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Ryte Suite Erfahrungen

4,2 (44) Eine Bewertung schreiben Deutschland Lokales Produkt

Über Ryte Suite

Mühelos analysieren, wirkungsvoll optimieren, nachhaltig überwachen - mit den Tools von Ryte. Mehr Traffic, eine verbesserte Usability und steigende Conversion Rates!

Erfahre mehr über Ryte Suite


Very helpful user interface, and easy to understand.


The filtering can be a bit wonky and hard to use at time.

Bewertungen zu Ryte Suite

Durchschnittliche Bewertung



7,5/ 10

Ryte Suite hat eine Gesamtbewertung von 4,2 von 5 Sternen basierend auf 44 Nutzerbewertungen auf Capterra.

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Nutzerbewertungen filtern (44)

Senior Online Marketing Consultant (SEO) in Deutschland
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Marketing & Werbung, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Ryte als solidex Must-Have Werkzeug des Online-Marketings

4,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Ryte ist ein gutes Tool, um die organische Performance der Website zu monitoren und zu verbessern. Vor allem für Mitarbeiter mit wenig Zeit, die sich wünschen die Gesamtperformance im Blick zu haben und Mitarbeiter mit solidem SEO-Wissen, ist der Tool-Einsatz empfehlenswert.


Ryte bietet für Mitarbeiter, die ohne großen Zeitaufwand einen Gesamtüberblick über ihr Suchmaschinenranking brauchen, alle wichtigen Funktionen auf einen Blick. Das Tool ist schnell eingerichtet, leicht verständlich und bietet viele Anleitungen, die es auch Mitarbeiter mit wenig Erfahrung im Online-Marketing ermöglichen ihre Website zu analysieren. Ryte deckt dabei eine große Themenvielfalt der organischen Suchmaschinen-Optimierung (z.B. von Content, über Technik, Verlinkungen, Bilder und in Verbindung mit externen Tools wie der Google Search Console auch die Website-Performance) ab.


Die Software spricht die wichtigsten SEO-Themen in der Analyse an. Wenn man sich auf bestimmte Details fokussieren möchte (Anordnung der Überschriftenstruktur einer Seite, Lesbarkeit des Contents, Title-Texte bei Bildern, Datenschutz-Compliance, Quell-Code Analyse), sind diese z.T. nur rudimentär angerissen. Zumindest in der Basisversion. Zudem werden manche Findings etwas verwirrend dargestellt: z.B. werden bei verschiedenen Sprachversionen einer Seite Meta-Title und -Description als Duplikate gewertet, auch wenn sie durch Canonical und hreflang eindeutig nicht als solche zu betrachten sind.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

Hallo Lisa, danke fur Deine detaillierte Review von Ryte! Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Du Dir die Zeit dafur genommen hast. Wir begru?en nicht nur Dein Lob, sondern auch Deine Kritik, und leiten das intern weiter - sicherlich gibt es hier noch Optimierungspotenzial. Liebe Gru?e und happy optimizing, Julia von Ryte

Head of SEI in Deutschland
Internet, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Top in punkto Nutzerfreundlichkeit

5,0 vor 3 Jahren


Die Möglichkeit direkt praktisch in die Umsetzung zu gehen. Der Top 10 Ranking Test


Ich kann keine direkten Nachteile bei diesem Tool entdecken

Antwort von Ryte

vor 3 Jahren

Hi Dirk, Vielen Dank, dass Du Dir die Zeit genommen hast, eine Bewertung für uns zu schreiben. Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass Du so sehr zufrieden mit der Ryte Plattform und insbesondere mit unserem Google Top 10 Test-Feature bist. Happy Optimizing, Bianca von Ryte

Geschäftsführer in Deutschland
Marketing & Werbung, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Ein Tool für alle Fälle

4,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Ein mächtiges Tool, für das man sich Zeit nehmen muss, weil es so viele Möglichkeiten gibt. ABER - es lohnt sich


Der Start mit Ryte war schon richtig gut. Wir wurden richtig gut abgeholt und es blieb keine Frage offen. Der Ansatz, Ryte auch als Sparringspartner zu nutzen finden wir spannend und hilft uns bei der einen oder anderen Sache schon sehr weiter.


12 Monate Mindestlaufzeit kann ich durch die Ryte-Brille nachvollziehen. Hier könnte man jedoch über die Zahlungsmodalitäten vielleicht noch einmal nachdenken.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 4 Jahren

Hallo Ingo! Vielen Dank fur Dein Feedback zu unserem Tool. Es freut uns sehr zu horen, dass wir euch in allen Angelegenheiten Antworten und Losungen bieten konnen! Macht weiter so. Liebe Gru?e, Julia von Ryte

Wirtschaftsinformatiker in Deutschland
Hausmeisterservice, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung


4,0 vor 5 Jahren


Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit dem Produkt. Durch die ständige Überwachung haben wir weniger Fehler auf unserer Internetseite. Und die Positionierung bei Google hat sich verbessert.


Wir können nichts negatives über die Software sagen.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

Hi Steve, danke fur Deine positive Review von Ryte und das nette Feedback! Wir freuen uns, dass Du mit unserem Tool Deine Website optimieren konntest - mach weiter so! Liebe Gru?e, Julia von Ryte

Junior SEO Manager in Österreich
Internet, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Toller Support und super laufende Betreuung für ein tolles Produkt

5,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Da wir Ryte hauptsächlich für technische Analysen nutzen, ist unsere Erfahrung damit wirklich sehr positiv. Das Tool gibt in dieser Richtung wirklich einen guten Überblick und hilft, Probleme in dieser Richtung zu beheben. Dabei ist es sehr nutzerfreundlich aufgebaut und intuitiv zu bedienen.


Für technische Analysen, vor allem in Richtung PageSpeed, eignet sich Ryte besonders. Zusätzlich dazu sind wir vom Support wirklich positiv überrascht. Durch die eigene Ansprechperson werden auch spezifischere Fragen beantwortet und wir fühlen uns wirklich gut aufgehoben. Alle bei Ryte kennen sich wirklich gut mit SEO aus, alle sind sehr kompetent und vor allem auch sehr bemüht.


Bei Analysen Richtung Keyword-Rankings und Sichtbarkeitswerten ist der Funktionsumfang leider nicht ganz so groß wie bei den technischen Analysen.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 4 Jahren

Hi Marie-Sofie, vielen Dank fur Deine tolle Bewertung. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Du mit der Ryte Suite zufrieden bist. Besonders unserem Customer Support und Success Team hast du damit den Tag versu?t :) Happy Optimizing, Bianca von Ryte

Geschäftsführer in Deutschland
Freizeit, Reisen & Tourismus, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Tolle SEO-Software die super funktioniert

5,0 vor 5 Jahren


Einfach zu benutzen und einzurichten, sehr verständlich und übersichtlich. Ich empfehle euch weiter!


Bisher ist mir nichts Negatives aufgefallen

Selbstständig in Deutschland
Internet, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

Praxisbezogenen Lösung mit hochmotivierten Mitarbeitern

5,0 vor 4 Jahren


Die Menschen hinter dem Team - hochmotivert, lösungsbezogen, hilfsbereit


Konnte keine entdecken - dazu habe ich es zu wenig benutzt.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 4 Jahren

Hi Heide, vielen Dank fur Deine Review! Es freut uns sehr zu horen, dass du eine tolle Erfahrung mit unserem Team und der Ryte Suite hattest. Bianca von Ryte

Solutions Engineer in Deutschland
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Content Module is top notch

4,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: I know ryte since the beginning, when it still was called [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] - I booked the module for one month to get full access to the content module. Getting some obvious erros and warnings within the search module was a nice bonus, but doing the content suggestions brought a major uplift to my rankings. Using the product wrong and just stuffing keywords into your content may be tempting, but seeing it as an advantage to boost your content for the user with all aspects will help in the long run. I don't use ryte on a monthly base to see any erros popping up, but I can imagine it could be useful in big companies, being aware if something was wrong implemented in another team.


The Content Module is definitely worth the money. Search sucess is good to find obvious errors, the connection to the search console a nice bonus.


Sometimes the tips being given are not always useful. It's a machine, so it does not know why certain things have been done on purpose . Nonetheless, if you know your trade - it's ok.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

Hello Ulf, Thank you so much for you in-depth review of Ryte! We're happy to hear that you are improving your content and website. We're also very grateful for your feedback concerning the tips shown and will share this with the team to keep improving Ryte. Best, Julia from Ryte

Manger SEO & Content Performance in Deutschland
Bau, 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

RYTE helps to identify problems with the site and gets us a good view on Google Search performance

4,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Typically we use RYTE to identify content issues - broken links, broken redirects, missing images. Increasingly we use it to analyse Google Search Console data - as RYTE provides cool features to do so.


1) The good insights it provides about technical issues and broken content. 2) The interface to Google Search COnsole data with a lot of features for the analysis.


1) As a global administrator of 30+ websites / RYTE projects I would like to get a quick overview on the performance of all my projects . RYTE does not provide this (yet?). 2) The user limit forces me to use generic acounts - something I don´t like.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

Hello Gunter, Thank you so much for your detailed review of Ryte, and the constructive feedback! We're happy to hear that you're receiving valuable insights with our tool. We can also see that you have pointed out some areas for improvement, and will forward this to our team to be discussed further. Thank you for taking the time, and keep on optimizing! Best, Julia from Ryte

Student in Australien
Unterhaltung, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Too expensive

3,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: The trial option should have an explanation in the countdown that appears while you are on it about payment coming out automatically once completed. I got caught out which caused considerable distress as I had been aware the trial was ending but did. It see that it needed to be cancelled. I liked the internal link audit though and fixed about 5 broken internal links I was not aware of. It would be great if speed fixes were included and maybe linked to the software as that’s where I spend most of my time


Took a while to work out (as in the whole trial) when I’d been using it for free for years. There were some options that might have been useful however getting the audit right took five days and I didn’t get to use the rest of the suite at full capacity. I’m sure the free option will be fine for my needs


The audit was hard to get right and the site was only used because Yoast flagged it in my site health to check some things

Verifizierter Rezensent
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Automotive, 1.001–5.000 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

Ryte for technical SEO

4,0 vor 6 Jahren


Ryte tries to put order in a rather difficult topic like Technical SEO. The "website success" section clearly structure the different areas where your domain may need any optimization. Errors are clearly differentiated between critical and low prio. Lately it's also been expanding towards content optimization and success measurement tool. For the latter, the "Search Success" section grabs real Search Analytics data to build a "real visibility" model, and give an idea of how much potential our domain still has to express.


The filtering can be a bit wonky and hard to use at time. The content optimization section is not super useful yet - but it has been relaunched only recently.

Juan Carlos
Juan Carlos
CEO in Kolumbien
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

web Optimization sucessfully

5,0 vor 4 Jahren


It is a very robust and reliable platform to achieve a complete website optimization, suitable for Google and most importantly, it iterates the various solutions that must be had to do a complete audit, content, performance and SEO


Nothing for the moment, it's great service

Simao Pedro Bras
Simao Pedro Bras
Director in UK
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Marketing & Werbung, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

You must use Ryte to develop any website!

5,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Never had any problem whatsoever.


The huge amount of information in the free version is astonishing. To integrate it with Yoast SEO plugin in Wordpress is a breeze!


Well, I wish everything would be free... who doesn't like free meals? But the developers must be paid, somehow.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

We're very happy to hear this, Simao! Thanks for your review of Ryte. Best, Julia from Ryte

Creative Director in USA
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Medienproduktion, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Helpful But a Bit Spendy

4,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Working with them has been fine.


Ryte is a really great way to find all the little holes in your SEO strategy and website structure. This is key to success for publishers. It's easy to sign up, there is a great free trial.


I feel like there could be better resouces on what each error is and how to fix it across common platforms like Wordpress. Having information is nice, having solutions is better and for the cost per month, I would expect that.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 4 Jahren

Hey Cameron, thank you so much for your review of Ryte! We are working on providing you with more resources, if there is anything specific you would like to see in a webinar or article please don't hesitate to send us an email with your suggestions. Best, Julia from Ryte

Verifizierter Rezensent
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Marketing & Werbung, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

good SEO tool to incorporate data from the Google Search Console

5,0 vor 2 Jahren


With the Ryte Dashboard and Google Search Control integration, the data can be accessed and processed directly at Ryte. Saved me a lot of time. Ryte is also a helpful tool in other respects - especially for technical monitoring from an SEO perspective.


Compared to similar SEO tools, Ryte seems somewhat confusing for beginners. Desired functions cannot be found at first glance. However, the customer support, which responds quickly and provides good help, deserves a positive mention.

Agency Owner | Digital Marketing Specialist | Copywriter & Content Creator in USA
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 1 Jahr
Herkunft der Bewertung

The Non-techie SEO platform that works

4,0 vor 7 Jahren

Kommentare: I got some solid analysis of site SEO and was able to improve visibility by a measurable amount.


The automated audit gives users an easy to read summary of a websites SEO successes and areas which need improvement. Provides simple step-by-step tasks to improve site SEO.


The free version is limited in scope and number of audits users can perform once checks are made. Real-time metrics need work. The link-building strategy is lacking.

Digital Marketing in Südafrika
Verifizierter Nutzer auf LinkedIn
Marketing & Werbung, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

This is a company without ethics or a moral compass

1,0 vor 6 Jahren

Kommentare: My overall experience with this company has been terrible, I signed up for the 30 day free trial yesterday and 6 hours later I was charged and money was deducted from my bank account. I have been trying to get the money back for the last 24 hours but it seems that all they care about is swindling people out of their money. Their customer support desk is non-existent and the lady I was communicating with before they took my money is no all of a sudden not responding to any form of correspondence that I am trying to have with her...This is one company to save your time and your money, the hassle is not worth it!


The software gives lots of information.


The issues that are picked up during the crawl are often not described in detail.

Manager marketing & communication in Deutschland
Computer-Software, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 6-12 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen:

Short review

4,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Ryte solved most of our SEO problems and helped us to develop a strategy to rank on top of all listings. Thank you!


It's overall quality and functionality of Ryte


it's complexity and that there are not enough features for offpage optimization

Antwort von Ryte

vor 4 Jahren

Hi Paul, Thank you so much for leaving a review of our tool! We're happy to see that you were able to reap some rewards with your improved strategy and Ryte! We would also like to thank you for your feedback regarding the complexity and features, and forward them to our team. If you have more in depth feedback for this, feel free to reach out to us and share your thoughts! All the best, Julia from Ryte

Senior SEO Manager in Deutschland
Konsumgüter, 51–200 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Very good software, just a few small issues to work on

4,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Overall it has been great help looking into onsite issues, especially since I have to work with multiple websites with different issues.


It was pretty easy to setup and use, I run analyses every 2 weeks to a month. My favorite part is the website success area where it sorts the biggest issues by priority and sorts them by issue while giving examples. I constantly use it as a guide to how benchmark the quality of our sites. I like how it groups together the issues and examples like no other tool I have used does.


I feel like sometimes when diving deep into the issues, some examples are not very complete or doesn't really give me the full picture and have to use other tools to really be able to know what the issue is about. This happened with the orphaned pages issue, where it didn't really give me why those pages were orphaned or the entire list.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

Hey there Gianluca, Thank you so miuch for your in-depth review. We love hearing what you like about Ryte and how you are using the tool to improve your sites! But we also really value your input concerning some information that you feel is missing! We will look into this and try to improve Ryte further, so you can use it in even more ways. Best, Julia from Ryte

Owner in USA
Automotive, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Very helpful for an SEO novice

5,0 vor 5 Jahren


Ryte finds configuration problems other SEO software misses. I'm not an expert, so I don't understand a lot of the problems that Ryte uncovered, but the support is excellent and they've been able to help me whittle away at them. After a week (the free trial), my website configuration was much improved. Not only did I want to keep using it at the end of the trial, but I also felt I owed Ryte something for all the work they put in. I have a single small site, and Ryte is probably overkill, but I absolutely see the value in the product and would recommend it to anyone, even if you just have a small business like me.


The cost is a little high, and honestly I was going to use the trial and quit. However, after using it for a week I definitely see the value and I'm going to keep paying for it.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

Hi Paul, Thank you so much for your kind words! We love that we were able to help you with your website optimization and will continue to do so! Thank you for the amazing review. Keep on optimizing! All the best, Julia from Ryte

IT Consultant in USA
Informationstechnologie & -dienste, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

Incredible detailed audit reports

5,0 vor 4 Jahren


SEO is easily overwhelming especially with so many other tasks on your plate. This software gives incredible detailed audit results and explains for every error what the problem is, why it matters, and how to correct it. Love it! Customer service is excellent!


Ryte is definitely on the same level as Semrush and Ahrefs. They take a while to get familiar with the interface, so for Ryte it equally takes some time to find your way around. I would place the buttons to start analyzing for example closer to the top as opposed to the bottom of the screen.

Graphic Designer in Kanada
Design, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

Not User Friendly

2,0 vor 4 Jahren

Kommentare: Bland. I liked the initial use of Ryte, but really only tried it because the SEO tool I am using on my website (Yoast) recommended it. I have used Yoast for years and have also loved there services so figured since they were recommending Ryte I would also like Ryte's. But this is not the site or the features I am wanting. There are 100 other audit websites out there I can get more in-depth information from - Lighthouse being one of them.


The ability to audit and see where on our website work was needing to be done, as well as the ability to see in more detail what steps to take to do the work.


There was little user-friendliness. There seems to be an effort to make the site extremely user friendly, however, it feels this extreme effort has had the opposite effect and caused the site to just not be. It is very difficult to figure out where things are, how to best use the tools, etc.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 4 Jahren

Hello Zoe, Thank you for taking the time to write a review of our tool. We're sad to hear that you weren't satisfied with our tool. While Ryte does go more into detail than other audit tools and offers multiple options for website success, search success and content success, we would love to hear what features you were missing for you in order to make Ryte a tool you would recommend! Please don't hesitate to reach out to use via support@ryte.com or info@ryte.com and share your thoughts. Best wishes, Julia from Ryte

Head of Online Marketing in Deutschland
Marketing & Werbung, 11–50 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Mehr als 2 Jahre
Herkunft der Bewertung

Great workflow!

5,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: awesome


It's really cool to get weekly updates about the projects. This can be used to define a nice workflow to optimize projects week by week.


Doesn't look very nice and it's really expensive ;-)

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

Hey Gerd, Thank you for the review of our tool! We're happy to hear that you are able to integrate it in and improve your workflow. Keep on optimizing! Best, Julia from Ryte

MD in Spanien
Kunst & Handwerk, 2–10 Mitarbeiter
Verwendete die Software für: Kostenlose Testversion
Herkunft der Bewertung

Fast and thorough

5,0 vor 5 Jahren


I have found hidden bugs, anomalies and opportunities to develop our SEO further within 24 hours of starting with Ryte. This result is still more than what I got from a competitors service after using it for three months.


It is great to have three people contacting me to offer assistance on the second day of using the software, however, as I have not experienced the benefits of the whole suite just yet, it might be a bit early to expect a thorough and absolutely credible review from a new client.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

Hi Zoltan, Thank you so much for your review of Ryte! We're glad you were able to find value in our tool so quickly. We'd be very happy to see you optimize even more in the future with Ryte! Best wishes, Julia from Ryte

Freelance Performer in USA
Darstellende Künste, Selbstständig
Verwendete die Software für: 1-5 Monate
Herkunft der Bewertung

Total scam

1,0 vor 5 Jahren

Kommentare: Scam, scam, scam--run, don't walk away.


The free version did have some useful information on my web site.


Total scam! The free version seemed somewhat useful, so I upgraded to the paid version to try it out but all they told me was the same issue they had found in the free version. I immediately canceled, and was surprised when later on I was billed. I went back and saw that indeed I had canceled, but they had me listed as "canceling" the free plan but being subscribed to a paid plan. They did not respond to my request to get rid of that charge so I had to get my credit card company involved and a new credit card so they can't keep scamming me. The free version was of a bit of use, but I didn't see any benefit to the paid version at all--especially since it appears they are incompetent at best.

Antwort von Ryte

vor 5 Jahren

Hi Ellen, We're very sorry to hear this. Thank you for taking the time to write to us about this. Unfortunately at this point, we cannot grant a refund. Our customer support has been in contact with you about this. We're working on finding a permanent solution, so this will not happen in the future. Best, Julia from Ryte