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Über Visual Studio Code
Quellcode-Bearbeitungstool für MacOS, Windows und Linux.
Very easy for beginners to pick up and use. Great functionality overall and can't be beaten for the price.
Sometimes you need to install and customize your own plugins and you may get a little lost.
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Visual Studio Code - A Simple Review
Programmier Allrounder durch massig Erweiterungen
Durch die Erweiterungen ist VS Code ein absoluter Allrounder und für die Entwicklung fast aller Projekte geeignet.
Es gibt keine hilfreichen Tipps, wie beispielsweise Shortcuts für gewisse Aktionen. Für Einsteiger wäre es beispielsweise sinnvoll, wenn beim ersten Mal Code verschieben mit Ausschneiden und einfügen ein Hinweis angezeigt wird, dass es dafür einen Tastatur-Shortcut gibt.
Bewertung des Programmes Visual Studio Code
In Visual Studio Code werden alle möglichen Sprachen unterstützt, die mir jetzt zumindest einfallen würden.
Leider gibts nicht diese Automatische Erstellung wie bei IntelliJ IDEA wenn man ein Projekt erstellt (soweit ich weiß).
Ein Code-Editor für fast alles
Visual Studio Code ist einfach zu bedienen, plattformunabhängig und leistungsfähig. Mir gefallen besonders die zahlreichen Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten über Plugins.
Relativ hoher Speicherverbrauch, sowohl auf der Festplatte als auch im Arbeitsspeicher.
Visuel Studio Code
Die simpel gestaltene Oberfläche, Viele Möglichkeiten von Programmiersprachen, Großer Funktions Katalog verfügbar
Die Installation der Funktionen, hierfür gibt es Anleitungen welche manchmal schwer verständlich sind.

A superstar editor which sometimes shows that's still too young.
Kommentare: The overall experience with Visual Studio Code is very positive but most of the time I find my self missing the maturity of other heavier IDEs.
It's lightweight with basic features but if you want to extend it to fit your needs there are tons of plugins you can use. The community around Visual Studio Code has become huge. Almost every developer out there uses it.
Sometimes I feel that the developer experience is not optimal when using Visual Studio Code. Especially when I compare it with some other legendary IDEs. I wish it had more features pre-installed, like for example code formatting, database GUI, ftp connections etc.
Well-designed for developers
Kommentare: I really enjoy using VS Code for coding. The start was not as straightforward as other coding environment, but over time, I realized how powerful it is and it is truly a coding environment designed for developers.
A light-weight, all-in-one integrated development environment that makes my coding life efficient
There are a lot of features that can be confusing. Once you are familiar with them, you will realize how powerful VSCode is
Best Text Editor for Developer
easy to use, user-friendly UI, and integrated with many plugins.
not stable with plugin version, big size plugin size
VS Code Makes Plaintext Pleasant
Kommentare: Visual Studio Code is our preferred text editor due to the support it has for virtually all plaintext documents and language tools.
The open-source extensions and community support.
It takes a bit of customization for less supported languages to run, but works very well after.
Best Software for Coding in Web Development
Kommentare: I have very good experience with this we can easily mange code and also manage version control . easily find thing in overall project actully It is provide so work friendly environment.
first of all UI is so friendly and installed extension of related to coding. now if taking about the coding experience is so smooth easy to maintain code.
nothing to dislike because personally I am working with this from last 3 years and getting my work so easy using this.
Visual Studio Code: My Go-To Editor
Kommentare: My overall experience with Visual Studio Code has been positive. I started using it as a student and continue to rely on it in my professional journey. It has become my go-to editor.
I have been using Visual Studio Code for over four years. Although it's a lightweight code editor, it can be configured to deliver IDE-like features using its extensions system.
It can become sluggish when working with very large projects.

Highly Recommended IDE
Kommentare: Would recommend this IDE to anyone who's getting into programming. Once you set it up, you'll love using it. Also Professionals too can use it for lot of customizability options.
It's ability to work with multiple languages, and its vast library user-submitted and official plugins to work with your various projects. Very user-friendly UI too with a huge community support available oline.
Not really any complaints from this IDE, just needs a bit of initial setup to fit your needs.
My personal and professional experience working with visual studio code
It gives us so much ability work with different programming language support and we can customise it as our need for the user experience and it comes with many different extentions for different use cases
It does not provide much support for refactoring code when it comes to language like java or like when refactoring object oriented programming languages
A very good swiss coding knife
Is like a lite version of Visual Studio, with all his strong points, but VS Code is better if we talk about multiplatform, since is a web IDE, you can use VSCode in any device with internet connection, also is more complete since you can just add plugins to support some specific programing Languages
While VS is for .NET and support execution/debug, VSC is more for others programming languages, making the learning curve bigger than VS
Visual studio code for interns
It's widely used across the community, it provides a lot of great extensions, and it's easy to use we can customize it to our needs or as per user experience
Sometimes if someone is coming from something like Jetbrains IDE its lacks some feature that might be important as some refactoring tooling or some advance debugging tools
Best lite tool for source code management
Kommentare: It’s fabulous application that works on both windows and linux
Easy to use interface Portability with any os Good themes Good inbuilt extensions Code highlighting Auto code snippet Good colours Inbuilt terminals Debugging tools Compilation kits Error highlighting Search capabilities Version control Line ,column selection numbers Split terminals Overall it’s a great lite weight highly useful application
It has less provision to setting debuggers to use for projects.it needed good debugging capability.
VSCode and the turnover of the market
It's free, open-source, highly maintained, compatible with all platforms, highly configurable, easy to develop for and on. Huge online community and contributors and high integration with almost any available product out there.
Projects are scoped into project files, and it's quite difficult to manage in a single windows all the other projects that you might be working at the same time with different configurations. This also includes the ssh tunnels to server machines to visualize the folder and file structure and make real time modifications, which requires you most of the time to have a separate window instead of a tab in the same one.
The VS code verdict
Kommentare: I have good time with Vishual studio code. It fulfill all my needs as a programmer. It also helped me alot during my college time.
It supports almost all programming languages and it can be used as a simple text editor. Integration of plugins are easy.
Excess plugin for similar purpose. Hard to find the best one.
My experience using Visual Studio Code
Kommentare: Overall, I find Visual Studio Code to be a powerful and flexible tool that suits programmers of all levels. Its multiple features and extensive integrations make it the ideal choice for many programming projects, from simple to complex. I highly recommend it to any programmer looking for a reliable and customizable code editor.
Visual Studio Code is easy to use and customize, supports a wide range of programming languages, has built-in Git integration, benefits from a large community, and receives regular updates.
It can consume system resources when running multiple extensions, and the initial setup might take some time to adjust to personal needs.
An excellent source code editor
The debugging tools are quite powerful, allowing you to establish breakpoints, conditional breakpoints, local and class variable views, rapid expression resolution, and function call stacks. It also supports multithreaded debugging.
Multiple component windows necessitate more editing zones to be maintained. Depending on which plugins are loaded, the boot process may take some time.
Best compatible browser for every coders.
Kommentare: VS Code has empowered me to learn and experiment with new programming languages and technologies, thanks to its extensive library of extensions and resources.
I appreciate the cross-platform compatibility of VS Code; it works seamlessly on Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it perfect for any developer.
Occasionally, I encounter conflicts between extensions, which can be frustrating to troubleshoot.
Kommentare: Vs code has helped me complete many projects within the time frame set for me,it motivates me to create more and more projects using it as my partner in this. Full stars to VS code.
Visual studio has an organized dashboard enabling easy navigation from one point to another, It is also easy to work with since it has extensions that make work easier and faster. It works as my partner in coding by highlighting error codes making it easy to me to identify and rectify them. VS code has made coding easier.
It is a little challenging to work with for beginners but once you get used to it, it's the best
Visual Studio Code makes my life easier when developing.
Kommentare: A great experience for me as a development user, it allowed me to generate high quality code for my clients' applications quickly and easily.
Its intuitive interface, integration with the different tools that support development such as DevOps and the ease of correcting errors in the custom code.
So far I have only seen that at some point without updating the application it can cause some problems in the integrations.

my experience with VS code as a software developer student .
Kommentare: the best code editor out there is this cause if you are a beginner or a professional it doesn't matter it suits you its a very friendly and great environment for code in different type of programming languages.
debugging feature : excellent! Compiler is also good can integrate other product also with plugins support of multi programming languages.
sometime j.son error ruins my work. how about a simulator its make work easier for frontend and application Developer to demonstrate their code as live output in a device simulator.
Maximum Software developer used visual studio code
Kommentare: Excellent
Visual studio code most like search filter Extensions Bug detectedUsing git easy to downlod and use Code format pattern light and dark mode Go live server run project code styling are good using the cmd good source and direct open the project folder are easy to work and save your time uses the small amount of dataAnd preview the images
Light dark mode changes the alphabet text colors

Unless your code NEEDS a specific IDE, Visual Studio Code is the way forward.
Kommentare: Most of the team have been using VSC since they started learning to code, and those that predate it's release have all had really positive things to say about switching.
Switching between languages is a breeze, it recognises the language and swaps the markups automatically. Combined with the stellar third party plugin market. VSC is now the companies preferred IDE.
The only thing we haven't enjoyed in the web version. This was easily mitigated by installing it locally on our laptops. I'm sure the web client will be great in the coming years, but for now, we're happy to have it running locally.