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Über bsport

Verwalten Sie Ihr Yogastudio effizient: Automatisieren Sie Verwaltungsaufgaben, zentralisieren Sie Ihren Betrieb und bieten Sie Ihren Mitgliedern ein erstklassiges Erlebnis.

Erfahre mehr über bsport


Extremely easy and intuitive to use. The staff team is amazing and always ready to help us.


So far I miss that there's not an automatic invoice every week of the payments of memberships. Still learning more and more about Bsport, so much is possible.

Bewertungen zu bsport

Durchschnittliche Bewertung



8,2/ 10

bsport hat eine Gesamtbewertung von 4,4 von 5 Sternen basierend auf 241 Nutzerbewertungen auf Capterra.

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Nutzerbewertungen filtern (241)

Gründer in Deutschland
Sport, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Vorsicht! Keine Zulassung in Deutschland

3,0 vor 10 Monaten

Kommentare: Nicht für den Deutschen Markt geeignet, da es keine TSE-Zulassung hat und man so also ein extra Buchung-Kassensystem on top bräuchte. Das macht den Aufwand extrem groß. Es ist absolut unausgereift!
Schnell im Verträge verkaufen durch "cool wirkende" junge Leute, die den persönlichen Eindruck geben, den man haben will. Ein "Start-up", dass darauf ausgelegt ist, Daten zu sammeln und irgendwann verkauft werden soll. Keine echte "hands-on" Mentalität (einzelne Mitarbeiter ausgenommen!).


Die White-Label-App ist ein tolles Tool, was das Ego eines jeden Unternehmers triggert - aber Vorsicht! Die Klassenplanung für Kuspläne oder Open Classes geht einigermaßen im back-end, aber dadurch, daß das Programm keine TSE-Zulassung hat, ist es leider hinfällig und kann bei einer Steuerprüfung des Studiobetreibers zu hohen Strafen führen in Deutschland.


Im "Sales-Prozess" wird einem mündlich gesagt, "ja, das Programm kann das alles...", im "on-boarding" wird man dann sukzessive aufgeklärt, dass vieles nicht geht. (bei uns Beispiel: mehrer Teilnehmer gleichzeitig in einem Termin, Kassen- und Zahlungssysteme alle integriert, Daten-Migration nur zum Teil, nicht die entscheidenden Daten, ...)

Pilatestrainerin in Deutschland
Sport, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Bisher nur gute Erfahrungen mit bsport

4,0 vor 5 Monaten

Kommentare: Ich habe bisher nur gute Erfahrungen mit bsport gemacht. Insbesondere das Onboarding und der unkomplizierte Kontakt mit der Mitarbeiterin war hervorragend.


Dass das System leicht zu bedienen und selbsterklärend ist.


Die Smartlists Einstellungen bzw dass man ausschließlich zwischen "archiviert" und "nicht archiviert" unterscheiden kann. Mehr Optionen wie "Neue Mitglieder" (hinzugefügt in den letzten 2 Monaten o.ä.) wären toll.

Antwort von bsport

vor 5 Monaten

Vielen Dank für dein tolles Feedback, Viktoria! Es freut uns, dass das Onboarding und die Bedienung für dich so positiv waren. Dein Hinweis zu den Smartlists ist super – wir nehmen das gerne als Anregung auf! Dein bsport-Team

Inhaberin in Deutschland
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Starkes Buchungssystem mit zahlreichen Möglichkeiten

4,0 vor 4 Monaten

Kommentare: Ich hätte gerne mehr Zeit um alle vorhandenen Features besser nutzen zu können.


Zahlreiche Marketing Features u d Schnittstellen.


Teilweise unübersichtlich. Manche Anordnung ist nicht intuitiv. Front- und Backend

Antwort von bsport

vor 3 Monaten

Hallo Kathrin, vielen Dank für dein Feedback zu bsport. Wir freuen uns zu hören, dass du mit dem Buchungssystem und seinen zahlreichen Feature zufrieden bist. Solltest du Hilfe oder Fragen zur Nutzung dieser Features haben, stehen wir dir wir gewohnt jederzeit zur Verfügung. Viele Grüße vom bsport-Team

Inhaberin in Deutschland
Sport, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Hat das Potential, ein richtig gutes Buchungstool zu werden!

3,0 vor 2 Wochen Neu


Management von Familienaccounts durch den Kunden. Flexible Einrichtung von Kursen und Workshops. Einfache Gehaltsabrechnung von Lehrkräften. Sehr bemühter Support. Versenden von Mails an bestimmte Kundengruppen über das Marketingtool.


Bei der Einrichtung gab es gravierende Schwierigkeiten. Versprochen wurde ein reibungsloser Übergang vom vorherigen Anbieter, dies war dann leider nicht der Fall. Insgesamt hat man das Gefühl, dass sich das Produkt noch in der beta-Phase befindet, an allen Ecken und Enden muss noch nachgebessert werden. Es fehlt ein Kundensupport und eine bessere Verknüpfung mit PayPal!

Diätassistentin, Fitnesstrainerin in Deutschland
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Top Support

5,0 vor 4 Monaten


Der Kundensupport ist immer super hilfsbereit und meldet sich spätestens am nächsten Tag, falls Rückfragen notwendig waren.


Das teilweise Hilfe-Texte nur auf Deutsch verfügbar sind.

Antwort von bsport

vor 3 Monaten

Hallo Marion, vielen Dank für deine positive Bewertung. Wir freuen uns, dass du mit bsport & unserem Kundenserive zufrieden bist. Wir arbeiten daran, auch die Hilfs-Texte komplett auf deutsch anbieten zu können, danke für den Hinweis Dein bsport-Team

Trainer in Deutschland
Sport, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

BSport als Studiosoftware für MMA

5,0 vor 9 Monaten

Kommentare: Es gab ein paar Startschwierigkeiten, die sich aber mit dem Wechsel des Supports erledigt haben.


Die einfache Funktionsweise und Flexibilität bei der Verwendung.


Die derzeit zur Verfügung gestellte APP hat leider wenige Funktionen.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Eversports Manager

Warum bsport gewählt wurde: BSport hat mehr Funktionen und der Support von Fitogram hatte sehr lange Reaktionszeiten

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport: Günstigerer Preis bei BSport und die Verknüpfung zu Urban Sportsclub

Antwort von bsport

vor 9 Monaten

Hallo Marcus, vielen Dank für deine Bewertung! Besonders freut es uns zu hören, dass du mit dem deutschsprachigen Support und den Vielfalt an Funktionen und Features bei bsport zufrieden bist. Vielen Dank für dein Feedback und auf eine lange, gute Zusammenarbeit!

Area Sales Manager in Schweiz
Sport, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Geniale Lösung für Pilates Studios

5,0 vor 9 Monaten

Kommentare: Wir hatten bisher sehr positive Erfahrung mit der bsport App. Wir empfehlen es allen Studios dies zu einsetzen, somit kann man sich von den anderen Studios differenzieren.


Sehr übersichtlich, leicht zum bedienen. Deckt alle Anforderungen von einem Pilates Studio. Unsere Kundinnen haben grosse Freude dran, weil sie das ganze selber können an und abmelden.


Es wäre schön wenn mehrere Mailvorlagen schon ein Bestandteil wäre.

Antwort von bsport

vor 9 Monaten

Hallo Marif, es freut uns zu hören, dass du mit unserer Softwarelösung für dein Pilatesstudio zufrieden bist und wir sowohl die Anforderungen als Studio, als auch die Anforderungen eurer Kunden erfüllen können. Auch deine positiven Worte zu Beratung und Kundensupport erfreuen uns sehr!

Inhaber in Deutschland
Sport, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Gute Lösung

5,0 vor 4 Monaten


Es Einfach und übersichtlich. Der Kontakt ist schnell und unkompliziert


Leute fest in Kurse zu buchen ist etwas umständlich

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Eversports Manager

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport: Bsport ist sehr individuell und man wird nicht auf eine andere Seite weiter geleitet

Antwort von bsport

vor 4 Monaten

Hallo Claudi, Danke für dein Feedback! Es freut uns, dass du zufrieden bist mit unserer Plattform. Wir arbeiten tagtäglich daran, deinen Alltag zu vereinfachen. Schöne Grüße,

Sportwissenschaftlerin in Deutschland
Sport, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung


1,0 letzten Monat Neu

Kommentare: NIE WIEDER!!! Nachdem sich im Verkaufsgespräch alles so gut angehört hat, zeigte sich nach Vertragsunterzeichnung, worauf ich mich wirklich eingelassen hatte.
Die Mitarbeiter waren alle sehr nett und sagten, sie wollen Lösungen finden. Als es diese jedoch nicht gab und ich fristgerecht meine Kündigung nach drei Wochen (mir wurde ein Sonderkündigungsrecht einberaumt) eingereicht habe, wurde ich nur hingehalten, Meetings sind ohne abzusagen ausgefallen und seitdem werde ich nur vertröstet mit 'Dein Keymanager (der jetzt schon gewechselt wurde, NACHDEM ich gekündigt hatte) kümmert sich schnellstmöglich um dein Anliegen!'.
Ich möchte einfach nur mein Geld zurück und eine Bestätigung meiner Kündigung.. Schade, dass man dies nicht sauber beenden kann und ich jetzt so eine Bewertung schreiben muss, was eigentlich überhaupt nicht meine Art ist...


Netter Kontakt im Sales, alles sehr positiv und 'wir bekommen deine Ideen auf jeden Fall umgesetzt'


Katastrophaler Service, nachdem der Vertrag geschlossen wurde. Keine Lösungsmöglichkeiten, wurde ständig hingehalten und als ich -nachdem mir ein Sonderkündigungsrecht einberaumt wurde - aus dem Vertrag austreten wollte, werde ich seit MONATEN hingehalten und bekomme weder die Bestätigung der Kündigung noch mein bereits direkt eingezogenes Geld zurück!!!!

Director in Frankreich
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Sport, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Bsport, nice in many points

4,0 vor 2 Jahren


The integration with my former plateform was nicely done and i'm very satisfied


They could manage to create an app bsport for owner on the phone, witch would be very supportive for general management. The bsport back office on the computer is perfect, on the phone it needs to be upgrade !

Antwort von bsport

vor 2 Jahren

Thank you so much for your nice comment! We are glad to have you on board :-) Had some good fun during our onboarding, Hope to hear from you soon! bsport team

Founder and Head-Trainer in Deutschland
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

A premium product which runs rings around the competition!

5,0 vor 12 Monaten

Kommentare: Nothing but support from day 1. from initial contact, migration and launch, to checking in after a month: I love the support and the personal team Bsports provides. I have an intimate studio and I want to be able to provide a personal experience for my customers, and Bsports provides that!


The customer support. Every step of the way you have someone who shows you step by step how to find the best solution. Plus it’s intuitive. You think you want to find or use some data and there’s something already set up that allows it!


No PayPal! It was a big adjustment for myself and my users but not a deal-breaker. The initial costs were steep but working with the program month by month and having no hidden costs - I feel like the platform works for me instead of me working for the platform

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Momence und Mindbody

Warum bsport gewählt wurde: They had no customer service. The day I signed my contract I had no one on one contact. The help site is quite confusing and didn’t offer any personal solutions - most thi be s I had to figure out myself.

Zuvor genutzte Software: Eversports Manager

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport: The personal experience of having everything completely customisable - plus my one-on-one account manager. Jeremy has been incredible!

Antwort von bsport

vor 7 Monaten

Dear Chilli, Thanks for those kind word ! It's a real encouragement to our entire team. We're here to support you and make sure that every experience with us is the best possible. I remain fully available to assist you in any way we can. Thank you again for your support and see you soon! The bsporteam !

Co-Founder und Manager in Deutschland
Sport, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Extremely negative experience with Bsport

1,0 vor 6 Monaten

Kommentare: We regret having made the decision to change to Bsport and we have received a lot of negative feedback and complaints from our students and teachers alike about the solution. The solution has a lot of potential but the team at Bsport overpromised and did not act on our feedback - even after 8 months and even as regarded legal compliance issues. Worst of all, Bsport is currently coercing us to sign a new contract about payment liability by having blocked all of our payouts (Stripe payouts go via them first) unless we sign the contract.


The advantage of Bsport, from our studio's perspective, is that it is one of the very few solutions on the market that has APIs with both Urban Sports Club and ClassPass. The templates for automated e-mails that are sent out to your customers (e.g. booking confirmations) are customiseable with your studio logo and colour. From our experience, this is about it when it comes to the advantages of this solution.


Bsport has been very pushy in their sales efforts toward us from the get go, telling us that everything on our priority list would be possible in Bsport. Only once we entered the contract, we gradually learned that most of this actually was not possible, but then it was already too late. We have been customers of Bsport since January 2024 and have now exercised our special right of cancellation. Some key issues with the solution include: - Bsport's solution is non-conform with the German Law for Fair Consumer Contracts, as the software does not offer a cancellation button (we have flagged this for 8 months now and cancelled the contract because of this legal risk). In practice, this means that your students have to e-mail you to cancel their memberships with you - they cannot cancel them themselves. - Our students find the Bsport user interface so non-intuitive that they do not manage to cancel their bookings for a class - we usually have to do this manually for our students. We flagged this repeatedly but no action was taken. - We were told we could generate payrolls in one click with our former system of offering different payouts depending on the source of the student booking. This was a flatout lie. You can only apply one payroll rule per teacher. We had to change our entire studio payment system because of this. - Direct reimbursements of students do not work for us most of the time - we always see an error message and have to reimburse manually (NB: Bsport told us in once case that this is due to SEPA transfer times, but we retried two weeks later and it still did not work). - Our students cannot create an account on Bsport on our via mobile - the layout of the sign-up form in German language is shifted, such that crucial boxes that need to be ticked overlap and cannot be ticked (incl. the Terms and Conditions). We flagged this for 8 months now and no solution has been offered to us other than: Your student needs to sign up via laptop using Chrome. - We have personally found the system extremely complex to use and highly error prone.

Founder in UK
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Friendly software & team

5,0 vor 12 Monaten

Kommentare: Overall our clients are happy with the software and we’re not getting any complaints. The system is fairly intuitive and easy to use from our end otherwise the tutorials are short and sweet and the team is ready to answer our queries


The team is very helpful, they allow feedback and they use it to develop the software. We like that it’s a startup who accepts our advice. It’s easy to use and intuitive as a software


The reporting is a little confusing, I don’t like the tabs - would rather see a list only with more filters as to categorize my revenue streams. Would also love if the PoS is less clicks, as it takes time to go through a sale and finally connect to the card reader

Antwort von bsport

vor 12 Monaten

Hi Mona, Thanks for your feedback and for your positive comments! It's been a pleasure working with you so far, and we expect to be by your side as you keep improving and expanding your business. As we constantly look to improve our system and service, we have taken into account your requests to add new features to the system and improve the current ones! Kind regards, bsport team

owner in Niederlande
Sport, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Software with many features

4,0 vor 5 Monaten

Kommentare: I Had some miscommunication with Bsport about the contract conditions, but eventually things were resolved. Overall I think that the software of bsport is good, I would recommend it to big studios with multiple teachers and locations because it can definitely support the need of it.


software itself has great features and is user friendly.


Contract renews automatically every ear and it strictly lasts 12 months, which you need to be aware of yourself.

Antwort von bsport

vor 4 Monaten

Hi ! Thank you for the review, we appreciate the kind words and also some improvement points. We are happy to hear that you like the many features at bsport. Best wishes, bsport

Owner in Australien
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Visibility of the whole studio in one place

5,0 letztes Jahr

Kommentare: The bsport team were very supportive in the migration process from prepping me for the build-up to post-migration follow-ups to iron out any issues, where I was unsure of settings or how to get something done.
I think the product is great. It is seamless, intuitive and having that integrated view of the business is very valuable from a time and money perspective.


Having shifted from multiple systems to bsport which does it all is much more efficient for managing the business. There is a single source of information. In addition, I can view the info in bsport from different perspectives - by customer, customer behaviour, by pass type, marginal value of teachers etc. These insights allow better decision-making. The platform is intuitive for both the member and the back-office user to navigate.


I wish some of the standard reports, like sales, payments/settlements etc. were pre-setup. Because of being in west coast North America time zone, there are not great time zone overlaps with the support team. I find them responsive when they are in office, but the support isn't available 24/7.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Momence

Warum bsport gewählt wurde: Clunky, out-dated MindBody where everything feels like it's an afterthought. In Canada, Mindbody don't offer a tap and pay card processing solution. Our newsletter database was in Mailchimp, we had no ability to talk directly to clients who we could see liked to attend a specific class or had a certain pass-type etc. As a result all marketing was unintegrated and untargeted. Our online channel was in Vimeo OTT so Mindbody passes were useless and it was as separate customer database again. Lastly we wanted to add a webshop, like Shopify, which would require yet another inetgeration app between Mindbody and Shopify to keep the records in sync!

Zuvor genutzte Software: Mindbody, Vimeo und Mailchimp

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport: Momence pricing for the same features was more than double and to be honest at the Momence price point we couldn't afford to switch, but would have just stayed with the cobbled together MindBody platform. Plus Momence doesn't currently offer the webshop functionality or it is very limited in comparison to bsport.

Antwort von bsport

vor 12 Monaten

Hi Nicolette, Thanks for your feedback and for your positive comments! It's been a pleasure working with you so far. As we constantly look to improve our system and service, we have taken note of your comments to improve the current features. Keep an eye out for future releases! Kind regards, bsport team

Yoga Meditation Teacher in UK
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

A big fan of Bsport! Highly recommend

5,0 letztes Jahr

Kommentare: Efficient, supportive, forward-thinking, supports my business so well, it has been very well thought through by people who have obviously worked within the industry. Such a fantastic platform and I would certainly recommend! I look forward to all the upgrades you integrate over the years to come. Big thank you! :)


Functionality, the create tutorial videos, it's a simplified and very efficient, streamlined but extensive platform which supports my business absolutely perfectly, the team are so helpful with queries and to expand my business, I feel I've chosen the most supportive platform!


It would be great to have a login for me to see what customers experience so I am able to more easily help their queries. Sometimes steps can be a bit confusing with the tags and ways in which I need to link passes to products to ensure they are sold in the correct usage. However the team have always sorted problems for me very quickly. Also would be great if the calendar linked to my google calendar so i can see bookings that come in live. Would be great if I could have the "hide" option so I can upload month's worth of classes without them going live for booking. The app would be great if I could book people in through that rather than need to use a laptop always.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Momence

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport: The fact you guys offered appointments, plus weekly classes and events, plus online library and live classes. You had everything that I needed... Momence links live to Google Calendar though, which I would have really liked to make use of! And they also have more filtering systems for their online products - would be great if you looked into what they offer and run something similar as it had a nice organisation and feels more like online courses, drip fed, which is what I felt was missing from Bsport.

Antwort von bsport

letztes Jahr

Hi Robyn, Thank you very much for taking the time to give us some feedback and for your positive comments. It’s been a real pleasure working with you so far, and I look forward to continuing this journey as you expand your business! We are constantly looking to improve our service, and have taken into account your suggestions to improve aspects of the App and to add new features to the platform. Kind regards. bsport team

General Manager in UK
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Excellent, would recommend to any gym/client based facility.

5,0 letztes Jahr

Kommentare: Brilliant. The team are friendly and great at setting you up and are quick to get back to you with any issues.


Fantastic customer service and easy to use.


Reporting function could be clearer and a little simpler. If another app could you made for the back office mobile user that would be the final touch to make it perfect.

Antwort von bsport

letztes Jahr

Hi Mike, Thanks for your feedback and for your positive comments! It's been a pleasure working with you so far, and we expect to be by your side as you keep improving and expanding your business. We constantly look to improve and have taken into account your requests to add new features to the system. Kind regards, bsport team

Mary Grace
Owner and Operations in USA
Unterhaltung, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

BSport Feedback

5,0 vor 6 Monaten

Kommentare: I feel like I'm still learning if it works for me! So far, so good though (:


All of the features are easy to use and the backend looks really friendly! I love that I can have an App Store App, integrate Zoom for easy stream of classes, and also the virtual video library.


My App icon doesn't look good and it still hasn't been changed after months. Sometimes the software glitches but that's not a big deal.

Antwort von bsport

vor 6 Monaten

Hi Mary Grace Just a quick note to say a big thank you for the review, I'm glad you're liking it! We're on it with the logo, so please don't worry—it's on our radar, and we’re making sure it turns out great. Looking forward to see your studio grow. Best, The bsporteam

Director Exercise Specialist in UK
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Management System

5,0 vor 7 Monaten

Kommentare: Up to now good and the online support by [sensitive content hidden] has been amazing.


We like the fact that we have our own branded app and that the platform is personalised to the user.


We would like the booking app to have the management tools in it so that we do not have to go into the back office to work them.

Antwort von bsport

vor 6 Monaten

Dear Leon, Thank you for taking the time to provide us with some feedback; we appreciate this immensely. As we constantly look to improve our system and service, we have taken note of your comments regarding the App! It has been a pleasure working with you thus far, and I look forward to what is to come. Best wishes, The bsporteam

Director in UK
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

BSport Product Review

4,0 letztes Jahr

Kommentare: Having a booking app is proving easier so that our customers can manage their own bookings. It is making us clear on how we want to market our business and how to develop a more consistent approach to our customer journeys.


Excellant customer support - always on hand to help in a very reasonable time. Marketing potential with bsport is greatly improved compared to other providers.


There are a few issues with block booking classes / and issuing of invoices. But its a new system so we are adapting our processes to use it.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Acuity Scheduling und WellnessLiving

Warum bsport gewählt wurde: Lack of easy to use marketing features and cost.

Zuvor genutzte Software: Mindbody

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport: Gave the best overall cost with a branded app.

Antwort von bsport

letztes Jahr

Hi Amy, Thanks for your feedback and for going through the migration and onboarding process with me. It's been a pleasure working with you so far, and we expect to keep upgrading the platform and our service to meet your expectations. We have taken into account your requests to improve the system and expect to implement them soon! Kind regards, bsport team

Owner and teacher in UK
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung
Quelle: SoftwareAdvice

My high hopes for Bsport were totally crushed

1,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: the process of setting up and getting data transfered was chaotic and a lot of miscommunication went on, so it was not done properly and took more than three weeks I had to do all my private appointment bookings again by hand as they did not transfer these. Very hard to get the cumstomer support. My difficulties not taken seriously, no apologies, no refund.


I did like the fact you can creat individual auto-reminders for each class, which means I could send the Zoom link in each reminder for the class. Tagging clients can be useful to create groups.


When I bought it, after a very good hard sell by someone who obviously did not know much about the actual functionality, it turned out Bsport did not have some very basic features yet avaikable; they were selling a half built service! I could not create a block of classes which clients could ask to automatically be booked in to; they had to book each class separately and as they were not used to this, I ended up having to manually do this for 98% of mu clients. I lost clients this way as they were so upset about the booking system. They tell me they now have this function, but what use is this for me when I spent £2700 upfront for software that turned out not to be at all functional for me. It also randomly sent out emails in French to clients when nothing had been done in their accounts! The staff have not dealbt with any of my concerns or rectified anything and will not even dicuss compensation a refund.

Antwort von bsport

vor 2 Jahren

Bea, thank you for your review and as I already told we are very sorry you had a bad experience. We set a high standard for ourselves, and we're so sorry to hear this was not met in your interaction with our business. We strive to do better this is why as soon as you raised you were missing a specific feature, we worked on it, developed and released it. To compensate this situation, we proposed to offer half of your subscription, that unfortunately didn't meet your acceptance. I already expressed you my frustration as our software evolved so much since the time you used it and I'm personally convinced that you would enjoying it now if you could give us another chance to earn your business. Please know that your situation was an exception. As you can see on other reviews, we are known for taking ownership and caring deeply about our customers. We can't fix the past but I can again apologize on behalf of everyone at bsport. I wish we could find a positive outcome from this situation together.

Assistant Manager/Receptionist in UK
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Overall great platform & supportive team, with a few minor cons

5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Incredibly smooth integration from our previous software - extremely helpful and attentive team members (thanks [SENSITIVE CONTENT]!) who were a pleasure to deal with and answered all of my questions. Super supportive and responsive team who continue to be so as we have now fully launched. User friendly interface for students to book classes. Nice integration of widgets to our website, professional looking.Reliable system that sends out the livestream / zoom class links to users without problems.Smartlists and tagging to segment members for ad targeting/offers. Marketing looks professional and is easy to create with their drag and drop templates.


Passes: The ability to create a number of different passes / purchase options for students and members. The ability to create a pass and select what the pass can be used for, down to the specific activity. Incredibly easy to customise these options. User-friendly and streamlined class booking/purchasing: From a user perspective, when booking a class students are clearly shown passes they have available to book, and also clearly shown passes they can purchase if they do not own a pass. Unlike other software we have used, this process doesn't redirect users away from the class booking but adds it smoothly into the process. There are far less 'clicks' required than MBO and I believe this encourages a greater amount of booking and less abandoned baskets. It's also very clear to users which passes are available for that class. In the past we had issues with students booking for pre and postnatal classes on passes which did not cover those classes, causing a number of problems. Bsport has helped us resolve this issue.Payroll: Clear and easy to set teacher payment options and to review at the end of the month. Very easy, with one click, to change the payment option if required. In previous software this was a lengthy and time consuming process. Marketing: Setting up automatic triggers and emails/marketing to be sent out from the app, fully customisable.VOD - professional looking, integrated section on the app.


There is no ability to access the backoffice via the app - must be used on desktop / browser. Slightly slow response time on the backoffice - when loading the calendar, making changes to classes, billing customers etc, the load time is less than optimal and slower than other software. Payment process doesn't allow partial refunds (not strictly the fault of bsport but is associated with them). Slightly lengthier/complicated process to make partial refunds. Automatic class emails: If not using the integration with zoom, the zoom link has to be emailed to class participants, which is considered a 'promotional email', so some users may miss this. It has to be sent at least 1hr before class so isn't helpful for students who book last minute. Would be better if this could be 10mins before class. Zoom integration / link email: Using the zoom integration (which itself is very good), but does mean we have to close online class registration 20 minutes before the class begins, so that the system can email the zoom link 15 minutes prior to class. At our studio we have a lot of students who like to book last minute and this prevents them from doing so. Would be better if this could be sent out 5 minutes before class.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Momence

Warum bsport gewählt wurde: Too many problems with Mindbody. Unable to purchase online class passes via their app. Zoom class links failing to send to some users without resolution / a clear reason why.

Zuvor genutzte Software: Mindbody

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport: Studiogrowth did not have an appMomence was too expensiveConfidence with bsport as several other studios in East London were using them.

Antwort von bsport

vor 2 Jahren

Thank you for your thorough feedback Stephanie! We are glad the system has fulfilled your needs and most importantly that you have seen improvements vs. your previous provider and other options available in the market. We will continue to assist you when you need us, and we will take all the feedback provided to improve the platform as much as possible! Kind regards, bsport team

Director in Frankreich
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung


5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: Extremely good


Since I started to use this software all my bookings and paiements for classes are much easier!Great for my Pilates studio!Extremely easy and intuitive to use.The staff team is amazing and always ready to help us!


It takes a while to set up everything because it’s you that does it from the scratch

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen: Mindbody

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport: Tried Mindbody and it was too complicated and to expensive

Antwort von bsport

vor 2 Jahren

Thank you for your valuable feedback ! We are glad to know that our platform made the management of your activity easier ! We always try to provide you support as quick as possible in during the onboarding process and even after your launching to help you handle the platform :-) bsport team

Owner in Niederlande
Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Click & Go booking platform

5,0 vor 2 Jahren

Kommentare: The quick personal service from BSport made me feel as a newbe that everything went smoothly. All the further options they offer inspired me and motivates expansion.


The Google feel template that makes it enjoyable to use. It's instantly recognisable. It's also build for future growth with more functions and helpful tools.


For small businesses it's pricey - perhaps a package deal for this group could be added.

Antwort von bsport

vor 2 Jahren

Hi Shirley, Thank you! Your kind words truly help bsport advance in their journey of making yours better! bsport has lots of advantages when it comes to marketing options, we are glad you feel the same way about this Thank you for the feedback, we will take this into account ! Kind regards, bsport Team

Owner & Co-Founder in Italien
Verbraucherdienste, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Switched from Mindbody

5,0 letztes Jahr

Kommentare: Overall it's a positive change from Mindbody, and I'd recommend that transition. If you have a big database or a lot of classes, prepare to do be very busy with this migration for a few weeks. I hope one day Bsport makes simple and convenient staff app too.


I have been using Bsport for over 1 month. It's a good product that does the job, I'm happy to have left Mindbody.Pros:- customer support is amazing, efficient and human. The response time is very fast.- onboarding and migration from Mindbody was very thorough and precise, I felt all the support of [sensitive content hidden] and his colleagues, although this was not an easy process- the platform is super fast and quite comfortable to use from PC, has many useful perks - zoom integration as very helpful and seamless- I love clients profile view, how easy it is to manage options inside of it and contact client through email or sms- variety of options to set up stats and analytics- overall it feels like an upgrade from what we had before- love interface for clients on our website (widgets)- very smooth transition from Mindbody for our clients, we've barely received any calls- and most important: generally no issues for the clients to book or pay for classes


Cons (mainly for the app)- there's no staff app (for admin or receptionist), we really need that- teachers app is very limited, it's ok if you don't need teacher to ONLY do check-ins of already signed up clients, but nothing else- clients app (not branded app but general) has quite some issues- at the moment of contract sign I was not informed with sufficient clarity about platform migration times (that in reality are way longer than advertised, which is technically totally understandable, but i'd like to know that before the sign up) or about the lack of admin app, although I asked that

Antwort von bsport

letztes Jahr

Dear Olga, We sincerely appreciate your trust and extend a warm welcome to the bsport Family. Collaborating with you brings us immense pleasure, and we highly value the constructive feedback you provide. The bsport Team