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Über Weka
Tool für maschinelles Lernen, das Data Mining durch kostenlose Online-Kurse und Big-Data-Verarbeitung ermöglicht.
It is great if you have a basic machine learning knowledge. The software contains several build-in features that allows you to do several minor customizations.
I had a very hard time integrating Weka with python, although it is possible to do so.
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Weka - Easy of mining data sets
Kommentare: Weka is one of the main tools used for data mining .Weka provides large number of data mining algorithms for the users which helps the users to try any type of data mining technique through one software product. Also it provides data preprocessing facility which helps to format the data set.
Weka Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis is a data mining tool which helps the users to analyze the data sets and identify patterns and make decision based on them. Weka provides data visualization and large number of algorithms which helps to analyze the data sets. Users are given the facility to import data sets through different data types.csv (Comma separated Values) files, data base files Weka is a freely available software tool which can be downloaded through internet with out making any specific payment. Weka provides functions for data preprocessing. Using Weka users can mange null values ,deal with different data types and format data ranges easily .Preprocessing of large data sets can be easily done in Weka when considering the other data mining tools. Weka is not for a particular data mining process. Using Weka users can try data mining techniques like clustering ,classification ,regression. All these techniques are provided in this one tool
Weka is implemented in java. In order to use Weka users need to have a certain knowledge about it. Once a user is given proper guidance or proper guidelines user may carry out the process with out any issue. But there must be a guidance with out proper instructions it is difficult to work on Weka. It is not easy to connect Weka with a separately developed user interface .It does not support all the IDEs .Weka supports only few java based IDEs like eclipse. Yet still it takes lengthy and complex coding to connect Weka with a user interface developed by any other IDE when comparing to the other tools.
Very useful in performance matrics evaluation
Kommentare: Excellent as well as user friendly weka environment
It can easily be integrated with other tools. I worked on antminer tool based on java.. i called weka tool from eclipse ide java program. My results are given as input to weka tool and i got desired output in my proposed ant colony optimization algorithm
Upto now... I am not able to find its cons.
Great application, Easy to use, less resources for learning, needs more documentation
Kommentare: I could learn the basics of Data Mining and Data Warehousing with this software. It helped build the basics. I could explore a lot of things in the application very easily because of the ease of its usage. It should be a definite stepping stone for each and every student who is new to the world of data science.
Weka was the first tool I had used for Data Mining. It's a good tool with all the bare minimum functionalities for any student. It provides as a great source of learning and exploration. As a student, I loved working with this software and writing reports of my findings. The machine learning algorithms that can be implemented with this software are also very easy to understand. Modifications and tweeking of the data and playing around with the input and being able to visualize it is a bonus.
This software has very less documentation and support available online. Not many people have been using it. It needs more acceptance in the Data Mining industry, especially for introducing these tools to the students. It proves to be a very good resource and learning experience as seen in my case as well as my classmates.
best way to data mine and get graphically
Kommentare: Overall experience with weka is good. first I worked with weka for my university assignments. At that time I am not familiar with that. but in very small time period I was able to work with this environment because it is easy for handle. It gives very clear graphical details and those graphical details are very attractive. weka is the best software to do data mining.
We can use this as very easily for designe data mining algorithms. This software gives very clearly graphical out puts. Very easy to work with software because there is no anything have to do very hard. it is user friendly also. It helps to user solve their problems and get quality predictions. no any breaking points. as well as there a re no any kind of mistakes. This software is very helpfull to me for do my datamining tasks. as a student and a employee.
This software is mainly use for data mining using algorithms. So at that time if we can create this much more user friendly that is the best this ever do. But now also there is no big issue with that.
Useful and free
Kommentare: I first used Weka during my machine learning class and then I used it again every time I wanted to do data analysis without writing code from scratch.
It is a free software for data analysis and machine learning. It is a must for students and researchers who want to learn. Very rich documentation (both written and video).
I had a very hard time integrating Weka with python, although it is possible to do so. Once done it works fine though. Maybe not the most suitable solution for enterprise use. It is written in Java.
My first mining tool
Kommentare: learning data mining.
Had to proof a theory in data mining using Weka in my studies. This software thought me a lot about the subject when implementing as a university project a data mining algorithm. The result were reproducible on another software, but the my theory was learned and refine using Weka.
Limited literature available and online support in case of issue. This took a lot of time to pass in order to enjoy the software functionality. But this is common in data mining software.
I taught Weka in a graduate course called Business Analytics.
Kommentare: Weka is free and powerful. I used it to illustrate data mining concepts.
Weka is powerful and easy to use data mining software. Currently, it is open source. The free online courses associated with Weka are very valuable.
The file format for Weka is not very popular. There is a learning curve. An intelligent assistant system would be very useful to help people understand errors.
Perfect free tool for teaching intro to machine learning
Kommentare: Perfect learning tool for teaching students!
Weka is a program developed by academic and is free to use, which is great because I use it to teach the basics of machine learning to my computational social science students. Its simple interface is easy for them to use, and the different types of analyses to choose from, like decision trees, are great for them to learn from.
I wish the regression analysis would give p values. But then again, if I am going to do regression then I will use Stata. That is not the focus of this software, so it's not a big deal.
The big data analyser
Major benefits from this software was the ease to analyse clusters and classify data. Understanding the uses of various data sets and the ease of excel sheets i.e. .arff files. Loved it...
Can be much more user friendly in terms of the way it operates. Many a times many functions are deactivated as bugs...
Weka Review
It is written in Java, hence can run on any modern computing platform and it usable for open source and Linux users.
It could have a simpler menu for graphic depiction of the data analysis.
Il coltellino svizzero degli algoritmi di machine learning
Kommentare: Le librerie di Weka sono utilizzate per sviluppare modelli di machine learning in grado di aiutare nello studio del rapporto causa effetto dell’interazioni di diversi fattori chimici.
Weka contiene un avanzata e fornita collezione di algoritmi di machine learning e tecniche di processo di dati. Il software è disegnato al fine di permettere il test di diversi modelli di machine learning su database molto grandi, con rapidità è flessibilità. Weka offre soluzioni a 360 gradi per lo sviluppo, supportando l’analista nella valutazione degli schemi di apprendimento, nella preparazione dei dati e nella visualizzazione dell’output.
Il software, girando su JVM presenta per una limitata serie di modelli di machine learning alcune limitazioni, che non sarebbero presenti se si utilizzasse un app nativa.
Weka herramienta de preprocesamiento de datos para el analisis de dataset en entornos Universitarios
Kommentare: Como estudiante de Computación es una herramienta que consta con todas las funcionalidades necesarias para realizar el preprocesamiento de datos en los dataset, con esta herramienta podemos tener los datos listos y limpios para hacer un correcto análisis de datos.
La facilidad de uso que se tiene al momento de realizar preprocesamiento de datos con dataset brindados por la Universidad es uno de los puntos más fuertes de este software.
Puede resultar un poco tedioso aprender cada una de las variables que conforman ciertos algoritmos, a pesar de que exista una descripción pequeña de cada funcionalidad, tendría que ser probada en varios entornos para determinar cuál es el funcionamiento correcto.
Good software for academic programs
Learning the art of machine learning and data analysis through simple logics.
It needs a bit upgradation, although it is impeccable.
Good machine learning software if you are new in the topic
It is great if you have a basic machine learning knowledge. The software contains several build-in features that allows you to do several minor customizations.
You cannot customize the analysis very much. Rather use R if you need to leverage your data in more advanced way.
Weka for Clustering
Kommentare: I am learning about Weka software to use it for clustering my data , in my research. So far, it a easy to use software.
Weka is widely used for machine learning and data mining. Clustering can be done easily. It is open-source software. Easy to download and use. It generates good quality plots.
The feature I am unhappy about this software is limited analysis options are available. I am still learning to use this software.