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Über Microsoft Lens
Cloudbasierte Lösung, mit der Unternehmen Bilder, Dokumente und Whiteboard-Inhalte in PDF-, Word- und PowerPoint-Dateien konvertieren können.
A very unique feature of Microsoft Office Lens is that it can convert hand writing into text, a feature that's just priceless.
First of all, the editing options are limited in this app. There should be more editing features on the pictures you scanned.
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MS Office Lens Review
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:
Hervorragendes Tool zur Datenspeicherung
Ein alltagsgebräuchliches einfach zu bedienendes Werkzeug um Daten zu sichern
Sehr guter Workflow wird damit ermöglicht.
Erkennes des Mediums - Rahmen automatisch. Auswahl der verschieden Dateiformaten zur Ablage oder Weiterverabeitung Einfache Bedienbarkeit
Auflösung von Texten mit OCR Funktionalität.Erzeugt viele Fehler...
Qualität der Bilder gefällt mir am meisten neben der Benutzfreundlichkeit
Es fehlt mir momentan nichts ein, alles ist gut
Microsoft Lens
Mir gefällt an Microsoft Lens am besten das man seine Notizen oder Bilder von einer Tafel bzw.Whiteboard gemacht hat einfach in eine PDFdatei umwandeln kann und per E-mail versenden kann
Es gibt eigentlich keinerlei Nachteile.
Schnell und Einfach dokumente Scannen
Kommentare: Bin sehr zufrieden und werde die App weiterhin verwenden.
Am besten gefällt mir das es eine App ist die ich immer dabei habe. So kann ich mir vorgelegte Dokumente ganz einfach selber Scannen und direkt als PDF ablegen. Die Schnelligkeit und Genauigkeit sind hervorragend.
Ab und zu ist die App etwas langsam wenn man mehrere Seiten hintereinander einscannen will.
Microsoft kann es
Es ist so einfach . Handy Raus. Dokument auf den Tisch . Kamera an und schwupp ist es ein pdf
Abo 365 nötig für alle Funktionen. Muss doch nicht immer sein
Macht, was es soll.
Die Möglichkeit der Textextraktion ist gut gemacht.
Die Konvertierung von Dokumenten nutze ich zu wenig.

Scanning Simplified
Kommentare: My overall experience with Microsoft Lens has been great. I would highly recommend it.
I like that Microsoft Lens is a part of the Microsoft platform and as such is integrated with the other Microsoft programs seamslessly.
It can sometimes be a lengthy process to save and convert the scans.
Scan Documents with Mobile
Kommentare: I use Microsoft lens to scan most of my documents. It is a trustable source.
Microsoft lens allows to easily scan and store the physical docuemnts into various supported formats.
Microsoft Lens' OCR technology and file filter tools are not as effective as of the competitors like Camscanner.
Great app could use help
The quality of the website and it’s available at almost all times
I don’t like the front of the app it’s not for me

Great phone scanner
Kommentare: Overall I have had a pretty pleasant experience using Microsoft lense.
I like how straight forward it is to use Microsoft lens and being able to save the files I scan to my OneDrive.
Unless the handwriting is super clean and clear, I wouldn't suggest using the ocr feature. Ocr work well on printed text and unless the handwritten text is clear and clean it will struggle to produce the correct words.
Microsoft lens is value for money
Kommentare: I can't describe how Microsoft Lens help me in my practical life. It reduces my work pressure a lot. In a word i just love it.
It takes less time to convert images to PDF and PowerPoint with maximun accuracy which impresses me a lot.
Sometimes it is not accurate while converting image to word file if the image quality is not high.
Fast photo to PDF conversion
Kommentare: My experience with Microsoft Lens is very pleasant, I convert my photos into pdf to make documents for my work.
It's a well-designed and easy-to-use application. You can take a photo and convert it into a pdf with just a few clicks using your smartphone.
Sometimes the application slows down on my phone. Sometimes the application even crashes.
Convert image to pdf.
Kommentare: Microsoft lens is great of all
Document scanned in image form can be converted to pdf.
Scanned document are and nice in looking
Microsoft Lens review
Microsoft Lens is a professional scanner that gave me a premium results for my all scans. Easy to use and have all required filters. As well as, scanned files can be converte to a PDF or different format which really helpful.
Nothing have to say any dislike features about this tool

Very simple and straightforward software- useful for students of all levels
Kommentare: This is such an exceptional time saver. No more time needs to be wasted by mindlessly copying out work from paper to digital storage
Very simple to use- just point at a sheet of paper and shoot and let the software do the rest. The software makes it easy to copy and paste the text to whatever document you like.
Sometimes taking photos or uploading photos of the textbook or printed work that you want to extract text from can be difficult. Sometimes the size of the image to extract text from can be difficult
Good and easy way to convert a picture to pdf
Kommentare: I only need to take a picture to a document and in a seconds I can share it in PDF format
The easy way to take a picture and transforme it in a PDF.
Its not very easy to organize severas pares in one PDF documwnt
Microsoft lens is Awesome
It's features and auto deduction method which reduces time of corp
Very nice and very simple to use not found any drawback
Excellent for OCR
The translation feature is really best & obviously OCR is awesome.
We could not found any least option in this.
Decent App for On the Go Scanning
Kommentare: I have had a good experience with Microsoft Lens thus far, and the fact that it is free and does not have ads on the app is definitely a bonus in my eyes.
I use this app on my phone for scanning documents often. I find it does a good job of capturing the document and cropping it appropriately.
I don't think I have any complaints about this app. It runs well and scan documents the way I need it too.
Microsoft Lens honest review
I like it because of it's ease of use and it's reliability. The pictures are of super high quality.
There's actually nothing that I don't like about this app. I have no complaints.
Nuanced but has its uses
Kommentare: As a freelancer writer, the potential to allow my clients to send over images of ideas they have already come up with in a form that is of a compiled sheet greatly helps me. The ability to have images shared across my entire Microsoft workspace in an easy fashion is of great convenience and invaluable to keeping my ideas together.
Microsoft Lens will work and shine in businesses with a predominantly Microsoft work ecosystem. The main allure is the ability to capture images using the cameras of any device with the Microsoft Lens app installed and then immediately export the images to any Microsoft app. The app itself also has the ability to highlight and enhance certain types of images eg. tables or graphs in order to make them more legible for easier document processing. With Microsoft Lens the opportunity to enhance an already existing Microsoft setup is an invaluable tool.
Microsoft Lens whilst it does enhance a business with a majority usage of Microsoft product will not greatly affect the work or help a business with a small number of Microsoft product users. Furthermore, there are alternatives to the app with some offering more options such as the ability to capture images at higher resolution. The app excels in one respect and that is the integration of the app with the wider Microsoft ecosystem.
MS Lens Review
One of the best scanning app that I have used. Once you login with your onedrive all the files that you scan will get synchronized and will be available in your onedrive which can be accessed any device with onedrive logged in.
It perfectly works for all my needs, I mainly use this for scanning the documents as PDF.
Microsoft Lens: A unique lens for capture text information from document with all editable tools.
Kommentare: This software helps me lot in document conversion and text editing,also helpful for data capture and transfer.
This software save too much time for us ,its text extraction capturing capacity is ultimate. We can capture the text from document and white board and also edit and covert in pdf without any hurdle.
Nothing is dislike for me,all feature are good for me,even this is very user friendly.

Good choice for quick scan and pdf conversion in microsoft environment.
Kommentare: Overall i feel that the microsoft lens i good option for scanning documents and pdf conversion when you are already using the micrsoft environment then it becomes handy otherwise the scan and edit tools need be increased and the export options too.
I liked that great ramge of documents can be scanned whether it be cards or receipts. The conversion to pdf is also very smooth and seamless and same is true for document conversion . Text to speech and automatic language detection tools are also very helpful and handy.
I feel that the tools available are very limited compared to other scanning apps. Also the export options are very limited. Data capture and tranfer also needs to be made more efficient and effective.
very good software for converting image into PDF, Power point , word and excel
Kommentare: no other tool is available in this category
it convert image into desired format so simply
some time face difficulty if image size is too large