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Über Pikmykid
Umfassende, erschwingliche, schulische Sicherheitslösung für Entlassungsautomatisierung, Notfallvorsorge, Verkehr Haftungsbegrenzung.
I love that parents can make adjustments to their child's schedule with ease and right on their phone.
I also find that as parents are announcing, sometimes an parent that just announced for their child is accidentally sent to the car line because three seconds prior, a different name was there.
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PikMyKid is a Game Changer!

Best way to dismiss students!
Kommentare: Our dismissal procedures are MUCH safer and can be audited! Things are much more streamlined while simultaneously increasing safety.
The software is relatively easy to use and very reliable. It's helped increase the safety and security of our K-5 dismissal procedures.
Some parts of it can be a bit inflexible. Some updates in the past have caused issues; however, they were always quick to communicate workarounds and fixes.
Antwort von Pikmykid
vor 5 Jahren
John, Thank you for taking the time to review PikMyKid. We greatly appreciate it. We are so happy to hear that "The software is relatively easy to use and very reliable". Our team works around the clock to make sure we are here for our schools. In regards to updates causing issues, thank you for saying "they were always quick to communicate workarounds and fixes". Our team works hard to update the per the majority of school requests. The PikMyKid tech team is thoughtful in testing and like all things have a hiccup or two on occasion, thank you for understanding and working with us. Thank you, John, The PikMyKid Team
Principal, Manor Intermediate School
Kommentare: I have been very happy with this product. PikMyKid has increased our safety and efficiency during dismissal.
PikMyKid has not only decreased the overall amount of time our dismissal team spends on getting our students safely to cars, it has increased our accuracy in dismissal plan communication. Our dismissal time prior to PikMyKid was about 23 minutes, this includes classroom communication, organization of a dismissal room and walking students out to cars or signing parents into the building. Our current, daily time averages 12 mins. in total.
This program does have a fairly step learning curve for both parents and the dismissal team. It requires a significant investment in WiFi by the district as well.
Pikmykid app has streamlined our parent pick up system during a pandemic. We needed a safe and reliable way to get students to their parents/guardians quickly because of the large number of students being picked up in the short time. I am thankful we have this program in place.
The software doesn't constantly link with our opperating system and so we have to manually enter new students. I think it would also be easier for the system to already have the next student number in place so that we don't have keep track of the next students number.
Works Amazing!
Kommentare: Fantastic! It has made dismissal so much smoother and easier for our teachers to keep track of dismissal changes.
It has sped up dismissal time 40 minutes to less than 10 mins for almost 500 students.
That parents who have not changed their child to car line can still be manually added to car line with no pop up letting the person outside know that child wasn't scheduled for pick up.
PikMyKid Five Stars!
Kommentare: Overall, I am so satisfied with my PikMyKid experience. The software interface is easy to use and the customer support is stellar. I look forward to continuing this partnership.
PikMyKid is easy to use for parents and school employees. When we started using PikMyKid, almost all of our families got signed up and started using the app right away.
PikMyKid compares so favorably with its competitors, it's hard to find something I don't like! It was easy to set up and implement and provides great value for investment.
Pikmykid Offers a Peaceful and Organized Dismissal Process
Kommentare: Our experience with Pikmykid has been overwhelmingly positive. Both the customer support and the dashboard are helpful and responsive, often updating to offer new features to meet the changing needs of our school. We use the dismissal system and the hall pass system at our school.
Pikmykid allows all of our students to stay in their classroom with their teacher until their ride has arrived at school. Previously we moved students to two holding areas during dismissal, which meant ending the instructional day earlier for the transition and created behavior management issues with large numbers of students waiting in the same space for up to 30 minutes until a ride arrived. As a lottery based enrollment school, the large majority of our almost 700 students are car riders. Pikmykid transformed our dismissal and our days end in a more peaceful and organized manner as students dismiss from their classrooms each afternoon.
Occasionally poor internet or technology issues create challenges during dimissal, but that has been infrequent.
Love Pikmykid!
Kommentare: Very positive! I don't know how we would do car rider dismissal without it. Our internet was down the first two weeks of school and the teachers had a hard time without Pikmykid.
Pikmykid is easy for all stakeholders to use. Teachers rely on the dismissal progress to know when to send our car riders to the front. Parents rely on the app to get through the pick up line quickly and efficiently. Students know to look for their names on the teachers' screens to move to the front for dismissal. It is a great program!
I wish that Pikmykid allowed parents to change from one bus to another, but I understand that the bus drivers need to have a written note of transportation changes. I also wish that parents would update when the student is with the non-custodial parent. Keeping up with which parent has custody of the child on a weekly basis is exhausting.
Streamlined and Reliable Dismissal System
Kommentare: My overall experience with Pikmykid has been great. It’s reliable, user-friendly, and has simplified what could be a chaotic part of the day. I would definitely recommend it to other schools looking for an efficient dismissal solution.
Pikmykid makes the dismissal process easy and hassle-free. I love that we can communicate directly with parents through the app, which adds an extra layer of convenience. Additionally, it's very easy for teachers to use, streamlining the whole process.
I don’t have many complaints about the platform. Occasionally, there may be a glitch, but it usually resolves quickly without causing major disruptions.
Assistant Administrator
Kommentare: This BRAND helps to provide SOUTHLAND with SAFETY and SECURITY as well as PEACE and ORDER allowing us to build EXCEPTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS.
PIKMYKID is the Answer!
Kommentare: I would recommend PIKMYKID for any schools looking for a solution to a troubling dismissal time.
PIKMYKID has helped make our very large Elementary school’s dismissal almost seamless. We do not use all of the features of the sight has to offer, but it definitely keeps our carline organized.
Sometimes the software can be glitchy, but usually resolves itself within a few minutes.
Seamless School Dismissal
Kommentare: PikMyKid has been a welcomed addition to our end of day routine. I was tasked with implementing a dismissal program my first year as an administrator, as the current format saw too many student near misses in the parking lot. PikMyKid has helped create a clear routine and procedure for dismissal that is easy to follow and also places ownership back on the families as well. Parents are responsible for delegating or updating their child's dismissal mode, if the parent does not update the mode, we will send the student on their designate mode of transportation so that we are able to facilitate a smooth process. This has helped speed up dismissal as well as time is not lost searching for a student.
We appreciate how the system flows for our dismissal at the end of the day. We are able to quickly get students out the door, in their vehicles or on school busses. The car line has been integral to the success of our implementation.
When parents that have the app are within our established radius of school, they are still not auto-announcing that they are at school, so we have to manually enter in the student car tag numbers.
Perfect dismissal management solution
Kommentare: Our experiences with PikMyKid have been amazing! Onboarding and customer service has been SPECTACULAR! They are literally an email away when any questions arise. The system is great for keeping dismissal running quickly and smoothly!
- Ease of use- Straightforward system- Customer service A+++++++- Parent-facing tech support capabilities- Easy tracking of students for dismissal- Easy integration with PowerSchool
- No school-facing app; there's a parent app but you need to go to the website as the school. It would be great if an app was created/added for dismissal on the school management side.- All or nothing with some features - it would be great to be able to turn on certain features or have an easier checks and balances system if you turn on certain options for bus changing; etc.
Assistant Director
Kommentare: Parents enjoy this type of pick up and drop off. It also allows us to know who is in the building.
I like being able to send immediate text messages to parents as well as know who has been announced for dismissal
Some parents seem to have a hard time with the ap working
Wonderful for dismissal processes
I like that you can have live updates for dismissal procedures.
There is not anything that I do not like about this software.
PikMyKid from a school with 1000 students
Kommentare: Overall, PMK has been amazing to work with. Any issue that I have had on a parent's end has been resolved in less than 15 minutes via e-mail and less than 5 if I've had to call PMK. They have called or e-mailed multiple times to check in and see how our transition has gone. (going from 4 elementary's to 1) From a tech support side, they have been super easy to deal with and very easy to get a hold of.
I like the number of features it has. While currently we are basically just using the after-school dismissal system, there are other features that we would like to implement as well full time if we can get parents to download the system.
I wish there was a way to link siblings together and not have to manually enter each one by number. There may be a way to do this, but I am unaware of it.
Easy To Use Dismissal Program
Kommentare: We love PikMyKid! It makes our lives so much easier and gives us that little bit of extra structure to have a successful pick up process at the end of the day.
We needed a better system to manage our childcare center's dismissal system to accommodate our 600 child capacity. It is also a great system to help manage alternate pick ups if someone other than a parent is picking up the children.
Minor issue, but I feel a better table of contents would assist with deciding which report to pull for my needs.
Pikmykid a Success Story
Kommentare: Pikmykid has definitely stream lined our dismissal process. We have much fewer incidents of children being in the wrong place at the end of the day. Our teachers have a way of verifying who should be in their bus line, in real time. The office has a way of checking for changes for all classes, at any given time.
The software has dramatically reduced the number of phone calls we field in regards to dismissal, especially at the end of the day. The parents really appreciate the ability to make changes at any time right from their phone, or from work, without having to make a call to our office.
I don't like that if a student moves out of the district and I delete the student from the system, and then the student returns to the district and I have to enter them as a new student - instead of just reactivating them from a stored data base.
Antwort von Pikmykid
vor 5 Jahren
Tammi, Thank you so much for taking the time to review PikMyKid. We greatly appreciate it. The part you mentioned about parents, "The parents really appreciate the ability to make changes at any time right from their phone, or from work, without having to make a call to our office." This makes us so happy. We are working out these data-based issues currently. Stay tuned! Thank you again, The PikMyKid Team
Great program that is up-to-date for the changing environment.
We have been using PikMyKid for many years now and find that it has really helped with our dismissal process. PMK made some very exciting upgrades to help schools during the COVID-19 crisis. We were able to make our own questions that parents needed to answer before they dropped of their child for the day. After using this for a while, we realized our questions were too general for the situation. It was very easy for us to go back in and change those questions, both English and Spanish. Dismissal is a breeze and quiet! We would recommend PMK to any school who has a need for an easy, organized dismissal system.
It is hard to find a "con" with this program.
Useful, Helpful, Efficient
Kommentare: My overall experience has been positive! To my knowledge, when we have had software glitches, they have neem reported and answered/fixed in a timely manner. My role for PikMyKid is a dispatcher and I like the set up of the app overall.
Once PikMyKid was established and all users understood how the app worked, the software has been very easy to use! The dismissal process is very smooth and allows communication between teachers and the staff dismissing students to their cars accessible. As long as we have the correct staff/users in place to work the PikMyKid process, our carline runs very smoothly no matter the weather outside. I really like this software and would recommend it to users that are looking to efficiently dismiss students.
The most difficult part of the software was changing procedures and introducing the app to staff and to parents. Staff was not given enough training on how to use the app, and it took several weeks before we were able to get a smooth process for carline. Parents had to take an action and register their children to the correct defaulted carline, which also seemed to be a process. When there are changes to dismissal time and no after-school programs offered, parents also have to make this change in the app. When they do not, the process for carline is longer because the app will not allow the Dispatcher to change the student name and place them in the correct line. At times, the software malfunctions or glitches which can cause a delay in the dismissal process.
Pikmykid for health screening and afternoon dismissal
Kommentare: We are able to dismiss our students from the classrooms as their parents arrive, avoiding large groups of students in the same area and also requiring morning health screening related especially to Covid-19.
We have been running our dismissal the same way for decades, but due to Covd-19, we had to implement changes to avoid large groups of students congregating in the dismissal area. I read about Pikmykid on a facebook group for school administrators. In addition to allowing us to digitally dismiss students from classrooms to the dismissal area as their parents arrive, it also requires parents to answer the all-important health questions before bringing their students to school in the morning. It was a bit challenging at the beginning to get all of the parents on board, but in a short time, everyone adjusted and it is quite effective.
Some parents have struggled to remember to check their kids in in the morning, and as a result, they cannot "announce" in the afternoon, however that is not a software issue, just a problem we have encountered. Cell provider issues do happen as well.
School Wide Dismissal
Kommentare: Our school dismisses around 700 students each day within the course of 45 minutes. When we run at full capacity, we will be dismissing well over 1000 students each school day. The PikMyKid software provides a secure and efficient way to dismiss all children safely. That's a huge success in a large elementary school and one that brings comfort to families and staff to know that children are safe and heading home in the correct mode of transportation.
PikMyKid provides a layer of security during the dismissal process that we were missing before. We started using it once schools opened up during the Covid Outbreak as a way to do contactless pick up in carline. However, after using the software, we realize this is beneficial for so many other reasons. It allows for families to change modes of transportation home, change carpools, group sibling sets together, and is user friendly with real time updates.
We have many families in our building that speak languages other than English. It could be helpful to have an option for them on the app that translates it all for them or the option to print instructions in their native language.
My experience has been good overall.
Kommentare: One of the benefits is that we are able to use a three digit numerical system to process our students in and out of school, making it easier and more efficient for parents and users at the school.
The Pikmykid software is relatively easy to use for everyone. The login process is very easy for users.
The software seems a little "glitchy" at times for parents and school users. There is no real "ALERT" feature that I am aware of at this time (to my knowledge). I would like to see the software offer some sort of ALERT feature that allows administrators to add-in for personnel NOT authorized to pick-up a child; the feature should be able to upload a photo when available; If the UNAUTHORIZED person attempts to pick-up the child, the person using Pikmykid could press a button/icon on the phone that would alert the teacher of the student and other designated personnel that he/she is onsite and the other parent or authorized guardian and the authorities should be called. If the incorrect student number is put in the system, it is usually easy to remove student by pressing the "x", but some times, the software only allows for the student to go into the "HOLD" section.
No More "Lost Bus Notes"
Kommentare: Overall my experience with PikMyKid has been AMAZING! We love this service and the ease of use for our afternoon dismissals.
This software has streamlined our afternoon dismissals. It is so lovely that we know how every student is getting home everyday, without the worry of a bus note getting lost on its way from the home to the office. I also appreciate that parents can use PikMyKid to alert us to their student's absence as well!
We have certain teachers that are in charge of student's that walk home and also that ride to outside agencies for after school care. If there were a way to get a report for that teacher of those students, that would be phenomenal.
Kommentare: Everyone loves pikmykid; the staff, the kids and especially the parents. They no longer have to get out of their vehicle.
We implemented pikmykid this school year to help with the end of day dismissal at the elementary school. We have approximately half the students getting picked up at the end of the day by parents. Prior to the pandemic the parents were required to come into the building to sign out their child(ren). The amount of adults waiting in the front of the building caused chaos. Noise, congestion etc and it was beginning to become a safety hazard once students got to the parking lot. Since the implementation of pikmykid, we no longer have adults in the building and the students' safety has improved tremendously.
Initially the implementation was time consuming and somewhat complicated however some of the issues were related to technology her at the building. Once everything was working as it should the software worked beautifully.
Longterm User - School Arrival & Dismissal
The record-keeping aspect of PMK allows us to know where every student went at the end of the day. We have thorough records for safety. We are able to send messages through the app to all parents in a certain dismissal. For ex : Your bus is late today We've been using the medical check-in for Covid restrictions this school year, and it's ben quite effective
1) Parent buy-in is the hardest aspect. If people don't utilize it from their end, we are stuck doing the leg work online 2) If Wifi is weak, the app is basically not functional