen, allerdings habe ich DEON bei solchen Änderungsvorschlägen auch immer als sehr offen erlebt.
Sehr gutes Kollaborations Tool
- Kollaborative Zusammenarbeit
- alle Mitarbeiter im Home-Office zusammenarbeiten lassen.
- schnellere Ergebnisse
- einfache Übermittlung von Informationen
Mir gefällt, dass eine gemeinsame Zusammenarbeit reibungslos funktioniert. Die Handhabung ist sehr einfach und bedienerfreundlich. Es entspricht genau dem was wir gesucht haben. Die Cloud Version lässt zu dass wir eine Userübersicht verwalten können.
Es dauert zu lange zum Laden. Nach Update lässt sich mit der Maus nicht mehr hinein oder herauszoomen. Teilweise Probleme mit dem Download Link der Cloud Version. Probleme mit der Erkennung des richtigen Tennants bei Wechsel von On Premise auf Cloud.
Gutes Projektmanagementtool um Projekte im Team zu erledigen
• Verknüpfung mit Sharepoint funktioniert gut • Schnelle Übersicht über Projekte und Änderungen von Kollegen • Keine Schulung notwendig, da die meisten Funktionen intuitiv zu verstehen sind. Übersichtliche Internetseite mit Hilfestellungen in Text- und Videoform. (z.B. "Learn DEON in 30 minutes!") • Gut um bei Videokonferenzen eine Übersicht über die einzelnen Projektpunkte zu geben • Das Schreiben in Mulitpage Dokumenten funktioniert super. Hier wäre aus meiner Sicht ein Export der Schrift über Sharepoint in das PDF Dokument sinnvoll. • Dateien können einfach per Drag & Drop eingefügt werden • Anlegen von Aufgaben bei Projekten mit mehreren Beteiligten ist gut durchdacht und übersichtlich dargestellt. Es können ein Endtermin, Notizen und die zuständige Person gesetzt werden.
• Deon unterstütze keine MS Project Dateien • Ohne Internetverbindung ist auch keine Vorschau der Dateiverknüpfungen sichtbar
Einfaches aber leistungsstarkes Tool für viele Bereiche
Kommentare: In Zeiten, in denen alle Mitarbeiter von zu Hause aus arbeiten, gibt DEON uns allen die Möglichkeit, in Echtzeit an den gleichen Dokumenten oder Kanban-Boards zu arbeiten. Das Programm und seine Werkzeuge ermöglichen ein neues Maß an Effizienz für unsere Projekte
Von außen sieht DEON wie ein einfaches virtuelles Whiteboard aus, auf dem man schreiben, zeichnen und Dokumente hochladen kann, also wirklich nichts Neues in dieser Hinsicht. Der Aspekt, der DEON von anderen ähnlichen Programmen abhebt, ist die intuitive Art der Zusammenarbeit. Änderungen werden in Echtzeit angezeigt und man kann einfach per Drag & Drop in allen Arten von Dokumenten arbeiten (funktioniert hervorragend mit MS Office). Man kann Kanban-Boards mit gegebenen Werkzeugen erstellen, Präsentationen zeigen oder DEON zur Organisation der eigenen täglichen Arbeit verwenden. Das Programm ermöglicht eine kreative, spaßige und einsteigerfreundliche Umgebung für jeden.
Die Verwendung von DEON mit einer Maus auf einem Computer ist manchmal unhandlich. Einige der Werkzeuge, wie das Zeichnen, erfordern die Unterstützung eines Stifts. Leider ist eine IOS Version für IPads noch nicht ganz fertig. Außerdem fehlt ein ordentliches Kommentartool.
Super einfaches Tool!
Kommentare: Mega tolles Tool, um kollaborativ zusammen zu arbeiten. Besonders gut für Workshops oder Teammeetings geeignet.
Die Bedienung des Programms ist total intuitiv und man kann schon nach wenigen Minuten damit super arbeiten. Durch das automatische Zwischenspeichern gehen keine Informationen verloren und man kann super entspannt Zusammenarbeiten.
Bei vielen Teilnehmern kann das Tool etwas unübersichtlich werden, aber bei guter Vorbereitung gelingt auch bei hoher Teilnehmerzahl eine gute Zusammenarbeit.
Unendlicher Canvas gut geeignet zur Durchführung von Projekten
Tolle Integration von Programmen wie Microsoft PowerPoint/Word zur einfachen Bearbeitung direkt aus DEON heraus, viel Platz für gemeinsames Arbeiten an Projekten
Die Steuerung erforderte eine kurze Einarbeitungszeit. Zur Kommunikation ist ein separates Tool wie bspw. Teams nötig, die Chatfunktion ist nicht ausreichend.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Zhe german visual collaboration Wurst
- It is not cheaper, but also not more expensive than other tools
- It is pretty intuitive to use. We already had a nice experience of a workshop with probably 6 net active hours on the platform and it was amazing: The Template-Sharing function was a highlight in that session.
- Combined with state-of-the-art Breakout sessions (e.g. available in MS-Teams or Zoom), you can have a lot of fun and literally “go in and out” of rooms (and choose whom are you talking or not-talking to). This should be considered normal nowadays. #normalizedigitalization
What do I like best? - DEON is a german company and runs its server under the german data protection regulations (DSVO). We use it to collaborate with our customers (german SME’s). Typically, german customers opt for german providers because of they do not want any third-party authority (e.g. US government agencies) have access to their data. I don’t like it, but on-premise is also possible. - I have had very nice support from the DEON Team, thanks to [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN]. He was willing to share his insightful glance to the tool, to proactively troubleshoot / avoid upcoming difficulties in my planned workshops. And he also is reachable on Whatsapp. Yes, that is normal too. - Its intuitive front-end lets you improvise, when you are not sure how to do it.
What do I dislike? - DEON does not currently offer an “introduction” webinar or enablement sessions. Your abilities to use the tool rely solely in the https://deon.de/help/learn/. - The capabilities of Live-Sources are limited to one live-Camera and is disappointing, that it is nowhere mentioned. It rises the expectation of somehow having a conversation within the DEON Space, but this functionality is not expected. We use MS-Teams for voice & video. - I understand, that DEON tries to load content from Sharepoint once, and if its not successful, it doesn’t load it again – unless you activate this embedded frame again with a left click. When using several files, it is a hell lot of clicks (for example, we were 8 workshop participants and we had 8 files; there is a total of 64 clicks that had to be made, and it cost not only precious time but confusion for users not familiar with this issue). - I don’t like the annual-licensing pricing, it should be monthly. Yes, that is normal too. - Is there a Community? I see that other providers actively promote their communities and have loads of free-to-use templates. I didn’t have much luck finding one for DEON.
A powerful visual workspace that goes beyond whiteboarding
Kommentare: I am designing and facilitating synchronized collaboration events (complex workshops) with large groups over a couple of days to accelerate alignment and decision making processes. With DEON a can run simple but also very complex and ambitious workshops in digital, virtual and hybrid settings.
There are three major reasons why I use DEON: 1) Strong data integration: more than 40 data formats can be made visible and editable inside a DEON space; static formats like multipage documents (PPTX, PDF etc.) but also dynamic content (videos, websites, live applications); after a workshop it's easy to export a PPTX with its annotations (e.g. colored post-its, scribbles) in its original format ("as a PPTX with annotation") => this makes post-production much easier since all the texts inside the post-its can be copied & pasted into the actual PPTX with the need of retyping them again 2) Freedom to act: the infinite canvas gives infinite space for creativity; there are hundreds of ways in creating DEON spaces - to give them a structure, to lay methodologies behind it; to create, share and use templates; it's easy to use, very intuitive for most of the users 3) Easy to share: it's very simple to invite others into a DEON room to start deep realtime, visual collaboration
Currently the web version is not that powerful and for MAC users there is just a beta version available
Deon – Powerful Digital Workspace
Kommentare: We use Deon for synchronized workshops with many people. During the Workshop we need to edit and see simultaneously different documents (Excel, Word, PFD, PP). Deon is a good tool to work online together at the same time.
Deon is easy to use (User friendly). It so easy to keep an overview of a project. You can prepare divers Room (Workspace) with templates and work together with more people. You can edit your documents of the SharePoint direct in Deon.
Deon don´t support file with Macros.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
DEON is the digital collaboration tool
Kommentare: Overall DEON helps the organization to save a lot of time and effort in many ways. It makes some meetings unnecessary as you can work with the team and be updated at any time. I also appreciate the simplicity of the use of DEON, as the program is very intuitive and easy to learn. The fact that DEON only has a 30-minute video of how to work with DEON, proves this point. The price is a little bit higher than usual but for me, it is worth it!
My daily life is made easier by DEON, especially when I'm collaborating with colleagues and clients. By using this software, the organization can spend less time looking for different documents and become more agile. Workshops and meetings are more efficient when participants can work together in one room. Aside from its ease of use, DEON's support is excellent at helping clients with their problems. You can also contribute to the development of the software by sending your ideas or thoughts to the support team. DEON's advantages over Miro or Mural were the reason for our choice.
As DEON is still developing, not all the functions are fully developed. Also, the waiting time for the software to load, when you open a full workspace, can be very long.
Best collaboration tool I used
- Workshops with small and large groups
- Ideation phases
- concept phases
- process design
I work with Deon every day (in my team and with customers), and I am really impressed by some of the features - also compared to Mural or Miro. I like about Deon is the stability and that all basic functions/features are well implemented. The focus here is really on the central elements. Also, the copy&paste function is better integrated. With Mural, I had some trouble when copying Post-its. Better are also the export functions (pdf, png, ppt, ...) and the compatibility with SharePoint / Office. This helps a lot with documentation after workshops. Also excellent is the zoom factor and the infinite board. Others are often limited to a certain size. With Deon you can create massive walls.
The facilitator functions could be more intuitive and that workshop attendees have to register (it's an obstacle for workshops)
Best software for collaboration, project management, ideation, design thinking and more!
Kommentare: I use it for all kinds of projects, whether as a file saving platform, a collaboration tool for creative processes, even for organizing my private travel plans.
Having all files and texts placed on one huge canvas, being able to amend and work on it simultaneously with others, placing screenshots, pictures, videos and more visually next to each other, makes it so easy to keep an overview of a project. At the same time it saves so much time as all team members work on the same canvas and I do not have to send endless emails back and forth.
still waiting for a full Mac and mobile version. But working on a desktop makes more sense anyway as the endless canvas makes it hard to be seen fully on a smaller device anyway.
Digital collaboration in a very easy way
Kommentare: Workshops with our external clients: If theres no physical meeting possible by using DEON we are able to work as if we are there: Usage as a digital flipchart, Whiteboard, market places, etc. By now we also used it for process analysis and designs like a swimlane analysis or value stream analysis. It works awesome!
o Easy use even for “non-digital-natives” o Integration of MS Office files in Deon-Space, don’t know another tool, where it is as easy as here! o Easy link of frames to arrows and so on, very useful for process designs, especially compared to other collaboration APPs; I use that a lot! o Templates make it very easy to standardize your work together in the whole company
o Usage of a different logic of navigating compared to MS Office products. For me its possible to switch, but for customers, who are not using DEON so often, its difficult o Details: o If u use shapes like boxes, tringels, etc. it is complicated ti integrate texts within the shapes. Could be easier o The design of text is complicated. Why not use the usual word possibilities for text format? o The moderation tool is not very convenient. i.E. conceptboard has a much easier way integrated (just copy there…) o For some customers it is not easy to sign up due to internal rules of their IT. Therefore it would be awesome, if me (as a DEON user) could invite others to join my “project” just by a link
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
DEON works very well
DEON is a great collaboration tool. The biggest advantage is the collaboration with internal and external colleagues. The great usibility allowed quick onboarding for all users and the shared workspace was a good basis for brainstorming and projects.
One negative aspect is a lot of updates. On the one hand, this is good because you can see that the software is continuously being worked on, but it is also annoying when starting the software. It took a bit of getting used to moving the window with the right mouse button, not with the left as usual.
A Milestone Tool for better Self and Project Management - all at one glance
Kommentare: When I discovered mindmapping 30 years ago, it excited me. It changed my life. I rate DEON in a similar way. It takes the many barriers out of collaboration and the computer and radically simplifies work. Dream.
I have all the project documents, plans, videos, audios, presentations and ideas, everything that is important to me, clearly laid out on a desk in front of me and I can work on it alone or with others. I don't have to reassemble the project at every appointment, but can simply open it directly.No software can offer me such a good project overview without barriers on a desktop interface. And I can look into all documents as if I had them right in front of me. World class.
That it was not designed for Apple users from the beginning. It is such an Apple philosophy that is palpable here. Make the consumer strong. Now there is already an Apple software from DEON and this is being developed further. I am so happy.
Digital Panel with all necessary tool
Main benefits:
-All information related to one project / product launch.... placed in one place in a "visual management" way. All files, url’s, links to different applications placed in the same “digital panel”
-Up to date information and easy to update directly from the panel
-Full of function to view files in a proper way
Extremely useful tool to share all the information with the team/organization. It is possible to create a “digital panel” with Microsoft files (word, excel, powerpoint,…) and they could be updated directly from the panel Also you can “merge” information from different files.
Up to now, it supports all my expectations
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Great Tool for digital workshops instead of being at customer company
- Digital Workshops with customers instead of being at customers company
- Frameworks like Kick-Off, Retrospective, trainings etc.
- Easy to learn and use, also for users with not muxh experience - Working together with people all over the world at the samentime in one surface - Cloud working is possible - Import and Export from different file types
- For Meetings additional use of ms teams is helpfull
Great features and so many possibilities!
Kommentare: We use DEON as a digital whiteboard for various workshops in all sizes (if clients have or can use DEON) but also as a interactive whiteboard for our team meetings (which is really great as everyone can put infos on there and directly embed a link or a document - no more seraching on the server!). I also use it to organize working together in different smaller teams or to organize some projects for myself. DEON really offers a lot and I'm sure I haven's discovered all the features yet.
What I like most is that DEONcan do so much more than just be a digital whiteboard - you can embed websites, documents etc. This makes working together really easy.
I personally don't like that everything is in black. You can switch the whiteboards to white but the whole application is so dark which makes me want to work with it less. Also it would be really great if you could use it without having to install the app (relevant for clients).
Easy and powerful visual collaboration tool
Kommentare: Many design options for collaborative work in the workspace are possible. Be it in the direction of workshops, mapping and facilitating of meetings, developing content together and parallel in n groups.
Basically easy to use Workshops can also be designed hands on quickly An infinite amount of content can be displayed in one room Drag and drop function for files, websites etc. very quickly and easily Cloud integration so that changes are always directly synchronized Easy sharing possible Parallel real-time work without limits Good support, quick response
It happens quickly that levels / containers shift, especially when many people are working on it at the same time, that disrupts the flow sometimes With Excel tables with several tabs, you cannot see in real time where the moderator is and everyone has to switch manually between the sheets. This can only be avoid by sharing your screen in Teams or ZOOM. There are loading times for Sharepoint files; if this is exceeded, DEON aborts and you have to manually update with a click on each file No standard template available yet An introductory impulse about areas of application and possible uses would be helpful
Review: Deon - Die Visual Collaboration-Plattform
Kommentare: We do big conferences or work shops using Deon for customers, but also for working on topics in small teams internally.
I really like to option to have versions of projects, I like the embedding of documents which enables one to always have the updated version of a document available. Also the sharing options and the export function is great. One additional thing I like is the graphical possibilities of Deon and that one can create active buttons linked to an area or several objects of the project.
I don't find it practical that one needs to install Deon on a computer in order to use it. A cloud version would be better, so I could just send a link to a project to people and grant them editor rights. They should then be able to work on the project simultaneously without having to register.
Optimal digital work space
Kommentare: DEON is a super easy to handle platform that support real time digital workspaces at its best. Also usable for lie content trainings.
Its plug n play. Get it, install it and use it. Very fast to learn for all Team Members. Easy to create workspaces for specific workteams and to share new contents and work together on Projects.
Sometimes it’s a bit lagging. But may be that’s more a hardware issue than a DEON issue. We still need to find out.
Added value to digitization
The platform for visual collaboration.
There is another new and intuitive way of working together.
The platform is ideal for digital workshops. An integration into the tools of Office 365 is very good and completely further for the users. It can be used by small teams but also by large large teams. Very good online description of the functions
You have to get used to the new functions and shortcuts first
Great tool to keep up track on big projects
- The software is easy to understand and the handling is very intuitive with drag & drop. - You can import lots of different file types - You can share and collaborate on the project with your team
- There could be more tutorials with tips & tricks
good software solution especially for design thinking workshops
Kommentare: Overall experience 4,5/5 stars
simple user interface suitable for beginners
sometimes it is tricky to use. it is not always self-explanatory